28 of 1935 - Amending Chapter 47, Part XI, of the Salt Lake Building Code-providing for new classification to be ROLL CALL V_ • VOTING AYE I NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, MA }y35 193 Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. I fie' Keyser Knight Lee Leke.r44 Mr. Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 47, Part XI, of the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1933 edition, by adding a new Section to be known as Section 4712X providing for a new classification to be known as Residential B-3 District and extending along South Temple Street from State Street to Fifth East Street. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter 47, Part XI, of the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1933 edition, be amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 4712X providing for a new classification to be known as Residential B-3 District and ex- tending along South Temple Street from State Street to Fifth East Street, to read as follows: SECTION 4712X. RESIDENTIAL "B-3" DISTRICT. 1. In a Residential "B-3" district no building or premises shall be 28 used, and no building shall be erected which is arranged, in- tended. or designed to be used for other than one of the fol- lowing uses: (a) Any use permitted in a Residential n A", "ice 2", "B" or "B-2" district. (b) Shops for retail business. (c) Drug stores. (d) Banks or office buildings. (e) Barber shops and beauty parlors. (f) Theatres. (g) Restaurants and. tea rooms. (h) Gasoline service stations. 2. No building or structure shall be erected or 28 i -2- altered in a Residential "B-3" district for any of the uses enumerated in items (b) to (h), inclusive, of this section, unless the plans for such bu4.lding or structure shall have libeen submitted to and approved by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. 3. In a Residential "B-3" district, for every build' g erected, there shall be a "front yard", and "rea yard" of such dimensions as are required for all buildings erected in a Residential "B-2" district, and the "height" reg lations and the "area" regulations shall be as specified for a Residential "B-2" district; as provided in Sections 4718 to 4724, inclusive, of the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1933 edition. 4. The Residential "B-3" classification created and established hereunder to be known as the Residential "B-3" district shall apply to that portion of Salt Lake City, Utah, known as the property abutting on South Temple Street from State Street to Fifth East Street and being more particularly described as follows: The north 100 ft. of Lots 5 and 6, Block 73, and the north 100 ft. of Lots 5, 6, 7 and S of Block 74, Plat "A"; the north 100 ft. of Lots 5 and 6, Block 62, and the north 100 ft. of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Block 63, Plat "B"; all of Lots 1 and 2 of Blocks 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Plat "D"; and all of Lots 1 to 8 inclusive of Block 1, Plat "I", all in Salt Lake City Survey. and the same are hereby changed from Residential "B-2" and Residential "C", respectively, to the new Residential "B-3", 1 created hereunder. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants 1 of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Goy 2 2 Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of May _, 1935. ) Mayor. '/-ibi/1211 'aR' % Ci y Recorder. kV le onnrwrg C airman:A 4y< 7 t .to•, 11170 to 0L1f c 3 w • • • • • 31 • L AC NOTICE& : Illroof of Publication AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 47,Part XI,of the Salt '_.Lake City Building Code, 1953 'edition,by adding a new Section to be'known as Section 4712-X providing for a new classification ulCttCH to.be known as Residential B-3 •District and extending along South di se. Temple Street from State Street to Fifth East Street, LAKE Be it.ordained by the Board of Commissioners at Salt Lake City, Utah: Section I.That Chapter 47,Part XI,of the Salt Lake City Building Code,1939 edition,be amended by adding in and to saidChapter e : new section to be known as Sec- tion 4712-X.providing for a new classification to be known as Res .`ld ntial B-3 District and extending being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk along South Temple Street from State Street to Fifth East Street, ' to read as follows: SECTION 4712-X. RESmEN- of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in till •B-3" DISTRICT. 1.In a • ',Residential "B-3" district no building or premises shall be Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. used, and no building shall be - erected which is arranged, in tended or designed to be used for,Other than one of the fol. That the Notice - AM--ORDINANCE. lowing uses: (a) Any use permitted In a Residential "A," "A-2," "B"or R��L• NO, ?8 "B-2" district.(b).Shops Shops for retail business. (c)Drugstores. (d)Banks or office buildings. (e)Barber shops and beauty LAI;Z-..y!an CI`l'Y-G.'ORPOA/I.TION-. parlors. (f)Theaters. (g)Restaurants and tearooms. (h)Gasoline service stations. 2.No building or structure, • shall be erected or altered in a. of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- , Residential B-3" district for'1 any of the uses enumerated'in items (b) to (h), inclusive, of 15th this section,unless the plans for paper in its issue dated the such building or structure shall have been submitted to and all proved by the Board of Com- dayof - May , 193 5., k ens of Salt Lake City, y -5.'�IR a Residential•H-3"dio- air1t,fir every building erected, 'the shell be a "front yard" and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on and rear yard"of such dlmen- "'slobs ss are required for all 1. bUildings erected in a Residem. na1 " •2" district, and the May-�S-th, for "height"'regulations and the ."area" regulations shall be as speoifled for a Residential"B-2" thereafter,the full period of One._insarttoll--_.__.__.__. 'district;as provided in Sections -- - . .4716.to 4724, inclusive, of the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1.993 The Residential"B-3"class• the last publication thereof iflcation created and established hereunder to be known as the beingin the issue dated the 15th day of Residential •B•3" district shall apply to that portion of Salt Lake City,Utah,known as the property abutting on South ------------- May._--- ,A.D.193..-_5 • Temple Street State Street to F Eas Street East Street and being more particularly described as follows: ate The north 100 ft:of Lots 5 and 8,-Block 73, and the north 100 ft.of Lots 5,6,7 and 8 of Block 74, Plat "A";the north 100 St, worn to before me this 16th � day of of Lots 5 and 6,Block 82,and the north 100 and ft of Lots 5,8,T add&nf_Block-53,.Plat•B';.all I `It,13 and end f l Blocks and 11 May ,A.D.193 5 -12 18 and 14 o2 Plat"D";and all :pt Lots 1 to 8,inclusive,of Block 1;:Plat•I„ all in Salt Lake City �rrvep °��gFjd,. the same are hereby• `rchabged-from Residential"B-2" Notary Public. and Residential"C,"respective- ly,to the new Residential"B-3," Section hereunder. 2 opinion Section In' o of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace,health and ,sataty of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance be- 1cpnie effective immediately. Section 3,This'ordinance.shall take,effect upon.itsfirst-pubuaa" Advertising .tlad. fee $ . P„aased;by-the Board of Cam- e. miasloners of Salt Lake City,Utah, this 14th day of May,_1935. P.•II.GOGGIN, • 'Tempoo�rary.Chairman. ETHEL lE9.IDONALD, r.City Recorder. (Seal) ' • Bill No. 28. ' 'Published May 18th;1935. 1 1 1 1 .,. 0 0,, I c., = c'r 0 •Z % ) ' t ,1 O ift I -, c:1•4 K 1,4 i , ) 4.1 •If ......1 --., 0 ra Z 4.1 P 0 Sk 0 c4 - ------- , \-- 1 1 1 7-N CI