28 of 1928 - Amending Section 1855 relating to traffic and travel ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, June 4, 1923 Burton - - V I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - Finch - - (�;L. Moran - - - _ Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result - - - AN ORi3INfNC!: d.M SeING SECTION 1355, -ievisee;. Ordinances of Set Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed ' by the Board of Commissioners on ,Sup;. 1, 1Oad, relatinf to traffic and travel on the streets. Be it ordained by the Bodre of Corara1ssioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: S:SCTION I. That 3 ,ction 1`l55, Revised Ordindrucc of Bel' Lake City, Utah, 1920, ns amended- by an ordinance passed by the Jloa.raof Commissioners on Ans. 1, 19 , . ,latins to traffic and travel on the streets. be and the sarme is here .herety a;ieie e:a to road. as follows: SECTION 1355. COi a -i STi'-ICl'_ there s hereby designated. a. con„festea district, ,vhich shall be all the streets sand_ pasts of streets within the follo_rin^ boundaries, to-wit: Coseencinf at the intersection of the :acst line of West Temple Street with the north line of death Temple reet; thence east ilonn the north line of South `Lem,le `street to the west line of ,•,oin Strcct; thence north Co the south Tine of North Temple Street; thence cast to the e.•.st line of Main ,treet; thence south to the north line of South "cradle 'tec"t; thence east on the north line of -.oath Tom )le Street to point on the vest Tide of ad Last Strect extended northerly; thence south aloof the west line of 2na Last Street to the north line of 4th South Street;R thence vest to the east line of State Street; thence sgk Ch to the southeast corner of the HI _2 , intersection of State Street and 4th South Street; thence west along the south line of 4th South Street to the east side of Main Street; thence south along the east line of Main Street to 5th South Street; thence west to the west side of Main Street; thence north along the west line of Main Street to the center of Walker Street; thence west along the center j line of Walker Street to the intersection of Walker Street with Carson Street; thence north agng,the center line of Carson Street to the south side of,, th South Street; thence west along the sough line of 4th 50thStreetto the center of West Temple Street; thence north along the enter line of West Temple Street to the north side o£` 3rd SQtit'h Street; thence west to the west side of West Temple, ireet; thence north along the west line of West Temple Street to the place of beginning. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,j it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. iC?G Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the —day of June, A. D. 1928. cP-:_ ---,.-.-,----*----4-------1. Mayor.1 -11 * corer. ' I 9 6% Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE. 11 AN bADINANCE AMDNbIN6'me. TION 386E ReVised prralnannee of.Salt T6Y Cltr Utah 1ed6 ea amended IN art,,ordtnance prnee d by the'Roar]; of ................ ......0�.�."✓1!'---- -. __ _ __ _ _ Commlealoners Aug 1 1822, *lat- Ing to Rr f410 a.ndtravel on the streets H!1torde,�a3 uY:tge Bpa ;6t Cdrtt, beingirst dulysworn,deposes saysprincipal mwt 0 pf ffaR' a Cltl , tOtS, f p ses and that he is the Sfd.,d,N I''That Seed lfi, an, t'fa44 66rdlnapo de @alt Lnk ctti;wan, Iatn, 'b th dao,.by Conts,ti ordglee clerk of THE D',ESF,'RET NEWS, a newspaper published in Taseed Dy'the Board of C mmleel ce On Aug. 1,I822,inflating to traffic.:hnd tr Wave!oh oh the d eetnb and the ea- elm hereby am de11 to Feat follows Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Cf r ty,in a State of Utah. sadrfoN 126E CONGESTED DIN. ir y TRJC1;- The fa hereby d etgnatnd a. congested dletr1ot which h Own beall! - the e St et Out bergs Of t t'within That the notice__ �f� erne Qrrtng bgltndarlea to 1t: cZi Ttn. of[,et to fnte!. tre of the-meet Iiha q[ West Tense!. Street -with the north "llhe of South Temple Street; _ n thence out Str et to the north llne:of South - - �=l'-x'-C''� - ,/LL U ",t./Q in Street: thence--north to the'tooth I/h the Neet'line of eaof North Temple Street;there*.'Oct to the east hoe of Main"Street; thence"mouth Odle north IIn!of South TrmDle Street; pence e c on tr east t the north.line f'.South amplI1ne of 2 to .point o the west t Stir;,thence Youth Street along to otth. ['2d Em! R th pet Ilhe north line of sth South Street;tethence t to the of which a copy is hereto attached,was first pu xshed in said eiigt If southeast Street:thence south t thecorner of theI t Street: /� of StateStreet and'ne South reeclo;I Q(/ the weer along the south❑n f ab news pap •,in 'ts issue dated the day of Strett;®theno«oeto east. ids f bfaln P P o the long the ester line of Mehl.Street to 6th South.Street: p thence et to'the'moat-the, Melo 4. D. 192Q Street:thence North Monk the west line ll Main Street to the renter Of Walker retied: thence et along the- shier' :nee f Welker Street t th 1 _ HMI t W lke et set with r'ra..e., and x published (r'IQ... ^otre tf thence thr north 1 g th Center t xth Ikon],Street;thence to the meet heiong, the eouth Ilse otHh Both Street to then the last ptdxlicat'an t ereof being in the issue rat d the._Zr. entor of.:Wet Tommie ytreet: then,' T north,along thetoo I n of Woet n i Street t the west faL4e e*r day of A.D. 192.. . t f li' .4; aua ;uN*it g to nl�eoa of b gets pie 8tgg t,t SECTION 9 I tile 0 Inlop f„the Hqi"1ty."' om ( ne y t;eoe4eary alto CItYa.4oe,the ardlnance hat);take Thl'etfordna ed,sb take effect Pon TteY pubt Oattona *.hail 47„Vassed by the Board of C 1 stoners .1.1„.aA.t OItY1828.Uah, thexth dayl J D JOHN Ir.BOWMAN, Ethel Macdonald, City Recorder yor. HUI N YB Subscril fil d sworn to before one this P /5 day of A. D. 192.D / .7� tary Public. 1*-• \ l*Pa 'Ls-k 07' s • ••• *i• .- •