28 of 1929 - Vacating alleys, streets, etc. in lot 10, Block 1 and lot 11, Block 2, Quayles Addition, Block 6, 5 7 ,1 I • -
;VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, .Z.1.12;. 8, 1929
Burton - - 1 move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr - - -
Finch - - 4
C------— —
Mr.Chairman -
Result - - - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORBINA.NCU VA.LAITING alleys, streets or pedestrian ways
in Lot 10, Block 1, and Lot 11, 'Block ;., 0.:aylesLedftion, Block
(3, 5-Acre Plot A, Rig Field Purvey, ',Mit Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordainec, by the board of Commfsaioners of alt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That alleys, streets or pedestrian 'says
in Lot 10, Block 1, and Lot 11, hock '.-, Cuayles LC, ition, Block
G, 5-Acre Plot A, Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah, and more
particularly described as follows:
Alley east of Richards tc•cet, south ;roan (wylc Avenue:
T3e,0,innin7 at the Northwest corner of Lot 11, flock 1,
• - Cupyles Lc:tuition, Block C, Five icre Plat a, B,i-, Held 'ur-
vey, thence south CCC feet; thence west 1E..25 feet, thence
north 225 feet, thence east 1,-3. !, fret to the place of be-
ginning, said alley bein•i, r part of Lot 9, Block G, 5-fcre
Plat I, Tug Field Purvey.
Blley west of RicharCs Street, south from Cueylc Avenue:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 11, Block L.,
Quayles Addition, Block 6, b-Acre Plat A., Rio; bide Purvey,
thence south 'A..25 feet, thence 'vest 18.;--5 fort, thence north
5 feet, thence east 1F,.L5 -feet to the place ol Beginning,
said, alley being a part of Lot 9, Clock 5, 5-Acre Plat n,
Big Pield Survey.
! :
! ! ,
! !!!
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i ;'
Richards Strcet south. from Quayle [venue:
_'�e�inninr� at the north::°esu corner of Lot �r,,
:Sock 1, Cusyles ,\d:ition, ?Slock 6, give ,-crc fist ,i_g
, 63.94
��ield. Survey, thence south t�a:� feet, thence r:cst
feet, thence north CCLo feet, thence cast '6.04 feet to the
place of beginning, saiu street being 2. part of Lot
'-dock 6, Wive 'ycre flat a, 'i^ i,iele 'array;
be and the same are i,creby va:cateo- and dccls.red o Jaongep<'public
property for use as streets, alleys or peciertriays,
Said va:.cetion is mode exorcasly suDj5et`to the right of
ray of the Utah Li-';ht & Traction Company ecga rec ceder franchise
from Salt Lake City to mointcin, repair, .-.lter and replace: tbe
electric transmission, distribution and telephone circuits of the
Utah Light & Traction Company 'and pole-, together Faith the nets
,nary stops, cross-arms end other ettachmenta thereon or fixed-
thereto for the support of saio circuit° es nor' er ctc6 and main-
tainec along and upon the streets or alleys to be closed During i
i the life of thet ccrtcin franchise ncretofore grcntec by -c.lt Lakei
City to said Utah Light & Traction Company on the -.1st ccy of
December, 1914, or any extensions thereof.
Inc. also subject to the esctment of the fountain --t:.tes
Telephone & Tel Company to maintain, re ,ai r,alter or replace,
its telephone and tel lines that are no within safer streets!,
alleys or peaestrian rays.
SECTION C. In the opinion of the t'.oard. of Commissioners,i
it is necessary to the health, peace and sc.fety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective let eaiatelyj.
1 SECTION .�. 'Phis ordnance shall to-tire effect upon its
first publication.
I� F'as:�ed by the ',earn of Commissioners of �a_lt Lake City, j
ta'i this ath ' y of Au ust
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Proof a pn.iftrattnn
fended ittateii ofiAnterira
An Ord We, -ing alleys streets
o de84b Lot 10 Block 1
Yqv 1 le Aaaitlon H. Y. Tho n.sn
hr Sg F1gld Cur
Vey Salt Y1 k ty
B It ord I d by the lard of Corn
mteei0nere of Salt Lake City Utah
S cttdn 1 That alleys streets or pe being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
• en Way in Lot 10 BBlocki and
Lot 11 11 BI el 2 Queylee Addition BI ck
6 5 Ave Plat A Big Field Survey Salt
Lake City Utah and more particularly of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in
described as follows
Alley Oast Of Richards treet south
from Quayle avenge
Beginning at the northwqgt corner of
Lot it Block 1 Quaylee Addition Block Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
6 Five At Plat A 9jg Field Survey
thence south 225 feet 4hence,vest 18 2S
1p 25 thenceeett qn the 225 feet
tbeginnin t AN ORDINANCE BILL NO a 28
81d alley being a pat of Lot I Block That the Notice
5 Aire Plat.4 Big Field survey
from¢Quayle avenue West of Richards street south
Beginning at the northwest corner of SAT LAKE CITY CCRPORA,T IDIIL
Lot 11 Block 2 Quayle Addition,BIo k
8 5 Air Plat A Big Field Sury vthe ce sou n
feet the ce north 225f°et 225 feet°thence weste least OFFICE OF CITY Ft3CORP'
1825 feet to th place of beginning
aid alley being a part of Lot 0
Bleak 6 5 lore Plat A My Field Su ey 1
Richards street south frQuayle
al enu
BeLot 10iAninakat the l Queylot Adest tl co Block r of j
6 1'Y a Acre Pia1 A Brg Field Sa ey of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news
tden0e south 225 feet thence west 6694
feet thence north 225 feet thence eastl
6694 feet to the place of beginning said.
Five Acrereet lng a Plat A 131g Field Burart of Lot 9 lvl yck 9 paper in its issue dated the 9th
be and the sable are hereby vacated and
devlmed no longer public p aperty for
Use as streets alleys or pedestrian ways
said vacation is made explceely sub day of August 192 9
lea'to the right of way of the Utah
Light & Tra tlpn company acquired
Fran p e from Salt Lake City to and waspublished in each dailyissue of said newspaper on
atr cell
repair from
a replace Cit tab
electric tranemi lei distribution nd
telephone circuits of the Utah Light&
Traction/,yq}nnpahy and poles together with the'neoeseari top orbs seine August 9tha for
and Other attachments thereon or of
fixed thereto for the Sup005t of aid
along and u as ponthettt ed els rgalleys to
be do ed during the life o6 that er thereafter the full period of one �1) insertion
tam Y anchise heretofor granted by
halt L ke City to said Utali Light&
Tra Lion company on the 21st day of
De thereof ember 1914 or any e tensions. the last publication thereof
And also subject to the easement of
the Mountain States Telephone&Tele
gi eon Company to maintain repel, al
ter or °Place its telephone and tele beingin the issue dated the 9th day of
graph lines that art bow within Bald
air to alleys or pedestrian Ways
Section 2 In the opinion of the
the healthh peace andlt is safetycof Ia August A D 192 g
Inhabit Ms o1 Salt Lake City that this
ordinance become effective lmm diately
bectl0n 3 This first blicat ehali take
effect b its epublication
Passed100by the Board of Chnnll
stoners do of Salt August
A City Utah this
8th day of Aq gust A D 1920
dodo F BpwMAN deryor
Bill• Macdonald City Recorder
Bill No,2p and sworn to before me this sill day of
Pqritehed August gbh 1928
August A D 192 9 —ram
Notary Public
ommisslon Expires Aug 21
Advertising fee $
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