29 of 1907 - Ordinance 29 of 1907 – Relating to and limiting the amount of garbage and refuse material required . .
AI OPD J. : ,, P
An ordinance relatine to nn.J limitine tee amount of eereeee and
r , ,
refuse material require to be remeved by city pablic conveyance.
lie it ordained by tee 'ity eneeell of evil Like eite, ';f3F'1:
1 ;
I 1
37CTI3R 1. From Erie e?ter tee eacoage of this ordinInee, the
owner or ooeueant of epoh etore, eleoe of beeieene or aeoiline withinl
the territory bounded on tee rorth by eouth Temple etreot, on ' he
weet hynTiret Test Street, or tee eeeth by ?earth eoete. 'tot, pre
on the east by Second E7;2t -treet lr acid eiey, ieny kcee eeree (e;
I , ,
recoptaelee eenel to a st-eiere e4.eediberrel, for the receetIon n?A. ,
deeosit therein of gorbeee eel -teer reteee meterial; er_eel:.eed, that I
- ewes shell be deposited in e eeepr-te receeta,clo, end not etn other
garbage and refuse meteriel; ere the duty ofiealt ,,ake flee shall be,
end hereby in limited to tee rerevel end ceeeeyenee once e-ee any of
euch gerbage and reface -eetertel eo eepweited so eZerecee,1 in inch 1
. receetaolee, and to none eteee.
Jeeeelee 2 In all t'in tn-f.rltor7 ii: :,tit eeee City oeteJee of
, — the territory specified in eeeti.or "no uf ton ordinance, tee owner
or occupant of each etero, piece of beeeeeeo, or deelllue eee eeep
two (.`n receetaclee throe (3. feet ln height and eieeteer (18 inches
in diameter for tee receeti-n of feeeelt of eerbego cne no no
meeerlel from such premieer: Leevlded, that rehos shell hi' leeeeited
in a seearate recoetecle, ere ee eth (Oeer eerbeee ee- eeee .0 , 1
mrteriel: mud the duty of erid City ehell be, and is he.'eee jl':ltee 1 1
to the removal end convey-roe oree in eroh weeh of seeeeerbeee and 1 .
refuse material no deeoe!ene ,e reeeeeald in no ree(eeee: .e, end I
to none other.
el!Ceflef 3. It snail be ee- eety of the owner or oeceeent of
each store, place of busIneee oe deelling in Gclt erho -ALy to remove 1
convey end impound and care for all other garbage and refeee meterial! ,
from his premises beiend or in OX3OBS n: that welch le deeee.5tod,efer ,
removal by the elty t.3 olpvtk,1 1.11 fedilona 1 ani,2 or vq.1-1 4qt4,,
• ' L,„/ 4I
An ordinance relating to and lthitiflL the amount of rn.rh, :e and ! I
refuse material required to be removed by city public oonvoyanee.
Be It ordained by t-1,, 7ity '7ooncil oe Solt :, ire it , 1to",1!
37.CTION 1. Prom an nfter paooage of talc ordialnce, the !
owner or oc3uoant of each store, :!;1,ce of buni ;s or d7.0!lin,!:- within!
tho territory bounded on tho rorth hy Tom2Lo ! trot, on
! I
we:A bynTirst Test Stroet, or t In nonth by ?earth donth 'trot. and I
on the east by Second Foot "trot ln still ity, may keep
; I I
receptacles equal to a st-rlord niooilonrrel, for the recepton ond 1 !
I I '
deosit therein of garbo:n fioY refuse m.terial; ivys.,t, that
- tohes shall am deposiiod 4n 2rrote recetaclo, nnd no to otherl ! !
garbage and refnom materiol z7r.1 the duty of ,sit _,ake City chtll bo,
and hereby io limited to tnil coaveysnoo ono nY day of 1
sumh garbage and rofnee r.nterind oo deposited as E.,,foreoa: to ouch 1
receptacles, and to none oto-lr. nrovided +That noeohreti
*011 be Ilermltted to stand on anz, street on sidewalk
H!rrrrvry ofeoinea in maT,1 QV ,';it;
or occupant of each store, .0.1r,oe o2 tru,:inet;u, or d'imilinr, 1-cep
two (2) receptacles thrso (3! foot in neicht and eiFhteeo (18! inches
in diameter for tract rece2tion f.eposit of rofuno
mrt.c)rivl fruTil such promicr.; ,:yrvided. that :-,,;bab shplt
in cc scoarvte roceptale, -r' 4th u-rhne c.ou
mytorial; and the duty of nd C'ity 2hell he, and is li -ited
to the removal and convey-rep once in erch wen)r of much rhofe end
refuse matericand further r)rovide(i that all residents he vicested to
rent no front llne e
plAtoe their garl)ago receptacles within twont:r-fAve
-Oitheir TToDerty.
UT T:n17—UTrUr—Wf—benrVnt of
each store, place of businehf: or d-elLior in Solt ,.oke to remove
convey and impound and care for all other garbage and ri12,4e naterial I
from his premises beyond or in ex0000 of t!-,at which is dei:o ,tedifpr ! !
removal by the City RB sIsi:'i6d in ::etitione 1 end,2 or thlo 0
• —
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and any miner: or oca#44.,o2 any such'Aloes's. lilit4e of,4.sinces or ,‘ 1
n , - Ar
„ .
dwelling, *Itt shall'fail to;..reraovo suoh:garbe.gri or re ,materink :
shall be deeded guilty el' a-pli:iieriennoi, and may be subject to,a fine
in any sum not exceeding fifty (:"..51.)..)::)) dollars.
.40.C.ION 4. Thii orol,n6nce shIA.1 take effect upon a2,,rovrl.
i: - ,., • 'I
/2 ''.. .t • -_, i 12 ., ::',
• ..,,,..A ,•,.Pitrised. by the dity, Ci5iineli of Sa.lt44atn C.ity;Tidtitri• J y.':1!,;4,
, A 1,909, and.on:notice W.07pn',for Ft reconsideration:4.3A, nOrt„: eeting/,' :
pifftjle.01:ty O'ohncil, -laid Q'er for one i‘eek.„ and:'on Jul 2g, -1.567,,.
t'he-'.racoo'nor f reconaikierat ton:etia called u k ji an :f.a.ied:' of,,,,Dandeige,
and.the ordinance denlered passdk, and. referred.,•Yo thblikayor:fON,„;.•• 1
. .
hl.rilroval July 23 • ra . • : • - .
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