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3 of 1904 - Ordinance 3 of 1904 - Sidewalk Extension No. 54.
I t AN ORDI NA, NCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the east side of First West Street between South Temple and First North Streets; on the north side of North Temple Street between West it Temple and First West Streets; and on the north side of First North Street between First West and Second West Streets, 1n Sidewalk District No. 20, for the construction o f sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that j purpose, of the property abutting on the east side .siete- of First West Street between South Temple and First North Streets; on the north side of North Temple Street between West Temple and First West Streets; and on the north side of First North Street between First West and Second West Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 20, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sidewalks upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 54. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake Cit4, Utah, Vebruary let, 190A, and referr d to the 'savor for his aooroval. 9ooroved 'phis __ day of A'ebruacyy, 1904. City R corder. Mayor. . ti0EAIIaAO WA en$ no yt-rsgolq grit now :noisome-sea eriS Antari1taoo eonentbio AIL iit-i0E taitt bns *Lc,ass? Altana aet,vSed hint* ti,'weft 'to ebta tom too, neswted *suit' s ae! 4t'iet to obis Afton eat so ;eteo1$ _ ritzotii t::•stt to obis rfJ \on OIit rimbtss ;atoazti, faefk3egtt skwiTT )11swel.tit nt elaev t# * et basset *uses fas ta4113feewte tS•sia e ,y L e a ottotr^ct � eri5; zo/��� .osi �o2+i�a� �`, :As�tt ,V10 'Yak 2© eauM 'qt9 G�`:� �rto tt\et yd W'll , R zozcra_�ozTft' sr.t , tt� tnsr�saaa t ,c rrottsatlaupX to t d beas7 De c. Y t4e beto ys�, I fsrft lot tionuot line er•""f betntoc,q`ri)T. ;golo4,yelE.}f ,we.pon biket ' tiaztt to able ebte toe *I no nnttt y,. q4 o t to 4eogz Dint no ;e$:.'718 rifiot $11-11'1I bns ejgcrte? ti* nu ►led tsszve te+ ' _ telt'f bns si met tee* aoew*ed tes3Yt8 stgnreT rLtzot to ei,r'i r;,t-.d7° rrowted $eeYJB rifltot *alit to elite rit:on es-:;1 no bns ;oho, ate e!s,/ to ,OS .oTi toilJata Ytawebte ni tafesYtB *sell btrooe8 b;r tneW debit bir:e noqu a+itswebta nstt$ouYtanoo 30 ecoLrirrq s.! ryo3 1�itin e::as il.rilQ atnurraaeries 'IC:t bas ,berst'*noo violet: at 1etee1 a bias `to snot*~eq 1-1 .bstazi2nno Ve^leri errs etatt b"+JoIqrooe bias nt benrutel bna *bay: ..C.r,vozkqu noc;u toet10 gist ltsda esnanlbio earl? .S 11011/0111 .ta .o; notanet Ylawobt8 ,7 1