28 of 1907 - Ordinance 28 of 1907 – In relation to width of tires on vehicles to be used in Salt Lake City. i \ 'S Al ODD IVAlf Cs . An *raises** is relation to the widths of tiros on vehicles to be used in bit Lebo City. De it •rdaised by the City Council of salt Lanes City, Utah: 4241104 1. It shall he easeful for any person, firm or cor- poration to transport, heal, dries, propel or coney, or osuse to be transported, hauled, driven, prepoilod or convoy**, any load, weight or burden, over or through any of the public streets, avenues or al- loys of Salt Aaico City, on any wagon or other wheeled vehicle not hearing tires which or. known as flat er straight faced tiros, and which tiros are of less than the following widths for the following leads or burdens, in pounds weight, the weight or the vehicle in- •luiN, to.wit• rle • -half leek's for 2,000 pe . One end three-quar- tors\for oee * 2,000 s sad not *zoo* ing 3,000 o des. Two inoh s fore r 3,000 p and not •zeeo4lt�g 4,000 ounds. T IVO i s and nehss for r 4,000 pounds an4 not exo din 5,000 t �a` pound . \ iseben f ever i, powers s Rd not • •e ng 6,000 pounds. aid case f /ashses or over d 000 po s a d not ex- `s eeedi4r 7,000 . iashos or over 7, s d not ex- 3 esedis s,00O and an* inehek for • r 8 000 pounds nd not esnooding 440 pore . live ! hes f ov r 9,000 pounds Cad net exseeding i ,000 •po s .11elr _T ono if inches for *weir 10,004 pounds and4not onese4ing 11,000 ound . 4 inches for wool' 11,004 pouads not oleo* ing 12,004 paun ix and one-halt inches for over 12 000 pour and not e4eeedi g 1 ,000 �` f, pounds.' a aches for o or 14,000 oun4s and ilet • sealing ,16,000 ouOds. -ASeven and orggq •half inches for oval' 16, 00 Sounds and not exce�s$iag 18 000 pounds.1 Ight' inRdhes for ovr 18 00 pounds and not uixxoeedin 20,000 you ds. Ninek nches forlove 204000 pounds and not exceeding\30,000 you de. ten i ches for Ivor 30,400 pounds 4 and not exceeding 50,000 pounds. +y,te`. -2- !or any lead or burden exceeding 50,000 pounds, planks of two inches in thiehness must be placed, and eight wheels with tires of ten inches in width must be used in conveying the same. fTt0I 2. AU loads or burdens must be so distributed that weight.on •rill wheel shrill be equal, or as nearly so as possible; Mad en all torcodwheeled wages or other two-wheeled vehicles used for like purposes the width of the tires shall be double the width of the tires ter the sale lead or burden as heroin required for four- wheeled wsgoas or ether tour-wheeled vehicles. Ili4tION 3. 10 lead of greater alight than 4,000 pounds (weight of vehicle included) shall be drawn over the City's streets on two-Wheeled vehicles. SICTION 4. This o rdinanoe shell not be construed as applying to wagons w when/ed vehicles with rubber tires. S3CTION S. *very wagon or wheeled vehicle required to have tires of widths as provided by this ordinance shall have fixed on both sides of said wagon or wheeled vehicle, in some oonspiouous pine*, in plain letters and figures, the weight in pounds of such wagon or wheeled vehicle, and also the weight capacity, in pounds, of the sage. S1C?IOx 1. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the previsions of this o rdinanse shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon senviotion thereof shall 1e punished by a fine of not less than five (35.00) dollars nor more than fifty ( $0.00) dol- lars, or try *imprisonment in the city Jail for a period not exceeding one day for each dollar of such fine, or by both such fins and im- prisonment; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during which such person, firm or corporation shall continue such violation. 4, I S3CTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect tgwiiI Cal- r- 1 . One and one-half (11) inches for loads not exceeding; ?1100 pounds. Two (2) inches for over 2000 pounda and not exceeding 3000 pounds. Two and one-half (210 inches for over 3000 pounds and not exceeding 4000 pounds. Four (4) inches for over 4000 pounds and not exceeding 6000) pounds. Five (5) inches for over 6000 pounds and not exceeding 80c. pounds six (6) for over 8000 pounds and not exceeding 12000 pounds. sight (8) inches for over _my.: pounds and not exceeding 30000 pounds. ! (` / i ....---, Ono and one-half inches for loads not exceeding 2,000 pounds. One--ent-' pnarters inches for over 2,000 pounds and not exceeding 7,000 pounds. Owo .nd or.c l f inches fob ov r 3,000 pounds and not exceeding 4,000 (sounds.' +t-., inches for over 4,000 pounds and not exceeding 6,000 pounds. +!.a11.1,--4see s-. ues_,.f,IlOA Poexnds,.Aaac..,,e-t ;ezia4,444Uaazimprtnds. for over 6,000 pounds and not exceeding Oi?,000 pounds. _ hes fQ� Otr Pr xn nnn__--- F}. -,.qr.' +- i'�a._ ,"' mot ;test' for over 8,000 pounds and not exceeding 3, pounds. SewerA41. 1Kp , ' nas,,. c- at,..wareep94,144-, 10.reet"'rc.unti.a.. L?g exceasl4arg=-1:Z.ra ut ound,s, lime inches for over 12,000 pounds, and not exceeding 1 pounds. T , 0 pgi -- bv�xcraeda , d�;9A�•�eu s. N e.4.4—in ester ina]3�� f__or oy , • • fi A N OP, 7) .17ANCF, . An ordinance in relation to the width of tires on vehicles to be used in Salt hake City. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake Cet.r,titeh: SACTIOPI 1. It, shall be unlawful for any person, firm er corporation to transport, haul, drive, propel or eonve,r, or cause to he transported, hauled, driven, propelled or oonve,red, any load,weight or burden, over or through any of the public streets, avenues or elleps of Salt Lake City, on any wagon or other wheeled vehicle not having tires which are known as flat or straight faced tires, and which tires are of less than the following widths for the foi.lowing loads or burdens, in pounds weight, the weight of the vehicle ineluded,tn-wit: 7114111INS. Two (2) inches for over. 2000 pounds and not exceeding 3000 pounds. Two and one-half ( D Inches for over 3000 pounds and not exceeding 4000 pounds. Four (4) inches for over. 4000 pounds and not exceeding 6000 pounds. i';_ve (5) inches for over 6000 pounds and not exceeding 8000 pounds. Six (6) inches for. over. 8000 pounds end not exceeding 12000 pounds. Nihht (8) inches for over 12000 pounds and not excnndi.ng 30000 pounds. For greater weights a permit to be issued on application to Council. For any load or burden exoeedi.nf 50,000 pounds, planks of two inches in thickness must be planed, and eight wheels with tires of ten inchee In width must be used in conveying the same. S, CCTION 2. All loads or burdens must he so des*rihnted that the weight on each wheel shall be equal, or as nearly so cc poeeible mud on ell two-wheeled wagons or other two-wheeled vehicles used for like dureoees the width of the tires shah be double the width of the tires for the sake lead or burden as herein re,uired for four-wheeled wagons or other four-wheeled vehicles. SECTION 3. No load of greater weight than 4,n00 pounds (weight of vehicle included) ll ber�• �'11a_ _ drawn over the r*iitv', gtrn,P,t$ • on two-wheeled vehicles. S CTION 4. Trots ordinance shall not be construed as ai,pl i.ng yo wagons sr wheeled vehicles with rubber tires . • SECTION 5. Every wagon or wheeled vehicle required to have tires of width as provided by this ordinance shall have fixed on both sides of said wagon or wheeled vehicle, in some conspicuous place, in plain letters and figures, the weight in pounds of such wagon or wheeled vehicle, and also the weight capacity, in pounds,. , • of the same. SECTION 6. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemenaor and upon conviction thereof shall he punished by a fine of not less than five (15.00) dollars nor more than fifty (150.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not exceeding one day for each dollar of such fine, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and a separate offense shall he deemed committed each day during which such Person, firm nr corporation shall continue such violation. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take eff ' _/ 40t 1: .-71:7---f°C(C4.."-- —.) Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Titah; May h'th,l907, and referred-to the Mayor for his approval. C.+,.. Recorder. Approved this 7 rlay of ;;;a.r, 1907, i • Mayor. •