3 of 1941 - Vacating alley running west from 3rd East to Roberta Street north from Garfield Avenue. ROLL CALL VOTING A Salt Lake City,Utah, JAPv1- 78 1941 - 194 Qoggin - - - tY i'' I more that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - - Matheson - - - Y /oJ eo Moir - Me.chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Roeult - - - AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY running west from 3rd East Street to Roberta Street and north from Garfield Avenue, in Block 2, Sherman Addition of Block 5, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That alley running west from 3rd East Street to Roberta Street and north from Garfield Avenue, in Block 2, Sherman Addition of Block 5, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Sherman Addition of Block 5, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, running thence west 10.0 ft., thence north 110.0 ft., thence N. 63° 26' W. 11.18 ft., thence west 158.8 ft., thence S. 63° 26' W. 11.18 ft., ,.- thence south 1.10.0 ft., thence west 10.0 ft. to the { southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 2, Sherman Add., , ✓1 thence north 125.0 ft., thence east 198.8 ft., thence south 125.0 ft. to point of beginning, being a part of Lot 16, of said Block 5, Five Acre Plat "At'; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the Moun- tain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under franchises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace the elec- tric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto for the support of said electric telephone and telegraph lines, wires and distribution circuits as now erected and maintained upon or across the portion of said street to be closed, during the life of the fran- chises he'd by said companies, or any extensions thereof. _2_ SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately, SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its 7-- first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 2day'pf , A.D. 1941. Mayor. C ty ecor f 714 z Q ,d• • Iri I i 4 II i Proof of Inbiltratiun 3Unitra*tetra of Amerira STATE OF UTAH ss• COUNTY OF SALT LAKE °lii t:ORNAN DiCa ",�An O nee-vacating alley running West'fr' :Ord po.c strett to Roberta, I, II..CONNO.R Street and north from Garfield.Ave- nue la'B k Bhe n dition or 111.c 5` 9 Pla 'tRig Field' 'by' 'boa: m- being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of mie lonIrs ,a Salt a Lake'City, west SECTION�]]st Scree alley running reet item ffir Beet street n ld Robert*Street MI.north.from aarnela Arenne. 1n THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake Block 2,Sherman Addition of.Block 5, Flue-Acre Plat''A,"Big Field survey, morn'perticularly described as follows: ;.13egihning at the-southwest corner City,State of Utah. of.Lot 1,Block 2,.A Sherman Addition of.Biotic 3, Flve-Aore Plat "A," Big now-Survey, running thehoe west t 10.0 ft".thane.,north 110. ft.,thence x, eV26' W. 11.18 It:, thence weer That the Notice .AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY 158.8 ft. thence B. e2`•2a' W. 11.18 St., 'thence south' 110,0 ft thence west 10.0 ft.'o the southeast corner .of'Let 13, Block.2, ShermanAdd., -. thence north 125.0 ft., thence east 108.8 It., thence south 125.0 It to Lot le, of said Block point of �glng. n5, Five-Acre be and the come is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use so a street, avenue, alley.-or pedestrian way. ,Said vacation is made expressly sub. ento,the rights-of way and ease- ments.of the Utah Light h Traction .Telnp.hy,and.,the. ph Co fn statee of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- quleenonder Telrancgisee from ac- Ctty t under Bin,repair. r aln re- place to a electric. repair,alter and Ye- buto of telegraph trqnd teelph,a eir- ,butitIDof telegraphAdnd�telephtn.,.tor- paper in its issue dated the 34. h cults,,lines,,wires and poles of said companies. together.with,the neces- eery stop cross-arms end other.attach- , 193 41 mente thereon or'affixed thereto for ' day of J NUARY , the'support of said electric olepllene . And otelogenllh Imes,wires and Matrl- butlit circuit.,as now erected and. r baton eddd Apo t or beWon oio.ethav�rg and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on the yllife.of,the franchisee held by said , 'SECTION 2.manies, or aIn theensions opin ontof-the iBord of-Commissioners, It le necea- --I9Nttte ---30 for eery to the peace..health and safety of.the lonabitents of Salt Lake City 1 TIME that-this ordinaance become effective thereafter,the full period of immed rely. . B roll 3.,.•This ordinance-shall tak get,upon 1te-first publication. .by the Board,of Commission- er. ;malt Lake City,Utah,this 28th the last publication thereof day of Jenard,,A.D.1091. • AS dBNRoNt, Mayor. (Seal)' aTABL MAty D, h„y..: City Recorder. BPn¢lblun a a:nuaay ea lice being in the issue dated the 30th day of sz : ; MUM' A.D.193 41 �. D?., Suscribed and sworn to before me this 30-th day of /ANUARY , A. D. 193 Notary Public. My commission expires ..._...Nov-..25,..19.41 Advertising fee$ • 7 -e-Le PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM aloe 'tt1t IIttkr c Ithgrttrn 2a.tA- 3 -/q9/ County Entry No .1