29 of 1923 - For regulation and control of water sheds ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, June 23_, ,192 S.•
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr. Chairman
Oi all water-shed area by Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of ug1t Lake
Uity, Utah:
SECTION I. The water-shed area of Balt Lake City is here-
by defined to be the entire area in any canyon above the intake of
the city within which water drains into any stream or tributary
thereof, where such stream of water is taken by said city into its
water works system for the culinary and domestic use of the inhabi-
tants thereof.
SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to con-
struct, use or maintain any closet, privy, outhouse, cesspool,
urinal or sewage disposal system, or any public bathhouse, swimming
tank or swimming pool, at any place within the water-shed area of
said city as herein defined, unless such closet, privy, outhouse,
cesspool, urinal or sewage disposal system, public bathhouse or
swimming tanks is provided with effective germ destroying appliances
and without first having obtained from the ouperintendent of Water
Works and Health Commissioner a permit for the construction, use
and maintenance of the same.
SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to do or
permit to be done any of the things hereinafter described in any
canyon, or along any stream of water used by the inhabitants of
salt Lake City for their supply anywhere within the water-shed area
of said city as herein defined.
(a) To construct or maintain any corral, sheep pen, pig
pen, chicken coop, stable, or any offensive or contaminating yard
or outhouse; provided, however, that livestock may be permitted
to graze: beyond 1000 feet from any stream or. source of water sup-
ply; but not within 1000 feet of:.any stream or source of water
.supply except where permit has been obtained from the Health Com-
missioner and Superintendent of Water Works and compliance with
all the sanitary requirements prescribed by said officials.
(b) To deposit, pile, unload or leave any manure or of-
fensive rubbish, or carcass of any dead animal at any place 'id thi`i
said water-shed area as herein defined except at a garbage dis-
posal plant designated by the health Commissioner and Superintend-
ent of Water 'Works.
(c) To permit any loose cattle, horses, sheep, hogs or
any other animals to run at large except where such livestock are
more than 1000.feet from any stream or source of water supply
within said water-shed area.
(d) Tb stake or graze horses, cattle, sheep, hogs or
other animals within 1000 feet of the bank of such stream, except
that horses or cattle may be staked or corralled within such 1000
feet at such place and under such conditions as may be designated
by the Health Commissioner and superintendent of Water Works of
:alt Lake City. The person obtaining such permit must keep the
premises whereon said animals are kept in such condition as may
be required by the Health Commissioner and Superintendent of 'Nate
Works, and said permit may be revoked at any time by said officer-
upon failure of the perriittee to comply with such reasonable sani
tary regulations as are prescribed by said officers.
(e) To permit any horses, cattle, sheep, hogs or other
animals to water directly from the stream.
(f) To permit any horses, cattle, sheep, hogs or other
animals to remain in or near, or to pollute any such stream. of
(g) To throw or deposit any garbage or other deleterious,
matter of any kind anywhere within said limits, except at a gar-
bage disposal plant designated by the Health Commissioner and Su-
perintendent of 'Cater Works.
(h) To permit any dog to run at large.
(i) To throw or break bottles or glass.
(j) To spread or eat any lunch or picnic within one ro
of the bank of such stream.
(k) To wade or bathe in the stream.
(1) To wash dishes or other articles in the stream.
(m) To commit any nuisance whatsoever.
SECTION 4. it shall be unlawful for any person to con-
struct, use or maintain any cesspool or septic tank for the dis-
posal of human waste, except when used in connection with chemi-
cal privies, anywhere within the water-shed area of..aaid city as
herein defined, from which the culinary and domestic water for
the inhabitants of Salt hake City is taken. The effluent from
any such tank or privy must be hauled at the cost of the owner
or occupant to a sewage disposal plant maintained by the city,
unless such effluent is thoroughly sterilized to the satisfactio
of the Health Commissioner. The hauling of all such waste meter
ial must be either by the city or by a scavenger licensed by the
city and under the direct supervision of the city inspectors and
in accordance with requirements of city ordinances.
Cesspools or septic tank' may be used for the disposal
of waste water from sinks, wash bowls and bath tubs when the loc:.-
tion and construction of the same have been approved and written
permit granted by the Superintendent of 'Water Works and Health
commissioner. The Health Commissioner or any deputy or inspecto
acting under his direction may condemn as a nuisance and seal up
and prevent the use of any privy, closet, urinal or other place
I '
' i
where human waste is deposited where the same is not equipped an
maintained as provided by ordinance; or where any such privy,
closet or tank is not cleaned and the contents thereof hauled a-
waymor disposed of after notice to, the owner or occupant of any
premises within the time designated on said notice.
It shall be unlawful for any person to break or remove
any seal placed by the Health Commissioner, or any deputy or in-
spector acting under his direction, upon any privy, closet, urine
or other place where human waste is deposited, or to use any sue
place so sealed until the nuisance is abated.
SECTION 5. The following types of privies may be aTpro -
ed by the .;uperintendent of 'Water 'forks and Health Commissioner
for use in the water-shed area of Salt Lake City, as herein de-
fined, to-wit: can privies, chemical privies.
The construction and maintenance of all sewage dispose:
systems, cesspools, vaults and privies shall be under the direct
supervision of the Superintendent of Water works and the Health
SECTION 6. .ill garbage and human waste collection and
disposal within the water-shed area of Salt Lake City, as herein
defined, shall be under the direct supervision of the Superinten--
ent of Water Works and the Health Commissioner.
It shall be unlawful for any person to collect or dis-
pose of garbage or human waste within the water-shed area,descri•-
I ed in thie _orci4iience without a permit from the Superintendent of
'dater Works and no such permit shall be granted to any person,
except a licensed scavenger and then only with the equipment
that has already been approved for such work by the Health Com-
SECTION 7. .all existing sewage disposal systems, cess
pools or privies within the water-shed area of Salt Lake City
as herein defined, which shall be found to be unsanitary or
which does not comply with the requirements of the city ordi- '
nances or regulations of the Superintendent of seater 'Works and
Health Commissioner must be remodeled and converted into a sani-
tary type or system within thirty days `after notice to the owner
thereof of such unsanitary or inadequate condition from the Super-
intendent of Water Works and Health Commissioner.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use or maintain
any unsanitary sewage disposal system, cesspool or privy after
thirty days' notice shall have been given of such unsanitary or
inadequate condition by the Superintendent of Water Jorks and
Health commissioner of Salt Lake City.
SECTION, 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to main-
tain for the use of the public any bathhouse or Swimming tank or
swimming pool within the water-shed area of Salt Lake City as
herein defined, unless the water used in said public bathhouse,
swimming tank or swimming pool has been chlorinated or otherwise
treated for the purpose of destroying germs therein prior to the
time said water is discharged from the waste pipes or drains of
said public bathhouse, swimming tank or swimming pool.
SECTION 9. Whenever any loose cattle, horses, sheep,
hogs or other animals are found within the. water-shed area of
Salt T•A.ke City as herein defined, and within 1000 feet of the
stream, it is-hereby made the duty of the Department of the Wate
Supply and Water Works to cause any such animals to be driven to
the nearest estray pound, there to be dealt with according to 1
SECTION 1Q. It shall be unlawful for any person to
drive, ride, lead, use or permit to be ridden, driven, led or
used, any horses, cattle, mules, or other animals in or upon any
highway, roadway, by-way, path or place of travel, or way of in-
gress or egress in or from the water-shed area of Salt Lake City,
as herein defined, without first obtaining a permit from the Su-
perintendent of-Water 'Works. so to do, so that said Superintendent
of Water Works may provide such person with police escorts so as
to protect said water from being befouled by urine, excrement or
otherwise, and said person must obey the orders of said police
escort as to removing excrement, urine or other befouling sub-
stance to a garbage disposal station indicated by the Superintendf-
ant of Water Works and Health Commissioner.
SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful for any person or cor-
poration owning or operatin/mine, tunnel or other underground
workings from or through which water flows, to permit the dis-
charge of 'said water into any stream,or tributary thereof within
the water-shed area of Salt Lake City as herein defined, where
horses, mules or other draft animals are housed or permitted to
work or remain, or where men are working, without providing for
the chlorination of- said water or otherwise treating the same ib r
the purpose of destroying the germs therein prior to the time said
water is discharged from said mine, tunnel or other underground
workings into any such stream or tributary thereof.
SECTION 12. Any person violating any provision of this
ordinance shall be punished by fine in any sum not exceeding Two
N.uadred Ninety-nine (4,;299.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the
" oity jail not longer than six months or by both such fine and
prisonment. The court may, in imposing the fine, enter as part
of the judgment that in default of the payment of the fine the
defendant may be imprisoned in the city jail for a period not ex-I
seeding six months.
SECTION 13. In the opinion of the Board of Commission
ers, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the in-
habitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 14. Thie ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of salt Lake City,
Utah, this 1 eay of , A.D. 1023.
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JUL 12 1923
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Present 4 to t`,H Board...f Crtrrni elerr:
JUL 1., 1923
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