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28 of 1934 - Extending the limits of Salt Lake City, Utah - the 'Emigration Annexation
e«.ios ROLL CALL VOTING I AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, UST 25 iJJw 193 Goggin I ° I move that the ordinance be pa • Keyser -- I{night Lee Mr. Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING the limits of Salt Lake City. WHEREAS, on October 8, 1934, J. A. Alder and others, being e; majority of the owners of real property situate in the tract of land hereinafter described, signed and filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Patition No. 517, requesting that said tract of land be taken within the limits of said city, and also caused an accurate map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer, to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be 00 annexed to and made a part of said city; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unani- mous vote of all members of said board in favor of annexing said �. tract to Salt Lake City, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance making and declaring said annexation; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at a corner on the city boundary, 214.61 ft. north of the city monument at the intersection of Seventeenth South and Seventeenth East Streets; running thence north 866.33 ft.; thence N. 87° 421 E. 126.43 ft.; thence N. 66° 341 E. 32.7 ft.; thence N. 0° 031 34" E. 945.6 ft.; thence N. 89° 561 53" E. 637.21 ft.; thence S. 0° 031 34" W. 139.16 ft.; thence S. 61° lOt 11" E. 60.59 ft.; thence N. 25° 541 50" E. 140.5 ,ftt.; thence N. 70° _all_.50't...E....M21.9 ft.; thence N. 51° 521 50" E. 249.7 ft.; thence S. 58° 531 10" E. 123.1 ft.; thence N. 79° 24t 40" E. 140.5 ft.; thence 1 89° 241 40" E. 30.24 ft.; thence -2- N. 0° 00' 20" W. 711.0 ft.; thence East 1774.31 ft. along the south property line of 13th South Street to a point 165 ft. east of the east property line of 21st East Street; thence/South 2233.44 ft. to a corner on the City boundary; thence West S96 ft.; thence South 465.57 ft.; thence West 2973 ft. to the place of beginning - containing 170.37 acres and being parts of Blocks 13 and 14 F. M. Lyman Jr. Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., and all contained within Blocks 13, 14 and 15, Five Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey, together with parts of streets, and that the same ;,,as been correctly staked out. And be it further ordained and declared that when this ordinance takes effect that the said tract;Of laud above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake , City, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made'appli-i ' cable and pertinent to the said tract of land, arid the atreets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and govern- ed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in:that be • half, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and she is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder, a copy of the map and plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, tht is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance s 11//take effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this �5thday of October r'q 1934. ,f„,f, t '��v414f�, Mayor. City Recorder. 28 ORBINV ra2,1---",,. af E.a.. ,. , Presented,ta the'Board,of Commisipbp AND PAsseD OCT 2 51934 co9-ASQ6Rnsif - Fist Fub1i a 'on.in • 6Q4'jY .a 7_1934 0p , Uttit OFTY i78CORDLR • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake ' -� .. An 'Ordinance EStedhtoe the�7troitb of pelt Lako tally.- .,. ;-WUEREAsi on UOtbber''S,m1084.J.A. :Alder and ethers, being eloritY.ct -The Owner.et real property situate In 'e, ;the tract of lend hereinafter described, y sr Sal d filed with the City I517,re- ,et stit Lake City.tract Sin, be tak- en, that semi trot of lane be tax- Heins first dulysworn,deposes an a s,that he i t7 ,advertis- t.usea within the lima of seta city and amen b Y y used.t accurate map to.be made on Cettlfted-eta by to competent euxveynr and awn.. by the"IatY Engineer, 10 be. ' )n clerk o 7'HF,Dt SrRET JVL' S,a news a published in uied with the'City Recorder; a Y Yer 1 -ontik�s to Salt LakeAS,the said tract City and there t 1t Pro-per reason why a ghoul salt Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 'be annexed to and made a part e L11Y; and - wxExxAs,unc Board of Commiealon- ere of Salt cake City, atter altamtning That the advertisement, _:" • sal S,petition f bald owners of said r tract - of land, -and coneidering the elrcum- /�/(1��� ltanll ember voted by board taVorvote 1( / �//���.c2 - — g. of.all members t Said UOard In Lake atitir��"_ - ` __ P ,annexinganddi paid tract to ttot Lake "' - r Croy,and directed the blaring'tiald tCityoo Attorney to �t ^ ptepat'e An nrdh,aane nranmg and de..erotne /j �n// �,[ BE 1T ORDAINELt by the Board or - `/ly_,/y` Commissioners 1.of halt Luke city limit. Utah'. i It SECTION i`I 1. That Lice city same of C- �^/A. / / .�i CO /7-i halt'Lakeyat nde be and the.s //--"�'it/ V/ 'hereby the fell and enlarged ems include the following county,described tract u Sand in Salt Lakehernhe wit: Beginning 214.31 ft.north the cityyno�b n I was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the ears. not D t at-the tnteraeiuin of Seventeenth /� Bpi tl ire tevenLW.@rtth feast.at'ell'e ;run- /W/ / dei.thena�notch 2U U.39 ihi thence N,Be y day of A.D. 19�fi deg, 3'4 Min E 12'$$,3 tt,i-thence N.°0 7 _. deg. 24 M n, E. c.S.Vt' r -N.go g.5 34 in. E.e.E S08 thence N.39 deg.06 inns.6s sec.E. sec.'Pt.: and was published ozr-e Y :tltence-g, 0 nce S. min. 34 sec. W. zee. I ft:thefts GI deg. 10 cog.11 ID. 00.59 Cr.; thence N. 26 deg. 64 Slain, 60 en, E.a 40.6 ft,thence N. 70 the last publication thereof being in the issue;dated the dog.64 min.60 ee,E.221.9 tt.;thence 1 1 b N.'51.deg. 62 min.SO sec.E. 249.7 ft.; thence S. 5$ deg. 63 min, 10 sec. E. '123.1 It.;thence N.75 deg.24 min.40 sec. day a 140.5 ft. thence N. 89 deg. 24 y of A.D. 19 set.min. 40 E. 80.24 ft.; thence W N.t0 deg.t0 min. 20 sea. 0 It.; th _ thence East 1774:3t St.along the south ea corner South Street to a r p opertY li otnt 1B6 IL O se seat property "--- "---'"--" .-' r "' 11�s t 21st East Str t: LhGnca a th ,1 /� 4 ft. to n the tCityhence A CrtkSLn�, Cler -boundary;elthanes Rreet 3e9'ft.; thence South.•place ft.;o then Welt 2ti ft. to the•place art.beginning—containing IS'an x and being Darts Of veY k. bf IS'and 1T. 1 S., Lyman Jr.,a Survey n- CSee.oin d0, t 1 S., R. 1 E.,and all con- tamed within BlocksPi 13, u and 16,Fier Airs Plat C.Big Nets Survey,together salvethatAnd has been n ere-ed Led a out. - day of Red be It Kurth er ordained and ce en oftedt that the men earl tracts oft land ante described shall thenceforth be (thin I. A. D. 19 37 the corporate limits of said salt Lake City, ordinances, jurisdiction.,) and oil tines and Salt Lakens of or pertendeg o• ver rain Salt Lapp City bt and extended Cc i and made applicable and yBttlpthe to the said tract of land.reAnd the •sups a,blocks,alleys and ways of anld �A k • tract shalt be controlled and governed - (1_(""' -�'r'- y :hY the ordinances,riles arfd regulations Pithily. 'of'said city in that behalf, and the No Y !aV LC- thencents o f the City Engineer Shall eforth be taken therein as the ;standardSECTION 2.caUpon the passagetion. and s of this tirdinance the City Recorder f 'salt Lake City shall file, and ehe hereby directed to foe with the County Recorder, a CODY f tire p and plat mentioned.duly entitled and - knowledged as provided In suc cases. together with a certified copy of this ordinance. - '.SECTION 3. In the opinion oC the -Board-of CotmniselonefC.it Is necessatY to the peace, and the inhabitants-of 1 Salt tlLake City safety this ordinance shall take-effect immediate- •ly. SECTIt7N-4. Tents ordLeeYlrst pub, terra effect at once upon e,cation. the Bonrd f Commssien_ pkla by Utah, tints Otto :f Salt Lake City, clay b[ October,LOUIS MARCUt, mayor. •(Seal) Eth City Recorder. •Ethel .28.Macdonald, Hill ieh 28. Rublishea October 27th,3034. •.-i•L-1 , i -.2.., : .-- -‘'‘` •poi kl 0 k\-'•", , ' ••• CI? 'N. ....' , t" ,, • az . c..... ...., -,- . ..: 1_, -..... . .,...', . © © 40 [ 1