28 of 1932 - Amending Chapter XXXIII, relating to Weights and Measures for Oil and Gasoline. ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah Aug 31st, 193 2
I move that the ordinance he passed,'
Knight y
Mr Chairman V
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to licenses by adding in and to
said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1354, relating to
gasoline, and repealing Section 2096 of Chapter LXV, Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to weights and measures
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah -
SLCTION I That Chapter X XIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby
amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as
Section 1354, which shall read as follows
SECTION 1354 It shall be unlawful for any person,
association of persons, firm or corporation to manage, conduct,
operate or carry on the bu mess of a gasoline or oil filling
station within the limits of Salt Lake City without first having
C ti.
obtained a license therefor as hereinafter provided
The term "gasoline filling station" or "oil filling
station" as used in this ordinance shall mean and include any
place where petroleum products, benzol or other substitutes for
petroleum products are sold or offered for sale and delivered
direct to motor driven vehicles as a fuel or lubricant for the
Each person, association of persons, firm or corporation
having, operating or maintaining an oil or gasoline filling sta-
tion shall pay to the City License Assessor and Collector a yearly
license fee at the beginning of each year in advance for each
gasoline or oil filling station the sum of $50 00, provided,
however, that when an application for a license hereunder is made after
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An ordinance amending Chapter
XXIU Revised Ordinances se Salt
Lake City Utah 1920 relating to li FAT-3. l LFF
tenses by adding In and to meld chap t
ter a new Section to be known se Sec
ton 1304 relating to greoline and
repealing Section 2098 of Chapter LXV
Utah!1920 relating Itoaweighs! ake nd being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
Be it ordained by the Board of Coma
Ws loners of Salt Lake City Utah
Section 1 That Chapter XXIIL of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City
Utah 1920 relating to licensee bee
and the mime 10 hereby amended by
adding In and to said chapter a new
tion to be known as Beaton 1354s Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
which shall read as follows d
Section 1359 It shall be unlawful
for any person associatio of person(
firm or co poration to manage con That the Notice A! L1�TJ.%1.1ui�et!1
duct operate or carry on the buamees•e
of a gasoline or oil filling etatlan with
in the limit of Salt Lake City with
out first having obtained a ucenne SALT CITY CLiteCt,AlIC1
therefor as hereinafter provided
The term gasoline filling station
or oft filling station as used In thl
ordinance'hall mean and Include any
place where petroleum product! ben
col or other eubetitutee for petroleum
and ucts d liver d esdir for or offered ect to motordrl elr^
vehicles as a fuel or lubricant for the
Each person immolation of persons
firm or corporation having operating
or maint iniog an oil or gasoline fill
Mg station shall pay to the City LI of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news
cense Assessor and Collector a yearly
license fee at the beginning of each
year in advance for each gasoline or
oil filling station the sum of 95000 in its issue dated the 14th
provided however that when an ay paper
phaeton for a license hereunder is
made after the first day of July
p In any z
byer theand
so esthe
or pth aalicense n 18 approved
ehsil be I :ey �e t c,r 193 r
qv had to make payment only f
day of
on half the amount of the yea]y
h Section 2 That Section 2098 of and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
Chalet° LXV R vised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City Utah 1920 r kiting
to w ights and measures is hereby ,,, t e 1 ber T' 1`.t r
repealed e N for
Section 3 In the opinion of the
B ern of Commissioners It is necee
a ry to the health peace and safely
of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City ([1 1. 1 fi S e r t 1 C I7
that this ordinance talcs effect frame thereafter the full period of
also ly
Section 4 This ordinance shall take
effect upon its first publication
Passed by the Board of Commie the last publication thereof
stoners of Salt Lake City Utah on the
13th day of September A D 1932
Ethel MacdonaldMCity Recorder 14th
Bill No 23 being in the issue dated the day of
Published September 14.1233.
e,tef ber A D 3
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14 th day of
September A D 193
Notary Public
Advertising fee $
I i
the first day of July in any year, and the application is
approved by the assessor, the licensee shall be required to
make payment only of one-half the amount of the yearly
SECTION 2 That Section 2096 of Chapter LXV, Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to weights and
measures,is hereby repealed
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, '
it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately
‘ SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. 7
Passed by the Board ofCommissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, on the /3 day of .G2 , A:y. 1932
ity Recorder
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