27 of 1971 - Vacationg a portion of 8th West Street and adjacent alleys between 9th and 10th North Streets. KULL LAM ,},
Apri16 1
Salt Lake City,Utah 197
Barker . . . . y/
Catmull . . . / I move that the Ordinans e passed.
Harrison . . . v
Mr. Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of 8th West Street and adjacent
alleys between 9th and 10th North Streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That a portion of 8th West Street and adjacent alleys
between 9th and 10th North Streets, more particularly described as
follows, be, and the same hereby are, vacated and declared no longer
to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian
8th West Street
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 14, Block 67, Kinney
and Gourlay's Improved City Plat, a subdivision of parts of
Sections 23 and 26, T 1 N., R 1 W., Salt Lake Base and Meridian
and running thence west 50.0 feet to the southeast corner of
Lot 3, Block 68, said subdivision; thence north 150.0 feet to
the northeast corner of Lot 5, said Block 68; thence south- /
easterly to the point of beginning. Contains 0.086 acres.
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 17, Block 67, Kinney
and Gourlay's Improved City Plat, a subdivision of parts of
Sections 23 and 26, T 1 N, R 1 W., Salt Lake Base and Meridian
and running thence north 20.0 feet to the southwest corner of
Lot 16, said Block 67; thence east 23.0 feet; thence southeasterly
to a point on the north line of said Lot 17; thence west 26.0
feet to the point of beginning. Contains 0.011 acres.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 68, Kinney
and Gourlay's Improved City Plat, a subdivision of parts of
Sections 23 and 26, T 1 N., R 1 W., Salt Lake Base and Meridian
and running thence south 20.0 feet to a point on the north line
of Lot 5, said Block 68; thence east 100.0 feet; thence north-
westerly to a point on the south line of Lot 6, said Block 68;
thence west 90.7 feet to the point of beginning. Contains
0.044 acres.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of
ways and easements of all public utilities of any and every description
now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described
property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the
purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing, replacing, removing or
rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 6th day of April, 1971.
Ca t teu."
�,UA 1i`, MJ
BILL NO. 27 of 1971
Published April 13, 1971
(A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 4/20/71 for recording in the office of the County
Aporttion ORDINANCEOf th Wes Street and adjaNG -
cent Sweets betweeny 9th and l6Otth
Commiesienersne of bgallh LakearCity.
sstt 51 eet 1.n That
l acnnitiolieys be
t• fWeen 9th and IOth North Streets,
laws,be r and,he same hereby a e,
Gated and declared
rred no longer are,
streets,dlavenuep alley or Pedestrlen
Blh Beginning
Beet 14, leek southwestcorner
f Lot it, at
bi, Kinney, ub
1, / of
Dents od Sections
Plat, and
/' division f earls t SetflOns 23 and
�,. I I, 26,T 1 N R 1 W.,bfall Lake Base
aes Meridian a tl eas thence
l , • t 50,feet to the sol 1Seast corner
I.- thence nnerh 1500 feesai od che ih;
thence southeasterly to the
bAegInning. Contains 0.086 acre.
Beginning at the northwest Garner
,•1 l• Gourlay's 7imoroveod Citty Plat,ey and
'divlsion f earls r Sections 23 nd
26,T 1 N,R 1 W.,Sail Lake Base
and MC Idian nd ru ino ih cot I' • nen2hf2 Lot t16t raid hblock 167;e thence
east o233.0 feet;said
to in1 the, o tpo Ilne f Id
Loltntl7 of h beolnnina.2
Conifaieof 0011
At Beginning at the southwest corner
of Lot 7,Block 68,Kinney end Gour-
lays Improved City Plat, subdivi•
f is t Sections 23 d 26
I. TOl N.,pants
P6.i Salt Lake Base and
Meridian loaned ing theece south
20.0 leaf point the th line
of Lot 5, d Block 68;thenceeast
- -' 100.0 then,thence northwesterly o
pga1 r the plh lic s of Lot 6, old
the point of beginning.rContainse0.044
a05a Id vacating made expressly
ee ad
loiltesand asemet of all rights
Of y and every description
located 'ant'
n der r r now
linenof the above detcrlhed props
erie. d also subbed to the rights
of try lherepe ton the purpose f
m incoming, altering, rapalrinp,
replecinp remaving r Ufing
sadined bsyy and II a tof
nerss of SaltnLaBoard
e f ty,of Commis.
dlh day Of A. BRACKEN LEE
(SEAL) Recorder
BILL NO.27 of i971 to
Published Aprll 13,1971 le. g
g ^c Recorded..E Lt 2.Q 197 .-..a �'i�°r......,.
2281146 Request of._sA 67-_L 4��=C i?I..CG.�`'�.
Recorder,Salt Lake Coo rsty,Utah /
STATE OF UTAH, $/✓o FGn/By 7-f_. (�r _{f Deputy /
SS. �r7; 0Yu3"ri-J/c2- /_/T
City and County of Salt Lake, Ref. 1
I Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of 8th West Street and adjacent alleys
between 9th and 10th North Streets.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 6 194 71
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have�heerreeunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City,this 20th day o r,/Imo'• € ;,3 1`J�71 oa
(SEAL) 'V..'. i.
I ac
41 1 1 1, I�' �' L1 �� City Recorder
' iPublishes^jpril. 3-r, 198 71
''�r7,j(F. t.
BILL NO, 27 of 1971 f
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Take
portion of ath West Strcef and adl- _- Bett Phelps Itreu between 9hs alq l lh 1y-
'Nrh Siroerets. yy
Co flrnII,Duero of°Sall It Lake(City.
Utah: p
West TtON lantl at afioiitenc f o'h Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adier•
rwenn `th arty"any°de."96 a as S
1.1 ti.sing clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
lows,be,and the to hereby ,I
ed and declared no longer to. newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
�sO on
blaiVs ee e fv (Darr u
o-yepL ce, auev ueoesir;
:ran collation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
alah ivetr
Baalnnr° ma owes`turner Count in the State of Utah.
Gf'I.ot lA,Black 67u KlnneV a tl� ,).
parlay'e Improvc City Pla„ svb-
AiviT I of pens f Sections 13 and
16.T 1 N.,R I W.,Slap Lake Pasel
etl MeY l°" a d r 'nn °11n�ei That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
w st goo teal to me souiitensf corner
of Lot 3,➢lock..0 saltl suddivislanfi
16a.°feet to the north;
Ire Jlhenccosoulhaasfelly r 5.o8roc int 6o£
99 0
I-� baginning. eon,aim p.aea aer,. _..An_Ordi�pco_yaDatixtp.a_p9rfaarisLf flth West.____.' Alteys
Bep:nninA a}}he nortrywtsf corder
t Lor i7, Block 6Jr Kinney d
'or lmbrnynd shy Pla:, ,fib- Street and adjacent alleys between-9th and,1_�t]t
tllvlslon of earls at Sacit 2J tl
16, br Lake Base
and Mprldian runnintl therm.
noun 1°.o mar Ve4 sopmwe;r ter.. North,Street$
,nor pf Lof!6 saitl Blocl<6I;Yhence
+,st 13.0£o^�; thence s vnle srerly -'----'-"- -' -�
of t 1We nna Ih I:ne al s td
,�'f 1�;thence sf Contains
feeloto the'
11>�,,°t beginning.
ales o.°n
,��"I�deglnnirq at the southwest orner -_--_- -- -----
of f of 7,Block IT,Kinney and Goor-
tay's Improved City Plat,n subdivi•
oh f rs f Sections 13 antl 16,
T 1 N..Frin W., ---------
Mcpslian and running thence south.
I10.0 feet,e a llni o the Iha,e
f Lire,el she thence
ck 6a:thence .:, April. 1 1921__
ieo.o fuel;themenorthwesterly Loo is was published in said newspaper on. ti_
point on rta sour, 1 line
of Lot 6,.air ----
h�cao,nt'of bealnnlgy,Contains
fi ate.IQ VentInY Is mode e0OressI ----- --
!awlcl emen 005110o rl7hrs o! n
!awl , of all unlit (tries
a tl ety detcrtpflon
antler ovrr now
confines<a(t If fry hove,teribed Oran•I ------ ------ --
er, tl I uD7ec,,o the aunts( -\
n f ih far the preposa of l
saptl fl lines antl ollipof them o rtna
-Passaol saBhl�ko g+,°ru+an,71t1� Legal Adt,ertising Clerk
doh"day of Ann B AC
(SEAL) City Recorder
BILL NO.F7 of 113,9))i
Publin'hetl April 1971 [p,.R,'
Subscribed and sworn to before one this____________13th ._ . day of
_April--_.-------.-_ A.D. 19__71_.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 12, 1974