3 of 1928 - Providing for establishment of interurban terminals, etc. ROLL CALL 'i)� � �� vt�'
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Jan. 4,, , 192P
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr.Chairman - - -
AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING for the establishment of inter-
urban terminals and prohibiting the use of public streets for
loading or unloading of freight or passengers.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. Unless it shall otherwise appear from the
context the following words shall, for the purpose of this ordi-
nance, have the meanings set forth in this section.
INTER-URBAN STAGE. The term "inter-urban stage" shall
mean any self-propelled vehicle (except streetcars)used for
the transportation of persons or freight for hire and which
operate between points, one or more of which are within and
• one or more of which are without Salt Lake City.
TERMINAL. The word "terminal" shall mean the place
where any inter-urban stage regularly stops for the purpose
of taking on or discharging persons, baggage and/or freight.
SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to oper-
ate any inter-urban stage in Salt Lake City without providing a
terminal therefor in accordance with the provisions of this ordi-
nance, which said terminal shall not be located within the bounda-
ries of the following described district, to-wit:
The east side of let East;.Street, otherwise known
as State Street; the north side of South Temple Street; the
east side of West Temple Street; and the north side of 4th
South Street. 3
it -2-
SECTION: 3. It shall be unlawful for any person operating
any inter-urban stage to take on or let off passengers, or to loa
for unload freight, or to park. said inter-urban stage upon any of
the streets within the congested district as defined in Section
1855, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amende
by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah, on January 14, 1925.
SECTION 4. Every person now operating an inter-urban
stage in Salt Lake City shall within thirty days after this ordi-
nance becomes effective adopt a terminal therefor within said
city in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 5. Every person hereafter commencing the opera-
tion of an inter-urban stage within Salt Lake City shall, before
commencing auch operation, adopt a terminal therefor in accord-
ance with the provisions of this ordinance, and no license shall
be granted for any such stage until a terminal is provided which
complies with this ordinance.
SECTION 6. Stage terminals shall be established on prit
vats property and shall not be established or maintained upon any,
street within the city. Each of such terminals shall be provided i
with toilet facilities, adequate light, heat and other conveniences
to properly serve the patrons of such stage line.
SECTION 7. Any person violating any provision of this
ordinance shall be punished by fine in any sum not exceeding Two
Hundred Ninety-nine ( 299.00) Dollars or by imprisdnment in the
City Jail not longer than six months or by both such fine and im-
prisonment. The court, may, in imposing the fine, enter as part
of the judgment that it default of the payment of the fine the de-
fondant may be imprisoned in the city jail for a period not ex-
ceeding six. months.
SECTION 8. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners)
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitant$
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediatel,1r;,,
SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
% ��7-4- . .
Passed by the 13 o oard. of Commissioners of 5a1t Lake City,
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Utah, thi 1 of� , A.D. 1928.
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt L: - --- .
• toted h this ordinance, s far its
yyrbvUlti a 11N the.SI/Me 1n effect adtheae 0 prevfsusiR-minting-ordinanoSE
-spell 1fe netru d antf tl -
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`a&It Ig6.7[[[CQth Utahhe , 1i3Or le d S o.Qeedingd Tgp by ffh1 In H Hundred ed `Nmet t
of Bait,Lake¢City, Re-li a4220,d ddlt rtelt- (6999.00) p tie a Iv
by.lmprteonment1nin Orn',deposes and says that he is the principal
eSt d'by the Board f Copt lesion rtl f the City Jbll t to g than ix monthsp
e t Yak City Utah ,J ly ,, /92a 0 by bath such bee and Imhefloe,en-„,
relating t intoxicating liquors,and. The court may,.in Mayo-king the fine, n-.SERET
sting try 'lie the OL Se tin 122e of ter as part ot the 1 dg 4 t that in de NEWS, a news
,,N er 8, R load'Ordin nce.,of Salt fault of e payment f the tine the de- newspaper published in
nr Ae nby the fevident may be imprisoned in the city
l :od Md by•the8ad f C Jail for a period: t exceeding i
noes. Salt LakeCity Utah Months.• - fake CO nty,Ln t e State of■�
Tj'ON 0o t Section*]fed 1 eh SECTION 8 In se opinion of theUtah.
ad..Ordl aan of Salt Lake City,Board of re, he l It f- q
19M0 1 section 1826XI of thetothepeace, health and f ty of the
ad'Ordinances f Salt Lake City'1 1 Ntante of Salt Lake City that thisCC._ .
1920 acted by the Hoard ordinance become effective immediately.
on A o2 salt Inks City, 'SECTION 7.This ordinance shalt take //`y^
onJ.ly 9 1926,be and the ss.me effect upon Its publlcatl on. {VJf/iL//i/JC//n_
r erpbyrepealed. Passed
/TON 2 That Chapter Si of the era of Salt Lake City, Utah, the 10th ----"-"' - ��
ed0 Ordinances of Salt Lake Clty,day of January.A.➢.,1928. -`
1920, be and-the same_he hereby JOHN F.BOWMAN,
fled by adding In and to said chap- Mayor:
n lieu of the Sections repealed hY ETHEL MACDONALD, ' ii-
i'•n.' 6,1 hereof, a 2 Section d be City Recorder.. --""--'--
[ to in . 8111 No. 2 published Jan. 11, 1928.
ting}luuor. to road as follow.:
CTION 1226.UNLAWFUL TO SOS- — ' --- '
it bunlawful for any person to
eo r u keep or impoorert,, gala of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said
r p e ale, Import r,
pert' advertise,' distribute, give
n feq fu[nlah r 9e newspap , L its issue dated the
w w
to h in hie Doeseeslon a y 1n- J
ling liquor. / day
t t oh e oxicaling liquor, as used
chapter. shall be000truod to
e all tormented It mpor o, -- L _
u, liquor alcohol.h 1 I porter, I/f/ ( D. ]92
beer, absinthe re y other ion.of and -"-
g drink, and all p Parabre d -
nature and all t brewed published �y�
o;'and all dams mixtures or Whop- --""'"`^ ._.
na whetherinto pat nted or not,'whichProduce intoxication;io liquors of fruits nree.rby the last public• m thereof
b qe[gee°liquors
gin the tissue
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If of ono Per mixtures,
alcohol by ..
ad 11tOer Compounds o[
atl het?;er liquid itt or not day of __
when mixed &I /7 A.D.192.1_
lh 6 Intended. with - ---
otherliquid, t° produce by
! potationotherwise, a intoicicat-
gnoth,n. lotion however.
ufacture O f wood`or denatured al-
nder therules established by the
n.nor of the State 0f I1tah, and in
'11..06 with that mulae and mi.
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a United cn.States; do matufac •-
•lt poi exportation, storage -'--""
e'c of pure alcoholpurposes
for scientific and
feet 1 8 • eP In strict T Title
ace d the pi Utah na of Thee
one i fl Laws ati n Utah, or to pre-
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ntal our Dearn .only, I religious
F in the Game manner to provided _____ ___
for the importation of Clcehol
-*rehouse. nagerc
Trial Section 1998,as en
Subscribed d sworn to before me this - /S
day of
,(:,,, 7
A. D. I92 -
o7Notary P ,
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