29 of 1905 - Ordinance 29 of 1905 – Amending and re-enacting Section 99, re: buildings and structures. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 99 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 99 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: L(o Rtrr?zf ���,_ ii SECTION 99. Alt cornices on new buildings (except addi- tions to residenoes)1•must be constructed of metal,« and shall be or E,r secured ifff iron brackets, in the most substantial manner of construction. BEGTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. 29 . 9., 1 . an A ;liciao RA f .1,7 ' c 12,: %-i: n •.AJ-0. ,:,-,-.: ,--; • IJ.L.f,3x sto,fu..L.10 nA ! .v.ttn 9•_-_,-,T il.2 9-n 7,. 1Invat) -.1-.. 2 eforrfi.o10 b:,3iveg !.-frf.,:! "To FN toe 2 JJ,31-iT .1 clTn;..:n. [ (A. E. or, b!tomft-31 h bbIA-,5arp al !Lcf- Ifxr: etfs.f]ti of-!.7 baB 0( v.tn 37,1a fawol1o3 ar bau1 i -.f:b1)2 J-coo. !-:) .7:%1-,i6fiud w5n no a9niE'ron LEA .0 7orroxa 9d Ir !. brIE1 t1AIT 'to heJ.ou-thanoo f!!!'" 7tRUM (eflonbfas't o anoil , 7:0 .10f-qmat 1.2 .1-a10.enri.re, teom er1J. fil tategosmf no.Tf -,-c'7 be/uosa .noid.ou.O.anoto t .L.Ploo ni anonsniblo "to ad-loci in eennttnalo [IA .R ZOI7IT8 ,,,i11rion Aoma 'to Ine&xs efizt oft .fJ51seqs/ ysfeloJ evs ASivre751-1 [. - ,! fe, :!3!Ili fisia snmnib-to Q. .7; TAOTTflaP 1 = v• F , m - , h . . Ci11)1111111 , :,, Lk.• f-r-i,