3 of 1902 - Ordinance 3 of 1902 - Sewer Extension No. 75. • AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance confirming the assessment of property abutting on the east side of Second East street, from Fourth to fifth South streets, and on the south side of Fourth South street from Second to Third. Fast streets, in Sewer District No.l. Be it ordained by the City Counc'1 of Salt. Lake City, Utah: cF c� ' I'I'^`',IOV 1. That the assessment list made by tt, City a "!rreasiger,of.�laIi 7k_e City, „as corrected, approved and completed - br the Tnard;of..;Equklization!.heretofore di.Cy ap;,oint,ed hjr the City council `or th-it pul.Pose, of the property abutting on the east ide (4 Second Nast,street, from F Fifth South Fourth to Fi.. h Srnt r. streets, and o onr�the>south.,side ofr Fourth :South street from Second to Third Illast .Atxeets #n 'ewee Difitrict ti0.1, for the purpose of constructing o n m 0 a w uton.;eai4 portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, an t)ia.t i'he assessments :fade and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shal3 take effect upon approval. IFC /k rY 3 w- --.:_.. ._. • , " :'' E :i 3).: rt:.., , .', ,!'; 97:. Il 677tt':71;• II • cr, „ 0 0 41. 2 0 N N , T IF.r,r li 1g - 1 4 r, . 1 .T, ,-; a+ g 4 5 N 44. • 0 W. '0 0 1.I i 4 tr % 0 ,._; .t,..nh.i'D .i,();) l' ;•:,t,, 1.;,i ' ,.-1 . . •.: -.(4',.): jillo(T : Lite. c,i .1, , „-....1 : ..:-..; Oa • ria 44/ Pa • ar 1:0 0 /0. ..) ri. N 1 , 1 \ : \ r . 1 .i. I . ' -— .. i ... OA