27 of 1953 - Amending Sections 602, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 610, 615, 616 and repealing Sections 611, 612, and 6 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, .......... —,— VOTING Aye Nay /) I move that,the ordinance be pasyfl. Burbidge Christensen Lingenfelter Romney . . M AN ORDINANCE r.Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SMTIONS 602, 004, 605, 606, 607, 608, 610, 61 , 616 and repealing Sections 611, 612 and6lit of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1944 relating to the Board of Health and amending Section 007 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City 19114 relating to Civil Service Commission and amending Section 6601 and repealing Sections 6602, 6603 and 6604 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1944 relating; to Sealer of Weights and Measures. Pe it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1: That Sections 602, 601.4, 605, 606, 607, 608, 610, 615 and 610 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 19Z,,„)1 relating to Board of Health be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 602. APPOINTMENT, OPFICCOS, N1:,.MB!'RS. The board of health shall consist of the health commissioner and first assistant health commissioner, each of whom t-` shall be a graduate of a Class A medical college; four citizens of Salt Lake City, and the commissioner of public safety. The commissioner of public safety shall he ex-officio chairman of the board of health, which is included in the department of 'public safety under the general direction of the commissioner of public safety. The board of commissioners of Salt Lake City shall appoint the members of said hoard, and shall fill all vacancies therein. S),CTION 601.{. is::'sETINGS OF THE ROAM. The meetings of the board shall be held at least once every three months. Special meetings may be called by the commissioner of public safety at any time and shall be called by him at -2- the request of two members of too hoard. SECTION 605. JUTTI P OF Eh'OLLLTFI COMISSIOhEft. The lealtb_ Commissioner shall be executive officer of the boaro of health and under the direction of the board of health shall have supervision of the health depart- ment, its officers and employees. Fe shall assign al1 officers and employees to places in the various divisions and shell define their duties except as otherwise provided by law or ordinance. he shall be responsible for the enforcement of all laws, ordi- fences, rules and re7.ulations relative to public health and sanitation. The health commissioner shall have the power in the lawful e.ercise of his functions at any time to si:,s icnd any subordinate officer, employ- ee, or a,f]en.ts in the health department for a period not exceeding; f if Leer days when, in his jue'roea l,, the good of the service requires it, and, during the time of such suspension, the person or persons so suspend- ed shall not be entitled to any salary or compensation whatever. In all cases of suspension he shall imme- diately report the same to the city recorder, city auditor, civil service commission and board of coral- ss ioners in writin' , S'fCTION 606, The health commissioner shall, by and with the advice and consent of the hoard of commissioners - and subject to the rules and rep;ulations of the civil service commission, appoint from the classified : civil service list i:'urnis'ned by the civil service commission, all subordinate officers and employees in the health department. All subordinate officers and employees in the health department s:fall be subject to removal from office or employment by the health commissioner, for misconduct, incompetency, or failure to perform their - duty or failure to observe and obey city ordinances, jj -3- rules and regulations of the civil service commission or the rules and regulations of the board of health, subject to an aYpeal by the af;g;rieved party to the civil service commission. Any person discharged may, within five days of the order d_i.scbarging him, appeal tterefrom to the civil service commission, which commission shall hoar and determine the matter. The discharged person snail be entitled to appear in person and have counsel and a public %ear.i.ri' The finding and aecision of the civil service commission upon said hearing; shall be certified to the health comm- issioner and shall be enforced and followed by him. In case the civil service commission snail spsta:in the noaltp_ commissioner such discharged person small not he entitled to compensation from and after sue date of his discharge. a the event such disclarf;e is not sustained, the civil service commission shall determine, after hearin , whether such discharged person shall be entitled to full compensation from date of discharge to the date of reinstatement, or whether he shall be on suspension without pay during said period, and also what if any demerit he shall receive. SECTION 607. POLI'PIOAL ACTIVTTY. IQo person of the classified civil service of the health department shall use his official position or authority to influence or coerce the political action of any per- son, nor he a member or delegate or alternate to any political convention, nor serve as a member of any committee of any political party, or take any active part in the management of any political campaign, nor solicit, collect or receive any assessment, sub- scription contribution, or dues intended or used for any political purpose whatsoever, nor shall he be ii obliged to contribute to any political fund or render any political service whatsoever. SECTION 606. REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS. The health commissioner shall be ex-offic .o registrar of vital statistics. There shall also be a deputy registrar of vital statistics, who, under the direction of the health commissioner, shall have charge of the registration of vital statistics and the clerical work in the office. The deputy regis- trar of vital statistics shall have such qual fica- 1 tions and pass such examinations as may be reouired by the rules and regulations of the civil service commission. The registrar of vital statistics shall he provided with a seal containing the words "Salt Lake City, Utah, Registrar of Vital Statistics." Said seal shall be affixed to every certificate issued by such officer. A fee of '„1.00 shall be charged by the registrar of vital statistics for each certificate issued by him, which Fee shall be covered into the city treasury, provided, however, that no fee shall be charged by the 'icstrer of Vital Statistics for the issuance of birth certifi- • • cates to any draftee, enlistee or applicant for appointment into the armed forces of the United States of America. SECTIOF 610. 6?UALIIICATIONS. every person who shall ' be appointed a meihor of the health department must at the time of his appointment be a qualified elector of Salt Lake City, aole to converse understandingly in the English language, and possess such other quail- fications and pass such examinations as may be reauir- ed by the rules end regulations of the civil service commission. -5- SECTION 615: OATHS, BOND. The chief san:i.tarinn, soalor of weights and measures and oil inspection, sanitarian i supervisors, and deputy rea;istrar of vital statistics, shall, before enterin% upon the duties of their respect- _ ive offices, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and execute a bond with good ,and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the board of Commissioners, payable to the city in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their respective offices and the payment of all moneys received by such officers according to the law and ordinances of the said city, II SECTION 616. POLICE POWERS OF SANITARIAbS. All sari- tarians and assistant sanitarians of the health depart- ment shall be provided with a badge and other suitable identification sanctioned by the board of commissioners of Salt Lake City. Said sanitarians and assistant sanitarians shall have all rirrhts, duties and obliga- tions of policemen and shall_ enforce and efiectuato all laws of the State of Utah, ordinances of Salt Lake C:i_i;y, and rules of the board of health relating to the general health of the city. SECTION 2. That Sections 611, 612 and 614 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 194)4 relatin.r; to board of health be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That Section 007 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah relating to Civil Service Commission be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 4607: CIVIL SeRVICE COIfI lSSLOI?. Tho mayor, by and with the consent of the hoard of commissioners, shall appoint a civil service commission to ho composed of three members, one of wl'om s1,s11 serve until July 1, 1V}; another to serve to July 1, 1946, and another member to serve until July 1, 190. In the mon;h of June, 19,4, and every second year thereafter one N ii -6- member shall. in Like manner be appointed for I: .e term of six years to take the place of the member 4 whose term shall next expire. In case of a vacancw appointment shall be made in like manner for the unexpired term. aol more than two members of the civil service commission shall at; any one time be • of the same political party. Eo member of the ciil service commission shall, during his tenure of office, hold any other public office nor shall he be e candidate, for any other public office. Each member of the civil service commission shall receive ;;5.00 for each meeting of said commission which he shall attend, provided that he shall not receive more than ;ta_0.00 in any one month. Any member of the civil service commission may be removed from office by the board of commissioners for misconduct, inability or wilful_ neglect of duty, and such member shall have opportunity to be heard In defense. The civil service commission shall have ,full charge of all examinations and the making up of the classified civil service list from which appointments and promotions shall be made for positions in the police, health and fire departments and shall also review all cases of discharge from such departments li I by the head thereof, and shall make such rules and reg.uleti.ons as it may deem necessary for the carzying out of the powers conferred upon it by law. The civil service corcilssion may employ loch examiners as it may deem necessary at such compcnsa- lion as tlrc board of Comm ssioners may SECTION; )4: T-lat Section 6601 of the revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 194i4 referring to Sealer of 9Jeirrhts and Measures be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: !I !I 1 -7- SECTION 6601. CITY SEAL:9'P OP ' t IORTS ANI) v I: 5Ul;iiS Abi) 1 OIL INSP>',CTION. There is hereby created in the health 1 department the office of H.ty sealer of weights and measures and oil inspection. i SECTION 5. That Sections 6602, 6603 as amended and 600)_iof i the revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 194Li be and the same are 'hereby repealed. SECTION 6. In the opinion of the hoard of Commissioners, AA' is necessary to the peace, health and safety o:1' the inhabitants; of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective imrl,.diately. 'SECTIOIQ 7. This ordinance shall talc effect upon its first j publication. 1 Passed by the board of commissioners of be]t. trite Ci_ty,I:Utah. thi-s 19th day of H1ay, A.p. 1953. i )'- :41<f"'tt xx Ex.:1cx n&xix IRMA P. BITNER Temporary Chairman i CT 1 t y R e�}(c� o r d e r . T By - -` ' Chief Depu Ci Recorder BILL NO. 27 Published May 22d, 1953 fj :I f ii !1 I j i 1 Affidavit of Publication -_ CountE of Salt TUTAYia ss. AN ORDINANCE .,7 F q , f-the-Olvil service com• AN ORDINAj1(,(9,,. �11yyft41ry� j TONS B02 b6{ d0�t �80'�'rffeA 6 C prl'�yspn I let T' L vitalstatistics 615, 816 and Eepe9 pg ot(o- 0 471 b Fr Id d tit 1 612 and 814 f th �y18eet[p tlr y�J �a4f1 g t}t W9Id S It L k C tyt-, on tY SalE Lek Clty-U4 b 1844 ( Cf p�5tfa f Vi it,-St W t o.the R k d f Health. d erneg grid.t.al.shall b ffi d ,y Ruth Kassing Section 4607 of the Revised Ordinances certificate, Armed by such officer. of Salt Lake City 1044 elating to Civil A-fee f"51.00ashall be barged by the 6on661 and ripe na °ing$0e.2, certficar ea,vetal [.him..which each Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- se, 8601 a repealing seennns 660$ tftear eu a by h wf oh fee l6603 d'6804 of the Revised•Ordlna^cea shall be covered Into thecity oreas- 'pn Salt Lake CILy,Utah 1894 relating vldetl,however, hat fee alt Lake Telegram t'Sealer f Welghts,a h 994 relating hat be barged by the that no of ' vertising clerk o f the DESERET NEWS, newspaper -Be it ordained by the Boars f Com- vital Statistics for the issuance of mSECTIO of Salt Lake City,0UO2, birth certificates to any:draftne,a shed in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SECTION ,:That Sections d02, -of Intoe r applicant for or thelUnitet•en- published 6005,608,607,606,610,615 and 618- f to the armed forces of the United .tbeOli Revised Ordinances f Salt Lake States of America. T� Olty, Utah 1944 relating of Board f SECTON 810. QUALIFICATIONS. o f Utah. j e end be and thehereby Everr person ho hall be appointed a Wended t°r d fo seinera a m mberfof the health department SECTION 602.APPOINTMENT,OF, must at the time of his apPoIntment -FICERS, MEMBERS. The board of be a qualified elector of Salt Lake health'shall consist of the health con, City, able to converseunderstand- That the missioner and first assistant health ' tn o th gly te English anguage, and advertisement i ch f whom hall Possess such other qualifications and Abe am graduate of a Class A medical Pass such examinations as be • Rage; ,co, anlrena of soli Lake required by s ..and regulations An Ordinance - Bill No. 27. 'City,and the comntissioner of public of the_civil service mission safety. The commissioner of public SECTION 615:OATHS,BOND.The•sa[sty shall bC ex.officio chairman f chief nitarlan ter of weights.the board of tmdoL which is included and measures and oil inspection,s ani- In the lepartment wf public safety iaoan a r Isors, od sdeputy gis- • under the general direction of the tsarof vital statistics, shall, before • commissi of public safety. The entering u the duties of their City rrd of co mmissionersmmissioners of Salt Lake respective offices.-take and subscribe ' appoint the members of the constitutional oath of office and said board,and shall fill all vacancies execute a bond M good and suf. therein. ficient sureties. to.be approved by SECTION 604. MEETINGS OF THE. the-Hoard of commissioners payable BOARD. Tile meetings of the board to the city' the penal sumf shall be held at least once every three thousand dollars,conditione for one • menthe, Special meeting, may faithful performance of the .;roes o ay be off their °gilled byf the co misslOner (public respective offices and the safety t any time•and shal be p Yment of all moneys received by called by him at the request of two sh h Incers arc o ding to the law members of the board. t and ordinances of the said city. SECTION 605,DUTIES OF HEALTH' SECTION 616, POLICE POWERS COMMISSIONER. The Health Corn- OF SANITARIANS. All nttarlans loll be -a tie. officer and assistant aamta,daa¢f the Health was published in said newspaper on, of t then board f health°and under the department shall be provided with a direction of the board of health shall badge acid other liable-dentifica- hav supervision of life health de- •Goo sanctioned by the board of 1 HrE o ,it officers d e mloyees. iae,trnera of Salt Lake City. said may 22,1953 er shall assign all officers ands n to tans and assistant rani•,.'—s pMons to places In thevarious dlvi- shall bane all ighte,that..and obit• Sion and hall define their uties gallons of policemen and shall l except as otherwise provided by law force and effectuate all laws of the or e ponsible State f Utah, esof ordinances of Salt / ordinance. Re shall be - Lake City,and ales of the board of 11 for the enforcement f all laws, r dlmanees, lea and regulations la- health relating o the general health I ' tl a to bile health and sanitation. E the relating G �! ��� 'i The health commissionersll have of 2. That Sections 613, 612 .4., !u-e-.tltY ow to i^ n.anowful oei cis. nd 814 of the Revised Urd elatae sa f AdveirtZ$Z--/Clerk I I(II his Euncai°ns at a limo to ( Salt Lek° City,Utah 1944 relating to '/./i a subordinate fficer, tployed Board of Health be and the same for agents in the health department hereby Peale[• to I� period of ceding fifteen SECTION 3.That Section 4607 of the days wet,in his Judgment,the good Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, of the service requires it,and,dun-Utah tilt elata7 to CIVI Service..the otime of such suspension,the Conmission be ntl the same is hereby r persona s0 she epS 4.clan amended to '.ad follows: Inn to before me this 25th day of sot be entitled to any salary o SECTION 480h: CIVIL SERVICE i P¢nsation whatever. In all or of COMMISSION The -yor, by and suspension he hall immediately r with the consent of the boardof com• POrf the cam a to the cite recorder, issioners,shall appoint a civil•dery city auditor,civil service o ice commission.to be composed f r A.D.19....5.3 and board f commissioners in writ- three m members, e of whom hall ung. t serve ntil July 1, 1944:another to SECTION 806. The health co vice sere to July 1,until d another' li si er shall,by'and with the advice member to until July I,'1943.and coca "' area ant of the oar' E o In the month of June,1944,and e mi stoners and s b)ect to the rules second thereafter onememberv ( and regulations of the civil service hall in like manner be appointed for !//J, commission.isslou, appoint front the etas- the term f s a to take the / C7 ���-ewe—zJ�---l��• sifired civil service list farm-shed by place of the omember whose tern the civil service com,Iasi. all curb- shall next l a In -care no Notary Public ordinate officers and mployees in vacancy, appointment shall be ode • the health departments in like manner for the xpired. • I All subordinate officers and em term. Not more than two umembers loyees the. health artment. of the civil service c shall 'mires January 16,1956 shall be subJect toremoval from of.'-tone-one-time be commission stem e Po- nce or employment by he health laical party.No member f the civil commissioner,ofor misconduct,o In- a shall,of hie ncyofailure to perform tenure of offices holany other pub• their duty orfailure to observe and ' tic office n shall he candidate ou e„cityf Ordinances,ce rules and rest, formbeyr otf tee public Offie. Each ti sservice or the ales d regulations of sloe shall receive service forotn each the oard of health, subject to an meeting of said commission which he appeal by the aggrieved party to the shall attends,provided that he shall civil service commission, Any per, not r more than 540.00 in any son discharged y,within five days. o month,A member f the civil f the order discharging him,appeal servicecommission then fro w to the civil ser m from office by the bard be removedremoved fission,which commission shall hear stoners for misconduct, inability or:and determine the matter. The dis- wilful neglect'of duty,and ch ma charged person shall entitled to ber shall have opportunity to be` and appear in person and have counsel heard in defense. and,decisiona s oft the lng. The vlleervicelmontg have The of call eisnioh shall mission . oed said lthcog shall commissioner and the making of the classified and shd l the arced an followed clefts a list from which appoint, and hall be rote ill and followed r positions [ions shall be add by mis i In case the civil service for pdepaei a the lish,health and commission shall sustain the boson fire all cases of and shallgealso re.° such discharged orgco n_ all c of discharge erem sand hall loot Who se titled to m person shah make by the head and re,and cLion from and bs the date of his boll sakesuch rules and resole, harge gis not`sustained, the event "•d oil the s e is au deem powers for service'coumission shall determine, ferred carryings t of the powers con. t-v after hearing, whether such dis- The civil on sert lceacommission may charged person shall be entitled t0employ such -examiners as it may compensationfull from date of die. eenecessarya at suchcompensation charg to the date of reinstatement, Sc the board f commissioners m or whether he shall be orfix. ^ may lthoot pay during said period, SECTION 4:That Section gib..of the Sion w a and also Hat if any demerit heshall- i-d grdina f Salt Lake City, I receive. - Utah loss r f. J g 'to Sealer of TIVITY.O No person 607. pofLtheCAL classif d is hC. ereby ts and amended to bre the follows. civil service of the health depart. SECTION 6601: CITY SEALER OF ' men[ shall use his official position WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND OIL or the authority thorial to action Influence o coerce INSPECTION. There is hereby created nor be member or delegate soor of n, m the health oler fpweights an meal alternate to any political convention, crest y d sail Inspection, andmesa nor ervf as a member of am o - SECTION 5. That Sections 6602,one- any political party or take- ended,and-6604 of the active part in the management Ordl ances of Salt Lake City,Utah 110 00:any Politoalecampaig,nor solicit, be'end the n areLrep"a99 collect Porn r receive- an, assessment, ss ss sent, SECTION 6e In the hereby teal u _ Board of Coinmissionersit irt�f on tht tended r used for ally political p to the , health Pose whatsoever, ° shad he be efr the.Inhabitants of Salt and Lake saCit obliged to Contribute to'any political that this ordinance become effectlw fund or render any political service immediately' whatsoever -' — SECTION'.This ordinance shall'tab SECTION REGISTRAR at pt publication.VITAL STATISTICS. The heth cm. Psted by he Boar oCommissior i shall bee-fficio gistran a of Salt Lake City,Utah, this lit] f x vital r statistics. There hall also:day of May.A.D.1953. b deputy registrar Si vital t t G 1 M.Bur I' t h underthedirection f t c' indge, health shall h brine F.Brtver.T iporary Chairman, c1 f the registration E t I ' I City Recorder statistics and theclerical k IP BY Heenan Hoge statistics shall"e hall have eouty s ha of 1 Chief Deputy City Recorder. may end Was h e such r ghat{ l-(S AL) • ybe egolred by the rrnlee el...,_ d Slay 22nd,1053.