29 of 1939 - Amending Section 707, Revised Ordinance 1934, licensing vehicles TOLL CALL Auk. 17th Salt Lake City,Utah,. 193 VOTING AYE. NAY 1 J Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - p /s�� A ��' ' 1. Murdock - - - - f Mr.Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 707 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 707 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended by *mending that part of Section 707, which reads as follows: "The provisions of this sectiton shall not apply to ve- hicles used for pleasure only. Any person who pays a license tax to Salt Lake City for the privilege of engaging in or carrying on business shall be entitled to an exemption on vehicle license fees on vehicles used principally in such licensed business to an amount not to exceed the amount of the business license paid; provided, however, that there shall be no deduction or exemption on account of the payment of any fees paid pursuant to the provisions of section 252. Any such vehicle must have attached thereto the metal plate referred to in this section, for which the license assessor shall collect the sum of 25 cents." to read as follows: "The provisions of this section shall not apply to vehi- cles used for pleasure only. Any person who pays a license tax to Salt Lake City for the privilege of engaging in or carrying on business shall be entitled to an exemption on vehicle license fees on vehicles used principally in such licensed business to an amount not to exceed the amount of the business license paid. Any such vehicle must have attached thereto the metal plate re- 29 -2- ferred to in this section, for which the license adsessor shall collect the sum of 25 cents." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effectively immediate- ly. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of!CommissIdnOs Of Salt Lake City, Utah, this J111 day of (t,* .; :7, AAA74-1-4 Mayor. City ecor er. - I • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,I County of Salt Lake Leo H.Young — Ai ORDINANCE Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Au o dihanbs-amending Section 707'of the Revised,Ordinance.of Salt Lake;Clty,', 'Utah, 1034, elating to-licensee. •BB it.ordained by the Epard of commis-i, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper pionere 1 Salt Lake City, Utah: s>;eTd:O 1.•That•f Salt 7B7 of ilia: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State I$t 16ed Ordinances o Salt Lake city,: :,1914 !relating to.licenses, be rd • Die ear 1e hereby am07, which reads as of Utah. that Dart of Section 707, re follows: o used.hide 111eensetifeee The Drovlsloes of thin Section shall not :apply to vehicles j :Any Dernon who Dave a license tax to Salt --- dines.. Bill N Lak¢city for business sinessgs l gaging+ That the advertisement- �[' 1 a...23....- • Tarrying business shall be o° an exemption used principally.t u h elf relating to Licenses (Salt Lake City Corporation) ceel t bueineua to n mount not to . Y c ed the amount of the business licence /.Paid;-provided, however,'thation there shall be deduction D exemption on paid mu, of the Payment of any• anent to the provisions of attachedSectionst have 2thereto the-.metal.oldieee eot000ed•toint ieheeon • ttbhr for which the license assessor shall j olleet the t of 25-cents.. I altar al as follow,: Thb D fo 4 flit nett shall not CT emcee n d f a BlB nr lY• was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the itta pBfgB 'who D Y 1 n t'engaging i Salt atClt9 ytugl ohs b Sluing. 4 8 8 R ��amr��r a eh 1I-ba n• tea ad• _.1 ne reea on a,ehleee a eaDk lath day of August..........-.A,D. 19.39- Deemed:bualnees to an amount,not to - ' exceed'the amount of the business license Paid. Any such vehicle must have ate Cached theret the metal pl referred o and was published l..time in-this section, for which the license s ee hall collect the sum of 25 rents" e SECTION 2.n In the opinion of the hoard .'of Colnmi,sionere, it n eery to the the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the • peace,health d safety of the Inhabitants. of Sett•Lake City that this ordinance,Ice. come-effective,Immediately. SECTION 2, This ordinance shall take eP4eot,;don 1t.nrat Publlcafion, day o (`\ 19 I d'b9 the Hoare of Commieeloners p1'/p�7S{s.I.ake CItY.Utah,this l7th dEy o1 _Au/pl/'A.D.1898. JOIIN M.WALLACE, Mayor, a(igttEtrpl Macdonald, Clty Recorder. rn9Clerk. , • ::"8111' Ll No..70t,'Published August 18th 3039.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this...........25th day of August A.D. 1$e otary Public, l --- ,• _ , . I•40 z Cr ••••• , et • (,)3 • f - -