29 of 1934 - Amending Sections 252X25 and 252X26, of Article 5, relating to the Division of Dairy and Milk Inspec Rec. 108 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY S It Like City,Utah, UGC 25 j3� 193 Goggin I move that the ordinance he passed. Keyser / Knight Lee Mr. Chairman - - Al'4 ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 252X25 and 252X26 of Article 5, relating to Division of Dairy and Milk Inspection, of Chapter VII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1933. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Sections 252X25 and 252X26 of Article 5, relating to Division of Dairy and Milk Inspection, of Chapter VII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1933, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 252X25. FEES. All milk produced to be sold in the City of Salt Lake for use as or in market milk, market cream, ice cream, frozen milk and cream products shall be subject to a fee of one-eighth of a cent per gallon if pro- duced within 50 miles of the City and County Building, of the Gip City of Salt Lake, by the nearest direct route and a fee of one-fourth cent per gallon if produced at a greater distance. Said fee shall be payable on or before the 20th day of each calendar month covering the amount of milk and cream delivered by each producer during the month preceding. Said fees shall be collected from the producer by the distributor of such market milk and market cream, or by the manufacturer of such ice cream or other frozen milk or cream products accordingly as one or the other shall receive the same from the producer and shall be paid to the board of health for deposit with the treasurer of the City of Salt Lake; fees so collected shall be credited to the food and dairy inspection fund. SECTION 252X26. FEES. All raw milk separated, bottled or pasteurized shall be subs to an additional fee of one- *2* eighth of a cent per gallon payable by the separator, bottler or pasteurizer on or before the 5th day of each month for the calen- dar month preceding to the board of health for deposit with the treasurer of Salt Lake City. Fees so collected shall be credited to the food and dairy inspection fund. The manufacturer of ice cream, ice cream mix, or other frozen milk or cream products, who shall have paid the fees pro- vided by Section 259X4, shall be,exempt from paying fees provided for by this section. SECTION 2. In the opinsot of the-Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the health,peace and safety o,fthe:inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take-effect iimmediatel SECTION 3. This ordinance shall bake effect upon its first publication_ /,+ Passed by the Board q'f Commissioners\4f/Sait Lake City, Utah, this 25th day of lD tobk r , q.Dy_-7934. Mayor. City: Recorder. 1 _ OJ D ANC 1, 2-7/ -A._imProlirAti�.6 Presented terthe Board of Coinmiecioner: AND PAi36 ED OCT2 51934 CITY F1EVORDER Fir Pub!' ation in b 1934 . - C:._ a£COFIGEk �• - Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,l County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. TIONS 262%26 and 252x26 of Article 5, relating to Divttlon of Dairy and Milk fpepectfon of Chapter VII,-Revised Or- dinances - Salt Lake City,Utah, 1033, f Be;1t ordained by the Board of:Com. - ---------- 1 th1881onre e - f Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTION I, That Sections 252X25 and WEN of Article 6,relating to Di- vision of Dairy and Milk Inspection,of Being first duly sworn,deposes an ays that he is tl a vertis- Chapter VII.Revised Ordlnences of Salt Lake City,Utab,1933,be and.the same are SECTION•amended Allollmilk ing clerk.of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in produced to be sold in t the City f sale Lake for use s or ro rket Intik. a a market .ream, ice cream, frozen melt cream products man be cent per Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, %in the State of Utah. eggo de Yee of one-eighthCountyof a cant per -^''tM- J' tlrelonl If and produced withinl 60 miles he City of Salt cake,by the nearest direct That the advertisement. .-- te and a fee of one-fourth CeRt pen �v //,�, \ G/to lonce, if produced shall at a greater des.ar ` /OgJfR''"t/r `"`� ` e lance, the fee shall of payable n or month the 20tcovering the of amount t not milk and meanthe delivered ce each Drgducer during month preceding. ^ _ Said flees tail be c ream from the -"�,/� d?� Wt/tti/ producer bythe distributor of such market Ilk and market cream,or by the mine. [actarer o4 such Ice tree or frozen milk or bream products accord- inglytltesn a from he producer sands shall be paid to the hoard of health for de. Salt with the esoucollectede(Malll be - teas published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 0 credited to the Good and dairy innpec+ Non Puna. SECTION dr--bottled H'or- All red day of ^----- -'— A.D. 19. .5Z eject bottled- -oaalefeeaaf t Shall be uof a cent an additionall fee f one-eighthese of to t per gallon payable on the separator,(bottler achteurizer form or calendar th C. month inreeceaipsmio and was published /� ' the board of health tor deposit with the treasurer of Silt Lake City. Pee. . collected shall credited-to the Rood the last publication thereof being in t. a issue;dated the so nmd dairy Inspection fund. Tho u/aoturer of ice Cream, ice cream pr dices,who shall ha a paid the day of A.D. 19 fees provided by Section 269X4, shall -be exempt from paying fees provided for by this eeetloh. SECTION-2, to the opinion of the Board of health, peace n it]e ecessthY _ f In the heath, peace and safety of he Inhabitants of Seat Lake e that this vertistng Cler ordinance take or immediately. This st publicationdinance . take effect manION 6t3. fi s Passed by the BoardCommission.i et*of Salt Lake City, Utah, etz day of October A.L 1 0118 MARCUS. Mayor, ETHEL MaODONALD, Cl ao:aer,(Seal ef ore me this day of 6 BILL NO. 129. Published October 26th, 1934. —' A.D. 193 -- Nfttary-Public. 41 1 • , ) 4.) _ •,*- 1 1\ • ' 0 0 ' 00 •