3 of 1935 - Levying a tax for the assessment of property in Lighting District Number 6-C. Roo. 108 ROLL CALL • VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 2"' v"6 193 Goggle I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser (-7ZKnight f/` Lee „"" Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX "n3 for the assessment of pro- perty in Lighting District ND. 5-C, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of arc lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District No. 6-C, for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of arc lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor, to-wit: Lots 4 and 5, Blk. 74; Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Blk. 71; Lots 4 and 5 of Blk. 56; Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Blk. 53; Lots 1, 6,7,.& B of Blk. 75; Lots 1 and 8 of Blk. 70; Lots 1, 6, 7 and 8 of Blk. 57; and Lots 1 and 8 of Blk. 52; all in Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on both sides of State Street from South temple Street to 4th South Street in Salt Lake City. This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of arc lamps and furnish- ing with electrical energy fifty-six ornamental standards, each equipped with two 6.6 ampere luminous arc lamps (said arc lamps to be one hundred twelve (112) in number), ninety-six lamps to operate on the midnight schedule and to be supplied with electric current for the illumination of the same each night from fifteen minutes before dark until midnight, and the remaining sixteen lamps to operate on the all-night schedule (the cost of operation of the 3 -2- i all night lamps being Thirteen Thousand, One Hundred seventy-one land 61/100 ($13,171.61) Dollars and same to be paid for by the city) , 'for a period of ten years from October 5, 1934, to October 5, 1944, I'Isaid lamps to be illuminated by electric current; the circuits for ;the operation of said system of lamps to be underground, and the 1 portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by 1 Said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and estab- lished that said property will be especially benefited thereby to ithe full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land fare hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is F.:fty Thou- -and Three Hundred Thirty-three and:62/100 (450,333.62) Dollars or ine and 822439/1000000 ($.9_822439) Dollars per front or linear foot .f abutting property, there being 5124.35 feet abutting said portion .f said improvement and the cost of which operation, maintenance, .atrolling and furnishing of electrical energy and the property bene- ited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries if the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abutters! cost and cost per front foot of said improvement according to the contract entered into for the perform rice of said work and making said improvement with Utah Power & light Company, dated the 27th day of December, 1934, said levy to )rate and be effective from October 5, 1934, which is the date ser- lice began, and the City 'Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed o assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for 11 the purpose herein mentioned: RONTING ON STATE_STREET. On the east side: the North 294 ft. of Lot 5, the south ' 1 ft. of Lot 5, the North 25 ft, of Lot 4, the south 280 ft. of Lot , of Blk. 74; all of Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5 of Blk. 71; all of Lots 4 �c 1, of Blk. 56; all of Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5 of Blk. 53; 9 On the west side: All of Lots 1, 6, 7 & 8 of Blk. 75; the North 177 ft. of Lot 8, the South 113.35 ft. of Lot 8, and all of Lot 1, of 31k. 70; all of Lots 1, 6, 7 & 8 of „lh. 57; all of Lot 8, the North 85 ft. of Lot I, and the south 179 ft. of Lot 1, i of 51k. 52; all in Plat 'IA", Salt Lake City urvey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the ''entire depth of the same ownership back from said street and. to collect said tax. SECTION II. what the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and ieview of the property described in Section I of this ordinance in Lighting District No. 6-C of Salt Lake City for the purpose of providing for the operation,maantenance and patrol- ling of arc lamps and furnishing with electrical energy, is hereby onfirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed ii.sts and the report of the Board of Ecualization and beview to the aoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, apnrov- lid. and confirmed. SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in advance in. ten qual yearly installments, as provided. by lawn 5nd ordinance with l interest on the whole sum unpaid at seven per cent per annum until 1ue and thereafter at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid; 1rovided, however, that one or more of such installments in the irder payable, or the whole tax may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective, and any such payments within said fifteen (15) days will be allowed lso a discount of three per cent (3%). Jne or more installments in he order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may e paid after said fifteen days and before the first installment be- omes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to 1 he date such first installment is due. One or more installments in 1 ";he order in which they are made payable, or the whole special tax i ay be paid. on the day any installment becomes due by paying the amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. In the event any installment aforesaid is not paid. on the -4- day the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax un- paid at the time said installment is due shall become due and pay- able and shall draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid. SECTIUb IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first publication. f� js-,, Passed by the Board f Co imisipners,,.pf a -4ke City, Utah, this 22nd day of January _ _, A. D 93. .'; Mayor. *5 /il City ,ecor .-er. .- Lighting District No. 6-C 2nd & Final Estimate. First Publicatio in JIAN a31935 1 . - j Pk: � . viv.P- . . E d ' _' ,..,•i el • • ,_ r.L_st, , ,,, c.. . . ..., , 7. .... , . \) .. , .4„ ,,, r 0.. r, '?;I, 6411 'II‘ !,,,,,,2-":,',._ P �, . t l f '. F'jt,.. -,, .( .r;..n ,.. W'A'' Prod of rubitration Intteb fttotro of Aoterito STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ' .... . . , 4.,......4.,..ezt.xv.h4 7t7:51.=TrgiBr.011t She fl‘‘OetTi.g•IZIL4':&V:f14'P;.dOOTCFESTDI; being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk ' ads.are.fgTetrt'futrel.kd tiles.%a 'TaPadot two rate in tic ne Or tnree ets xt:lo.e, Ve'ret product,. , if'efigt."oo°deiketivIty In voodoue knitted of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in ler'wear11nee W.extrenzUritsatgli. tilted Ater=XXI% gported br, "' the7oPrlsoorine' ,otred lard. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. gigble-DITtliere of trili,tV do,lahr,:t1. fc ' "m"1 ndOtnetttniL'ottertere.Retard- dt;-°1:rts raligito„tot!_193 4 Le erti-: That the NoticeAlL.ORDIIIALICE. loma ar'o...7J1.118,arainot 84.963.tons VITagoW=WWIT4:41= Int,in monotacture witte.,..apprnigsteirt SALT LAK.,1, C ITY C CBI OR AT I ON 00 toe. seetatt vt,g;iN.uilble prOcice 101'11,ledarolT107 LOS. pasio r,'PL,r.; :i and — and 5 of 231.1c. 53;Tots 1,9,7 and 8 of Elk. 75;Lists 1 and 8'of Elk. 70;Lots lii5 8,7 and :8 of Blk.57;and Lo 1 and 8 of Elk.52;all in Plati"A"Salt .Lake City Survey,abutting on both sides of State Street from, of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- South Temple ,Strec to 4th South Street_in Sett ake City. This tax is levied,to efray the paper in its issue dated the 23rd e$cpense of'providing for the ' operation, maintenance and pa- trolling of arc lairips a d furnish- ing with electrical en rgy fifty- 1 day of January , 193 5 , ' six ornamental stand rds, each : equipped with two 6;6 ampere luminous arc lampal(sa,id arc and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on lamps to be one hundted twelve (142) in number), ,ninety.six lamps to operate on the midnight Januar y 2 3 rd,. for schedule and to be suPplied with electric current for the illumina- lien of the same`each iag ht from fifteen minutes before;dark until thereafter,the full period of One insert].on Midnight,and the remaining six- teen lamps to operate on the all- night schedule (the cost of°per- alion of the all night lamps be- __.......................................... . ...the last publication thereof ing Thirteen Thousand',One Hun- died Seventy-one -ad 61.100 7(813,11.61) Dollars a d sa be paid for by the„ityme), forto 23r d a being in the issue dated the day of Period of ten years frern October 5, 1934, to October 5, 1944,said • lamps to be illuminated by elec. January ,A.,i7D.193 5 . trio current;the cirettits for the' Operation of said systdm of lamps to be underground,and the por- tions of said streets Opposite,the; ..X7=.....n.c.-"Al • , property hereinbefore and here' matter described to'be especially, affected and benefited by said.im-; provement,and it is hereby ad-,,,, to before me this 24 th day of jadged, determtried and estab.'" 1,iihed that said propsrty will be . Specially benefited thereby to _ the amount of the tax herebY ,A.D.193 5 levied, and•said,parcels,of land '''/ are hereby assessed lat an equal i ,/, and uniform rate MI accordance . With the 'linear foot frontage the 6ame'ownership,back there- Notary Public. from not exceeding 330 feet,and Mg lax.hereby levied and to be aSsmsed upon said parcels Of:land : is Fifty Thousand Three Hundred Advertising fee $ 8„ Thirty-three and 62-100 ($50; 333.62) Dollars or Nine and 822439.1000000($9,822439)Dollars per front or linear foot of abut. ring property,there being 5124.35 feet abutting said portion of said iinprovemdot and the cost of which operation,maintenance,pa- trolling and furnishing of elec- trical energy.and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out,and all within the bourn daries of'the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abut- ters'cost and cost per front foot of said improvement according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Utah Power &.Light Company, dated the 27th day.of December, 1934, said levy to date and be effective from October 5, 1934, which is the date service began, and the.City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in.accordance,with the provisions of.this ordinance,for the purpose herein mentioned, FRONTING ON STATE STREET. 'On the east side: The north 294.ft.of Lot 5, the.south 11 ft of_Lot 5,the north 25 ft.of Lot 4,the south 280 ft.of Lot 4,of Blk. 74;all of Lots 2, 3, 4 and ' 5,of Blk.71;all of lots 4 and 5 ol`Blk 56;all of Lots 2,3,4 and :On the:west side: All of Lots. 1,6,1 and 8 of Blk.75;the north 177 ft.of Lot 8,the south 113.35 ft:•otLot 8,and all of Lot 1,Blk • 70; all of Lots 1,6,7 and 8 of Blk. 57; all of Lot 8,the north 85 ft.of Lot 1,and the south 179 ft. of Lot 1, of Blk 52; all in Plat"A,"Salt Lake City Survey; an the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same owner- ship back from said street and to-collect said tax. 'SECTION II. That the assess- ment list made by the City Treas- ' carer,as corrected,approved and' completed by the Board of Equali- zation•and'Review of the prop- erty described in Section I of this ordinance in Lighting Dis- ' trict No. 6-C of Salt Lake City fer the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of arc lamps and fur- nishing with electrical energy,is hereby confirmed,and the assess- ments Aside and returned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of.Equalization and , Review to the Board of Commis- aionersof Salt Lake City are ' hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION IIL Said tax shall be payable in advance in ten equal yearly installments,as pro- vided by law and ordinance with interest on the whole sum unpaid at seven per cent per annum un- til due,and thereafter at the rate of 10 per cent per annum until paid; provided, however. that ode'or more of such installments in the order payable,or the whole tax may be paid without interest within'fifteen(15)days from the date this ordinance becomes ef- fective, and any such payment's within said fifteen(15)days will be allowed also a discount of three per cent.(3 per cent). One or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax,'may be paid after said fifteen days,and before the first installment becomes,due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to the date spch'first installment is due'. One or more installments in the'order in'which they are made;payable, or the/whole special tax;.maybe paid:on the day any installment z k + : 1 = c5-•- 1-4 . , „. '.. ,.. - o . , -„ p4 o o g a., >s\-