29 of 1968 - Amending Title 30, by adding Chapter 5, providing for the organization, operation and duties of a Hu -1 ROLL CALL April 2 8 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196........ Barker . . . . I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . ✓ t Gars . . . . k`l Harrison . . / Mr. Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 30 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the Police Department, by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 5, providing for a Human Relations Commission and defining the nature, personnel and duties of such commission. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 30 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the Police Department, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 5, providing for a Human Relations Commission, defining the nature, personnel and duties of such commission, said chapter to read as follows: "CHAPTER 5 HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION "Sec. 30-5-1. Creation, title, composition, qualification. There is hereby created an official body of the city to be known as 'Human Relations Commission, ' which body shall consist of the Commissioner of Public Safety, the Chief of Police and twelve representative residents of the city of Salt Lake City. "Sec. 30-5-2. Appointment. Oath of office. The resident members of said commission shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners, which Board shall receive and give due consideration to persons recommended for appointment to said commission by the Chief of Police. The resident members of said commission shall take and sign the oath of office required by law to be taken and signed by city officers to be filed in the office of the City Recorder. "Sec. 30-5-3. Term of office. Vacancies. The resident members of said commission shall be appointed for the following terms: four for two year terms, four for three year terms, and four for four year terms, provided that after the initial terms of two, three and four years, all subsequent terms of office shall be for a period of four years. The terms of office of each member shall commence on the 15th day of April 1968, and he shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified, unless the appointment is to fill a vacancy, in which 29 -2- case he shall hold office for the unexpired term of the person he succeeds. A vacancy shall occur when a member of the com- mission removes his residency from Salt Lake City. Vacancies in the commission shall be reported to the board of commissioners by the chief of police. The chief of police shall be a continuing member of said commission. "Sec. 30-5-4. Organization. Quorum. The members of said commission shall meet within ten days after receiving notice of their appointment and organize by electing a chairman and vice chairman from their own members and shall designate a secre- tary who may be either a member of the commission or another suitable person. Seven members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any stated meeting or meeting regularly called. A meeting of the commission may be called by the chairman, or in his absence or disability, the vice chairman, the chief of police or any four members of the com- mission. "Sec. 30-5-5. Powers and duties generally. The said com- mission shall have the following powers and duties: "(a) To seek out racial discrimination and potentially explosive racial problems and assist in resolving diffi- culties before they erupt into disorder. "(b) Seek and encourage compliance with Civil Rights laws before resort is made to legal enforcement rights. "(c) Be a clearing house of information for the community, supplying up-to-date data on housing, employment, education, welfare and recreation. "(d) Cooperate with such police - community relations squad, or other special squads, as may be established within the police department personnel. "(e) As far as practical and within the scope of local problems and aims cooperate with the National Council on Crime and Delinquency. "Sec. 30-5-6. Appointment of personnel to perform special services. The commission may, with the consent and approval of the board of commissioners, appoint one or more persons to perform special or professional services for the commission to assist in the performance of its duties. Remuneration for such services shall be determined by the board of commissioners. "Sec. 30-5-7. Remuneration. Resident members of the said commission shall receive no compensation for their services as members thereof or for any personal expense they may incur as such members. The chief of police shall receive no additional compensation for serving as a member of said commission. "Sec, 30-5-8. Meetings. The commission shall meet at least once during each calendar quarter and at such other times as may be called as provided in Sec. 30-5-4. "Sec. 30-5-9. Removal from office. Any member of said com- mission, except the chief of police, may be removed from office by the board of city commissioners for cause, prior to the normal expiration of the term for which he was appointed." 29 -3- SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is ecessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt eke City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 2nd day of April , 1968. (—----- /t,'rE 44/i. -e'(1 MAYOR CITY EC ER (S A L) BI L NO. 29 of 1968 Published April"5,, 1968 29 AGw•SeA Le at'Notices AN ORDINANCE - A ORDINANCE AMENDING TIT E 30 of the Revised Ordinances I of It lake City,Utah,1985,relat- ing to he POIICC Department, by : dip IttretoCha n w °aping for Affidavit 'of Publication i kno n a5 Chaffer a providing for e Hu a Rerattons Commission and deftr ing life ature, p¢esonncl and retell's onsupn commission. B.�mI''Crdatnetl by the B"rd of Cc, ss,o, -uf Salt Lake City, U'al LL 5 CTIyN 1.Thal Title 30 of the Reviled r Ordinances of Salt Lake TAH, • City,Utah,'I1965,relating to the Po- .lice Deportment, e,and the same SS. herephi a un ed by adding Notre- Lake to n oW chapter to he known Challler 5, providing for a Human Relahiens;Commission, defining the amp�p� Cho er to re d ch a3 D M Ockey 'tou°.4.s: ,, °wfe cooping m read a I M rl r.,CHAPTERS HU AN;RELATIONS COMMISSION SOc.36.5.1.Creation,Into,c 1 . t`on,Thom'"bocci, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- re led an of body f the city c°mr ',Hawn -Han Rel tisin clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) c ais lcn, which body shallcon- ,' g Ccm misso nee f Public afea, the Chief f Police and newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- ciiv� epresentaiive residents of the I salt Lake City- °e mar,maim tf eulativn in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake ofr,,`TI rn,ment me berm°ta County,in the State of Utah. k h n I I be anointd by the Sear of Commissioners,which epn`nei fe'stlon io`oers n's r o ime`rn' I appointment tosaid commis- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto deist.,m'm Chief of Police. he resi• shall lake,members sign is Joath of office Salt Lake City Bill No 29 of 1968 i aqui cd'by law lc b,: taken and signet by;city officers to be bled in Ih°°nee°'Inc cty Recorder. An Ordinance relating to the Police "S c r30-5-3. Term of m office. Vacs rotes.Tnc,.re .t members bers f _ said ominlssion shall be _- r t e following terms:tour°for Mc Department• year terms, four for three year ovand four for four year looms, i,r:that alter me initial terms -------"'-- 'Iv:,three and'cur years,all sub- I terms of otlice hall bC for sirs eeoElat loomems.Tie terms of shalt ._ ._._ omit,° ay of April, vev- and`e shall serveuntil his s - the yoltilmehl isi. lto Illli li vac,;oy, in Whc - he shall hold office`for the u xPlrod vaCaerns°F then April 5, 1968 wncn as member of the person JJJJJ ''his r sidency from IsSalt was published in said newspaper on rent° kits;Vacancies in the co mrs- nhall be repc,rleJ to the board cS of un, ISsioner by the chief of wilco The chief of police-foil be n • ot,linulna member of said commis. sion. 4 Groan,-lion Quorum. The b d commission r days alter and I by steeling I �clsalritaanr.-c-�— and mcmiWrs e ..liall d � _ • '" Tlegal Advertising Clerk •b rum! II transaction 1 ' at 1yy1 -iced meetingello°meeting mislon may be me called br. lie b`tile ',or n his absence or dr,- • tnty an, chairman,`Ihe chic/ 12th day f'I`' a"y 'epr memb�ra tf ;worn. to before me thisg of the ission, "Sec 515-5. Powers and dunes 68 gen, Iv.Cl'said commission shall have the top°wing mpawera and A.D. 19---- Jphas: ' "()To Seek out racial discrimina- tion e d pblentIally explosive racial c'rob d r 1 1 J Dr 8 M I' rho lef It 'b• -IoY pt'I d l sisal; d t of Nast tli-- 'lb Seek ' p'. 1 c r nod a ance 'Ih Crvil Rights before times:ill,enter n. II reaorl is and to legal enforcement err fo e r'r1 f o '%fld Po P olearye hose of infor- „a b 00 Public �� Ie,chief of patted. t °" Notary mairon s he co sm,Jy,aur0110. rcma a 'rpm the office buy the u e11J o V l on housing, ,cloy- eeartl°pr '' s for /'ere.ea s w°s cause, eprforl t huh the I sou., Clo'Ice.' ` p corms, tI sEo of C 1 In Inc sh d N the notice y department BCard of Ca ° ssry to s health of c fir cal ntl w^h- lore I t. h f f 50.I.-.ke In IO,Ue„ era f local problems and Expires c v, ul n. .01 m ,dill ¢ ne. m I with IF Notional effective ed'- 1 Cr S C I D I I'p 1 SECTION effect upon r first is tl ordinance ton I -m _ 1972 o nv h hoard°' mis- Ther Dsion with De c ironer, f salt Lake Cily,Utah,this coatlf approval may, Inn board a gad day of April,196B. appoint° J.BRACKEN I EE I ❑ I proles- Mayor n! I h to HERMAN J.HOGE:hS-.N assist n the Rentt erperfo for its 015,0svd AV.,S.19d Iy e rdgrll PCie. stir - Vic, e deer/ratio.such Ilse be- el,-"Son nabdr rf the said Res'i' sn Arlo:; op smny as anti mOlVc cc. Th4 tip nt l' mbpr 01 w,icl commission. `pan a 29