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27 of 1951 - Zoning by adding Section 6737, pertaining to building permits for buildings within mapped street bou ti ROLL CALL µrn J.•i .�
Salt Lake City,Utah, ,195
Affleck ✓ I move that the ordinance be pass .
Christensen /
Lingenfelter . . .
Romney . . . .
Mr. Chairman . . . 1 AN ORDINANCE
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, pertaining to zoning by
adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section
6737, pertaining to building permits for buildings within mapped
street boundaries.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter LXV of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended
by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as
Section 6737, pertaining to building permits for buildings within
mapped street boundaries, which shall read as follows:
MAPPED STREET BOUNDARIES. No permit shall be issued for any
building or structure or part thereof on any land located between
the am'oped lines of any street as shown on any official street
map adopted by ordinance by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
l,,ake City, provided, however, that the Board of Adjustment shall
have the power, upon an appeal filed with it by the owner of any
such land, to authorize the grant of a permit for a building or
structure or any part thereof within any mapped-street located
in any case in which the Board of Adjustment upon the evidence
finds (a) that the Property of the appellant of which such mapped-
street location forms a part will not yield a reasonable return
to the owner unless such permit be granted, or (b) that, balancing
of interest of the municipality in preserving the integrity of the
official map and the interest of the owner in the use and. benefits
.f the property, the grant of such permit is required by consideration
.f justice and equity. Before taking any such action, the Board
if Adjustment shall hold a public hearing thereo{i. In the event
hat the Board of Adjustment decides to authorize a building permit,
it shall have the power to specify the exact location, ground
.rea, height, and other details and conditions of extent and chara-
ter and also the duration of the building, structure, or part
hereof to be permitted.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
.f Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take, e feet upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of,' It Lake City,
tah, this 17th day of April, A.D. 1951 r
D " /� ate` TEMPORARY N !MAN
City Recorder
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D. M. ,',CK1,d
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
CHAPTER LXV of the Revised Oct,
nances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1944,
Pertaining do soiling by adding tn vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
and to said Chapter a new Section
to be known as Section 6737, per-
taining CO building Permits for
buildings Within mapped street published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Be It ordained by the Board of
CommISHOnere of Salt Lake City. of Utah.
SECTION 1.That Chapter LXV of
the Revised Ordinances of Self Lake
Clip,Utah, 1994,be and the same
Is hereby amended,by adding In and That the advertisement
to sok, o new'section to be
known an Section 6737,pertaining to
building permits for beildIngs within
mapped street boundaries, which An Ordinance Bill No, 27
shell read as follows:
permit shall be leaned,for any build-
ing or trot tura'or pert thereof on
any land located between the map-
ed lines of any street Sc sown on
any official street map adopted by
ordinance by tic b Board of Commis-
sioners of Sart Lags City,proVided,
lhowever.that the Board 0 Adjust-
Mont shall have the power.Upon an was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
aPPea flied with it by OM Corner of
any such land, to authorize the
grant of a permit for a building or
structure or any part thereof within day of any meppod-steet located In any case
In which the Board of Adjustment
upon the evidence finds fal that the
property of the appellant of which
maldPul-gtreet lo c at'on and was published on April ,19_, 1951
forms a part will not yield area.return to the owner unless
eh-permit be grante or alaneing of Interest d,of the1bin'ulnhic'it-' the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
90E7 in preserving the integrity of
the official map and the interest of
, the Garner In the use and benefits of
the property,the grant Of suoh Per- day of A.D.19
mit Is required by consideration of
Justice and malty. Before taking
any such notion, the Board of Ad-
justment shah bold a public hear-
ing thereon.In the event that the
Board of Adjuatinent decides to a, Advertising Clerk
thorlre a building permit, It shall
have the power to specify the exact
location, ground arca height, and
other details and conditIone of ex-
tent and character and also the
duration of the building, structure
or part thereof to be permitted,
SECTION 2Comm. In the opinion of
the Board of issioners, it is before me this 20.tri day of
necessary to the peace, health and
safety of the Inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance be-
come effective Immediately. shall A.D.19.. 51
SECTION 3. This ordnance
take effect upthon Its first publication.
Passed by e Board of Commit,
stoners of salt Lake City,Utah,this
17t11 day of April,A.D.1961,
Temporary Chairman
Notary Pub
Published April 19th 1961.