27 of 1968 - Levying a tax and for the assessment of property on Sewer Extension No. 923 in the area of 5th to 9t I ROLL CALL
V TING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 3 ,196 8
Bark r , . . . / ;
Cohn II I move that the Ordinance be pass
Garn . . . . cr % =
Mr. Chairman . 7
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property (Sewer
Extension No. 923) for the purpose of constructing a sewer.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does
hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the
property hereinafter described (Sewer Extension No. 923) for the purpose
of constructing a sewer, to-wit:
AREA: Lots 75 to 157 inclusive, Third Burlington Addition; Blocks
2 to 5 inclusive in Evans Addition to Poplar Grove, the
east side of Redwood Road from 5th South Street to a point
252.75 feet north of 8th South Street. All of the above
described area is in Sections 3 and 10, Township 1 South,
Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian.
BOUNDARIES: North - 5th South Street
South-9th South Street
East - Montgomery Street
West - Redwood Road
STREETS: Redwood Road east side, from 5th South to 9th South Streets.
9th South Street both sides, from Montgomery Street to
Redwood Road,
Indiana Avenue both sides, from Montgomery Street to
Redwood Road.
8th South Street both sides, from Montgomery Street to
Redwood Road
Prospect Street both sides, from 8th South to 252.75
feet north of 8th South Street.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing a sanitary
sewer, together with wyes, manholes, flushtanks, all complete under the
po tions of said streets opposite the property hereinafter and hereinbefore
de cribed to be especially benefited and affected by said improvement and
it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will be
es ecially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and
sa d parcels of land are hereby assessed at a uniform rate in accordance with
th linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership
ba k therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be
as essed upon said parcels of land is ).late No. 2, $81,782.67 for 6399.27
fe t of abutting property at $12.78 per front foot and Rate No. 2, $1,078.00
fo 100.00 feet of abutting property at $10.78 per front foot, which is the
to al abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said sewer, according to
the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said
improvements with Schocker Construction Company, dated August 1, 1967, and
the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance
wi h the provisions of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned.
Frent,in• on the South Side of 9th South Street
The west 16 feet of Lots 75 to 80 inclusive, together with
10 foot vacated alley between Lots 75 to 81 inclusive. All
of Lots 81 to 85 inclusive and a vacated alley between Lots
85 and 90 inclusive and a vacated street between Lots 90
and 121 inclusive and all of Lots 121 and 126 inclusive and
the east 195.45 feet of Lot 127, Lots 75 to 127 inclusive, Third
Burlington Addition, S.W.4 of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B. & M.
Frentin• on the North side of 9th South Street
All of Lots 93 to 105 inclusive, Third Burlington Addition, S.W.
a of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B. & M.
All of Lots 128 to 140 inclusive, and the east 22.45 feet of Lot
141, Lots 128 to 141 inclusive, Third Burlington Addition, S.W.4
of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B. &M.
Fr•nt.in• on the South side of Indiana Avenue
All of Lots 145 to 157 inclusive, and the east 22.41 feet of Lot
144, Lots 144 to 157 inclusive, Third Burlington Addition, S.W.
4 of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B. &M.
Fr•ntin• on the North Side of Indiana Avenue
All of Lots 1 to 13 inclusive, Blk. 3, Evans Add. to Poplar Grove,
N.W.4 of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B. &M.
All of Lots 3 to 13 inclusive, Blk. 2, Evans Add. to Poplar Grove,
N.W.4 of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B. &M.
Fr.•ntin on the South side of 8th South Street
All of Lots 18 to 30 inclusive and the east 22.69 feet of Lot 17,
Lots 17 to 30 inclusive, Blk. 3, Evans Add. to Poplar Grove, N.W.
4 of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B. &M.
All of Lots 16 to 28 inclusive, Blk. 2, Evans Add. to Poplar Grove,
N.W.4 of N.E.4, Sec. 10, TIS, R1W, S.L.B. &M.
Fronting on the North side of 8th South Street
All of Lots 1 to 13 inclusive and the east 24.09 feet of Lot 14,
Lots 1 to 14 inclusive, Blk. 4, Evans Add. to Poplar Grove, N.W.q
of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B.&M.
All of Lots 3 to 15 inclusive, Blk. 5, Evans Add. to Poplar Grove,
N.W.4 of N.E.a, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B.&M.
Fronting on the East side of Prospect Street
The west 3 feet of Lot 13 and all of Lots 14 to 18 inclusive,
and a vacated alley between Lots 15 and 16, Lots 13 to 18,
inclusive, Blk. 5, Evans Add. to Poplar Grove, W.W.I-6 of N.E.a,
Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B&M.
Fronting on the West side of Prospect Street
All of Lots 1 and 2 and the east 6 feet of Lot 3 and Lots 19 to
21 inclusive, Lots 1 to 3 inclusive and 19 to 21 inclusive, Blk. 4,
Evans Add. to Poplar Grove, N.W.a of N.E.y, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W,
Fronting on the East side of Redwood Road
Commencing at the southeast corner of 5th South Street and
Redwood Road; thence south 1170.93 feet, S.W.4 of S.E.4, Sec. 3,
T1S, R1W, S.L.B.&M.
Commencing at the southeast corner of Arapahoe Avenue and Redwood
Road; thence south 704.0 feet, N.W.4 of N.E.a, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W,
All of Lots 13 to 18 inclusive, and the west 21 feet of Lot 12,
Lots 12 to 18 inclusive, Blk. 4, Evans Add. to poplar Grove, N.W.n
of N.E.a, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B.&M.
All of Lots 12 and 13 and the west 15.5 feet of Lot 11 and all
of Lot 18, the west 10 feet of Lot 19 and the east 22.69 feet of
Lot 17, Lots 12 and 13 and 17 to 19 inclusive, Blk. 3, Evans
Add. to Poplar Grove, N.W.4 of N.E.a, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B.&M.
All of Lots 132 to 140 inclusive and the east 20.45 feet of Lot
141 and all of Lot 145 and the east 20.41 feet of Lot 144, Lots
132 to 141 inclusive and 144 and 145, Third Burlington Addition,
S.W.4 of N.E.4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1W, S.L.B.&M.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer,
as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and
Re iew of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Sewer
Ex ension No. 923) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a
sealer upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the
assessments made and returned in said completed lists and the report of
the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
s4 I
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten (10) equal yearly
i stallments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the whole
s unpaid at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum, payable at the
time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such
i stallments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without
i terest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes
e fective. One or more installments in the order in which they are pay-
a le, or the whole special tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and
b fore the first installment becomes due by paying the same with interest
f.tom the date of levy to the date such first installment is due. One or
mdre installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole
special tax, may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by
p.ying the amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Default
i the payment of any such installment of principal or interest when due
s all cause the whole of the unpaid principal and interest to become due
a d payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall
thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten percent per annum until paid,
but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure, the owner may
p.y the amount of all unpaid installments past due with interest at the
r.te of ten percent per annum to date of payment on the delinquent install-
m.nts, and all accrued costs and shall thereupon be restored to the right
t ereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had
n.t occurred.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
t e `. ._ day of March, 1968.
/ :e:,
Vit\"\ck 'A0\140\j
(S E A L)
BI L NO. 27 of 1968 27
Pu lished: March18, 1968
Leg I Notices
TAX t g for the assessment of eroo-
fY•ro r Extensru ing sewer.
the : pie°f`fSiva""- 5 Affidavit of Publication
Be ii gained by the Coate re
Coinn Issi¢ers of 5att Leke CNY,
USE Tlgihere 'That Is Lake rdCltY Cam Iss p
goes hereby levy the tax yynd aro-
. vide 0rr toe assessment of the same
fury 1 puroose of constructing e
AR Ar Lots 15 to 15/ Inclusive } Ss.
Third Buellneton Addition;Blocks[
VoAa nGrove t"e Eaais dod�f0Rel. .e
wo41 iRoad
.ie el north Vof A Scuhi
cree. All of the above desrnee. J M Oc key
area Is In sections and 10,Town-
Lp Sou , Range 1 West, Salt
ake Baseg d Meridian,
BO NDAthL9t North-Sth South
Stree tedmery h South Street.East
w"EY nEt�d• sneer.West-Rag- Being first duly.sworn,deposes and says that he is legal a vet•
Se, En Redw00tl Rctld east
me, from•stn'Sown m 9m sPolh tisi.ng clerk of the DESF,RET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
s.9 h South Street both ides
1rPm Gsouth reeet m Red�ides, newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
Road Olin ontgome Street to both Ides,
from Mont omery Street to RedWOod
ttrona atn,5dain o"2'4a:T5 a,ideh culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
WTh 1 R n3Siev 0 to defray°the County,in the State of Utah.
e tooethersiru;thnAwYas,
holes^flige'c'ss a g°e Plato ATIg That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
the pV tiers f n e is herein- h
the ° iv hereinafter and nereln-
betor Eescrihtd 10 be Peclally
prove twin and arfif el ey s Id Im• Salt Lake City Bill No 27 of 1968 kn Ordinance
prove 4 and It is hesebY d-
ludoe, deteonerty'' d e eobinsaey thataid petty w'Iln De a Ially
°benef fed merebym'the roi� °D 1 Taff and for �ssessrre nt of Property
Par es rf land ebre Ina e1°,v as sale Levying a y
eta nlfotre rate in accordance
the II re toot frontage upon and to
li e tiae'tlemn of the 5 P a- for Sewer Ext No 923e
hl k the from same
and t eh:as the tax 1 Sold levied -_- -.
oldie dnId Cafe'No.211591I182.61 tor'
6399.2 fe5t f butting PertV 1
512.501I par.front toot and Rest No.2,
$1,018100 for 100.00 fee( f bulling ---
p pe t s t $10.18 front foot,
cotler tfronttatoot ters'id oslwe,
°5oIna to thee contract ntererd
info0 4he formance of sold
wiy kna,makmg sea, un moms March 18 1968
thchOcker Construction°Ccmoa-
Y, fed August 1, 196], rd ehe
dired rhos nereDY torn°"=e as a« was published in,said newspaper on
withe provisions of this ordinance
F00no TT, the'Southn5ldendf n9t/i
Waif r16 feet of Lots 15 en 80
vauaCo alley between 75 to 81
Ineluve.'All of Lot5 Bat to 65 Inch,- Jtnd a c lee nay betweenLots and 9D Inclusive and a vacot-
ed street p iwcen Lots 90 and121 In- /may 1
el`slve and If of Lots 121 and 126 /`/L'/e-'l{tee-,,_-.,_
. "g, E the east 195.45 eet, f, _ /�
•Third 2B IinAton 5Atltl11ion�S,Wi%E"of L7egfd Advertising Clerk
N.E.'n,�Sec.10,-POW W,S.L.B.&
Fronting on the North Side of 9th
South Street.
All of iLots 93 to 105 inclusive,
N.Etls SOP.10,1 TIS,101W5 S.L:8,
A"I f ot, 12a to 14D Inclusive, day ,
a °efast 2L45 feat of Lot 141, 20th ) f
lots 126 r°14,Inclusive,Thlrtl bur- rn to before me this
Sec10 Addition, S.W,1/ B.
Front'no n 10, 1 theRSouth SSide of Indi-
ana OfnVesis il5 to 15],nrgslya, A.D. 19 68 •
anti' 44 to 1'24, rout f Lot 144,
loos 44 to 15]InS.C.a,Third Bur-
li pi Atlditicn,S.W. A of N E.'/, \ \�
Se 10'Ent R oft'a.
B. & M.
F t b iFe North 51de of Intl) �`
anAll f l:is 1 to 10 Inclusive elk, // f
54 9 Atld, to P12IT Drove, // �2 /Z�
N W l'N.E!q,Sec,70,TIS;RIW,
.L. a M. Notary Public
All f Lots 3 to 13 Inclusive,81k 2,
Evan Adtl ec P°Plar Grove,N,W','.
of N.R.''/,�5ec.10,TiS,RIW,S.L.e.
Front ne on the South Side of 81
SO/ of i V.18 to 30 Inclusive e d
the e.sf 22.6r`ref at Lot 11,Lots end
to 30 inclusive,elk,3 Evans Add,to
Poole-Grave,N,W.%°f N.E!p,Sec,
2, of uotsvl6 N 2a Incl lVe, u, n
N Evans• Add. t0 P10,7 Grove. ires
S.L.Bi of N.E,/,Sec,1D,T15,R1W,
Front the North side of BM I
South Street
Atl f Lis 1 to 13 inclusive entl
the e 1 d,09 feet of Lot va Lots 1
to lq Inclusive,eik..,-Evans Adtl.
L. P plan Grove, .S.'/ f N.E.'/,
Sec. 100, os, R1W,Slnuloslo.
All f S A 3 fo 15 Iuslve:ove,
5, E ao Atld. 5 Poplar Grove,
N.W' f.S.E.C.Sec.10,TIS,ftl W,
5F o,91Co: .the East Side of Pros-
eect Street- , -
vacate0 ea Ito bet°weenluloft is"nd
It. Lots 13 to 10 inclusive,SIR. 5,
Evans Adtl,to Poplar Grave,N.W.Vi
of N.E.S/ Sec. 10, '015, R1W,
Fronting on-the West Side of Pros-
P°Atl ofrLots 1 and 2 and the east 6
feet of Lot 3 and Lots 19 to 21 Inclu.
sloe.Lots 1 to 3 incluslve and 1a fo
21 incluslve, BIk,d,Evans Add.to
Poplar Grave,N.W.4a of N.E.rk;Sec.
Fronting Ron theL East Sideof Red-
wood menrteoo Ott Road
tha tS ttrheee t soun R wcooi S.W/d ofh S.E./,500.0 31 T153 R1 W,
er°St Araloahae Avenuet andt Ref•
wood Road;thence soul,102.0 feet,
M.W.I/of N.E./,Sec.10,TIS,ft1W,
the tweet 2li lest of Lot 112,I Lols'12 to
18 inclusive, BIk.a,Evans Add,to
Poplar Grove,N.W.Id.&M.of N.E.'/,Sec.
All of Lots 10 and 13 and the west
they tee t on
IOLfeef lot"Lot 1119 f antlt f he
1351 22.69 7 feet
of lot
Incluslve is ElkaJ
Evans Add.to Poorer Grove,
of N.E!/o, Sec, 10, Ti S, R1W,
All of&Lots 132 to lb Inclusive end
on Lots1550and the°testt2041 feet of
I.It 0LS,lThird Burllnttonv AEd
Ilan,S.W.W of N.E.'.4,Sec,10 T15,
SECTION 2.That the assessrnent
list made by the City Treasurer,as
by rtheetlBoard rof dEnualizationp1 and
Review of the property described In
Section 1 of this ordinance (Sewer
Extension No.9731 of Salt Lake City,
for the urpoae of n iructin9
upon said portions of s ld
streets,is hereby eortlnmed,and the
meet to ntl turned In
ufithe Bottdeo Eatlia trial lonh and Ref
ofe Salt Lake City°f )°tcrnbyonetis
tied,oppoved and contir med. a
SECTION -3, SaId tax otetlr be
Payabstallments e In tan
provlidedual boy lawyaln.
Interest on the Whale
paid at the rate of Live per-
Sent°(5%l per annum, payable at
lcwevelnsttat Installment is duel
of yysuch Instarlmems in fher a get
CIS)deithoutthlntereste within fi(teeli
n51 days from the dote this ordi-
nance becomes effect lye. One or
tallments in the order In
Whlan the a re payable, the
aid fifteen dabsx'onda 0effore ih fist
installment becomes due by p
the samewith interest from the data
of levy,to the dale such.first Install-
enis In the order in Whichfheny tall•
000ebie, or the whole special tax,
mev be pale on the date a nsted.
et becomes due by pattOp the
dateuPt pa menl,aPofa/It Ins the pate
principal orninterest whenal duet shah
cause the whore of the unpaid princi-
and Interest to become due and
payable immediately and the whole
punt of the unpaid principal shall
thereafter draw interest at the rate
of ten percent perunlit•°ald,
but at any time prior n to the dale.of
sale or foreclosure,the ownermay
pay the amount of all unpaidnstall-
ments oast due with Interest at the
rae of ten percum to
date of 00 mendntt pon er
and shall thereupon bet restoredsto
Ole right thereafter toe nslall-
menis In the s manner s it
default had not 00 rd
SECTION I,Thts°rftelnence shell
fake effect one day after its pubrica-
IioPnassetl by-the Board of Commis.
sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,an
the 13th day of March.196E
Clio R Aecorder
BILL red a of 196e.
Publishetl March iR,19EB I13.631