29 of 1909 - Ordinance 29 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 1, relating to width of tires on vehicles to AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Seotion 1 of an ordinance passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City May 6, 1907, and approve by the Mayer Nay 7, 1907, as amended by an ordinance passed August 24, 1908, and approved by the Mayor August 25, 1908, relating to the width of tires on vehioles to be uasd in Salt Lake City. Me it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1 of an ordinance passed by the City , Council of Salt Lake City Ms,/ 6, 1907, and approved by the Mayor May 7, 1907, as amended by as ordinance passed August 24, 1908, and ap- proved by the Mayor August 25, 1908, relating to the width of tires Ion vehioles to be used in Salt Lake City, be, ,and the same hereby is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: . SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to transport, haul, drive, propel or convey, or oause to be transported, hauled, driven, propelled or conveyed, any load, weight or burden over or through any of the public streets, avenues or,,alleys of Salt Lake City, on any wagon or other wheeled vehicle not having tires which are known as flat or straight faced tires, and which tires are of less than the fol- lowing widths for the following loads or burdens, in pounds weight, the weight of the vehicle not included, to-wit: Two (2) inohes for over 2000 pounds and not exceeding 3000 pounds; two and one-half (2-1/2) inches for over 3000 pounds and not exceeding 4000 pounds; three (3) inches for over 4000 pounds and not exceeding 5500 pounds; three and one-half (3-1/2) inches for over 5500 pounds and not exceeding 7000 pounds; four inches for over 7000 pounds and not exceeding 8000 pounds; four and one- 1 half inohes for over 8000 pounds and not exceeding 10,000 pounds; five (5) inches for over 10,000 pounds and not exceeding 12;000 pounds; six (6) inches for over 12,000 pounds and not exceeding 15,000 pounds; eight (8) inches for over 15,000 pounds and not 29 1' ..4;, . ROXAAICITO to eO ILFIO 09 10 1 ccoitoe?, laitoaa.s-wr crr: gatb.m; sa dua-;n .nu AL { bevozggs baa ,000I ,8 tall TM .dal *fag to flaase° 'itlb .dt 1d beaasq .iS t.;trasa bvaaaq eoaaatbte as 14 Anima* so .TOQ1 .2 /Mr T'1aM .dt xd dibtw 3dl of saitalez .00QI .42 tiglb To la at!•! 1d bevoiggs .,,cos ,e4;e1 .1018 .ta.I *LW at hoer aid of s.botdv so seat 20 :riat'.i .vt^ ohr�;" tier. 99 Cietwo0 1t10 ett tI ematobia tl of vic srit ,44 beaseq .Oaaatbto 0a to 1 aotteq tat! .1 YOIT0,4iE vaLl. zov.oM edt Qd bevoigge bus .T001 .b Iall EJtO sEai tlaC 20 lioaLo:) ii ' taugst_I looms/ saaaatbto as pi bsbasaia es ,VO@. ,V li 1 r:ottt ` o dtbtw exit ot� attalet ,80Q1 ,8S taxrdub votlal: ,,,,I ;. rosy • a %dezed ears etft bus .ed ,1tL0 sdai *tat at boas .d of aeluid:,v no • .i :awoltol as bast of as ou be/oauo-n bnc Lebneare u 'To a:7. . c C: :, oy V:s r :rtli�ti od .�.;,ia tI .1 1[OIT038 nave° t0 .vvnor: ao legotq .ovtib .toad ,ttogsaaTt of Qottwrocroe vie ,b*3VvcsGu TO bellsgotq ,aev2zb ,beluad ,Lettoquaatt ed of s,`3az.to ot.;ciL:3 ,..rf1 to vas dsuotdt To Tevo aebtad to /dales, ,bsol aorfto ¶0 rc�:732w y,nt no , 0.:;; „;ad tlai. `u wtells,an v:s,uneve zo tsll as aworli e-xs dotriw= estit Ratvacf ton eloid ev Dsleedw loY sdt nsdt aael 9:o eta aeYtt doLiw bus rash/ booe tdatasta ebnx;oq rot ,anobrud 'c acszof 7rrtwol—fu''. -9!-1 Tol adtb:v Nniwol :I I--ct ,bebuloat ton efotdov ett To tdltew se* ,tti8tew 0 0n nrc.6e=r-•:,xe ton baa abatot 0002 'rove tot aedont (2) owT bus abrs oq OCOF. 7.+vo ,2 aodont (S\l-a) 1Ind-eno has owf ;abxtoq rrJoy (.; 01. tevo 'rot a-.dont (E) seir:S ;uhauoq 000A batbeeoxo tun eodonl a\l-F;) lPcrd-ore tau seTdt ;abatroq 00dd gxc2beeoxt ton ` ,,, aedoni -;x,o ;e'nxroq OOOC -ntbeeoxe ton bee abauoq 00dd -rove .ro`. - -ono Lis ;u-i ;otni oci 000E g.rt:br,00ne Son tor; :'.nr,pQ 000 a --vo •c " • :of r,,to { A 01 -,nib000xe ten Lna aLauoq 0008 Tevo tot. anri-,at 1 '.mod :j'., i: fLib,i3.s., ,on bite citaLoq ri'C,-,i r,,vo vr" aeaa: ,: ) .,._ '&,atboy'Jxe ton 1-as abasroq 000,31 Irv;; 7-01 arrdoui (0) f:a ;Ft y toa trrs ,Lrcooq 0,":.:'.1- ' 'vo -0 asJion_t i b 1 Jd is ;shauoq O0u, • -2- exceeding 30.000 pounds. For greater weights a permit to be issued on application to Council. For any load or burden exceeding 50,000 pounds, planks of two inches in thickness must be planed, and eight wheels with tires of ten inches in width must be used in conveying the same. SE0TI0A 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinan- ces'an4 resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. sEQT;0*;3. Tkia ordinance*hall tom" effect-May 1, . 4 A " - Pt. Jost' 1 d "`t'S fl' ( Pi , l t^fgt T sri' �lst II r. ed of ttgilno P. Btt{lt!gi tots/mg 'tot .abavo% OOQ.CS aatbeeoxe .ttostro3 01 notlaotlgbs ao boneat 10 aYngtty .a4turog 000,08 gntbeeoza 'eobrard Yo besot via *sot dow etee.dw tdfYe bas ,beostq ad darrm aaennotdt at aetfoai owt .afrisa ad/ latyovnoo at beau sit 1a0w dJbtw at rtedont so* !o aeztt .itstttbTo `to Btzaq Tooaottrioeoi.Loa saonaattxo to .4I at: _ . erft of botaege7 tydexr,rt a a aZad *alit ,at an t ae ,-a "` n d ale Ja xo' .t y e 2 t t t .S iD'. \\ . \ oa $..4 \, . ,.. a,: ,� � o fti ko ,' , / J •