29 of 1937 - Amending Section 875, relating to the Organization and salaries of the Police Department. Rec.108 100 1-2-37 ROLL CALL ( OCT-,_ —6 „1 I:13e -. VOTING NAY AYE V Salt Lake City,Utah,- , 193-_.- Goggin V I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - - V. _ _ _ --- Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the 'hoard of Commissioners on November 10, 1936, relating to the police department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the board of Commissioners on November 10, 1936, relating to the police depart- ment, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 875. ORCANI.ZATION AND SALARIES. The police denart- ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers, whose annual salaries shall be as fixed by the board of Commission- ers, within the limits specified: Not to exceed: Chief of police, who shall be head. of the police department 93600.e0 1 Inspector P820.00 4 Captains 2240.00 1 Superintendent of First Aid and Safety . . . 2240.00 1 Superintendent of Identification 2220.00 1 Secretary to Chief of Po-l-iae '240.00 4 Lieutenants 2100.00 1 Radio Technician ✓ P100.00 12 Sergeants 1980.00 Radio Operators ✓ 1980.00 Clerks, male, first grade 1860.00 Clerks, male, second grade 1740.00 Clerks, male, third grade 1620.00 Cle.r-k:s, female, first grade 1620.00 Clerks, female, second grade 1320.00 Clerks, female, third. grade 1140.00 Patrolmen, first grade 1860.00 Patrolmen, second grade 1740.00 Patrolmen, third grade 1620.00 Policewomen, first grade 1620.00 Policewomen, second grade 1500.00 Policewomen, third.grade. . . 1380.00 I Police Matron 1020.00 99 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Foard of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and ss fety of the i_nlia hitants of i.e.lt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately'. FFCTIOII 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , :i93 Nay or. City hecorder. lil � � I II � 'I f I � I i li 29 ret. ea.4:4_t_C hewed to the E;u16 I AND GOT (400 r;44,-44- First Publication in o C T-7-1937 17P1414,411a likt CITY HECORDER Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake AN OIRDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION- 176 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an onance passed by the Board of Com- Leo H.Young mis ionepe-ort November 10, 1938,relating Sit the police department. Be it ordained by the lBoard f Corn.m toners of Salt Lake City,Ilkalt: `SECTION 1. That Section 876 of the Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertbs- Revised Ordinaneea of Salt Lake City," Utah, 1934, e amended by anordinance !ed by the Board f Commssioners o nee e department, 10 19end relating to is hereby ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper of general department, amended to read follows: O SEC.IES 8Th ORGANIZATION ANDlt, o SAL- ARIES. The pollee deu of moat, ll Salt Hales city anon consist f the-following circulation,published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, in ffieers,whose annual salaries shall be.as fixed by the Board f Commiealoners,with- �• , in the limits specified: Not to exceed: the State of Utah. Chlsf of police;who shall be head 3 the police department $3600.00 1 Inspector 2820.00 4 Captains 2240.00 That the advertisement Ordinance Bill No.29 1 Superintendent of First Aid and Safety • 2240.00 1 Superintendent of Identification 2220.00 1 secretary to Chief of Police 2240.00 relatinc to the Police Department CSalt Lake City 4 Lieutenants 2100.00 1 Radio Technician 2100.00 12 Sergeants 1930.00 3 Radio Operators 1980.00 Corporation) Clerks,male,first grade 1860.00 P Clerks, male,second grade 1740.00 Clerks, male. third grade 1620.00 Clerks,female,Shan grade 1620.00 CMG.,female,second grade 1320.00 -- Clerks.-female,third grade 1140.00 Patrolmen, first grade 860.00 Patrolmen,second grade 1740.00 Patrolmen, tnu$ rade .. 1620.e0 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Pulteti0dtea"sren'grade- ----1e20.00 Polieew men, second grade'r 1500.00 1 olive Maironh'rd grade • ios000 7th day of____October A.D.19 37 SECTION 2. In the pinion of•the Boar&of Commissioners,it is ne es ry to -the Treace, health and safety of the habitants f Salt Lake City that this 1 time •o.linan a shall take effect immediately, and was published SECTION 3.-This ordinance shall take effect at n on De that publication. Pa-seed by the Board f Commissioners of San Lake City,Utah,this 6th day of oc- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the tuber, 1937, E.B.ERWIN, Mayor. A.D. 19 (SEAL) ETAEL MacDON: d day of City Recorcerder, BILL N0.29. Published October 7th, 1937. , ;erasing Clerk 9th Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of October A.D.19 37 � ) 1. IVpary Public. 29 1:1 ` ..-- „ is ( .,I z --......_ ..c. ••••-:=,,,,i,,,- • i *,• 1--- 0 ,-,--1