3 of 1909 - Ordinance 3 of 1909 - Sewer Extension No. 213, First & Final Estimate. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance levying a tax and providing for the assessment of property on both sides of Bridport Street between Fifth South and Sixth South Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, for the construction of a sewer. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the City Couaoil does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Sewer District No. 1, for the ponstruction of a sewer, to-wit: In Lots 2, 3, 6 and 7, Block 23, Plat "B", abutting on both side of Bridport Street between Fifth South and Sixth South Streets. This tax is levied to defray the expense of construoting a vttri- fied pipe sewer eight (8) inches in diameter upon the portions of said street opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter des- cribed to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, land it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said prop- erty will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said paroels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in acoordanoe with the linear foot frontage upon said portions of said street fronting upon and to a depth of itwenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby tiled levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is seven hundred sixty- two and 56/100 (4762.56) dollars, or 62505/100,000 (40.62505) dollars, ,per front or linear foot of abutting property for sewer on kaik said portion of the street above mentioned in Sewer District No. 1, there being 1220 feet of abutting property within the boundaries of the hots, block and street above mentioned, which is the total cost and joost per front foot of said sewer, according to the contract entered linto for the performance of said work and making said improvement, I with J. D. Hanley, dated the 9th day of November, 1908, and the Treas- urer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with., i,l.. it -2- the provisions of this ordinance,for the purpose herein mentioned: The north 305 feet of the east side of the west 148.5 feet of Lot 3, the south 305 feet of the east side of the west 148.5 feet of Lot 6, the south 305 feet of the west side of the east 148.5 feet of Lot 7, the north 305,feet of the west side of the east 148.5 feet of Lott 2, Elook 23, Plak w0, Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown upon the offie, el plate Of said City to a depth ti f twenty-five (25) feet back from bb,id street, and to collect said tax, SECTION 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent itx five equajl installments, as foliewe, to-wit:;: One-fifth thereof o- e.year after the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tai for the payment for such improvement;one-fifth thereof in'two years after such approval; one-fifth thereof in three years after such approval; one..fifth thereof in four years after such approval; and one-fifth thereof in five years after such approval. One or more of said in- stallments, or the whole tax may be paid on or before ten days after the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax. One o more installments, or the whole special tax may be paid on the day any installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof and interes, to date of payment. Each of said installments shall bear interest at the rats of six (6) per cent per annum from the date of the appro val of he ordinance oonfirming the levy of said tax until the date of delinquency, and eight (8) per cent per annum from delinquency until paid. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sewer Extension No. 213. First & Final Estimate. Pas Fed bp the Pity Cuwioi1 0 salt l til,`o 0i.ty,Utah,January 11, 1009, and referred to the Ieayor for hill E.; -rove 1. �,`pprovc�,_ this /y /�day of Jranuar�;T,l`.700. % c9.ty ,?ecorC�cr :beii lnem nle1ed eAoywuy orif 7o1-,eonzaiblo aid/. ,o enoiatvorc, eiif 10 feel a.eki tcrew edf 10 ebte la»e e;:J .o feel au& d17oa suT to feel faew odt to ebta lees era to feel a0S dtuoe edf ,F, JC . to Jost a.Eit•t f.. e ecil lc; obtu leew etfJ to feel a0E iJuoa e;it •i 1o,i 3o Secs" ?.8I lase ec;J to ebta teew e t 4 aos Aflou eri V o a;z 1,44 a os 1 az ,xevroE x110 a fI , n ,E; o evil-� t vJ l tNow rt of xt10 btea lye at :o eif t adclEifia ," 6ipe foeIloo of bn3 7 •Qtft 701mo71 ;toad f(v; i } _taupe svi?atP, utlab ed Gas Pmoo0,.4.1 _;CI ox �taE S Si01^0 7s1, C`& " nTeri:t dll tl-eno : ` *-<oS�'. `W Iol a ,afnec: 1a t V� p exit io `fit ohlfi6Yvei off/ yatc*7! .. eatrxia off 3o Isvo7t, • GG a -for, ow3'at loererfl dllti- no ;117,r)'4vo�tgmt Aura 7o1 l x ;Isvo7yga dote recta alae%, eetd3 at toeredt 61111-ono ;Isvo7yy o d19 t't-eno inns ;I107oT<;c,r3 tic;i::: •ref10 utaex Tirol at l:oe.redt dt 3;-eno -..i 6tae ,.o siom 70 ea0 .IRvoryc_a done 7e.11z :rite% evil al 'Ion-refit 7etln axeb fief e7ol•d To no btriy ed der zst 9To w tr Ti ,elnrsrllizte 'to ern0 .xrit elif to xvol exit vatm711noo eoasrILro sift to Isvo744e exit lysb elf; no f;tay ed c ri xaf tatoega o1odw eVI TO ,atnom.ZsiurL eiotff tNsrotni bac; foe-er±i Jatroria edl 3a1gxy yd eub aet¢ooed taemttrsJ:;u1 gaa taeiefal 7aed IZsife efae lIeieat bta 10 doaz .laeraysy to of s: of -07 c,.3 orif °.c et.ib ed1 moil manna Toy ineo tag (2) xte to ete7 erif fa eteb eril Itltur z.;l Mee to t(vel edt An1m721aoo eoasa±Lro edtt to i.v xoaoupaffeb moil manna IN *two 7aq (8) fdote Lira Aoaeupntteb to btsy Zi7 rtrr Z:avnrc .e n:ocu foe99© exit Hera eon+aifio etdT .E tV)IT3 C .!IS .o& notoneixR ewe .e3emtlt:3 t::•rY'n