28 of 1905 - Ordinance 28 of 1905 - Franchise to Western Oregon Separating Co., to construct track across portion 7 r", TC, ';":i!; !" '7,7 '7.A T I N" C01pA7y; I2 1J(C ;.,BS :RIC:1172 n To C () r..." ()IN I,;II; '707!TX OTT S,I.XT;. ' •NIX2h N0 :2 2RT T "• ,O../.4:;1.7", '().1-':57:11): FF77 ITT.B. "TOT,1`.11'11 7:; ;" S BT C:L21? orCaine Ir. the Connell of Sat Lake City.ITta& t ion 1. A fral;shiste is hereby given and grk'zit ed to the v,en.tern cro Sspar.'at C fnapany, its successors and as tcno, to lay, n ;rn<' nni ape 7..ni,; swi t oh o ;pur tracks stan- dard Erf,a).!,17; r nilro :tracks, lead.il - from a convenient point on it s main lino of tl.:0 i1ø V,e St ern Ri3.way Company, betwc S,eventh ;ler th Street an 1.1,5-,:iith or th Street, in :•••:a.J.t _Lake City,11 tah 411ci. tile rioe on'ves to. the )eft, crosses in and upon 1ot i, 6. arld 7, Block 97, tat '".F..ke City,survey. ';."eotion T.".u.rinr the term of this fran.o hise the grtal tee shall be sobject to the foiLowLng co n O;.ti ons.namely:- a) YJnt said switch or spur tracks shall be 1 de upon and co nj'erm to the s,,tablished grad e of stliit oreot, ni S bid grade , is a.ftc, eh red by order 0f City Connell, the grant en oha.i t his own pna clu-rk&e the elevation. of the truck, so as to co&form to the arms., ob) V.:he:never va id Sixth at :Street and od.e !.•"eventh 21or' k: ant AaA-eof Street at sale places$Atta , ond.e. switeh nne. spur ty..aes are in nzid upon the then ce , ii,a enze cos So s n1 afw ,:;1;; nha,J,3. p cre be- • twe,,an the rails 63.1h for a die taxa e o t7,,o feet outaic, of each rail, wit?, the anre :dater:U.1,1 an tit used in the street pavemen t; ''rovided that +Ito r;rant en ca-,.1"3.1 not be requireo to pave in iystreet, ythe re any rail- way company h.aa, her, alb re been o b3...1.,•••n t f: no to Co ti 1.111;eE: F11 C3 I put in and 1-',.L.:1111:am Roe einfrft s•,,11;01, z;h0 ;Tux tracks ••;F: r.iJ.l frw..1 tine t.o tine he required. ; by. the City Council. cl. vTne al,i swit,;sh r. 0 spur tracks ell al I he ioi44ltak. th A-13 • road operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and ordinary use of said streets upon which it is laid. (e) Good anti sufficient boxes to convey water shall be laid and. maintained in good condition at tYe expenses of said grantee in all the water ditches crossed by the said switch or spur tracks, so as to admit of free passage of water. —7, Gection 3. This franchise is granted for the period of L/ Q 11 years from and after the approval of this ordinance. section 4. This grant and all the terms end conditions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the grantee within thirty days from the approval of this ordinance, otherwise the sane shall be void and of no effect. 0 P wzsei by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, May Ord, 1905, and )7?err.: 1 ;o tte Mayor for .o..s approval. / --- r,.l'y Sea5rder.. Annnnw-A 4.n;, „p_, d:,y of Ma(y, 1905. 4, i-»'» g i . y s f t ` '4 `;+ ..,� t `' i - t i -So yr nth North 5tr¢et I G Q - L : L 7,: 5 6. h C. • 5ixth North 5trcz t <scp/e://rr.=ioo 1 iTpri/28)90.- • CO,. ,, .. ...4 , p ,,, ,f , , C., ( ..,:s a r C) in� CA t a\ a'�c ,.._ ri,.:1, ,, `1 t