29 of 1950 - Amending Section 129, re: Defense Council of Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City,Utah, yir n vV Isun 195.--- _.
Affleck v I I move that the ordinance be pa
Christensen . . . .
Lingenfelter . . .
Romney . . . l!
Mr. Chairman . . i AN 0 161NANCE
Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTI Uf 129 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, rela.t g to the Defense Council of Salt
Lake City.
Be it ordained b e Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 129 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended to read
as follows:
"Sec. 192. CIVILIAN DEFENSE COUNCIL. (A) There is hereby
established in Salt Lake City a local Civilian Defense Council.
(B) The Commissioner of Public Safety shall act as Chair-
man of such Council, which Council shall exist of the following:
1. One Director of Civilian Defense who shall be directly
responsible to the Chairman.
2. One division to be known as the Subversive and Com-
munistic Activities Division, consisting of fifteen and not more than
thirty members, one member of which shall be designated as the Command-
ing Officer of the said Division and who shall be directly responsible
to the Director of Civilian Defense.
3. One Advisory Council, consisting of not less than eight
nor more than twelve members, which Advisory Council shall be responsi-
ble to and act in an advisory capacity to the Director of Civilian De-
4. Five Deputy Directors, each of whom shall be responsible
directly to the Director of Civilian Defense and each of which Deputy
Directors shall be placed in complete control of all of the units under
his command and. subdivision as follows:
One Deputy Director in charge of:
Plant Protection Division
Police Services Division , .,
Fire Services Division 29
Special Weapons Defense Division
One Deputy Director in charge of:
Communications Division
Warden Services Division
Engineering and Public Works Division
Rescue Division
Aircraft Observation and Air Raid
Warning Division
One Deputy Director in charge of:
Evacuation Services Division
Civilian War Aid Division
Transportation Division
Mutual Aid and Mobile Reserve Divisions
One Deputy Director in charge of:
Radiological Defense Division
Chemical Defense Division
Medical and Health Services Division
One Deputy Director in charge of:
Legal Division
Public Information Division
Administration Division
Training Division
It will be the duty of the Deputy Directors to organiz-
:nd activate their respective unite and divisions and see that they
unction properly, and they shall coordinate and keep the Director
if Civilian Defense advised as to the state of preparedness and
raining of their various units and divisions.
(C) Said Civilian Defense Council shall have the powe
nd perform the duties set out in the provisions of Section 82 C-5—s
tah Code Annotated 1943 and such other duties as may be prescribed
1,nd promulgated by the rules and regulations of said Council and as
approved by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City.
(D) The Commissioner of Public Safety, subjectto the
pproval of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, shall
eke all appointments provided for hereunder and persons appointed
Ihs.11 hold office at the pleasure of the Commissioner of Public
afety and the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and shall
erve without compensation.
(E) The power, authority and duty of any person
.ppointed hereunder shall be set forth in the rules and regulations
, rescribed therefor and approved by the Board of Commissioners of
alt Lake City.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
t is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take < f-ct upon its 1
first publication.
////.- /
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Sa Lake City,
Utah, this .30 Fill aay of .7J —e--e-Z , A. D. 1950.
9 �j��/� Mayor.
7ZY am_ )
City Record r.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
_ -AN ONolhdbtIl
TION 129 of the Revised Ordinances
.f Salt Lake City, Ulsh, 1944, r T,� .} /� T�
la;:ng to the Defense Council o:Sal; .rl....1"I-....00KEJ.
Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board o
Uta�,iss,nncr. of salt Lake City; Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
SECTION I.That Section 129 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt L.ke.
City Stan,19 and thetonme n vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
hereby.Sec amended9. hefto e,Isad hD FENs- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
COUNCIL. S t'Lak la Cityyreby es
tab'.:tan In Defense
Lake 1. a local
Cl(B).TDe(emse Council.
�ety the,Coact an
1 Public of Utah.
such c than chairman of
such cthe'.:, whin cRouacfi shall cx-
Ist'bi thOne
oahr o
1.pne dlroctOr' t civilian defense
Who shall be directly resnonslble to I That the advertisement
the chairman. •
2..0ne divlalon to be known a=.:he
Subverqive and Communistic Activl-
tleSiDfylalpn. r airbag of fifteen an Ordinance Bill No. 29
try qoo, lore thin thirty members,
o t4Malmbe of Ceel;F0shall be desig-
n.th as the ding Off loci
of'the saki Iv slopngpto who ball
be directly reef inn to the direc-
tor of c'.v1It n defEhse.
e One Rdvls ury Penult conslst-
mg I°nos'e 5 the,�'££�,
than t'Counci shall'b` srespirmnd`
to av Council en all be p000 responsible
nd z advlIanv o00000 y
tos the Director of bettor Defense
Five piety responsible
each of was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
whom shall Y 'Donslble directly
a ch esut n defepsc
and carfi haul In Omaty dleantors
shall or;ts morte a nandtroi day of A.D.19
su all units bdivIsion r,follows mmantl and
One Donut.U'.yector In .berg¢of:
$ nt ProtLctt6 g Isle" on march t, 1 0
pt;lce s=rylodabl"felon and was published 3- 9 5
Fire Services Division
Special Wranons Defense DIY:s,on
One Deputy Dlrert0r In charge of:
Commnnlcatfarn Div:sicn the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Warden sere ices Division
Engineering and Public Works
Rescue D,vltlen day of A.D.19
Rescued!Warning Divlalbe
One Deputy DSettoi 1n charge of: -
Ev tfe Sordcev DIV.slon
C.,..fan War Aid DlvlSon .- Y
'transportation Div Won
Mutual Aid and Mobile Reserve Advertising Cle"k-_J
Ono.Ucpvfv DhDc:or c SIsio of:
Chemical al f.ncnsr. ision mr
Chemical Dc Heal Division
Mfdlral and Health Services Di-
One Deputy Uli'erlor in ohm Re of.
PoJhl,Intel:nation DI"lelon o before me this 1st day of
A un In lv[ra[ion Division
Tramir.g Division
ll.rc!il he tb r.du:y of Lhe Den,v
DieLr or.:pe.Liorganivc z.e. and
activate A.D.19.50
ano sec e ions
th..,they function properl,.
and they.shall,00rdinate and keep
the cl:en,of civilian defense ad-
vised as to Lhe state of repaicdness
ir and traininv of the various units
and diem.,
(C1 Seld C!vlllan Defense Council
h II imve thePower and Perform
/\ _
the duD t out in thet l ra
of Seaton 89 C S 6 Mali Code - Th f Pub,Publi, Notary Pub ze---
.,t,d 19.11 And such other duties s.fet , p 1
as yt pies,In. and .I.1 n ter II
said e n�1 d es Pp d It [ me I -P
Bnardoof Commi,loners of Salt LaY.n �s n.o od h i ntic and
ill nelsons ppointc_d shall ohole ogle¢
a,the nleasr,ree.of:he I,.sinner
of Public Safety sand IN:.:, Board f
Colnini:,stoners f Ss.:Lake C!cy and
shall srI a without compensation.
(E)The.pow el,authority and duty
of sir¢Iln b,s forth In the r
i50 , pn lules and
regulations by the Event therefore
stoners of Sall Lake a opinion SECTION m In the r,iron of the
Board of Com�nlsslOntra,IC Is n¢oes-
o Lhe health,poace nd safety
Te the inlr abitantse become el fective
hat this o anc e
SECTION S.i sir ist publication
Lake.,e effect upon Its first of CnnoNIo-
Passed by the Lake
edCi of Utah this
s of Sa:t Lase C::y. ,
dOthe nay o:Mare:a.EARL 1 0.00ADE
inure, I` „ITNIrR
SE t,,.
runllnhrd Mai th 31,1. 1150