3 of 1937 - Amending Chapter XXXIII by adding Section 808, relating to keepng accurate account and inventory of ROLL FALL C .- ' s. VOTING AYE NAY pi Salt Lake City, Utah, 193_.._ Goggin I'move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Murdoch tom.= Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XXXIII, REVISED ORDINANCES of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to municipal government, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 808. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter XXXIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to municipal government, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be known as Section 808, which shall read as fol- lows: SEC. 808. (a) It shall be the duty of the superin- tendent of each department of Salt Lake City to keep an accurate account end a perpetual inventory of all property received by it, such inventory to be kept up to date at all times. (b) The commissioner of each and every department of the city shall designate a competent employee in said de- partment as stock-keeper and such employee shall be charged with the duty of receiving and keeping in his custody all property of said department disburting the same, as herein- after provided, and keeping and making a daily report on forms provided by the purchasing agent, which report shall be filed with the purchasing agent daily. (c) The stoek-keeper shall upon releasing expendable property take a receipt for the same, which receipt shall show the quantity, by whom received and the purpose for which it is to be used and upon releasing non-expendable property II the store-keeper shall take a receipt designating the article, 3by whom received and the purpose for which it is released, 1 -l- and keep a record that will show the disposition of all pro- perty received by him or released by him. (d) Every officer, agent, servant or employe of Salt Lake pity is liable to Salt Lake City for any personal property coming into his custody or control and must return said property to the city or if it be expendable property account for it and until said property is returned or account ed for the individual into whose custody it was delivered shall have deducted from his salary' the reasonabL value thereof and the City Auditor is hereby authorized"and directe. to deduct from the party'. 'rages any swan or'sums for which he shall be indebted to Salt Lake Citi;by'reason of having re- ceived personal property owned by the c ty and: not accounted for or returned, as the case may b0, , (e) The stock-keeper befo$4e eri'bering upon the dutie- of his office shall take and subscribe a constitutional oath of office and shall execute a bond with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the Board of Commissioners, payabl: to the city in the sum of $1,000.00, Said bond shall be con- ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and for payment of all monies received by him and ac- counting for all property in his custody according to law and the ordinances of said city. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its final passage. / Passed�by the Board of Commissione of Salt Lake City, Utah, this /2 LGIJ day of _ , A.fl • 1'j City hecor r. . • • • , _, . . _ . _.. -.p i , ,:, :k,,.- I., .. . , •, , -'? cz ,',.. -. ..4. - 7 - t ',,t) :2 - )7, s $ • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake —...,_.„. ........„. . • . - LEGAL NOTICES' _ AN ORDINANCE •1'''' Leo_R.Young AN ORDINANCE AMENDING IINAP. TER 'ENID, REVISED ORDINA NOES ot San,Lake COS. Utah, 1934,relating to municipal government. by adding ilt hnil Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- to said Chapter a new Section Am'be known as Section 808. Pe it ordained by the Board of....,Cotm missioners of Salt Lithe City,Utah)`:•• SECTION I. That Chapter XXXIIIPIllle• ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in Led Ordinances of Salt Lake City,•Iiiith, 1934. relating to municipal govermitent, be and the is here. a by . adding in asame mended.nd to said chapter ii•-•"ew Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. ,section to be known as Seetien 808„Wrxich shall read as follows( • SEC.M. (a) It shell be thr AIRY'of ,the superintendent of each department Ski?ake C ae That the advertisement Ordimaac.e. Bill.No...3 ,ofy to keep . Ctirate .account and a perpetual inventory cf.',all property received by it, such inventory to be kept no.to date at all Ginn..•), relating to inventory of the. Superintende.nt , •(h)The commissioner of each and:etWerY 'department of the city shall designate a competent emoloyee ill Said departniNtif as stock-keeper and such employee nhall be of each department — Salt Lake City Corporation — ,b.r. with the duty of reeeiving7aud .keeping in hi custody all property of•eald • department disbursing Om same, as•.tern. inaher provided.and keeping and Pinking City Recorder a daily report on torn. provided•Ily,'the PlIrchasing agent, Whole report 911,,tv be filed with the purchasing agent daiy. • fe) The sterk,korcer shall upon Celeatt. Ing expendable property take a.tsSdeitit was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the for the same, which receipt shalt show the quantity, by whom received and„-the purpose for which it is to be used'Watt 13th January A.D.19 37 upon releasing non-experldarde pigithri9 day of the-,etoredreener'shall takti'it fecelpt dee. 'ignatIng the article. by whotn received and the purpose for which it is released, 1 time and,keep a record that will show tht,dis. and was published tinaitIon of all property received bychim or released by.him. .. (d)Every officer,agent,serv.t or.em• ploy.,of Salt Lake City i/s liablproPert e ter•Salt the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the •Lake City for any persona nom. ing into his custody or control ask•'Must return said property lo the city or'If it bti expendable property account for it ' A.D.19 artd until said Property 1,returned-Omar, day of counted for the individual into whose mister& it was delivered shall haw.de. .....49 --, c• dueled from hie solar,' the readoilable , -ci',..,-i,-, value thereof and the Citit Audith -' r is ., Q-•,..,-2 :--') '''' ',--I'' '-' '--.--'---..'•'.• hereby authorised and directed to deduct . from the party's svagts any..or BUI44 for Which he shall be indebted to salt . 11Aertising Clerk. '-Lake City by reason of having received personal property owned be'the eiti,and U (../ ant accounted for or returned,as Dis oust cony be. le I The stock.keeper before antering upon the duties of his office shall take and eubscribe a constitutional oath of of. fire and shall execute,a'bond with,good and suffldent sureties.to he.appronted hr the Board of Commissioners, paitade to the city in the sum of.81,000.0eSaid afore me this 19th day of bond shall be conditioned few the faith ful performance of the duties of his of floe,.and for payment or all.moni0 re ceived by him .d accounting-JO ms A.D 10.7... property in his custody aecording.Lei laq and the ordinances of said city. ., SECTION 2. Thin ordinance ,thail,,take effect thirty days after the final Piesage Passed by the Board of Cortunieetener( _ of Sibe City.Utah,this 12thAw or . tk_73.mmteR Notary,Public. (SEAL) ETHEL MACDONADD, City Recorder. , igmazh..,.k.....11.35. 10 0 S-----) !, ( --- . , _) 01 c-) (\ '- „ 0 •) ',. 0 ,d, '''"--,— ,., MN : r ' --- '-' ---. ,,) % it . .4- = % 47- \,." -,'‘.1 or• \ I- Z ( n . (A) r: MI. '? 'N.,:\., Ol• 0 Z ",11