27 of 1949 - Amending Chapter LIX, by adding Section 6176, relating to traffic and travel on streets, towing and Salt Lake City,Utah, MAY
VOTING Nay1'; 1y43 194
Affleck . . . . I move that the ordinance be passed. i
Matheson . . . /.
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE AM.-ENDING £HAP`i LTX of the Revised Ordi-
nances of :>alt Lake City, Utah, 19)4k, by adding in and to said
Chapter a new section to be known as Section 6176, relating to
traffic and travel on streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION B,. That Chapter LIX of the Revised Crd.i.nances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to traffic and travel on streets,
be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter
a. new section to be known as Section 6176, which shall read as
VIOLATION OF LAN. (a) Any vehicle .parked in violation of the
ordinances of Salt Lake'City or the laws of the State of Utah
�o is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the same may be summari-
ly abated by removing such vehicle by or under the directions
or at the request of a police officer of Salt Lake City, to
any garage within the City by means of towing or otherwise.
Within twenty-four hors thereafter, written notice that the
vehicle has been impounded shall be sent by the Chief of Police
to the owner thereof at his last known address as shown by the
records of the Moto' Vehicle Division of the State Tax Commis-
sion and if the owner be unknown, the Chief of Police shall,
on the business day next following the day of impounding, pub-
lish at least once in a newspaper published in Salt Lake City
notice of the impoune.ing, the license number of the vehicle,
the motor number thereof and the name and type of car.
(b) The impounding of a vehicle shall not prevent or pre-
elude the institution and prosecution of criminal proceedings
in the City Court or elsewhere against the owner or 0.1, rator
of such impounded vehicle.
(c) Deforo the owner or his agent shall be permitted to
reirove veicic of-ii.cis been impounded he shall.:
1. ji1urnish satisfactory evidence to the Chief of
Police of this identity and his ownership of saki
2. Request and obtain from the Chief of Police a
written order directed to the garage in which said vehicle
is Impounded arthori.zi.ng the release of said vehicle to
said owner,or his agent, upon the Payment to said garage
of all towing anad storage charges reasonably incurred in
j the towing and storing of said vehicle by said garage.
3. Pay to the garage in which said impounded vehicl
is stored all charges reasonably incurred. in the towing
and storage of said vehicle from the date of said impound-
ing to the time of presenting, the order of release from
the Chief of Police therefor.
4. Sign a written receipt for said vehicle and de-
j l._ivcr the same to the garage operator upon receiving said
impounded vehicle.
(d) If, at the expiration of sixty days after mailing or
publishing the notice provided for in paragraph (a) hereof,
such. vehicle is not redeemed by the owner or his agent, the
Chief of Police shall proceed to sell the same at public auc-
tion after first giving at least twenty days' notice of sai d
sale by publishing said notice et least once in a newspaper
published in Salt Lake City stating the time and place of such
sale. Such notice shall also describe the vehicle to be sold
with. reasonable certainty and shall state to whom, if anyone,
the record.^ of the office of the T.iotor Vehicle Division of the
;state ax Commission. show the same to belong, and if th.e name
of the owner be unknown, said facts shall be stated. If the
name of the owner be known, the Chief of Police shall send suc .
owner a copy of said notice as published immediately after the
publication of the same, which notice shall be mailed to his
last known address or as shown on the records of the hotor
Vehicle Division of the state Tax Commission. The money re-
ceived by the Chief of Police shall he covered into the City
Treasury of ba1.t Lake City.
(e) At any time within one year from and after such sale
the former owner of the vehicle sold, upon application to the
[ card of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and upon presenta.tio
of the satisfactory proof that he was the owner of the vehicle
sold, shall he paid the proceeds of such sale less the neces-
sary expense thereo,i and less the towing, impounding and stor-
age charges provided for herein.
(f) The Chief of Police shall keep a record of all vehi- ,
Iles impounded by manufacturer's trade name or make, body
type, motor and license number, the names of the owners of
such vehicles, if the same are known, and the names and ad-
dresses of all persons claiming the same, and such other de-
scriptiue matter as may identify such vehicles, the nature an'.
circumstances of the impounding thereof, and the violation on
account of which such vehicles were impounded, the date of
such impounding, and the name and address of any person to
whom any such. vehicle is released."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the hoard of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of _salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective im-
Fd:CTION 3. This ordinance shall t >e effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the i=oard of Cons"ssio s of Silt Lake City,
Utah, this / day of , <I /
C2� f' .�._ r ram.' -- -
q/J ay
City !—ecorder<
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
MAY 12 1949 • •
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
Legal Notices
L9 It eLakeRCityd Utah Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
1944, by adding in and to said
Chapter a new section to be known
;tr'S€ctionMavel B1 6, relating t°`raffle vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
c„`nissionersneof bSalt Lake City published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Sthe CTION 1.That Chapter RevisedOrdinances of SaitILak X of
e of Utah.
City,Utah,"1944,relating to trails
and tryyel on streets. be and the
e lsshereby amended by adding
In t d tb said Chapter a c That the advertisement
in d be a C r atfnew6sec-
which shall read se follows:
POUNDING VIOL ION OFFS LAW.ICLES Pax 1 N T Any Publish?ng Ordinance Bill No. 27
vehicle parked in violation of the
ordinances of Salt Lake City or the
laws of the State of Utah 1s hereby
I declared to be a nuisance,and the
e may be summarily abated by
moving such vehicle by or under
the directions or at the request of a police officer of Salt Lake City,to
any garage within the City by means .
of towing or otherwise. Within
twenty-four hours thereafter, writ-
ten notice that the vehicle has been
ntei oded°lit he sent
e tybylt;e was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
at his moat known address as shown
by the records of the Motor Vehicle
sand°if the owner ee Commis- 13 --.. day of y A. D. 19..139_.
the Chief of Police shalt, on the
business day next following the day
in la.'pnewspaper p publish
ublished least
in salt and was published
Lake CRY notice of the impounding,
the license number of the vehicle,
the motor number thereof and the
name and type of car. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
shall The l not prevent or precludevehicleg of a the in-
:Mutton and prosecution of criminal
proceedings inthe City Court or else- day of yv A. D. 19
where against the owner or operator
of such impounded vehicle. .�
(c)Before the owner or his agent y
shall be permitted to remove ve- / /(
hide which has been impounded he - ,/ .r _l__
the cmeii o satisfactory
atisfa°w ttevidencis e ty Advertising Clerk
and hie ownership of said vehicle.
2. Request tain robe
Chief of Police na written order tdi-
rooted to the garage 1n which said
vehicle 1s impounded authorising the
release of said vehicle to said owner,
T his agent, upon the¢payyment t0' 17
said garage of lltwingand
storr- be f ore me this day of
h reasonably
the towing and atonin of said ve-
hicle by said
impounded P sea thgarage.
ske ae An wh_ic��h said ._A.D.19...9
charges reasonably Inhicle curred`in the
towing and a
storage / Id vehicle
from the date of said impounding
to the time of presenting the order
of relent.from the Chief of Polleetherefor. .
Notary Pu tc
Proof of Publication
4.Sign a written receipt for said"
chicle and deliver the sameto the
garage operator upon receiving said
impounded vehicle.
(d)-If,at'the expiration of hely
days after mailing or publishing the
notice provided for in paragrapph(al, •
hereof,such vehicle is not deemed i
tof Police challr proceed to fell the.•
same at public auction after Matt-
et least twenty days' notice \i
Esaid ale by publishing said p
lea t least in newspaper
t published in d aplacekef•such sale.
Such notice nshell also describes the
vehicle to be sold with reasonable
certainty and shall state to wham.
if anyone,the records of the office ite3
Sf the Motor Voluble Division of the S
tate Tax Commission show the same •
to belong, and if the name of the
owner be unknown,said facts shall
be stated.If the a e of the owner
be known,the Chief of Police shall
send such owner a of said
notice as published immediately after -
theon f hich .shall be mailed hi last .
known address or as shown on the
cords of the Motor Vehicle Divi-
sion of the State Tax Comm's=ion.
The money received by the Chief of
Police shall be covered into the City
Treasury of Salt Lake City.
ime within one year
from and after suchsale.the forme
owner of the vehicle sold.upon•ap-
lineation to the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City and upon
presentation of the satisfactory
proof that he was the ownerof tale
vehicle sold.shall be paidhe pro-
ceeds of such sale less the necessary •
expense thereof and less the towing, •
impounding and storage charges pro-
vided for herein.
a( Tdde chief vehicleso Police impounded
by shall keep •
renufacturer's trade name
type,motor and license
if the saline are owners
e known,
uch es,
and then and addressee at all
persons claiming the same,and such
other descriptive matter as mey
idene nature
and tcir if such cumstances vehicles.of thehimpound-
ing thereof, and the violation on
account of which such vehicles were
Impounded, the date of such im-
pounding,and tile name and addles,
of any person to whom any such
vehicle Is released."
SECTION 2.in the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners.it is neces-
sary to the peace,health and safety
of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance shell become ef-
fective immediately,
SECTION 3.This ordinance chap
take effect at once upon its,first.
Passed by the Board of Commie-
alonera of Salt Lake City.Utah,this
12th day of May.A.D.1949.
(SEAL1 City Recorder.
Published May 13th. 1249. •