3 of 1907 - Ordinance 3 of 1907 – Regulating the issuing of saloon license. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY:— Section I;--That no license for keeping a saloon within the city of Salt Lake shall at any time hereafter be issued or granted to any person except as hereinafter provided. Section II:--All lawful licenses issued and in force on or before the passage of this ordinance for the keeping of a saloon within the city of Salt Lake shall be renewed or reissued upon strict and full compliance with the laws and ordinances in force in The city of Salt Lake at the time of the application for such renewal or reissue, but no new license( other than a renewal or reissuance, as hereinafter provided) for 1 the keeping of a saloon shell at any tine thereafter be granted or issued until the number of licenses in force at the time shall be less than one for every one thousand of the population of the city of Salt Lake, as ascertained by the then last preeeeding National, State or official School census, properly authenticated. Whereupon such new licenses may be issued from time to time to proper lawful applicants, according to priority of application, upon full compliance by tie applicant with the law and ordinances in force in The city of Salt Lake at the time of the application for such license, until the total number of licenses in force shall equal one for every one thousand of the population of the City of Salt Lake, as ascertained by the last preceding census. - Section III:--The owner or owners or his or their legal representatives of a license to keep a saloon shall have and be given the right to a renewal or reissue of such license at the same or differ— ent place of business, upon compliance ;with the ordinances now in force in tin City of Salt Lake, or which may he reafter be passed, governing the licensing of saloons, and such owner or owners or his or their legal representatives of a saloon license may assign, or convey his right to the renewal or reissuance thereof to another person, who, upon full com— pliance with the ordinances then in force in the city of Salt Lake, govern, ing the licensing of saloons, shall be entitled to a-renewal or)Ls x of such license in his own name, and each holder of a. license/o:y j s legal 3 (-,' • representatives, in turn :ray assign or convey such right of renewal or reissuance of sash license upon the sans terms and conditions as the original wane r thereof could. do he reunder. The pe ivilege of renewal or reissuance pr ovided by this ordinance sh all apply only so long as the license in each case shall heve been kept in farce continuously and un— i !' in }i ,wily in the name of e licensee or his . abuser in interest. e l eri to i�ep a s o i4 al I.e fter - ted to a firm except ;.t`e e •aged in the e 0, •on b ess , eh mid then in the 11�� y = i eS " e individua • '• "-r` df the r':� ! • license shall here- 4 � � � � . , 42,1 be p.ssued to a ef_p 4!I, provi r'' vy. that any carp ora— o now olding such el "s:k • it s y note the person or y �Lg /per ns'who shall be Ai ga ie ` rene /or r: - ance of such for the '1T lit n)se period beginni hex nsuinfFquarte p ovided, further, however, that such pe rson_?or pe rsons shall duly qualify by complying f '• a11 the lesm an. ord ances in fur_na_ t- t i _time_to ill e_.city of Salt Lake. j Section IV No license sh all be issued,reissued, or renewed except to a citizen or citizens of the United States. Section V:--;.ny and all ordinances of Salt Lake City, so far as they are in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section VI:---This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage. `j Ql�j1 4. fi I . , e - ^to .1:3wet1iet• ,zr .1,c'n.i"t frat.i a elrft OD 'IC 0 .i''•i:,i 'T. r 1 i.''.7,Zi .i'_.:: ,0:-)V 1..-.3.,..'.I.,•1',5".7:101: .. `4 e a.a atiti 5(100 bri..3 cri-tot T.:12.8 -3!`;'.' ).115 -.440...*. • 4,.; 4 i , 13w91vx ao 5.-.,,e1.2.tr:C 131 efLT .,•cohnf.,1.7 af Of ,)1:_r;0,.) 'I o.•;:);;;; -1.-xi c, wit 83 Z;fIC.1 lar'. ,?;.E;IC liCI(.111 11.3 lin 30..1.3C11.6-c0i'73i1id- Lc; bebivo•Ici 9;.):-..g..:....i.yy -.-:o ''• fil.r irrter--tirepororto-o--eo-lo :-r;.i N/...),F--1-/ertf.,tel ,.y.: .r.-.1.1.fir.,.. - z.:3 o rif.:3 fit Ivi 7 .td0`19t11.2: fii -1.0C"Z93• '?. E..b.t TO 9 •aii9f_:il 9 r- '10 wa;LI , ;,..! IS ,,-,j1.:, •-• . 4 ir.:••• ' '71. Illik.41 tclOoxe III'll'21: 2 OU bC . ••‘-i9r1 9.1\C [3.i\1 -c C. 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