3 of 1933 - Regulating installation, alteration, repair, etc. of plumbing, house drainage, etc. iil1LL CALL
Finch . . . . _�'_ ._
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser . V
Knight . 1/'
.LEE (/f spy
Mr.Chairman _- AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . --. -- --_
AN ORDINANCE regulating the installation, alteration, re-
L pair, removal, condemnation, change, maintenance and use of plumbing,
house drainage, roof drains, cesspools, settling traps and septic
tanks within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, prescribing the
methods of plumbing and sewage piping and the installation and mater-
ials to be used therein; providing penalties for violation of this
ordinance and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con-
flict therewith.
Be it enacted by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. This ordinance shall be known as the "Plumbing
Ordinance of Salt Lake City."
SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. For the interpretation and purpose of
this ordinance the following words and terms shall be defined as fol-
"Person" shall include any natural person, firm, company,
partnership or corporation. Singular shall include plural. Masculine
gender shall include feminine gender.
• "Plumbing Ordinance" or "This ordinance", wherever the terms
are contained herein, shall be construed to mean the plumbing ordinance
of Salt Lake City..
"Plumbing" shall include the installation, alteration, change,
repair, removal, maintenance and use in buildings or on the premises
thereabouts of the pipes, fixtures and fittings for bringing in the
water supply and removing liquid and water carried wastes and every
connection discharging direct or indirect into the building drainage
system and shall include the water supply distribution pipes, fixtures
and fixture traps, the soil, waste and vent pipes, the building drain,
roof drains where installed inside the walls of a building, settling
traps, septic tanks and cesspools with their devices, appurtenances
a.nd connections.
"Building Drain" is that part of the lowest horizontal
piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from the
soil, waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of any build
ing and conveys the discharge to the building sewer located not less
than 3 feet outside the foundation walls of the building.
"Building sewer" is that part of the piping of a drainage'
system extending from the building drain to its connection with the
main sewer, cesspool or septic tank.
"Roof Drain" is a pipe which conveys the storm water from
Ithe roof of a building.
"Soil Pipe" is amy pipe which conveys the discharge of
water-closets with or without the discharge from other fixtures to
the building drain.
"Waste Pipe" is any pipe which receives the discharge from
any fixture other than a water-closet and conveys the discharge to
!a soil pipe or the building drain.
1 "Vent Pipe" is any pipe and fittings so installed as to
prevent trap shphonage and back pressure and to ventilate a drainage
system in whole or in part.
'boil Vent" is a pipe which receives the discharge from
� I
one or more water-closets and serves as a combined soil and vent pipe.
"Circuit Vent" is a pipe so installed as to vent a series
!of fixture traps connected to the same horizontal soil or waste
"Trap" is a fitting or device so constructed as to prevent
by means of sufficient water seal passage of foul air or sewer gas
through the trap without materially effecting the flow of sewage or
Waste water through it.
"Fixtures" are receptacles intended to receive and dis-
bharge water, liquid, or water carried wastes into a drainage system
with which they are connected.
"Main" of any horizontal, vertical or continuous piping
(that tart of such system which receives the wastes or vents from fiti-
ture outlets or traps, direct or through branch pipes.
"Branch" of any system of piping is that part of the sys
tom which extends horizontal, with or without lateral or vertical
rtensions from the main to receive outlets not directly connected
to the main. •
"Stack" is a general term for a vertical line of soil,
waste or vent piping.
"Developed Length" of a pipe is its length along the cen-
ter line of pipe and fittings.
"Diameter" of a pipe is the interior diameter in all cases
except tubing.
"Sewage" is any liquid waste containing animal and vegeta-
ble wastes in solution and includes wastes from laboratories and
industrial institutions.
"Septic Tank" is a water tight receptacle so constructed
'as to promote sedimentation and decomposition of sewage.
"Cesspool" is a pit having porous walls which permit seep-
age into the ground.
"Indirect Connection" is any waste pipe which discharges
unto an open fixture.
"Licensed Plumber" is any person who has procured a license
in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and such li-
cense is in full force.
"Owner" shall apply to the person in whose name ownership
"Plumbing Inspector" is any representative of the Divisio
of Plumbing Inspection duly authorized to make such inspections.
bb;CTION 3. LICLNSL. BOND RLQUILID. Except as otherwise
provided for in this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any eerson',
to lay any service pipe connected or to be connected with the water',.
works system of Salt Lake City, or to do any kind of plumbing work
or other work regulated in this ordinance unless he is licensed as
herein provided for and gives bond as provided for in Section 1785
lof the iievised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended:
SL,CTION 4. PLUMBj-',RtS LICI NSo,. BOND. ANoUNT. The yearly
license fee for plumbers shall be twenty-five dollars 425.00) for
said year, or any part thereof, and the license may be issued upon
payment of said sum and upon giving the bond in the sum of ten
thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars, conditioned and subject to the provi,-
sions as named in Section 1785, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
, Utah, 1920, as amended.. Said bond shall contain a further condition
for the faithful observance of all ordinances, rules and regulations
of this city relating to plumbing work and other work as herein
any licensee provided for in this ordinance may be revoked by the
Board of City Commissioners after notice and hearing and/or oppor-
tunity to be heard for violation of the plumbing ordinance, incom-
petency, fraud, deceit, and/or for any other reason which the said
Board may deem good. and sufficient.
No refund of the license fee or any part thereof shall be
allowed. All permits outstanding under a revoked license shall be-
come void. No person whose license has been revoked shall be re-
licensed without special permission of the said Board. The revoca-
tion penalty shall not be a bar to or affect any other penalty pre-
scribed for violation of the plumbing ordinance.
SECTION 6. PERMITS REQUIRED. Except as otherwise provided
by this ordinance no plumbing work shall be begun without a permit',
having first been obtained therefor from the Division of Plumbing
Inspection and a permit to do plumbing work shall not be issued to'
any person other than a duly licensed plumber.
SECTION 7. PERMITS NOT TRANSb'1sRABLE. It shall be unlawful
for any licensed plumber to use his license or to allow his license
to be used in any way for the purpose of procuring a permit for anY
person other than himself. The license of any licensee who violates
this section shall be subject to revocatio_i.
spector may revoke a permit issued to any person who fails, neglects
or refuses to do the work in conformance with this ordinance for
which work a permit was issued to him and a permit to do other slurb-
ing work may be refused such person during the time he fails to do!
the work in conformance with this ordinance for which work a permit
was issued to him, provided, that any person affected may appeal to
the Board of City Commissioners.
' If any work regulated by the plumbing ordinance for which work a per-
mit is required be commenced without a permit first having been obj
tained.,therefor, double the permit fees herein prescribed shall be
paid when a permit is finally obtained. Payment of any fee mention-
ed in this section, however, shall in now way relieve apy person of
the penalties that may be imposed for violation of the plumbing
'not required to clean out or remove stoppage from traps, soil, waste
and vent pipes and/or for repairs or maintenance of faucets, valves,
roof drains, and water supply pipes, or extensions thereof.
Permits shall be procured to repair or replace traps, coil,
waste and vent pipes unless waived by the plumbing inspector.
It shall be unlawful, however, for any person other than a
duly licensed plumber to engage in the business of doing the class
of work mentioned in this section in a capacity or status of service
to the public.
It shall be unlawful for any person other than a duly li-
censed plumber to indicate by the display of any sign or adtertise-I
ment that he is permitted to engage in the class of work mentioned in
(this section or to serve •.the public in any work governed by the plumb-
ling ordinance.
SECTION 11. PERMIT FEES. Before a permit shall be issued
(permit fees as follows shall be paid to the city treasurer, provided
that the minimum permit fee shall in no case be less than $1.00 for'
leach permit issued.
One to two fixtures, inclusive, roughed-in for or installed
Ior changed in location $1.00
leach additional fixture roughed-in for or installed or
'changed in location 1 50
phange or alteration or replacement of soil, waste or vent
pipe 1.90
lhach roof drain installed inside the building .66
bach septic tank, cesspool or settling'trap °1.00
leach mechanical refrigeration drain and each air condition-
ing apparatus connecter either direct or indirect to the
(building drainage system 50
SECTION 12. PERMIT SCOPL LIMITED. Any plumbing work not
completed by a licensed plumber under the permit issued to him for I
.the said work and the work in question is added to or completed by ,
one or more licensed plumbers each licensed plumber shall procure a
permit covering the work he performs.
work as regulated by the plumbing ordinance and all plumbing work
not specifically governed by the said ordinance shall be subject to,
the approval of the plumbing inspector.
Where structural conditions are extremely adverse to full
compliance with the plumbing regulations the plumbing inspector may
grant special permission to deviate from the regulations, provided
that in the judgment of the plumbing inspector such deviation does
not create an insanitary or unsafe condition and provided further,
that no such deviation shall be allowed in bubldings in course of
Ouch inspector shall have right of entry within reasonable
pours to any building or premise for the purpose of inspection or to
investigate any work or conditions governed by the plumbing ordinance
and he is hereby empowered to condemn and order repaired, removed,
replaced or changed, any plumbing found in an insanitary condition
or not ;.ri accordance with the plumbing ordinance.
It shall be unlawful for any owner, agent or occupant of any
building or premises to fail, neglect or refuse to repair, remove,
replace or change within ten days after notice so to do from the
plumbing inspector any plumbing condemned by such inspector.
A sink or other fixture shall be provided as required by
the plumbing inspector wherever a water-closet is installed.
Are connected to the building drainage system all openings shall be
closed and the piping system filled with water, provided that an air'
Lest may be applied in lieu of a water test. The piping system may 1
, be tested in sections provided a water-}cad of 10-feet or more shall
lbe applied in each sectional test or a uniform air pressure of 15
pounds or more be maintained for 15-minutes or more. The air Ares-II
sure shall be determined by means of a mercury gauge. The entire
drainage and vent system shall be made water-tight or air-tight as
the case may be. Any material proven defective shall be replaced I
with sound material and the test repeated if deemed necessary by the
plumbing inspector. hoof drains installed within the walls of a
building shall be tested as required for the plumbing system. All
devices for testing purposes shall be furnished by the plumbing
SECTION 15. INSP.ECTION RJcQUIRED. The water supply distri-
bution system shall be installed and ready for inspection when in-
spection of the drainage and vent system is called for or made. No-4
Itice to inspect shall be given as soon as the installation of the
( drainage, vent and water supply systems permits. After notice that
any such systems are ready for inspection and the plumbing inspector
calls at the place designated to make such inspection and finds the
work not ready for inspection he shall collect an additional insped-
tion fee of one ( 61.00) dollar for each additional inspection re-
' APPROVAL. It shall be unlawful for any person to cover or conceal ,
or cause to be covered or concealled or in any way render difficult
of access for the purpose of inspection any plumbing installation
or other work regulated by this ordinance before such plumbing or
other work shall have been inspected and approved by the plumbing
inspector. Such inspector is hereby empowered to make or cause to
k)e made any such plumbing or other work accessible for the purpose
of inspection without expense to the city or to the plumbing in-
Lxcppt as otherwise herein provided all plumbing fixtures installed
must be of a design and construction approved by the Bureau of Otan;-
da.rds of the Nat:i_onal Trade Extension Bureau of the Plumbing and
[Heating Industries.
installation of any second hand. or used fixture shall be subject to.
the approval of the plumbing inspector as to the fitness or sanitary
condition of such fixture for further use.
installation of any frost-proof or anti-freeze water-closet is pro-1
hibited except by express permission of the plumbing inspector and
such permission may be granted only in cases warranted necessary
by structural or other conditions.
SECTION 20. URINAL GUTTERS, FLOOR. All floor urinal gutters
.other than standard factory manufactured types shall be made of non-
absorbant and rust resisting materials. Flushing device efficient
,to thoroughly flush and wash all fouled surface shall be provided.
The trap, waste pipe and vent serving such fixture shall be installed
accessible for cleaning purposes.
SECTION 21. PIPE IVATERIALS. All main or branch soil, waste,
drain, vent and water supply pipes within the building shall be cast
iron, galvanized wrought iron, lead, brass or copper, provided wrought
Pipe shall not be used for soil or waste pipes in or underground. Ex-
cept roof drains, all cast iron soil or waste pipe and fittings with!-
n the building end to a point not less than 3-feet outside the four--
Illation walls shall be of the grade herein defined as extra heavy.
1400f drains and vent pipes may be constructed of standard cast iron
¢ipe and fittings. The use of tile or cement pipe for drainage within
the walls of the building shall be limited to sub-surface drainage.
Fo tile or cement building sewer shall be permitted within b-feet,
(horizontal measure, from any building and every type of porch construc-
tion or addition shall be considered a part of the building. A cast'
iron building sewer may be constructed of either standard, medium or
Extra heavy weight pipe.
SECTION 22. SIZE OF SOIL PILE , Soil pipe which receives the
discharge from a water-closet shall not be less than 4-inches in dial-
used for purposes other than weather protection no vent pipe shall
terminate less than 6-feet above the roof.
jn the event that a new building is built higher than an existing
building, the owner or contractor of the new building shall not lo-
cate window or door openings within 12-feet of an existing vent stack
ion the lower building unless the owner or contractor of such new '
building shall defray the expense of, or shall make such alterations
to conform with this ordinance.
It shall be the duty of the owner of the lower building to
make such alterations therein upon receipt in advance of money or
security therefor, sufficient for the purpose, from the owner or con-
tractor of the higher buildingo or to permit at the election of the:
,owner or contractor of the higher building to make such alteration.
'LD. No waste or drainage opening shall be "roughed in" for future use
without providing a proper vent. In every residence building having
a basement, a vent pipe not less than l -inch in diameter shall be
installed whhn the plumbing system is being roughed in. Such vent
'eipe must extend through the basement ceiling at a convenient point
land be accessible for future use except where the plumbing system in-
!Cludes a sink or similar fixture in the basement.
SECTION 32. LOCAL V :NTILATION. A water-closet or a urinal
shall not be installed or allowed in an unventilated room or comparti-
ment or in a sleeping room. The room or compartment in which a water-
closet or a urinal is located shall have direct communication with the
outer air by means of a window or individual air duct. Such air duct
Must be not less than 3 x 14 inches or equal area. and constructed of
incombustible material.
SECTION 33. DEFECTIVE FIETURAS. All plumbing fixtures sha 1
be maintained in a cleanly and sanitary condition. All plumbing fixE
tures found defective or in an insanitary condition shall be made
sanitary, replaced or removed within ten days upon notice from the
plumbing inspector.
SECTION 34. WORKdIANSHIP. Workmanship shall be of such me-
chanical efficiency as to accomplish results sought to be obtained j
'by the plumbing thrdinance.
SECTION 36. DEAD ENDS PROHIBITED. Dead ends are prohibitj-
ed in the installation or alteration of any plumbing system. A dea
fiend shall be construed to mean that part of any soil, waste or build-
ing drain not used for discharging sewage or waste water and not
vented an,, terminated at a length of 5-feet or more and sealed in
any manner.
be run in practicable alignment. All horizontal soil and waste pipes
must have a grade of not less than -inch fall to the foot and must)
be supported or hung in a firm substantial manner at intervals of !
7-feet except where fittings or stack risers need extra support.
'(supply distribution pipes must be run in..practical alignment, firml$r
( secured and installed in such manner as to assure complete drainage,
iof the entire distribution system. Due care must be exercised to
avoid freezing conditions. Qatar pipes must not be plastered-in or1
' otherwise installed in an outside wall. Control valves or stop cocks
must be placed and maintained in accessible locations and such
valves or cocks must not be of the metal core type. The water supply
distribution system shall be installed and ready for inspection when
inspection of the drainage and vent system is called for or Made.
All ends in water supply piping must be reamed full size.
SECTION 38. CHANGE IN DIRECTION. All change in direction
of soil, waste and drainage pipes must be made by the appropriate use
iof proper degree drainage fittings. Sanitary tees may be used in a
vertical position only. Quarter bends may be used in soil lines
where the change in direction of flow is from horizontal to vertical.
IChere quarter bends are used to change from vertical to horizontal
such bends must be of the extra long turn type.
SECTION 39. CAST IRON PIPE. All cast iron pipe and fittings
installed must be sound, smooth, free from cracks, sand holes or other
defects, of a uniform thickness and thoroughly coated inside and out-
side while hot with asphaltum or coal tar pitch. All extra heavy 1
SECTION 54. TRAPS, WHERE REQUIRED. Every fixture shall
be separately trapped with a water-seal trap placed as near the
fixture as practicable, except that a set of two laundry trays or
two dental cuspidors may be served with one trap. All fixture
straps shall be instaled in a firm substantial manner and maintained
1 SECTION 55. TRAPS, KIND. Traps for bathtubs, lavatories,
sinks and similar fixtures shall be of brass, cast iron, lead or
malable iron galvanized or porcelain enameled and shall be so con-
structed as to retain a water-seal of at least 3 inches in depth.
No form of trap which depends for its seal upon the action of movable
parts or concealed interior partitions shall be used, except traps
formed integral in urinal or water closet bowls, drinking fountains
or other fixtures.
SECTION 56. DRUM: TRAPS. All cast iron drum traps install-
ed shall be of the three opening type except where such traps are
installed with a vertical vent and paste. Drum traps must not be
installed inverted except by express permission.
SECTION 57. "P" TRAPS, BATHTUBS. Bathtubs may be con-
nected with "P" traps provided that where the bottom of such trap is
not accessible it shall have a cleanout in the crown of the trap.
All. "P" traps installed shall be of the open pattern type.
SE'C'I'ION 58. GREASE TRAPS. Grease traps shall be so con-
structed as to intercept and clarify greasy waste water to the ex-
tent that the drainage system and the public sewer system will be
' protected against grease corrosion. The size, capacity and construc-
tion of grease traps shall be subject to approval of the plumbing
inspector. Sinks, dishwasher machines and other similar fixtures in
irestaurants, hotels, boarding houses, bakeries, ice cream factories
for other places where an unusual amount of greasy waste water is dis-
charged into a public sewer system shall be connected with grease
traps. All grease: traps shall be maintained in such condition as to
'effectively serve the purpose intended.
drain traps installed in basement floors or in the ground floors of',
(buildings where the building drain is not constructed in or under a'
basement floor, shall be equipped with a back-water valve of brass
or bronze metal and such valve shall be accessible for repairs or
'replacement by; means of a threaded cast brass cleanout plug finish-
ed flush with the floor. All such traps must have a water-seal of
at least 4 inches. All such traps installed more than 15-feet from
the building drain shall be vented and the diameter of such vent
pipe must be at least 1 .-inch, provided, that more than one such
itrap installed on the same waste pipe shall be vented by means of a
vent not less than 2-inches in diameter installed. from the end of
such waste pipe and continued through the roof in accordance with
vent regulations.
livery shower-bath trap installed shall be vented. More than one
shower trap in battery formation on the same horizontal waste branch
may be vented by means of a gingle combined waste and vent pipe pro-
vided such combined waste and vent pipe shall not be less than 2-
inches in diameter. All shower traps installed in any floor other
than a basement floor shall be of the dual drainage type and fitted'
with a lead safety pan of a. weight not less than 3-pounds per square
foot. Such pan must cover the entire floor of the shower stall and,
extend up the walls of the stall at least 6-inches and such pan must
be coated on both sides with asphaltum or coal tar pitch. Shower
(traps located in a basement floor shall be installed as required in
this ordinance for floor drain traps.
SECTION 61. PIP; OLLANOUTS. Cleanouts shall ndit be less;
!in size than the pipe served up to and including 4-inch pipe. CleaN-
outs for screw pipe and fittings shall be heavy cast brass plugs with
a solid wrench shoulder not less than 1-inch thick and 1-inch high.
'ICleanouts for calked pipe shall be separate fittings and the body o8
isuch cleanouts shall be not less than 4 inch thick. The plug for such
IFleanout body must be of cast brass at least 3/16-inch thick with
standard threads and a wrench shoulder as above described. All clean-
Tout plugs must be made water-tight without the use of any substance ;
Which renders the plug difficult to remove. Cleanouts shall be in-
deter and the number of water-closets connected thereto shall be
(limited to 50. For more than 50 and not to exceed 80 water-closets'
soil pipe not less than 5-inches in diameter shall be used end for
more than 80 water-closets 6-inch pipe shall be used. No increase 1
in any soil pipe which is 4-inches or more in diameter is required
to serve the discharge from additional fixtures connected thereto
Mother than water-closets.
SECTION 23. WATER-CLOSETS. VENTS. No vent pipe other than
the soil stack is required for water-closets located 7 feet or. less,
(developed length, from the main soil pipe or stack. Boater-closets
!located more than 5-feet and not to exceed 15 feet from the main
(soil pipe or stack shall be vented with a pipe not less than 2 inches
. iin diameter. Not more than 1 water-closet and three small fixturesi
may be served by such 2-inch vent pipe which may be installed as
"wet" vent. 'Water-closets located more than 15-feet, developed I
length, from the main soil pipe or stack shall be provided with a
4-inch vent stack extending through the roof.
fixture trap shall be protected against siphonage and back pressures.
'by means of a soil vent, a separate vent or a circuit vent extending
through the roof as herein provided for vent pipes and the entire
,drainage system shall be assured of air circulation by means of such
vent pipes.
SECTION 25. FITURR - UNITS. To determine the minimum site
Hof waste pipe and vent pipe required to serve a maximum number of
fixtures, a fixture-unit ratio as prescribed in Table No. 1., shall
Ibe employed. The size of traps for such fixtures shall be as shoum'
shin this table.
I Table No. 1.
Fixture-unit equivalents.
Ii'Kind of Fixture Fixture-units. Minimum size Minimum diameter
of trap waste and ventioipe
11 drinking fountain inch 1 4 inch
1 lavatory 1 1 4 I? 1 "
1 kitchen sink l 1 x " 1 z "
1 bath tub 1 1 " 14 "
4 laundry tray 1 1 1 z, " 1 a "
shower bath drain 1 -F- 1 4 " 1 "
j slop sink, stall 1 '. i s " 1 "
II ,
Table No. .1 (cont'd.)
1 �_ 1 a inch 1 inch
1 urinal,small a 2 it2 it�1 slthp hopper 2 2 it 2 It
'1 stall urinal floor 2 2 „ 2 n
1 trough urinal 2 3 II 3 tt
1 pedestal urinal 3
I `
waste pipe and vent pipe shall be independently determined in each
, case by the total fixture-units of all fixtures connected thereto aS prescribed in Table No. 2, provided that 14-inch pipe shall not be
fused to serve any fixture rated as a lz, fixture-unit in Table No. 1,
;and provided further, a horizontal waste pipe receiving the discharge
from more than two sinks in apartment house construction shall be
!not less than 2-inches in diameter..
t fable No. 2.
Diameter of Number of Permitted length Permitted
,waste pipe and fixture-units of horizontal lengthpofe.1
,vent pipe. allowed, inc. waste pipe.
ent 20 feet 40 feet
4 $ inch 1 to 2 , „ 50 "
1 n3 " 6 �,0
112 a It to 12 no limit no limit
1I2 a " 13 to 24 It II° „
1 3 n no limit
Ilbe placed more than 3 feet from its vent. No crown vented traps
shall be installed except in case of replacement or as may be allowed
Idue to structural conditions.
Illation of horizontal offsets in vent pipes shall be avoided where
practicable to do so. No horizontal vent pipe shall be installed
on a level with or below the maximum water level of the fixture ex
'cept vent pipe connections to floor level traps serving bath tubs or
I(similar fixtures. Horizontal vent offset connections to soil or
Waste pipes must rise at least 45 degrees to the vertical. All i
horizontal vent pipe connections shall be as short as practicable and
ust be installed with a maximum fall toward the trap,soil or waste .
I SECTION 29. VENT PIPE TkutdINALS. All vent pipes located 1
ess than 12 feet from any door or window opening in any building must
not terminate less than 2-feet above such opening. Where the roof is
'cast iron pipe and fittings shall be marked as such by having the
!words EXTRA HEAVY or an abbreviation thereof cast in distinct raised
letters and all such pipe and fittings shall have a wall thickness
of not less than -inch and shall weigh not less per linear foot
! than prescribed in Table No. 3.
Table No. 3.
Extra Heavy Cast Iron Pipe.
Diameter of Pipe Weight per foot.
2 inch 5 -1 pounds
3 " 9 "
4 " 15
5 " 17
g " 20
standard cast iron pipe and fittings shall have a uniform wall
thickness of not less than 1/8 inch.
j copper pipe installed shall conform to the standard specifications,
of the American Society for Testing Materials.
SECTION 42. LEAD PIPE. All lead pipe shall be of best
quality drawn pipe and all soil and waste pipe, factory bends and
traps included, shall weigh not less per linear foot than prescribed
II in Table No. I.
Table No. 4.
Diameter of lead pipe Weight per foot.
1 inch 2 .. pounds
1 z, " 3s
2 " 4 II
3 " 6
4 " 8 "
drainage fittings used in connection with soil and waste pipes shall
be of the recessed type, of standard weight and dimensions, galvan+
ized or coated with coal tar pitch or asphaltum, provided, short
turn 90-degree ells shall not be installed in any waste line and
provided further, all 90-degree ells used in any sink waste line
must be of the extra long turn type measuring at least 32.-inches
end to center except where the sink trap is connected to a branch
arm extension.
SECTION 44. MALLABLii IRON FITTINGS. All malable iron fit+
I!, I
tinge used in soil, wasters vent and water supply pipes shall be
calking ferrules, soldering nipples and bushings shall be of best
quality heavy cast brass.
SECTION 46. CALKED JOINTS. All calked joints shall be made
hof pure lead and oakum or redwood wedge packing. The lead shall be
not less than 1-inch deep and well calked.
SECTION 47. SCREW JOINTS. All screw joints in wrought pipe
shall be standard screw joints and every end in drainage, soil,
waste, vent and water supply shall be reamed full size.
SECTION 48. CAST IRON JOINTS. Cast iron joints shall be
either calked joints or screw joints made in the approved manner.
Inection between wrought pipe or brass pipe to cast iron pipe shall
! be calked or screw joints. In case of reduced connection a tapped ;
reducer having a wall thickness of not less than -,I7-inch shall be
used. The use of cleanout bodies for this type of connection is
' prohibited.
SECTION 50. LEAD PIPE, WIPED JOINTS. Joints in lead pipe
or between lead pipe and brass or copper pipe, ferrules or soldering
nipples shall be full wiped joints.
i ferrules or soldering nipples shall be used in making joints between
lead pipe and iron pipe.
SECTION 52. SLIP JOINTS. All slip joints in waste, vent,
water pipe and flush pipe shall be permanently exposed and accessible.
SLOP SINKS. Connections to cast iron pipe shall be made by means of
a heavy cast brass flange securely soldered to lead pipe and bolted
to the fixtures with brass bolts. A heavy cast brass or iron flange
shall be used in connection with screw pipe. Pure linseed oil putty
or other approved material must be used to assure a water-tight
joint between flange and fixture.
stalled in the building drainage system at all right angle or 90-
degree change in direction and at the end of all horizontal lines
of soil, waste and. drain pipes except concealed short branches
which do not exceed 15-feet developed length, provided every change
in direction is made by the appropriate use of 45 degree, 60-degree.
or LONG SWEEP 90-degree fittings and provided, further, that the lo-
cation and number of cleanouts required in each installation of soil,
waste and vent pipes shall be subject to the approval o:' the plumb
ing inspector.
SECTION 62. SEPTIC TANKS. Every septic tank Lnstalled,
the location of such tanks and the disposal of the discharge there-'
from shall be subject to the approval of the plumbing inspector.
( receiving the discharge from one or more water-closets or from septic
tank shall be not less than 4-feet finished interior diameter. The,
depth shall be not less than 10-feet measured from the inlet pipe to
; the bottom of the cesspool provided excavation conditions permit. '
,Where it is impracticable to excavate 10-feet in depth the cesspool',
shall be proportionally larger in diameter, the supporting walls orl.
lining shall be of porous construction of stone or other suitable
(material substantially constructed. The top of the cesspool shall
be a solid substantial construction of stone or reinforced concrete,
Cesspools receiving only the discharge from fixtures other
than water-closets may be half the dimensions set forth herein but
the same structural requirements shall apply. A cesspool shall not,
be located less than 15 - feet from any residence or dwelling or
boundary line of an adjoining lot.
SECTION 64. SETTLING TRAPS. All settling traps shall be of
such design, dimensions and ®nstruction approved by the city engineer.
The outlet pipe from settling traps which are located more
Han 15-feet from the building drain or from the building sewer shall
be provided with a 4-inch vent stack.
rise provided by this ordinance every plumbing fixture installed shall].
be connected direct to the building drainage system.
( Soda fountains or other similar counter connections shall not con-
nect direct to any building drainage system. The waste pipe from
, counter fixture openings shall discharge into a properly trapped and
vented sink placed and maintained in an accessible location and fitted
( with a inch mesh metal screen supported at least 2-inches above the
bottom of the sink. Such sink must be at least 12-inchws in depth
! unless otherwise determined by the plumbing inspector. The waste
pipe serving a doda fountain or counter connection must not be less
Ithan 1-4 inch in diameter, provided, however, that such waste pipe
! shall be increased in diameter where required by the plumbing in-
Ispector. Recessed drainage fittings must be used throughout the main
[waste pipe and branches and the sameshall be provided with sufficient
cleanouts. Such waste pipes more than 20-feet long shall be trapped
Ito an extent determined by the plumbing inspector.
IA waste pipe receiving the drainage from a refrigerator, ice box or
similar fixture where food is stored, except mechanical refrigeration
shall empty into an open sink that is properly supplied with water, .
connected, trapped and vented. No indirect waste pipe shall empty
Tinto a fixture located in a. room or compartment where a water-closet
Ibr a urinal is installed.
SECTION 63. DRINKING FOUNTAINS. Drinking fountains may be
Ilinsta.11ed on a, connection by means of one pipe serving as a combined
'waste and vent provided to fixtures other than drinking fountains
are connected thereto and every fountain is separately' trapped.
SECTION 69. SAFES. Safe drain pipes shall not connect di-
*ect to any part of a building drainage system.
contrivance of any kind which prevents free Ventilation from the sewer
ind throughout the entire course of the drainage system shall be al
A kitchen sink and a bath tub must not be connected to the'.
same :ranch waste pipe where the sink is installed higher than the tbb.
ground joint
Except flange or.Asolder unions, the use of unions in soil,
waste or vent pipes is prohibited..
The use of quarter bends with heel inlet is prohibited ex-
cept where the heel inlet is installed in a vertical position.
Soil, waste or vent pipes sh7,ll not be used as roof drains
nor shall roof drains be used as soil, waste or vent pipes.
In no case shall roof drains connect with the public sani,-
` ta.ry sewer system.
it Offset fittings may be used only in vertical lines of soil,
waste and vent pipes and such fittings shall not exceed a 6-inch
No saddle hubs or bands shall be used in connection with
drainage or vent pipes.
The use of couplings in soil or waste pipe shall ,-e avoid-
led but where necessary the recessed drainage type shall be used.
Double hub fittings shall.not be installed. except in vent
Wood plugs shall not be used to support plumbing work or
No close pattern "P" traps shall be installed.
SECTION 71. UNLAWFUL TO VIOLATE. It shall be unlawful
'for any person to violate, or to cause to be violated any provision
of this ordinance.
1 SECTION 72. PENALTY FOB. VIOLATION. Any person violating Or
'causing to be violated any provision of this ordinance shall upon
conviction thereof be punished by a fine in any sum less than fifty!
M0.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days.
in the city jail or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 73. VALIDITY. If any section, sub-section, sentence,
clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be un-
constitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the !
remaining portions of this ordinance. The Board of City Commission=
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby declares that it would have passed
this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or
phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sec-
tions, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared un-
SECTION 74. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, )
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.]
SECTION 75. This ordinance shall take effect at once
upon its first publication.
Passe by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 2 day of March, A. D. 1933.
xx Mayor.
City Recorder
1 l
1 1�
Hi I
1 r
Proof of Publication
Only, quarter bends may be.4611'1 Such pan moat cover the entire fiber I, HARRY' WOW being first duly
Boll lines where the change In direr- of the shower stall and extend up the
tlon of flow Is from horizontal tbArer• Wane of the stall at least 6 inches and -
tical. Where quarter bends are used Ruch pan must be coated both
to change from vertical to horizontal aides with asphaltum r coal tar"pitch.• sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
such beads must be Of the eats DRg. Shower. trope located in a basement i.
two typppee :floor shall be installed as required in
SECTION 36. CAST IRON PIP Ahl this ordinance for floor drain.traps. TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
mist iron pipe and fittings'•fnetftgl %ECTION 61.. PIPE CLEANOUTS.
must be.6onnd, smooth, tree., e tuts shall not be less-in size •
crack.,'sand'holes or other d§ than
IOOBJCPX thann the pipe served up to and in-
a uniform thickness and thor.gply eluding 4-inch pipe. Cleamuts for at Salt Lake City, State of Utah.
coatedinside'and outside Wang-not ',orew pipe and fitting,shall be heavy
with asphaltum or coal'tar pltti All act brass plugs with.a eolld Wrench'
extra heavy cast ire pipe and Bing, shoulder not lees than 1 inch,thick
shall be marked as Such by havinn;g the' and 1inch high. CI nuts for calked words EXTRA HEAVY'or net hbrevi. pipe shall be separate fittings end the AN ORDINANCE' `/pTT+*yr{T
4, Q•7aS,.
aloen thereof oast In distinct rgleed lets body of such clean to hall be not That the notice
ter,, and all euch pipe and Sittings less tech 1/4 inch thick. The plug for
hall have a wall thickness of.not Ides such cleanout body must be of cast
than Inch and shall weigh nut lees ,brass at least 3-16 inch.thick with
per linear foot than pre8edbe4ptn standard threads and a wrench ghoul-
Table No.3. - der ea aboveogledescribed. All rl snout
TABLE NO. 3. - - plugs must be made water tight with-
Ektra Heavy One Iron Pipe out the.use of any substance which t
Diameter . Weight'• renders the plug difficult to remove.
f Pipe per!Oat. ,Clean uts shell be Installed 1 the
'3-lhoh yi,. 5%'•1OUnde building drainage system t all right
3-Inch t r de angle or 9O-0-dogregree change In direction
4-inch 1 de and t.the end of all horizontal lines 1
inch 17.=:.poq d of- Roil,waste and drain pipes except
6-Inch 20 DPO Bled short branches which.do
SECTION. 40. STANDARD - i o 461.Jese..devalgpsd length, - -
IRON PIPE AND Fe nod S.,All prove ett'Beery change in direction 1s ,
standard cast'iron pipe it tAi Stlige -made by the appropriate use-of 95
shall have a uniform wall Chien degree 60•degree Or LONG SWEEP of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
riot 1 ee than 9e inch. = 90 degree fittings,and,provided fur-
. BRASS PIPE A11 they that the.location and number
COPPER y .All braes arid,OOD"er of else o to requir?d In each An tall- 3rda
pfpe'lhete4 khan monforml"to e Sion of soil,Waste and vent pip hall in its issue dated the da of March 19.33
eteIIdln'd d 901flbatlona 01 SHe'- t plumbing
L to the approval of the paper y
Joan,Motile 4 for Testily Materials,`• be
pipe shell be of beat'qualittl;draw cry,septic tank Instated,the location
pipe and all eon and Waste'p Po, pf.eUeh tanke,anrdathe disposal of the and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
tory bends nd trope ter led, Ili-discharg therefrom hall be eub Int
weigh not lees pee linear'mot'+•rotlari 601 the:approval of the plumbing in-
preeoribed en Table No.4.. • epector. -,
Diameter of Weight, MTRUCTION,LOCATION. A cesspool *arch.3r4..19357 for
lead pl a per loot"' receiving the Mis hang from one or
'LS's-1nc 2 pottage more water cloacae or from septic tank
1;-loch 3J,pouhde that be not lose than 4 feet rmlehed
2•Inoh ....,:.......r••••4 p0 a interior diameter. The depth shall be
3-inch 6 v tmdde not leas than to feet measured from thereafter, the full period of ...Ot18..xlme
4-Inch 6 podnda.`tile Inlet'pipe to the bottom of the
SECTION 43. mmRAS14AGE FILTT -BBespool provided- excavation condl-
TINOS, THREADER All Rreaged :Mon permit. Where it is impraotlee-
drainage fittings need in c iltibn b,e to excavate 10 feet an depth thethe last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ..,3rd•
with soli and waste plPee ell k'a t es1Dool•shell be prOpertlonahy l e,
the reothised'type,of standard wel t er In diameter,the supporting walla
'end dtinenelona,g41 armed or outor lining shall be of porous construe- March
with coal ter pitch or asphaltum, o.. t{on of O tone or other suitable te- sari is A. D. 19.'�V w
Aided short turn 80 tleg ee ells i_Of the cesspool
b constructed.a The top day of
not e installed In any waste Mlle d Or the Cconstr eion b eolld Ub-
Anprovided n, further,all 90 d Brae ells forced construe o1 et n-
th an „ink waeta tine must be.Of a -forced On eoel
y Crgefro xturee only n die-
extra long.turn type measUMng at charge•from fi tui Both Lh water
tenet 3t'e inhe°and tq canter.e t cIrtete may be-half the dkr eneio s
where the e1Rk tra 1 oOnReote4 a sq't fo th ha eia.•but the same t -
bnpytli,J'WF e6Q.�E�{4tge�rWee-
h ' tUgalgrequirements shparttta4,]Rai,t�naa _ _.__ et ss y
FITTINGS."A71'mal ab I hit _ 6•faat fkbnt aayrBelre" m c ailing `r yh
used In eon,waste,vent and water bopnttery,line of aW adiolRmg lot. Subscribed and sworn to before is day of
ING NIPPLES AND• 1 se ng rap e
oomog ferrules,soldering nip lee sign,
dimensions andconstructmn ap- December
buehinge shall be of best quality`h estby.',the',citf engineer.
A. D. 1.9i: .�"
oast braes 0 outlet pipe tr m settling traps i
SECTION 4Q CALK �I@ iztS M.F which are located d r than 16 1 et �-J --
I from the building aisle or from;the
calked Jolnta shall Aa 11re.4e 61 p e buuiIlding sewer hall b provided With
lead 8R4 O m Or CedWood W e a'1.1aaC0hh pent stack
yyaol no lead°halt ben 4 SE(9'I'ION 65. DIRECT CONNEC-
thaE• I dSC sad OI S. TIONS REQUIR2I• Except as other- Notary Public.
SECTION 47 SCREW JOINTS quo ides grovWed by the ordinance cry I
screw rdjointsscrew
in wrought pipe ehall ne plum4ing Ilxturq¢ Installed ehau be
standard 80reW Jolnte end every end coon led dire fro the building drain- \_
1n drainage soil,waste vent did wafer age ay tom -
supply shell,be reamed-fuu.efae gEt1T •
Cast iron Jolnte shall be either calked RBC: bda tauntaine dr othe elm-
Jolnte or eoreW Pinta mad°in'ihe ap- fleeth1rnt r oonheptione ehdl not coo-
proved manner.' �(� �Y9 pit'ditp to any building drainage Advertising fee, $
SAS PIPE 49, WROUGHT PIFE r1R ttut@m Jr'a waste pipe from counter
BRASS w It CAST IRON'• C0q f ore Rpenlng ehdl discharge into a
pelto between p e otiphe onobilk 0^Qtt� rily trADbld.'and vented sink I
pipe to teat Its. Alpo dl ne'OalirYd abed end•modfltt ed In an a.ceesi- I
.or eoreN Joints. I�.tlsea of red d a'C O G.sad.fitted with a inch
oonnectlon,a tepD l reducer WO
met9r•goraen supported at deeat
a;w41 thlcknstm„0t t�rrot less,then ,nohee abmva•'the,bottom qr the
to?o�%shell be yyggeedr vriv.use,of.gl ` k, Such.afnkmuet beat'-least la: .�
9uttio ea fOtt't111a tybe'o'I Oonn pllae__IiLdaOt1Y'unless otherNlaF AA-
le biohlude
mintae gender. In this section In a Capacity or statue with pipe not lees than 2 inches In
"Plumbing Ordinance" or "This of crevice to the public. diameter. Not more than 1 water-
rdlnence," wherever the terms are IL shall be unlawful for any person closet and three small Ilxtures may
ontalned herein, hall be construed other than-a duly Pronged plumber •be served by such 2-inch vent pipe
to mean,the plumbing ordinance of to indicate by the display of any sign which may be Installed as"wet"Vent.
Salt Lake City. or advertisement.that he is permitted •Water-closets located more them 15
"Plumbing" shall Include the In- to engage'In the dabs.of work mon- feet, developed at length, from the
ttallatlon, alteration, change, repair, toned,to thia section or to serve the malls soil pipe or stack shall be pro-
oval, maintenance and use In public•in any work governed by the vided with a 4-inch vent stack extend-
"mUildinge or on the premises there- plumbing ordinance. ' • mg through the roof.
'shouts Of the pipes,fixtures and fit- SECTION 1l. PERMIT PEES: Be- SECTION 24. FIXTURE TRAP S
tines for bringing in the water supply fore a permit shall.be Issued permit PROTECTED, VENT S REQUIRED.
and removing liquid end water carried fees as follows shall be paid to,the Every fixture trap shall be protected
wastes and every connection disecharg- city tresaorer,provided that the mini- against siphonage and back pressure
soil direst or indirect into the build- mum permit fee shall In no cas0 be by means of a vent,a emigrate
log drainage system and shall Include less than$1.00 for each permit Issued. rent or a olroult Vent extending
the water supply distribution pipes, One to two fixtures, InclUslve, through the roof as herein provided
fixtures and fixture traps, the soil, roughed-in for or,installed or' for vent pipes end the:entire drainage
to and Vent pipes, the building changed in location $1.00 system shall be assured of air.cireula-
drain,roof drains where installed in- Each additional fixture roughed- ton by means of such vent pipes. •
side the walls of a building,settling in for or Installed or,Chengede • SECTION 25. P I X T U R E-UNITS.
traps,septic tanks and Cesspools with in location .50 To determine the minimum size of
their devices,appurtenances end con- Change or alteration or replace- waste pipe and vent pIPe required to
nections. ment of soil,waste or vent pipe.1.00 a maximum number of fixtures,
"Building Drain"1s that part of the Each roof drain installed inside a fixture-unit ratio ea prescribed•in
lowest horizontal piping Of.a drainage the building • .50 Table,No.1,shall be employed. The
-System which receives the discharge Each septic talk,cesspool or set- size of traps-fOr such Iixtures shall,.i
from the soil,waste and other drain- thug trap 1.00 be as shown in this table.
' age pipes Inside the walls of any build- Each mechanical refrigeration TABLE NO.1 1
ing end conveys the discharge to the drain end each air conditioning Fixture-Unit Equivalents
building sewer located not less than apparatus connected'either di-',,
3 feet outside the foundation walls rest or indirect to the building '. x �y tf 8
.f'the building. drainage.ayetem .50 , n 3 l i b
"Building Sewer"fe that part Of the SECTION 12. PERMIT SCOPE LIM- p
plping of a drainage system extendlug ITED. Any plumbing Work not cent-, C e g e B
..from the building drain to its connec- Meted.by licensed plumber.under Hind of Fixture b m O»
Lion with the'main sewer,cesspool-or the permit Issued to him for the es.
-•tic tank. work wad the work 1n questlo¢1s'sdtl- ,�
I "Roof Drain"ie a pipe which'con- ed t.or competed by one o[more • p g
Veye the storm water from the rss
oof llcenaed plumbers each' licensed
of a building. - - plumber shall procure a permit cover-
"Soil Pipe"is nap pipe which con- ins the work he performs. 1 dri•
nking fours- m
v0ye the without.
of water-eloeeta OINSSECTION l3. DIVISION OF PLUI4B- ,tam . ;¢ 1; in 1;4 I
with without the discharge from INO'INSPECTION. All plumb 1 n g 1 lavatory 1 1;4 m. 1;4 Irt.
other"W fixtures to th op pip g drain. work ss regulated by the plumbing 1 kitchen sink 15z '1jz in: 1;¢'In.
"Waste Pipe"Is any pipe which re- ordinance and all plumbing work not -1 bath-tub lls 1;�1¢. 1;¢In.
educe the discharge from any fixture specifically governed by the said erdi- 1 laundry tray 1;5 1?s In. 1;S m.
other then awater-closet end conveys trance shall be subject to the'approval 1 uhower bath
the discharge to a soil pipe or the of the plumbing Inscector.' drain .... 1;'= 1;§1n. I;s in
building drain.• Where etructurol o»dltlone era ex- 1 slop sink,small 1;¢ 1;5 m, ,1;¢in.
Vent Pipe"1e any pipe.and fittings Where,
adverse to full ompllence: 1 urinal,emell 1;i lye 1¢. l;j In.
,so• Installed as to prevent trap siphon- with the.plumbing regulatlona the 1 slop hopper 2 2 In. 2 In.
age and back pressure and to Ventilate plumbing inspector may grant epeoia. 1 stall urinal.11oor.2 2 In. 2 in,
a drainage system 1 whole or in Dart. pernllssion to deviate from the reeule- 1 trough uelnal '.2 2 In. 2 Sn.
Soli Vent"1s a pipe which receivesLions,provided that in theAudgment
the discharge from one or more water- of the plumbing Inspector such data- ,1 pedestal urinal 3 3 1». 3 In.
closets and Serves as a combined soil SECTION 28. SIZE OF WASTE
tlon does not create an insanitary M
and vent pipe. unsafe'condition and provided Sur- PIPE AN.VENT PIPE. The'size of
Circuit Vent"1s a pipe so installed Sher,that no ouch deviation shell be Waste pipe and Vent pope shall'be hi-
as to t e series o1 fixture traps allowed 1¢buildings l course of Con- dependently determined in;each case
connected to the same horizontal soil by the total fixture-milts of-all fix-
or to branch. - etructlon, lures connected thereto prescribed
"Trap"is afitting or device eo con- Such Inspector shall have right,.of 1n Table No.2,provided that 1?'a-lnnh
entry within reasonable hounf to any 1 shall not be used to serve any
struoted as to prevent by m of building or premise for the purpose of P PO
sufficient'water scel pcesage pwith- inspection or to Investigate by work fixture rated es a 1f, fixture-unit 1n
air or sewer gas through the trap with- or conditions'governed by the,plumb- Table No.1,and provided further,a
out materially affecting.the flow of die-
ing ordinance and he- to hereby horizontal waste pipe receiving the die-
sewage or waste water through it, e _ charge from more than twosinks in
"Fixtures' are receptacles intended red,red to condemn end cyder re- apartment house construed. shall be
to receive and discharge water,liquid, Paned,plumbing
found, placed or hanged,' not lees than 2 inches in diameter.
or water carried wastes into a drainage a nditonborgnot m accordsnee with TABLE NO.2.
system with which they are connected. the plumbing rdlnance. t gp m..'f• -, ''
Minn"of any horizontal,vertical or It-ahall.be unlawful tor.any'owner' a 8 f-.f'0 8.R CH
'centiuuros'plpmg7e that Pert of each -agent or occupant of Any building of rb e G o• b'� a�•
system Which receives the,wastes'or peemisee to fall,neglect,,or refuse to `of2 8.. n 'So
( vents from fixture outlets or traps, i pair,remove,replace or change with- E.'E n, Al''E —'d•�i''`--
-'direct or,through,branch pipes. days m
y to tom o1 1¢ten dame i a t or ny G do.bliag m b e v-
"Branch"of e s pexten Se the Iambi impactor an lumblg a r 'e• C
that part of the system which extends Condemned by such inspector. `^ `°S.'%
horizontal,with or Without lateral or A sink or'other fixture shall be pro- A
vertical extensions from the c main to vided ab required by the plumbing in-
receive outlets not directly connected spector wherever a wete'r-Closet is
Al to the ain: installed. its inch 1 to 2 -20 feet 40 feet
"Stack"le A general term for a ver- SECTION 14. PLUMBINO TESTS 1;¢inch 3 to 8 20 feet 50 feet
deal line of soil,waste or vent piping. REQUIRED Before the fixtures;are,'2 inch 7 to.12 no limit -no limit
Developed Length"of a pipe 1s its connected to the building,drainage 2;i inch 13 to 24 no limit no limit
length long.the center]Inc of pipe system all openings shell be closed and .3 inch no limit no ant no limit
and fitting¢• the piping system filled with•water. SECTION 27. DISTANRCE Or-VENT
''Diameter"of a pipe is the interior provided that an air test maybe ap- FROM TRAP SEAL. Na trap shall be
diameter' all cases except w gibing, plied g In lieu of
water test. The placed more than 3 feet from Its vent.
Sewage'is any liquid to con- piping system may be tested In Sections No mown vented traps shall be in-
tabling 0110 animal and Vegetable Wastes to provided water-head of 30 feet,or stalled except in case of replacement
solution and Includes wastes from ore shall be applied h sectional or-as may be'allowed due to structural
laboratorMs and industrial lnstltu- test or a uniform aira pressure of.15 Conditions.- -
tons. pounds or more be maintained for 15 '• SECTION 28. HORIZONTAL VENT
"Septic Tank" Is watertight re a minnte e. The air presen PIPE CONNECTIONS:'The installa-
'Ceptacle so constructea d as to promote shall presencea be determined by means Of ticket horizontal oflsete Vent pipes
sedimentation and tlemposttlOn ofmercury gauge. The entireddrainada shall be avoided where practicable
cticable to
sewage. and vent system shall be made`water do.so. No horizontal vent pipe shall
Cesspool" is a pit having porous tight-or s ay,air-tight as the case mbe, themmtailed on a level with or below
walls which permit seepage Into.the Any material proven defective.ehaltbe maximum'water.level of the flx-
ground.• 'replaced with sound material end:the. Lure except vent pipe connections to
Indirect C anecdon'•Is any waste test repeated if deemed neces0er.by •floe[level traps serving bath tubs'or
,pice'which discharges.Into an•open the l inspector: Root ddrraa((n9 similar fixtures. HorizontalrScents Off-
fixture. installed within the walls of a birr Illsg must 0heatiene to eon'or weave pipes
Licensed Plumber'1s any person shall be totted-as•required:for We must rise.at.least 45 degrees to the
wh'haw procured a license•In accord- plumbing system. All devices for tests vertical, All horizontal'vent pipecen-
ce with the requirements f this Insplumbing Contraot0r. Pbeandmust be inetaiYed Wtth a maxl-
I force. SECTION 15 INSPECTION mum:tall toward the trap soli'or
Owner's,,shall apply to the person QUIREb ,,.lhe W tar supply,dfetFt411 Weete 1Ds
in-whose name ownership eats. - non yetera eh 11-be'-itrpt iled d'LLttd' BEFION t7p VENT PIPE TE2I.MU
' 'Plumb• I s•eeter"Is any-re•re- 4.tsnL'tnmt mie efinee n"lnaefierme•tier,' All von}nlilk.Inr aon.tessfi:s•.
'ventatrve or-tne.LIVOMIOn.us'''''""'"6 of-the drainage and Vent.•system.is 12 feet from any door or window open-
nsBectfon-duly authgrized to,make called for or made. Notice to inspect Mg ln'any building must not terminate
such inspections. shall.be given as soon ae the:installs-• lees than-two feet above'such'opening.
SECTION 3. LICENSE. BOND RE-- tlon-of the drainage,event and water'.Where the root is'need for purposes
QUIRED. Except,as otherwise'pro- supply system.permits..After notice other than weather protection,no vent
vidod for In this ordinaarr,it.shall be that any.auoh.eyetemo are ready•f(or' pipe shall terminate,lees than,six feet
ln unlawful for any person to.lay any inspection and the plumbing anedyor above the roof, "
service pipe connected or to be con- calls at.the place designated o,make ' SECTION 30. VENT'PIPE.TERMI-
netted with the waterworks system of such inspection and finds the work HALO•ADJOINING HIGHER BUILD-
Salt Lake City,or to do any kind of not ready for inspection he Shall.abl- INOS.'In the event that a new build-
plumbing work or other work regulated led en addiuoaaf inspection-fee M Mg is.built higher than an existing
in this ordinance unless he-is licensed one•($1.00)dollar for each additional building,the owner or contractor of
as herein provided for and gives bond inspection required. ' • the new building shall not locate win-
as provided for in Section 1705 of the .SR,TION 16. U N L A W P U L TO dow or door.openings within twelve
Revised Ordinanes of Salt Lake City, COVER OR CONCEAL'BEFORE IN- •feet of an xiating vent stack on the
• Utah,1920,ae amended, SPECTION APPROVAL. It Shall 'be lower building unless the owner or,
SECTION 4. PLUMBER'S LICENSE. unlawful for any porsoa.to cover,or contractor of such new building shall.
BOND. AMOUNT. The yearly license conceal or cause to be covered or cob- defray the expense of,or shall make,
fee for plumbers shall be twenty-five celled or In any way render difficult,such alterations to conform with this.
dollars ($25.60) for said year,or any of access for the purpose of inspection ordinance.
part thereof,and the 1leeme may be any plumbing installation or-'other It shall be the duty of the owner]
issued upon payment of Said sum and work regulated by this ordinance be- of the lower budding to make suchl
upon giving the bond in the Sum of fore euch plumbing or other smirk alterations therein upon receipt'In ad-
ten thousand($10,000.00)dollars,con- shall have been inspected and approved van.of money or sorority therefor;
ditioned and sublect to the provisions by,the plumbing inspector. Such in- sufficient,for the purpose,from the
as mined in Ordinances of Salt Section Lake City,Utah,evtsed o cause to be maeotor le de any such plumbing ownerempowered to make iding,orr oo permit at the elecntractor of the t on
1920,as amended. Said bond shall con- or other work accessible for the poll.- of the owner or contractor of the higher.
fain a further condition for the faith- pose of inspection without expense to .building to make-Much alteration. i
ful observance of all ordinances,ruts the city or to.the plumbing inspector. SECTION •31,..WASTE OPENING;
and regulations of this city relating SECTION 17. FIXTURE MATERI- WITHOUT VENT PROVISION PRO.
tV plumbing work and other work as ALS,DESIGN,QUALITY,STANDARD. HIBITED..No wade or drainage open-
herein regulated. Except as otherwise herein provided tog shall be.-roughed let"for future'
SECTION 5. LICENSE SUBJECT TO all plumbing fixtures Metalled must use without providing a proper vent.
REVOCATION. The license of any be of a design and construction ap- In every residence building having a' i
licensee provided for in this ordinance provedby the Bureau of Standards:of basement,a vent pipe not less than
'-may be revoked by the Board of City the National Trade Extension Bureau 1!.'inches In diameter shall be.Inc 1
Commisleners after notice and hear- of the.Plumbing.and Heating In4Js- stalled when the plumbing system it'
ing ander opportunity to be-heard• tries. t '' • • being roughed in. Such vent pipe',
,for violation of-the plumbinuodi- SECTION'18.-SECOND-HAND qR must extend through the basement
nonce, incompetency, fraud, deceit USED FIXTURES. The reinstallation ceiling at a convenient point and bey,
and for any other,reason which of any second hand or used fixture accessible for future use,except where,
the said board may deem good and shal be snblett to the approval of ns the the plumbing system IncludIncludesa Mink)
sufficient. plumbing Ipector as tos the fitns'or or similar fixture in the basement.
No.refund of the license fee or anysanitary--condition of such fixture'for SECTION 32. LOCAL VENTILA-
pport thereof shall be allowed. All per- further use. TION. A water-closet or a urinal shall)
mite outstanding under a revoked 11- SECTION 19. FROST-PROOF. OR pot be installed or allowed in an un
cenee shall became void. No person ANTI-FREEZE WATER-CLOSETS.The ventilated room or compartment or In'
whose license has been revoked shall installation of' any frost-proof or a sleeping room. The room or corn-'
be relicensd without special permis- anti-freeze water-closet Is prohibited partment in which a water-closet or a)
Sion.of the said Board..The revoce- except by express permission of the urinal Is located shall have direct corn-
' lion penalty shall not be a bar to or plumbing iaapeotor and such'permts- munlstioa with the outer,'air by
affect any otherpenalty prescribed for lion may be granted only in cases war- means of a window or Individual air
violation of the plumbing ordinance. • ranted necessary,by structural or other duct. Such air duct must be not leas
SECTION 6. PERMITS REQUIRED. conditions. than.3x14 inches,or equal area,and
•.Except as otherwise provided by this ,SECTION 20. URINAL GUTTERS, constructed of incombustible mate-
ordinance'no plumbing work shall be FLOOR. All floor urinal gutters other' rlal.
begun.without a permit having first •than standard factory manufactured SECTION 33. DEFECTIVE FIX-
been obtained therefor from the DIvi- typos shall be made of non-absorbent •TURES, All plumbing fixtures shall
!ten o1 Plumbing,Inspection and a and rust-reeietmg materials. Flushing be maintained in a cleanly and sanl-
permit to do plumbing work shall not device efficient to thoroughly flush tary condition. All plumbing fixture.
be issued to any person other than a and wash all fouled surface shall be found defective or in an imanttory
,duly!licensed plumber, provided. The trap,wade pipe and condition shall be made sanitary,re- I
SECTION 7. PERMITS NOT TRANS- vent serving such fixture shall'be'In- placed or removed:'within ten days
FERABLE. It shall be unlawful for stalled accesible for cleaning purpss. upon.notice from the plumbing in-
S any lioensd plumber to use his II- SECTION 21, PIPE MATERIALS. .specter-
. sue or to allow his license to be used All main or branch soil.waste,drain, SECTION"34. WORE MANSHIP.
Many way for the purpose of procur vent and water supply pips within Workmanship!hall be of such meohan-
a permit for any person other than the building shall be cast iron, gal- foal efficiency as,to accomplish re-
solf,.The license of any licensee vamzed wrought iron,lead,braes or suits sought o be obtained by the
violates this section shall be sub- copper, provided wrought pipe shill plumbing ordinance. ,
• to revocation. not be used for soil or waste pips 1n SECTION 35. DEAD, ENDS PRO-
TION 0. PERMITS REVOICED or underground. Except roof drains, BIBITED. Dead ends'are prohibited
REFUSED. The plumbing Insp.- all cast Iron soil or waste pipe and fit- In the installation or alteration of any•
•may revoke a permit issued to any tinges within the building and to,-p plumbing system. Aded end shall be
on who falls,neglects or'refuss pout not less than 3 feet ufelde t$r mtrud to mean that p rt of any
o the work In conformance with foundation walls Shall be of.
f the gerdo so1L Waste on building drain not used
ormnnnce for which work a pax- herein defined as eztes hsvy. Root for Alscharging swage s wastor
water ,
was issued to him and a permit drains and vent pipes may be'con- and not vented and terminated at a
o Other plumbing.work may be re- strutted of standard met iron pipe length of five feet or more and sealed
d'such person during the time he and fittings. The use of tile or cement in any manner.
ss to do the work In conformance pipe for drainage within the walls of SECTION'36. GRADE AND SUP-. 1
this ordinance for which work the building shall be limited to sub- `PORT OF PIPING. All piping shall be
ermlt was Issued to him,provided, surface drainage. 'No tile or cement run In practicable alignment. All,
t,at any person affected may appeal building sewer shall be permitted horizontal soil and waste pipes must
tI TIONd of
City Como sIUSTrs. within 5 feet,horizontal measure,from have a grade of not lees than+'' inch
any building and every type of porch fall to'the foot and'Must be support-
-"OCURED BEFORE STARTING construction or addition shall be con- Oct or hung In a firm,substantial man-i
ORR. If any work regulated by the sipored a part of the building. A cant nor at Intervals of divan feet,except,
umbing ordinance for which work Iron building sewer may be constructed where fittings'or stack Meere need ex-.
Permit 1s required be commenced of either standard, medium,or extra tea support.
lthout a permit first having been heavy weight pipe. " SECTION 37. WATER SUPPLY Din-
-tsined therefor,double the permit SECTION"22. SIZE OF SOIL PIPE. TRIBUTION PIPES. All water supply
herein prescribed shall be paid Soil pipe which receives the discharge distribution pips must be run in prac-
":-hen-a permit is finally obtained, from a water-blooet shall not be less tfcal alignment,firmly secured and In-
ayment of any fee mentioned in this than 4 inches in diameter and the stalled in such manner as to moue
tion,however,shall in no way re- number of water-closets, connected button system. Due care must be ex-
eve any person of the penalties that thereto shall be limited to 50. For sensed to avoid freezing conditions.
``ay be imposed for violation of the more than 50 and not to exceed CO Water pipes must not be plastered in
_'iumbing ordinance. water-closets soil pipe not lees than or otherwise installed in an outside
SECTION 10. PERMITS NOT RE- 5 inches in diameter shall be used and wall. Control valve! or.atop cocks
•ot�'•regtdr d to EXCEPTIONS.
outperrilitS are for more or remove pipe shall than
be SO water-closets. No icrease in ceselble o atlons and and d suchned In valvsee
;tonnage from traps,soil,wste and any soil pipe which is 4 inches or cocks moot not be of the metal core l
I''ent pipes and her for repairs or main- more in diameter is required to serve type. The water supply distribution i
0ynance of faucets,valves,roof drains,'the discharge from additional Ilxtures system shall be installed and ready for:
Ind.water supply plps,or exteneiem connected thereto_other than;water- impaction when iaepectloa of the 1
hereof :closes.' drainage and vent system'be called for I
8 Permits shall be procured to repair SECTION,23. WATER-CLOSETS. or made. All ends In water supply-
le replace traps,coil,waste and vent VENTS: No vent pipe other than the piping must be reamed full else.
Mpee unless waived by the plumbing MAI stack is required for water-closes SECTION 36,•CHANGE IN DIREC-
nepector, ' located 7 feet or less,developed length, TION. All change in direction of soil,
Shall ali be unlawful,however, for from the main soil pipe or StaCk. waste and drainage pips must be I
my parson other than a duly licensed Water-closets located more than 5 feet made by the'appropriate:use of proper•
pp lumirer to engage In the.busmen of .and not to'exceed 15 feet•from the degree drainage fittings. Sanitary
i1Aoing the close of work mentioned main soil pipe or stack shall'be vented tees may be used in a vertical position
SECTION 50.,LEAD PIPE, WIPEDH termined by the.plumbing inspector,
1 JOINTS. Joints In lead pipe or be- The waste pipe serving a,otla ao tot
Owen lead'plpe and brass r capper tale or counter connection must not
pipe,ferrules or soldering nipples'shall be lase than ve Inch.o diameter,
be full wiped joints. pipe ah. however. that such waste
SECTION 51. LEAD PIPE TO CAST where requlred be t by thedplumbi in ng�,,,.
IRON OR-WROUGHT PIPE. Brass ,elector, Recessed dralnege fittings
ferrules or soltering nipples shall he must be used throughout the main
:..uesd ta.,making.-JOlutp,.bgtwg0n lead,wes -p1 -
pipe and iron PIP, shall be provided with sufficient
SECTION 52.-SLIP JOINTS. Ali .eleanOUts, Such waste h pipes more
alip.'Jolnts 1n waste,vent,Water pipe than 20 feet long shall be trapped to ,s-
flush D1pe shall ba permanently an extent determined by the plumb-.
exposed and accessible. R lug Inspector..
ARD SLOP$INKS. Connections me to N . A waste pipe receiving the
cast Iron pipe shall be,made by means drainage from refrigerator,,Ice boil
of a heavy oast pipe
palange eecuree or similar fixture where food Is
soldered to lead pipe;and bolted to the stored, except mechanical fixtures with braes bolts. A heavy cast rice,shall empty Into an open sink
braes or Ireli flange shall be used In that is properly supplied with water,
connection wlthecrew pipe. Pure On- connected, trapped and vented. Na
seed oil putty or other approved ma- Indirect waste pipe shall empty into a
terlel must be used to assets a Water-
fixture re located in a room or° mind
Joint between flange and fix- meet where a water closet or a urinal
ture. le installed.
QUIRED, Every fixture shall be asp- TAINS. Ilrinking fountains they by
stated trapped with a water-seal trap installed on a direct connection by
placed as near the fixture as practic- mean,of one pipe erving a oom-
able,except that a set of two laundrye bleed waste and vent provided no fix-
trays or two dental w Allfixt may abe lures other than drinking fountains
served with one trap. All fixture trap- ere connected thereto and every foun-
shall be installed Ina firm,sccheen- Lain is separately trapped. ,
dal manner and maintained aess.- SECTION 59, SAFES. Safe pram
Ale. pipes shall not connect direct to'any
SECTION 55, TRAPS,KIND. Traps part of a building drainage system.
for bathtubs, lavatories, inks and SECTION 70. PROHIBITED JOINTS
similar fixtures shall be of brass,cast AND CONNECTIONS. No trap or con-
iron,lead or malleable iron galvanized tr f any kind which Wreventa
or porcelain enameled and shall be so freeee ventilation from the sewer and
constructed as t0 retain a water•Bgqo, throughout the entire course of the
of at least three Inches In depth, drainage system shall be allowed.
form of trap which depends for Its seal A kitchen sink and a bathtub must
upon the'...tic'OS ovabna shell ror waste .aennehted to the same branch
e ed.except
interior partitions hall oe to pipe where the sink is Installed
used,except traps formed integral 2n higher than the tub.
urinal or water-closet bowls,drinking Except flange or ground Joint solder
fountain,or other fixtures. unions, the use es unions 1n soil,
SECTION 56. DRUM TRAPS. Ill waste or vent pipes is prohibited.
cast iron drum traps metalled shall be The use.of quarter bends with heel
of the three opening type, except inlet is prohibited except where the
where such traps are Installed with a heel inlet Is installed In a vertical
vertical vent and waste. Drum traps Itlon.
must not be installed inverted,except p Soil,waste or vent pipes shall not
by express permission. be used as roof drains nor shall root
SECTION 57. 'P" TRAPS, BATH- drains be used as soli,waste or vent
TUBS. Bathtubs may be connected. pipes
with"P" traps, provided that where In no'case shall roof drains connect
the bottom of such trap 1s not seem- with'the public sanitary sewer system.
sible 1t shall have a cleanout In the Offset fitting may be used only In
crown of the trap. All"P"traps in- vertical lines of soil,waste and vent
stalled shall be of the open pattern pipes and such fitting shall not ex
type. - coed a 6-1neh offset.
SECTION 58. GREASE TRAPS. No saddle hubs or bands shall be
Grease traps shall be so,constructed used In connection with drainage or
as to intercept and clarify greasy waste
water to the extent that the drainage Vent pipes.
system and the. Dublin sewer system pThe use bo coupled,to or,or waste
will be protected against grease ear- r shall
recessed drainage type shall
avoided,but where
ways here noel
' roslon. The else. capacity and awn- emery the
structlon of grease traps shell be sub- be used.
' ject to approval of the plumbing in-
_, Double hub fittings shall not be in-
spector. Sinks,dish washer machies stalled except invent stacks.
and other similar fixtures m restau• Wood plugs plumbing
not be used t0
rants,hotels,boarding houses,bakeries, support se pattern
work or fixtures.
1 ice cream factories or other places dse pattern P"traps shall be
where an unusual amount of greasy Installed.
west¢water Is discharged Into a pub- SECTIONIt71. UNLAWFUL TO VanY
Ile sewer system shall be connected LATE. It shalla ,b or 10 cause
lsfot one
with grease straps. All grease traps person to violate, to t to-be
shall be maintained In such Condition bona.
as any provision of thisortll-
as to effectively serve the purpose 1n- nonce.
Lended. CATION. Any palace violating or
SAPS, B. 59. E OVA, DRAIN causing his r be violated any prdvlslon
TRAPS, BACK-WATER VALVE. Alt of thereof,.
shall,upon Canine
floor drain traps round fl Infloors
basement been- Lion thereof,.be punishedha by fine
I or'inhere the ground g drs Of belle- any sum less peit0 fiftyn no0. o
Inca Where the building drain r not Dollars, or by Imprisonment not to
constructed.in or under a basem - exceed thirty (30) days 1n the city
floor,shall be equipped with a b or by both sewn fine and lmpris-
water valve of brass or broom me al cement.
and such valve shalt be aeceeslble for SECTION 73. VALIDITY. If any
repairs or replacement by means Ob a section,subsection,sentence,clause or
threaded cast brass cleanout plug fin- phrase of this ordinance Is. for any
fished flush with the floor. All such reason, held to be unconstitutional,
traps must have a water-seal of t such decision shall not affect the
least 4 Inches. All such the installed validity of the remaining portions of
more than 15-feet from the 0115bg this ordinance. The Board of City
drain shall be vented and thea dimly- Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,
eter of each vent pipe must be at Ie¢et hereby declares that it would have
.5 1' inch,provided,that more than one passed this ordinance and each sec.
euch trap installed on the same W e Con. subsection. aentenoe, clause or
pipe shall be vented by means o phrase a phrase thereof,Irrespective of the fact
vent not less than 2 Inches'.In that any one or more sections,sub-
diameter eter installed
and controlled thr the otWh bedew sections,sentences, Causes or phrases
declares unconstitutional.
the roof in accordance with vent reptt- SECTION 74. In the opinion of the
% ons. _[ Board of Commissioners,it 1s n s-
CECTION 60. SHOWER-B N.' eery to the peace,health and safety
TRAPS,VENTS,LEAD SAFETY P of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
Every shower-bath trap Installed elan that this.ordinance shall take effect
be vented. More than one ahoyer Immediately.
trap 1n battery formation on the s SECTION 75. This ordinance shall
horizontal waste branch maybe V take effect at once upon Its first pub-
ed by means of single ombi d llcatlon.
waste and vent ipe provided Passed by the Board of Co.1151.
combined waste and vent pipe 1 ors of Salt Lake City,Utah,this lad
not be less than 2 inches 1n Blame day of March,A.D.1933.
All shower traps Installed in any ft r LOUIS MARCUS, Ma
other than a basement Sego eh., a (Seal) ETHEL MACDONAl
of With a dual drainage
safety pan�itaad fit lit - BM No.3. City Recorder.
not less than 3 pounds pt'stUere-f t. Published March 3,1933,
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