29 of 1935 - Vacating the alley East of Lot 12, Block 3, Evergreen Park Sundivision, of Block 1, 5 Acre Plat 'A' Rec 108 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, MAY 21 h)5 193 GogMn v./ I move that the ordinance be pas7d. Keyser 11 /'; Knight / /\:e( Lee Mr. Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result AN (,) DINANCE VACATING alley east of Lot 12, Blk. 3, Evergreen Park Sub. of P1k. 1, 5-Acre Plat A, and part of McClelland Street in Block 1, 5-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That alley east of Lot 12, Blk. 3, Evergreen Park Sub. of Blk. 1, 5-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, Celt Lake -City, Utah, and more particularly described as follows: ' • Beginning at the S. E. Corner of Lot 12, olk. 3, Lver- ,. green Park. Sub. of Pik. 1, 5-Acre Plat "A", Dig Field Survey, thence S. 89° 551 47" L.. 12.00 ft., to the west line of the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal right of way thence N. 5° 041 09" E. 16.88 ft. along said right of way line, thence N. 39 551 51" P. 94.93 ft. along said right of way line, thence N. 13° 551 51" 2. 23.69 ft. to the north line of Lot 12 produced from the west, thence N. 89° 551 47" W. 13.87 ft. along said line produced, thence S. 47° 041 10" E. 8.78 ft. to the west line of present alley, thence S. 3° 551 51" L. 111.37 ft. along said line, thence S. 5° 041, 09" W.. 17.00 ft. qlong said line to the place of beginning; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer public 29 property as an alley or public way. SECTION 2. That part of McClelland Street between Down- ington and Garfield Avenues, in Blk. 1, 5-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of Garfield Avenue, said point being S. 0° 011 21" a. 118.30 ft. and S. 89° 431 10" E. 381.48 ft. from the N. W. Corer of Lot 16, Block 1, 5-Acre Plat "Al', Gig Field Survey; thence N. 0° 011 21" E. 190.575 ft., thence S. 39° 431 10" E, 14.98 ft., thence N. 31° ao Q9" P. 176.89 ft., thence N. 17° 191 09" E. 41.22 ft. to the south line of Downington Avenue, thence S. 89° 431 10" E. along the south line of Downington Avenue,,19A83 ft., thence S. 23° 451 26" W. 182.96 ft., thence around a 333.0 ft. radius curve to the left 137.67 ft., thence S. 0° G41 09" W. 79.45 ft., thence N. 39° 431 10" W. 37.73 ft. to place of beginning. The above description includes a part of Salt Lake City Cayel right of way lying west of the new location of McClelland ftreet. And that Dart of McClelland Vtreet between Garfield and tamona. Avenues, in ill:. 1, 5-Acre Plat "A", 6ie yield Survey, salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the south line of Garfield L!venue, said point being N. 0° 161 52" E. 118.30 ft. and S. 39° 431 10" E. 381.43 ft. from the C. N. Cor. of Lot 16, said. block 1; thence S. 0° 161 52" W. 113.30 ft.; thence C. 39° 431 10" E. 6.85 ft.; thence S. 9° 551 51" P. 266.57 ft. to the north line of Ramona Avenue; thence . 39° 431 10" E., along the north line of Ramona Avenue produced from the west, 56.37 ft.; thence N. 13° 551 51" 'i. 230.76 ft.; thence around a 533.00 ft. radius curve to the right 130.24 ft. thence N. 0" 04! 09" E. 28.57 ft.., thence N. 89t' 431 10" W. 37.91 ft. to place of beginning. The above descrip- tion includes a part of the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal right of way lying west of the new location of McClelland Street; be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer public property as an alley or public way. SECTION 3. Said vacations are made expressly subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and. the Mountain States Telephone I Telegraph Com_iany a.c- puired under franchises from Salt Lake City, to maintain, repair, alter and./or replace the electric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto for the support of said electric telephone and telegraph lines, wires and distribution ii1 circuits as now erected and maintained upon the alleys or ways to be closed, during the life of the franchises held by said coy, panics or any extension thereof. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commission- ers, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the in- 9 habitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SEC'PION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. 6// -3- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Lalt Lake City, "Utah, this 21 431-day of Mayor City Recorder 715. -; " ••••;.; „ . •L ' • .29 • ORDIN Ntt f r • Presented to the Bard of Commissioners AND PASSED ,: MAY 21 192$5 n lA.�,ZLdr/� C�IZ�.0 1 4`ITY aScoRDar' Fait IS MAY los aiterropotemitl. CITY RECORDER I1xnnf oftlithltratiott lnitra *tufts of Amrrira STATE OF UTAH • ss. rnTrNTY OF SALT LAKE LEGAL'NOTICE AN ORDINANCE An ordinance vacating alley east of Lot 12,Elk.3,Evergreen H. P. Tli0T,4PSON ' Park.Sub.of Elk.1,5-Acre Plat • A,and part of McClelland Street itt BIScIS 1, 5-Acre Plat A, Big Ftel' rve being first dulysworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk �.fed:¢Y tiie�aid of". Cominlsslonera of Salt Lake City, Utah: •Section 1- That alley east of • of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in Lot'12, Blk. 3, Evergreen Park Sub.of Elk.1,5-Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey, aoreparticcu particularly Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,State of Utah. scribed as follows; Beginning at the S.E.Corner Of Lot 12, Blk- 3, Evergreen That the Notice AN ORDINANCE... Park Sub.of Elk.1,5-Acre Plat - A,Big Field Survey,thence S. 89 deg.55 min.47 sec.E.12.00 ft.to the west line of the aor- SALT LAKE---CITY-- OR"POR-AUION den and Salt Lake City Canal right of way,thence N.5 deg. 4 mitt.9 sec.E. 16.88 ft.along said right of way line, thence • N. 3 deg. 55 min. 51 sec. W. 04.93 ft along said right of way' line,thence N. 13 deg.55 min. 51 sec,W.23.69 ft.to the north - line of Iot 12 produced from the west, N. 89 deg-55 min.47 sec. W. 13.87 ft.along of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- said Iine produced,thence S.47 deg.9'min,10 sec.E.8.78 ft.to the west line,of present alley, paper in its issue dated the 22nd thence S.3 deg.55 min.51 sec.111.84 ft. along said line. thence S. 5 deg.4 min. 9 sec. W. 17.00 ft. along said line to day of May , 193--5 , the place of beginning; be and the same is hereby vacat- ed and declared no longer pub- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on lit property as an alley or public way. Section 2. That part of Mc- .May 22nd. for Clelland Street between Down- --- ington and Garfield Avenues, in Blk. 1, 5-Acre Plat A,Big Field One insertion Survey,Salt Lake City,Utah,and thereafter,the full period of -- more ,particularly described as follows: the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 22nd day of May ,A.D.193 5 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23Td day of May,A.D.193 5 Notary Public. Advertising fee $ aegmnmg at a point on the north line of Garfield Avenue, said point being S.0 deg.1 min. 21 sec. W. 118.80 ft.and S. 89 deg.43 min.10 sec.E.381.48 ft. from the N.W.corner of Lot 16, Block 1, 5-Acre Plat A. Big 'Field Survey:thence N.0 deg. 1 min. 21 sec. E. 100.575 ft., thence S.89 deg.43 min.10 sec. E. 14.98 ft., thence N. 81 deg. '34 min. 9 sec. E. 176.89 ft, thence N.17..deg.19 min.9 sec. L.41.22 ft.to the south line of Downingtoo Avenue, thence S. 89:deg.43 min.10 sec.E.along the south line of Downington Avenue 10.83 ft,thence S. 23 deg.45 min.28 sec.W.182.96 ft., thence around a 333.0 ft.radius curve to the left. 137.67 ft., thence S.0 deg.4 min.9 sec.W. 79.45 ft, thence N. 89 deg.43 min.10 sec.W.37.73 ft to place of beginning. The above de- scription includes a part of Solt Lake City Canal right of way lying west of the new location of McClellandStreet. And that part of McClelland Street between Garfield and Ra- mona Avenues,in Blk.1,5-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah, more particu- larly described as follows: Beginning on the south line of Garfield Avenue,said point ----'beMg-N:0 deg,16 min.52 sec., E. 118.80 ft.and S.89 deg.43 min. 10 sec. E. 381.48 ft from the S. W. cor. of Lot 16,said Block 1;thence S.0 deg.16 min. 52 sec. W. 118.80 ft.;thence S. 89 deg. 43 min. 10 sec.E. 6.85 ft;thence S.9 deg.55 min.51 sec. E. 266.57 ft. to the north line of Ramona Avenue;thence S. 89 deg. 43 min. 10 sec. E. along the north line of Ramona Avenue produced from the west 56.87 ft.;thence N.13 deg. 55 min..51 sec. W. 230.76 ft.; thence around a 533.00 ft.radius curve to the right 130.24 ft, thence N. 0 deg.4 min.9 sec. E. 28.57 ft., thence N. 89 deg. 43 min. 10 sec. W. 37.91 ft.to place of beginning. The above description includes a part of the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal right of way lying west of the new location ofMeClel- land Street; be and the same are hereby va- cated and declared no longer pub- lic property as an alley or public way. Section 3. Said vacations are made expressly subject to the rights of way and comments of the Utah Light&Traction Com- pany and the Mountain States Telephone&Telegraph Company acquired under franchises from Salt Lake City, to maintain. re- pair, alter andlor replace the electric transmission,distribution of telegraph and telephone cir- cuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies,together with the necessary stop cross-arms end other attachments thereon or af- fixed thereto for the support of said electric telephone and tele- graph lines, wires and distribu- tion circuits as now erected and maintained upon the alleys or ways to be closed,during the life of the franchises held by said companies or any extension there- of Section 4.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is . necessary to the peace,health and , safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica. • tion. Passed by the Board of Corn- _,_rn ssloners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st-day 6f May,1935. LOUIS MARCUS,Mayor. (Seal) ETHEL MACDONALD, City Recorder. Sill No. 29. Published May 22,1930. •I..:• • . .. .• • - z • • . . Cs' • ' • , "-t • 0 tz .• , . • 44 • 0 11- --' • •', 0 1.3 ta4 1 • •