29 of 1930 - Sewer Extension No. 475-1st and final estimate 1U ROLL CALL Salt Lake City Utah 193 VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed Burton Fehr 4 Fmmc h Lake Mr Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE LLTYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro— perty in "ewer District No 1 (Sewer Extension No 475) for the pur— pose of constructing a sewer Be it ordained by the Boara of Commissioners of ''alt Lake City, Utah SECTION I .That the Board of Commissioners of alt Lake City does hereby levy the ta' and proviae for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter describes in Sewer District No 1 (Sewer Extension No 475) for the purpose of constructing a sewer, to—wit Lots 26 to 50 inci of Blk 1, Lots 22 to 42 inci c)0 of Blk 2, Lots 32 to 56 inci of Elk 3, Lots 1, 2, 3, s 76 and 77 of Blk 1-), Lots 1 to 20 inci ana e4 to 44 inci of Blk 14, Lots 1 to 42 inci of Blk 15, Lots 1 to 25 inci of Blk 16, Lots 1 to el inci of Blot 13, and Lots 1 to 26 inci of Bik 19, Douglas Park Sub being a part of Blks 27, 28 and 29, 5—Acre Plat ICI and Sec 9,T 1 S ,R 1 E , S L B 3c ICI ,Iots 6 to 10 inci of Blk 4, Lots 1 to 5 inci of Bik 5, Lots 5 to 8 inci of ?Lc 7, Lots 1 to 5 inci of Plc 8, Lots 10 to 18 inci of Blk 10, Lots 1 to 9 inci of Blk 11, Lots 3 and 4 of Blk l' and Lots 1 and 2 of Blk 14, Sunnyside Park Suo being a part of Blks 26 and 27, 5—Acre Plat I Ov29,nd oec 10, T 18 , R 1 I' , 1 is z --2- S L B & M , abutting on and adjacent to 9th South Street from Diestel Road to 22nd East Street and Hubbard Avenue from Military Drive to 19th East Street This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer eight (8) inches in diameter a distance of 5290 feet, including manholes, flush tanks and Ys for house connec- tions, all complete, upon the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter descrioed to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudg d, determined and established that said uroderty will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at a uniform rate in accord- ance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the taK hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land Is it Nine Thousand One Hundred Forty-eight and 15/100 (w9,]48 15) Dollar Ior One and 027/1000 ($1 027) Dollars per front or linear foot of exclusive of corner -llowances butting property for half rate, there being 8,907 64 feet/ abutting said improvement, which is the total abutters/ cost and cost per front foot of said sewer, according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Christensen-Gardner, Inc , contractor, dated the 22nd day of May, 1930, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose• herein mentioned 9th South STR LL FROM Dy TEL_ROAp1.4 22nd_JAST__ Lots 26 to 50 incl of Blk 1, Lots 22 to 42 incl of Zk 2, lots 82 to 56 incl of Blk 3, Lots 1, G., 3, 76 and 77 of lk 13, Lots 1 to 20 incl of Blk 14, Lots 1 to 21 incl of Blk 'L5, Lots 1 to 25 incl of Blk 16, Douglas Park Sub being a part o lks 27, 28 & 29, 5-Pcre Plat "C" and Sec 9, T 1 O , R 1 F , I_ L B & M , Lots 6 to 10 incl of Blk 4, Lots 1 to 5 incl of lk 5, Lots 5 to 8 incl of Blk 7, Lots 1 to 3 incl of Blk 8, 1 -3- Lots 10 to 18 incl of Blk 10, Lots 1 to 9 incl of Blk 11, Lots S and 4 of Blk 13, and Lots 1 and 2 of Blk 14, Sunny^ide Park Sub being a part of Blks 26 and 27, 5-Acre Plat 'CI and Sec 10, 'T 1 S , R 1 E , S L B & M HUBBPRD AVENUE_EROM_1ILIEA2E_DRIVL TO l9Ta EASI_SERFIT Lots 24 to 44 incl of Blk 14, Lots 22 to 42 incl of Blk 15, Lots 1 to al incl of Blk 18 and Lots 1 to 26 incl of B4 �19, Dou7las Park Sub being a part of Blks 27, 28 & 29, 5-Acre Plat ICI and Sec 9, 1 1 S , R 1 E , S LB & M , as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets, and to collect said tax SECTION II that the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equa - (ization and Reviel of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance in Sewer District No 1 (Sewer Extension No 475) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon said por- tions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments mad• and returned in said completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Boare of Commissioners of "alt Lake City are hereby ratifiea, approved and confirmed SECTION III Said tax shall be payable in five equal yearly installments as provided by lain and ordinance with the inter est on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of six per cent ner annum, .iayahle at the time each installment is due, nroviaea, however, the one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) clays from the date this ordinance becomes effective In the event any instailmen or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest are aue shall become aue and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve ner cent Ter annum until the sale of the property assessed SECTION IV This ordinance shall take effect one aay / •_ i i _'y i -4- i after its publication Passed by the Board of ommissioners of 'salt Lake City, Utah, the day of r. °J1= _, A D l°C 0 :L,c9-' ..11,—...,..., ,„,_ Mayor i 1 Cit R c er Sewer Extension No 475 ]st & Final Estimate 1 1 i 1 1 1 pr I g tn. a .1 i C.0 ''''''''X.L"..D .„ , 0 3. ,,,. u 1\D '174 e t E. I 1 Proof of Publication lllillliliiiiIil UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF UTAH 's County of Salt Lake , 1 ara being first duly AN ORbIf4AN0 -`' ATESTFI 22ND EAST 1 I Milo Eveleigh. Lots 28 tb i91h 1 t. 4'25Rb'1"NANCE -A..yy.to 42 1 1 2 Lote ,I,,,'t r and foga n aof s Iq a7 of to Y a 3 7c sworn depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE y,,,pertyy In ffitt aatd k f nl,t 'a 1 to zoo ! %ewer $1xt9na Qt iN9 47 7 - e' ./a 24 L is 1 to 21 .1 f lik -pupae of 9 0etr�u0-t L is 1 to 25 In 1 of Blk YB He It oners o ty DD nglas Pax Sub b sap t r TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day Comm sionere f IIµas 0 ae and 29 5 t Plat C T7Cah :�q d, Se 9 P I S R 1 E S L sFCTION r That th g of S and'-M L to 0 e 18 nci f Bik at Salt Lake CityState of Utah Coin ieal n rb of .e •^,4- 4' Lote 1 to 8 net f tot S t to d s hereby levy t•e J o' 6 ✓I 11c1 or at 7 I t l t 8 ,' 1h r Blk 8 Lis 19t to IR 1 vide-for th 9 dM I•� 00 nl n the pr Pe ty nor de j$Ik lb I'S 4 1 to 9 in 1 IBIS 4 Bi11 29 Crlbed to S Dist iCc tN I 11x Lets 3 and 4 of 81k 13 d Lots That the notice .A11 Ordinance (Sewer Extepaton No 475)g.ro31'"v 1 qnd 2 of n, 14 Sunny Ad Park 9 f OonBtrnCt! $W SIb be n8 Pat f Bike 210 and wltn 4j,6.g ere 81at C d Sec 0 b 28 toa ink f11 of J•• ' N,BBARD LAVENUEE FROM and MMILI ,,may (���. ` i( d f WI Y • p TARN' DRIVE TO 19TH EAST 0T Sewer iztei16ion.g I , to 24 to 44 Mel of Blk 14 Lots e`t 1a 'il,p�'L,Iq t--� '0i'1 inno�420f Bik fil atnalioi I i z6 orBich 010 d • :tt e,• Si Mot of Blk In D ugi0 Pa x Sub Y8,lattt9 tots 01,2' i d ' �o being a part of Blk 17 28 and 29 Douglas Pa6Yt Sub b bog �' - ! Ara Pitt C d Sec 9 7 1 Blld S27 88 and 29 6R tied 'F".', �! e- re phown npond the Otto al M L tb 88t t 1 19f 1 •1, 1e4 f said City to th nit depth � - I •r 4 tbb.same own-m.hip ba k It m t� Q l• It t eels nd to colic t sad tax I I...-'F t dT k- ;wit Si 4 SECTION II That th Else a m Ott t�i ,CI c mea by the City T esAnrer as of which a cop} is hereto attached was first published in said news 11 nd t"'J ` t,v a p CO'the app owed and mbl red Subn�b ing pH t 0fu ks• l 2 b_ ttgty qof stha prone of ityadesirlb d fnr�, 27 8 Are Plat C @n9 ec 'y,% A.S d tni o simmer in Sew r August. 19 YO IS 11119 s L H&tl 'i" trl t Na I (s r Ext ns on N ! paper in its issue dated the 2 d.ett a day of t ng on and rtdla ant 'i -4 6t1 6.SKIL Lak Cite fo th pur Street Zr m DI tel•.Ro ,.ti.'trod°-bf most opting a we upon Fast Street and Hybb ••.. li•• Bald portion of Id ire t 1s here from Military Drive to ,.ham , by eaell mad slid the a a Elements and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on Stet made and returned in said completed Thistax 1s lev1911t1Cs Sefr I it qo end to , t of th Herd f of c nst 9tln� min Ioatt00 ana Review t fhb *M*****.* *�;*t(c>1c*>Ic t$Ln d e Como) stoners f Sate Lake I a'7, i ' t Lv D by atltled app-ved for e e ode :one(loon I SECTION'. to III Sad tax shall be it 7Itre upon to po lion of 31, ante,+ r equal y a Iy n rah thereafter the full period of Ma Inaex0 Lafl► t la a d [ th DrO de, d'i ante,as]1M d e by Ire and d n (sitar d t0 boltEtanCet0. fV th the mbre t on the bero ld laity at i11 a 1 f red halo abtn lrnp d at lb rate of a e x tt e }Peke utu payable at the , i$4mpYov I ••)it.t 1 b y lip 6.Fh et ihnent 1 due pro •r it 1 v q a no that a more or the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 21.91. i „S;+(q I „_,•Y 7 s ch Metalline. n tl o d pay -YOpY r u] 951 r file whole tax may De Da d bet 1 b .Im°005 'b .tit t 1nt reef within n2teen (16) 19 30 eases a a unit Im't t f !� ye a the date tht o dmaneeal Au Bt• A D with the llneak fo F1I0- ee n es°(feet ve In the ev ntday upo a d t the ntir d f! men of the ntereat for any of t e wt er hip bao... ,fi -pad m day tt same nk ! � ^'VAC'//h� ,1 sant edl g er feet 7 1(_S t lheB du th whole a ynt f JI �i.CU��1/,LO' by le I d and t 4 ,` 8�e pasted to na+d re the tdu s 4 y k al In raw at and interest o due n eh 11 bee due and payabl and nC ell d aW C T t at the }ate f ?�1 . - t per Cernr�ttnttl the t or linear root of p rty ae a a dayof ty f h If at theta n �,f t,. H.D' ,1pv Thi$ordinance shah Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th. feet e<CI e1 of o I t .Il.- e a I .Otte day_after Its pubic _ _ butting s ld 1 n2 1 7�ti Alba I _ ) i the total `:`”dr 7 '.wg uatara by the Board of Commie mac to nt ro t pt l a I7t7sryt� t9n4 tuatara or-Bait use Otty 1930 the D tpg t the On 0 v9nts 'AJ'yy �$pr ,st day n}'A gust A D 1930 .5'apt ember er the here twain 100 ',la I JOHN F BOWMAN t eking sale C VD, MaYtEr 7 ittall Gar$pa tl' D,t'�,tt.E T8K1opiAf'AODONAL'D city'Au �— /l�g� a t 22py�0p�1 heYeb e a1 W EN SMITH Chief Dap �..-Gh/` \th filth aap4f 9e sty ary Public anQ 1L8111 ,41,71 °I ,3"NC 28 nttn v ip tb a ,o Y„R R,l .w atone t N9 4 8 a ye 1st h D'A I Estimate E "Ii ", •, - ,pttbileh h uktglnit 21 1989. 19r33• E f: "'"r�tt,., __ Y , My commission expires NDQ. , Advertising fee $ RI L