3 of 1930 - Annexing property in lot 16, Block 42, 10 A.A. Big Field Survey Mackay Annexation 1 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 192 Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - Finch - - Lake Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result - - - k; N. AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on January 7th, 1930, Ella 'r'. Mackay, the owner of real property situate in the tract of land hereinafter describ- ed, signed and filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 686, requesting that said tract of land be taken within the limits of said city, and also caused an accurate map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer, to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt rj `' tLake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be an- nexed to and made a part of said city; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owner of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said board in favor of annexing said tract to Salt Lake City, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance making and declaring said annexation; THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged, so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Commencing at the S. E. corner. of Lot 16, D'lozk 42, 10-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey; running thence S. 89 3 -2— ij ideg. 48 min. 05 sec. W. 759.0 ft.; thence N. o° 11' 38" E. 287.1 ft.; thence N. 89° 48' 05" E. 759.0 ft.; thence S. 0° 11' 38" W. 287.1 ft. to the place of beginning; contain— ing 5.0 acres and known as the South Half of Lot 16, Block 42, 10—Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINAL and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of lan(j above described shall j'theoceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City, ! land be a part of said city; and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said' Salt „ake City arc extend-; it ed over and made applicable and pertinent Ato the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of,said tract shall be ' controlled and governed by the nrciine.nces, rules and regulations kg said city in that behalf, and�•,the monuments of the City 1ngineer ishall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard of locations and distances. I� f SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Iecerder of Salt Lake City shall file, and she is heresy directed II ito filer with the County recorder a copy of the map and ;plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledges as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION Z. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,; of the Inhabitants of Salt iaice it is necessary to the peace, health and safety City that''ih1 1 ordinance shall 1/become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its firt it publication. d:-4-2f4 Passed by the ;oars of Commissioners of `_'a.lt Lake City, li Utah, this 21st day of Jan •r. rJ:•:yor. II City Recorae.r. f J 1 ; I I i I i I I -.'II I '1 ( f L.. I d i )h j f - ' J I ' 1(-e- Y> ( E I)J ¢.. fr gg 7 C.�B = 0 I. I y to,... %^ n H PIrs, c [:,..i. I 1 (..J gI b tit 5 C 1 .D C i. x a r1 11 1 I T. I , I Laf 1 V f r 1P ' t 1 7 J 1 Proof of Publication iiiiiiiillium UNITED S'I'ATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, f ss. County of Sall Lake. AN 8npric NC 1-,ail OItDINANCL+"�IYCT$N�INd TiLIC Iy.YI1�,�ITg OF BALT tlhtli CITYy yiTi&aAS,. n Olee o wnertli, 184o property situate, tth awuer of ea� property situate lit the tt dot of land nrt th t t0r City } ed,signed-nit Lake City,the ion }Weiler Sr-Salt Lhkt City,t Permian eNo.nd be ken within that ale traoo of land be taken Wltrlm the I beingfirst causse, f sad bua, and also kilo Eveleigh duly caused an accµray a competent p be made and certified pr by a cothee En- aeyor and approved by the City En-i sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of the SALT LAKE ginecr,to be tiled with the City Be-I 1 WO.CREAS,th0 said tract of land . 1 contiguous to Salt Lake City andi TELEGRAM, a newspaper of %eneral circulation, published every day there is'is proper reahom by it Should not be annexed to and made allot Of nodd sitar,"aanodra of. Corn- at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. WBEREAMissieners of Salt Lake City,Liter examining said petition Of caid-own- er.of said treat of land, and conpfd` That the notice ..An.Crdinan0.e.;..47Ct ending.the••. ern*the eir00 Vote of thereat voted by unanirnous vote--of ell members of aid beard In faber-of annexing said,trace to Salt'Lake City, and directed the city Att....7 to pre- Limits•0f.. alt..Lake..City..Bill.# 3 pare an ae making.and de- claring said annexation: eflEadFofCmetofdth Boardomle .nees Salt Lake'City, Otap:' SECTION 1. That the:.city 11m1t0 ,are-hereby Lake OW all.l00ede0 e eo a$to Include the folrowion described - -- tfect of laid in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Commencing at the S.E.corner of Lot 16, Block 42,to-apre Plat A Big of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper Field Survey;-!pining thence S. 89 deg. e8 min. OG,:seo. W. 789,0 ft.; N. 0 then N. Id l_ in._88 sec. . ..2 4 $ U& 0..40,89 deg. <8 min. in its lulus dated the r day of ..7 4. xy •05 Sec.N 788.0 ft,,..thence-S.d deg. y 11 min, a8'see.W. 2874 ft. to the place of .beginning: contetning 0.0 acres and kn '•aa the South Ralfalf Of Lot:16,Bla6M1t,+2„l0-acre Plat A, and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on pig Field Su vey AND BE IT FYr1irEPJR ORDAINED and declared that when title ordt- pance takes efts 8 the pd1 tract of �ktkN,*** for *'1**** sand above described,apol thence- orth be within title ode 7 limits Of said Salt'Lake it ee a go art. Of said city;and all ordlnances,of or Motions, rules and obligationsf thereafter, the full period of ..One.Lasert.ion pertaining to said Solt Lake'city are extended over and made'atpllcablf and pertinent'to.the a1d saes of land, and o;saidr streets.trac locks, oehs the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ...22.nd.• tboiled and governed by the ordi 'tienees,rules and reguiatlooe of said CRY in that behalf, and the monu- tnents of the City Engineer shall day of January A. D. 19,,,Q thenceforth be taken therein as the Standard of locations and distances. SECTION 8 Upon the passage of fA,, t this Lake ordinance, the l city'Recorderof '/ �a^"^'..$rt Lek City shall file,and wi she is , areby diror ed . .fire with l ' fynt aordap odOlt of the ig1-•• titled laan�daack. agKed a`s pro ided -- ;- r -- - 27th-: In such cases,together wait a semi- Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of fled obey of this ordinance, 'SECTIONo,8. In the,opinion•of the. oars Of Cammissloners,It Is sates, dry to the peace,health• Safe ty ety January A. pt the inhabitants of Salt.hake City that this ordinance shall'become eP festive Immediately. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall -.—�t—c.�G—c. take effect upon its,first Vallee,- Won Peeled by the Boar -Of Commis Notary Public. loner of Salt Lomb QttYi t,105 this 21st daq of 1 nun yy A. Io 18a0. JOFIN F 86'OVMILN'Mayon. Ethel madaonald 0.7W ltedprder,_. My commission expires .Nov...25.,..1933 k Dilkhe dagp # $JQ r ti" Advertising fee, $ II-- IN±ERM'OtlNrala. - 'E.T..Zen,1445 State. Ry.22. i3, l AN ORDINANCE. el AN ORDINANCE EX LANENCI THE MITS'OF SALT p WHERIOAS, on JanuarjRh, 2930, Ella W. Mackay,'the owner of:real Property sltuatO in the tract of 9and- r- hereinafter described,signed and tiled if, with the City Recorder of-.Salt Lake p, City, No. hat said tracttion of Mod bee taken'withint the p. city limits of said city,-and also j1 caused ccbrate map to be made and certified to by a competent sar- ' veyor and approved by the City En- fr glneer,to be-filed with the City Re- 6- corder;And • 10 WHERS¢AS,the.sold tract of land 18 contiguous to'Salt'Lake City and lo.there,is.no_proper reason city it should not be annexed to'and made et apart of said otty;and • WIdEREAS, 'the. Board, f•Come miesloners,of Salt Lake'City, after! examining field petition'of Said own fir f'sold tract of land, and onsid-, suns the circumstances thereof,voted' by_ nanlmoue vote of•all members of said board'in favor of annexi§g ! said' tract to Salt Lake City, atld• directed the City Attorney to pf pare.an ordinance making and;de- elating saidannexation; - • THEREFORE, Be it ordain d by the Board of Commissioners f Salt Lake City,Utah:- '-' SECTION 1; That the city limits of Salt Lake'City be and/the game are-hereby extended and_ larged:so F' as to Include the follow, g describeyya tract of.land in Salt ake Camt I to-wit: C mmepock t th S.E.corner i Lot I0, clock L acre Plat A.Bi Field Survey; a Wing W. 70 S. 89 pee. 98'..nln. .p sac. o ' 6a,6 ft.., thence,.;0 d +11r.59 m p. sac: E. 67.1 . thence.'ft.; 99 deg. 48 midep. ' ,aoo.B.76eo. W.thence ft. 0 deg. • rain. 86 a in W. 887.1to the• ' aorta and-kn of ownitas than SouthgHaif of Lot 16,Block 42l 10-acre Plat A, Big Plaid Burney. ' AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when thisordi- nance takes effect the said tract of land beve -described' shall thence- forth'be within the corporate.limits of said Salt Jake City,and-he a part of said city;and'ali ordinances,lone. diotl000. raise tad obligations.of.or Pertaining to'-Said Salt:Lake'City are extended over and linade applicable and pertinent to the"said tract of land,'and the-.tr6eta, blocks, allays and.wayg Of sold tract shall he'con- trolled'mad IWO rpe'd by the'oral- 'Wanes,Niles'an regulations of said CIO! th.that behhlf,and the,,moeo, tngate"Of•the City- Engineer 'shall thenceforth be. token therein as'the standard of!coatiqp$find dtetaticee. eECT oN'2. Opbn.the basspge of this'o,t�d��Wanoe, the Citk Recorder,of •Salt•t9"`e'City.shall'file. and he is -hereby directed to' file, with"the County Recorder a,cop3 of the man and,plat'abeee mentlkned,'duly cer- tified'and acknote)64ged ne provided In such eases,together with a gems- fled'001ev'of this ordinance: BECTItSN.3, In the opinion of the Board'of Commiseloilprs;it id pence' _ nary'to the peace,.health and stet¢ }I'the City shoe lfocome effoctiee mineediatpply. ECect 4. This.ordinance shall• effect take tffent upon; Its filet'pablica- tioh. Passed by the,Board"of,Commis-, Ion Ora of Salt Lake City,'Utah'tile' Sirt•de",of•J1n Wry:A. -U tah. 16 .r JOL-1N F BOWMAN, Mayor. Ethel Macdonald,City Recorder. 'b'ub11p1ted2 Janukr%21., 1I20, NIMMIWOM . • Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram 6 County Entry No.