29 of 1943 - Extending limits of Salt Lake City. Beg. at point on south side 21st South at point 8.l55 feet West ROLL CALL
Aye Salt Lake City,Utah, Nov. 3rd 194 3
Cisgi+n - - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser - - - - vim'
Matheson - /-z�.
s - - —
Mr.Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE
Result - - - -
WHEREAS, on the 21st day of September, 1943, there was
filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 420
by the owners of the property hereinafter described; requesting
that said tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake
City, and also caused an accurate map or plat to be made and cer-
tified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the Salt Lake
City Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder; and
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt
- _, Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be
annexed to and made a part of said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land
and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote
of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of
land to Salt Lake Ctty and directed that an ordinance should be
passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits
of said Salt Lake City accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so'as to include the fol-
lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the south side of 21st South
St. at a point 8.55 ft. West and 33.0 ft. South of N.E.
cor. Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M., and running
S. 26° 561 E. along the west boundary of U.S.Highway No.40,
,c18.S8 1't. to the east line of said Sec. 22; thence south
along said Sec. line 1270.17 ft.; thence West 1650 ft.;
thence North 1118.0 ft. to the South boundary of Salt Lake
City; thence east along said city boundary 683.0 ft.; thence
continuing north along Salt Lake City boundary 169.0 ft. to
the south side of 21st South Street; thence east along the
south side of 21st South Street 958.45 ft. to the place
of beginning, containing 46.1 acres and being part of the
N. E. 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.
and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as
shown upon the map or plat.
And be it further ordained that the following described
portion of the above described tract of land be and the same is
hereby zoned as Residential t51, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the south line of 21st South
Street at a point 8.55 ft. West and 33.0 ft. South of N.E.
corner of Section 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. U. & M., and
running S. 26° 56t E. along the west boundary of U. S. High-
way No. 40, 18.88 ft. to the east line of said Section 22;
thence South along said Section line 1270.L7 ft. to the
south line of the N.E. 1/4 of the N. E. 1/4 of Section 22;
thence West 1227.03 ft.; thence North 345.75 ft.; thence
West 422.97 ft. to the east line of Country Club Heights;
thence North 772.25 ft. to the south line of the Laurelhurst
Annex to Salt Lake City; thence East 683.0 ft. to the south-
east corner of said Annex; thence North 169.0 ft. to south
line of 21st South Street; thence East 958.45 ft. to point
of beginning, containing 42.7 acres more or less.
And be it further ordained that the following described.
portion of the tract of land first above described be and the same
is hereby zoned as Residential t8-311, to-wit:
Beginning at a paint in the south line of the north
half of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 22, T. 1 S., H. 1 E., S. L.
B. & H., 1320 ft. south and 1227.03 ft. west from th. N.E.
corner of said Section 22, running thence West 422.97 ft.
to the southeast corner of Country Club Heights; thence
north 345.75 ft.; thence east 422.97 ft.; thence south
345.75 ft. to point of beginning, containing 3.4 acres
more or less.
And be it further ordained and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land first above described
shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake
City and zoned as Residential IR! and Residential rB-3' Districts
as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions,
rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are
extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract
of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract
shall be controlled and. governed by the ordinances, rules and regu-
lations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City
Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard. of loca-
tions and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed
to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the
map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as
provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary tag the peace,,, ealtl},and safetyof the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City tlat thisei inance shall b C i,,,e effective imme-
SECTION .4 xi: is'ord' .nce'"Sall take f'f ect at once upon
its first publication u /
She "
Passed by the Board of Cofmnisiioners of Salt Lake City,/
Utah, this 3rd day of Nov. ,. - A.D. 1943.
(7/ efeinperary Chairmen
City Recorder. r'
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
WHEREAS, ton here he stet edgy with b/ha
Cal,, , 1943,
City o.Recorder °t Salt Lake laity Pets Being Best duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
lion he in to the owners laths ling
hereinafter land'ibed,
that limits
trait o[land he tCity.Mind
lhn. said
p[ bolt Lake sly, and vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
also gaits. a corals ma or plat
be. ade and mrllLod In by a
•Yet., bur and apprOsed by o the published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Salt Lake City Engineer to be filed
th the City Recorder; and Utah.
J WHEREAS, he said tract of land is of Ut L
o tguous to Salt Lake City and there.
ben Proper 1 why n shell id not
annexed to and 1emade arpart of said
1 WHEREAS, the Beard of Commission. That the advertisement
ers of Salt Lake City, after
sinn sold petition at said woes eof •
aid vast of land and considering ideringat„e Ordinance Bill No. 29 extenriine, limits of
mstances thereof, wilful by
vote of all members ill said Board
n favor of annexing said art of
land to rain Jake
ty directed that an ordinance,should he p d an- .....Salt..LHIt.e C
i t y•
t% territory d em
of the idly aunts of said Salt Lake City
T S. L. C• Corp.
ED by the Board of Commissioners of
Salty LalO City,. ThaUtat
SECTION 1. That the city limits re
as t Lake sk lily ai anti the a n was published in said newspaper, in its issue datec, the
hereby the following ed and largad e o
lan tdi the akei described it: of
led in ing Lake Cotnl o, NOVtthe 3
21s at a point n, p south 4t et day p f A.D. 194v
.it. of 21st Sou33.0 f SS a a Poirot'6.55
i.West and 33.0 ft,South of N.E.co
og in. N the' -- ---- once
tl mmnmgry o deg.S.
Into.E.along t90 o
boundary o[eC.a Oe 01 00,0 u.40 22, „astng thenrr,West Come 0 t the nblzslzed
1888 F. t the li d - M1..l t C- I Club
22 ih fCe h along saki I H.1 h. � h 345.95 fthen.
•1290,19 L-tl West 186o 11 l E 42.9, t 1 e ?ssft zblication thereof being in the issue dated the
Nn lh 1LI8.0 fl. to ho.ou0t bnmrlaly to point Lf beg:nnutg containing 24
f I L I -C : the t to me
d oily boundary u ln:t 68201 11.1 her 1 ba f h- ordained i le-
1 1 cg t h I- d takes decy of Nov. A.D.Yy43
boundary 189.0 ft. to the south sideiffer.Ilse sic elan of land erst b r
•21-t South St' ' t L 1 d b I ll ', f 1 him
1 south 1 f 211 Smith Street Ih I I 1 d 5 Lke '
056.4511 the11' ib g C 1 B. d R d ��
t g 46.1 1 beingf the H 'i li t 9 M1 D- 1-
N.E. f 9 2a T. 1 R. 1 E d d n IIJ ,t • /Y
S.'L R. Ss M d that the' h tads It oleo anJ a all o a of or Adver ng Clerk.
l n tld 4 pn II t - 'd lk Cf e
d•a l d P ih pl d d 1 a I I' hJ 1
4 1_b fpiordained that
it t h -rid want o d Ig Gut
[Il her I e rt s
shone Aee rib d hart p f 1 d be. d of said tract hl hall het rnlrolled and
the s hereby zonal an is.,,,
sled bythe ordinances, rules and
•➢',lomvlir. _egrII
t n t the south regulations I1 rity in lhat behalf,
lire of 21:1 South Street'I a npi t 8.55 he f I V L r
1. wag,ad3J0f r1h 04N E.of i c. shall thenceforth1 fI 1 9
.42, R. 1 E. the standard f l atio I d t lEth day O
n I •
L.B. Si M.. and r ot S 26 dcg. 56 SECTION 2,L s
lnon the pass of his
nun,E.along the.west boundary [U.S. ordinanee the City Recorder of Salt Lake
Highway No. 40, 18.88 ft. It the east Clty shall rile and she is h reby 8,sz2
line of said Stdien 22; helve South n teal rn file wllh the County eEn6ur,erJ
mid Section iron 1270.17 It, to ofe Salt Lake County a roar of litt man
Iiert south line e1 the N. E. I;'a of the above mentioned. dilly rerlitteil
N. C. Yr of ey,,Section 22: thence West 'lays cknowledgedn ot'rdM nu01
122901 f.1 1 North 345'15 ft., n I 't II d f'of
1.11, Went 422.07 o 1 - 1 h's
l l Halal., 1 North SUCTION 3. In the p of the �7
'!225 f t the Ith 1 f the B d f f t- _ aIy ��,_ �.� ,�� e _..
I Ihiast A to It Lake 1 Ilse p h-11 and safetyf sure
thenrr.East 683.0 ft. 0000 W hsast inhabitant, f Salt Lake.( , this \ Notary Public.net of said Annex.throne North 169.0 ft. ordinance shall become effective Some-
to south line of Yl st South Street: diet.,
jthence East 958.45 ft.to point of begin- SECTION(.This ordinanee„hall lake
lung, ontaitling'42.1 ac re r less. effect at once upon its hest Publica-
1 An rd be it further,ordained that the con,
following described nOrtlon of the Iraq passed by the Board of Commissioners
o1 land Prat an _dyad be and of Salt Lake City, Utah, this led day
the a e is hereby Toned"as Rosidentlal of November, A. D. 1943.
!'11-3,' tn.wil'. JOHN B. MATHESON,
Beginning at a point!.Irl..Vhe south line Temporary Chairman.
of the north halfof the N.E. Y oI ETHEL MAC DONALD.
Section 22, T. t S., R. I E.,S. L.B. (SEAL) City Recorder.
10 M.,1320 ft.south and 1M1.03 ft.west BILL NO.29.
Irmo the N. E. corner el said Section Published Nog. 4, 1943.
r _
Proof of Publication