3 of 1936 - Section known as Billings Annex commencing at the corner of the City Boundary being 209.08 feet Nort • ROLL CALL ryry yy
VOTING AY/E NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, FE it WO 193
Goggin Y _ I move that the ordinance he pa 7sTh /
Keyser V 7
v / /
Lee i y /
Mr. Chairman - -
WHEREAS, on January 27, 1936, Thos. B. Montgomery and
T. H. Moray, and others, being a majority of the owners of real
N pro p ty situate in the tracts of land hereinafter described,
signed and filed with the City necorder of Salt Lake City, Peti-
tions Nos. 39 and 40, respectively requesting that said tracts of
land be taken within the limits of said city and also caused an
accurate map to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor
and approved by the City Engineer, to be filed with the City Re-
corder; and
WHEREAS, the said tracts of land are contiguous to Salt
Lake City and there is no proper reason why they should not be an-
nexed to and made a part of said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petitions of said owners of said tracts of v
land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous
vote of all members of said board in favor of annexing said tracts
3 to Salt Lake City, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an
ordinance making and declaring said annexation; therefore
BE IT ORDAINED by. the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt Lake C±fcy be and
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol-
lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Commencing at the corner of the city boundary said
point being 209.03 ft. north and 44.75 feet west of a city
street stone monument at the intersection of Division Lane
and 5th East Street, running thence N. 0° llt 38" E. 118.64
ft., thence S. 39° 481 05n W. 232.03 ft., thence S. 0° 111
38" W. 118.64 ft., thence N. 39° 481 05" E. 232.03 ft. to
place of beginning, being part of Block 42, TetmAcre Plat
A, Big Field Survey, and known as the Billings Annex to
Salt Lake City. 3
Beginning at a Corner on the city boundary 365.53
ft. South and 44.75 ft. west of a city street stone monu-
i % ment at the intersection of Division Lane and 5th East
Street, running thence N_. 0° llt 38" E. 229.36 ft.,
Ij thence S. 39° 481 05" W. 232.03 ft., thence S. 0° lit
38" W. 229.36 ft., thence N. 89° 48' 05" E. 232.03 ft.
to place of beginning, being known as part of 81k. 42,
Ten Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey, and known as Todd
!annex to Salt Lake City.
And be it further ordained and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tracts of land above described
shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lak
City, and all ordinances, juri$diction 'rules go obligatns
IIof or pertaining to said Salt bake City'*'are extern .ed ``over d made
applicable and pertinent to the Said tr is of 14 d, .and tife
streets, blocks, alleys and waasof said tracts all 1)e c. ironed
and governed by the ordinances., rules aid`.regula ons cif s city
in that behalf, and the monuments pf t1140iQity Engineer sk4i*thence-
forth be taken therein as the'standard of locations and distances.I
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and she is hereby directed
to file with the County Recorder, a copy of the map and plat above
mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as provided in such
cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitant
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediate-
SECTION 4. This ordina sh,l1l take effect at once upo
i its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day of :/d`�.. ja , A.D. .
City Recorder.
- -
N, t4:3
• . .
• ,
. _
Proof of Publication
STATE OF UTAH, )(l ss.
County of Salt Lake.
WHEREAS. on January.27, 1936,
Thos. Bnd B.
others,beingan majority 1 H.of the an a P. THOMPSON
m the owners is real property it-' I, being first duly
of land
with the'
Lake ti No39and 0,respectively i sworn, depose and say that i am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
requesting that said tracts of land be.
taken within the limits of said city'
and also caused an accurate map to TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
be made surveyor certified to by by the a cam-1
potent and approve
City Engineer,to be filed with the
City Recorder;and at Salt Lake City, State of Utah.
WHEREAS,the said tracts of land
,are contiguous to Salt Lake City and=
' there 1s no proper reason why they
should not be annexed to and made;
a part of AS the Boars of commie- That the noticeA ORDINANCE
stoners of Salt Lake City.after exam-
lnidgtratapeililana,oa ndldoownersns- SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION
j the circumstances thereof,voted by
unanimous vote of all members of
said board in favor of annexing said
tracts-to Salt Lake City,and directed
the.City Attorney-to prepare an oral-
n therefore
S declaring said
annexation:BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1.'That the olty limits
of Salt Lake City be and the same
are hereby extended and enlarged so
'es to include the following described
tracts of land in:Salt Lake County of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
Commencing at the corner of the
city boundary said point being.209:08
ft.north and 44.75nu feat west of a city
s paper in its issue dated the .14th. day of F.ebruary.... 19.36
section o
o Division 5 Lane an tht the nrtaet
Street,running thence N.0°11'38"
E.118.64 ft.,thence S.89°48'05"W.
23203 ft., thence S. 0°.11' 38" W.
118.64 ft.,thence ce of N.
89° 48' 05'' E.
and was published in each daily issue of said 'newspaper, on
232.03 ft.
part of Block 42 Ten Acre Plat February 14th•
A,Big Field Survey,and known for
the Beginning at ac cornto er on the t Lake Ccity
boundary 365,58 ft.South and 94.75
ft.west of a city street stone monu-
ent at the intersection of Division
Lane and 5th East Street,running thereafter, the full period of .One. Asert an
thence N"0°.11'. 38" E. 229.08 ft.,
thence S.89°'48'05"W.232.03 ft.,
thence S.0° 11' 38" W. 229.86 ft..
thence N.89°98'05"E.232.03:ft.to
place of beginning—being known as the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ,.
part of Blk.42,Ten Acre Plat A.Big
Field Survey,and known as Todd An-
mex to.Salt Lake City. dayo A. D. 19.a36.
And be It further ordained and de- f February
dared that when this ordinance
takes Yet the said tracts of land
above described shall thenceforth be
wrisdi the corporate loblig of said �—
Salt Lake ei rules d all
orrpertaining to said Salt Lake City
are extended over and made -
Of 118nda-and Sine st ee+ae'n ec tracts
leys ew and fg said r tryacts
shallhe bedl- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th.. , day of
nances,rules and regulations of said February A. D. i9.3S..
ants of the City Engineer shall
thenceforth be taken therein as the
standard of locations end distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of
this ordinance the City Recordereof• /� —L ' `
Salt Lake Clty obeli file,and she 1s �,C�y, .lj{rz/ ,,,
County Recorder,a copy of the directed$o file with map Notary Public.
and plat above mentioned,duly cer-
tified and acknowledged as provided
In such cases,together with a cer-
tified copy of this ordinance.
rd of N 3. In them nsi�it U ofrie the My commission expires
carp to the peace,health Lake safety
of the inhabitants of Salt L ke City
that this ordinance shall take effect Advertising fee, $
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
take effect nt once upon its first
publication. mts•
Fussed by the Board ?a...0a
' 1toil fs-ef-9a �L lt aft Ety.`ktah,this
llth day of Febrnaryi A.D.1938.
Ethel Macdonald,City Recorder.
BILL NO.3. -
' Published'-FOiHUIrir 14th,:1979.
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
Entry No.