3 of 1945 - Amending Chapter XLVI relating to public offenses-permit necessary for soliciting for funds (patrio KULL GALL p" VOTING Aye Nay Slit Laks City, Utah, , 194 Affleck v I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . Romney Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . AN OR 1 NCE Result - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XLVI of the Revisea Urdinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 4861, relating to public offenses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter XLVI of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 4861, relating to public offenses, which shall read as follows: Sec. 4861. PATRIOTIC EMBLEMS. It shall be unlawful for any person whatsoever anywhere in Salt Lake City to peddle, to solicit the sale of, or to solicit or accept contributions for the gift of any fabricated poppy or other flower, or any flag, rosette, button, sticker, ribbon, token, toy, trinket, tag, souvenir, as- mission ticket, or other article, advertisement or thing, which purports to be sold by or to be sponsored by any real or purported organization of war veterans, war service organizations, charitable organizations, or any of their auxilliaries, without first securing a permit therefor as herein provided. Any person desiring to se- cure such permit shall make written application therefor to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, which application shall • cS include a budget in writing showing an eternized. account of the amount sought to be secured and the contemplated disbursement of said. money, the purpose for which it shall be secured, the benefi- ciaries, the names and addresses of all persons and whether their services are volunteered or paid, who shall have actual or con- structive charge of money or who are engaged in soliciting gifts . c) or donations or sellin4, tickets or advertisements pursuant to said permit, the character of badge or other insignia to be worn by such person indicative of such persons authority to solicit for gifts or to sell tickets, the accounting system to be employed in order to safeguard the money, goods, wares, sic - cha.ndise, or other thing of value secured by such means from theft or diversion from the object for which the same may ha e been obtained, and any further matter which may be deemed es- sential by the Board of Commissioners, provided that no addi tional person or persons shall be employed until an amended list of such persons shall have been filed with the Board of Commissioners and by them ap_;.roved. Each applicant shall also file with said appJlicatio an itemized statement showing the total of all monies receive , each disbursement made and the balance from all such monies received. by them in the immediate preceding solicitation con- ducted by said applicant organization. If it shall appear from such a;plication and the showing made thereby to the satisfaction of the Board. of Com- missioners that the objective is a public and charitable or beneficial and meritorious objective that the persons to be engaged therein are honest and trustworthy and the accounting system to be used is fairly aciecuate to protect the purpose for which the solicitation is to be made, the city recorder shall immediately trson oroer of the board of Commissioners is sue a permit to the applicant or applicants, authorising the applicant or applicants to engage in such solicitation by themselves and by the assistance of those designated in such a ,;lication, or in such amended list. the Esyor Shall_ appoint a committee of citizens of pelt Lake City to assist in. making investigations concerning the issuance of permits as provided in this section and to make recommendations to the Board. of Commissioners issioners for their information and assistance in determining the qualifications -3- and fitness of any ap0iicant for a permit hereunder. It shall be unlawful fur any parson to act Ls soli- citor or assist in such soliciting eitiiout disc ayiii and keeping uisulayed in a conspicuous uls.ce ,,n the oneLiin; of such soon Uuring such soliciting the U uge or insignia of authority ,nhici shall have been designated_ in the application for a permit. No permit snail be valid for a longer period 'i than thirty days after its issuance. Noti inL- con ea in this section shall be deemed i2i r �a to be apc;lic l+ae�( to of c:rs of �e ate6� tip gates Govern- s .: rnent or to per, ogs tin, under aikc'�i� qthorkty from said t 0 their rs oi' government or Ilisp,�i c ions b o� ncic ji members. 4 Al � *^ SECTION 2 Q e • ion of he465,rc pf4Co,:uiissiorers, j C it is necessary to e ;eace =1th an7 sadety et;:; the inhabitants ofhalt Lake City that t:1i5 orainance becorie elective l uiediately. SLC'TIJII 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its j_'trst publication. pa.r.sed by the boardo_j›.'d.11.(1<ers of daft Lake C'ty, Utah., this/LA this/LA day of _ 1945 yor7:!:::) City Lacord.er./ • • , • " -7b 4411 t kr 16:1 A o I '14111 11.4 ' f • at I tit • N , • .. • • 1.-11; • ; , . •••- 1I • 01, • ; . • J • 1. • •11, ..„ 11.1 1,1 11 11 11 11 11 11 Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XLVI of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1944,by adding in and to said Chap- ter a new Section to be known as Sctt�iioon 4861,relating to public of- Be it ordained by the Board of Commisdbners of Salt Lake City Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter ELVI of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah.1944, be and the came is hereby amended by adding 1v and to said Chapter a new Sec. rota• to be known ae Section 4881, relating to public offenses, which shall read as follows: Sec.4881.PATRIOTIC EMBLEMS. It shall be unlawful for any per- eon whatsoeveranywhere in Salt Lake City to peddle, to solicit the. sale of, or to solicit or accept contributions for the gift of any fabricated poppy or other flower, or any flag, rosette, button, stick, • ribbon, token,toy, trinket,lag, admission ticket,or other article, or advertisementthing, • purports purports to be sold by or to be sponsored by any real or pur- ported organization of war v tar- • war service organizations,char. /table organizations or any of their auxtliarlee,without first securing• permit therefor as herein provided. Any person desiring to secure soeh do thesrefor toalthe H ard o!COm- mlesionere of Salt Lake City.which application Mali include a budget in writing Mowing an itemized ac- count of the amount sought to be secured and the contemplated dis- bursement of said oe v the pur- pose for which it shall be secured. the beneficiaries. the namesand addresses of all persons and whether their servicesvolnntrerea or paid.wholl have actual or structive charge of m who are engaged insoliciting citing gifts o donations o sellingr tickets o adr • vertisements Dureuant to said per- mit,the character of badge or oth- e r ofworn such bperson s authority to solicit for gifts or to sell tickets, the accounting system to be employed In order to safe- atlard the Money..goads, wema Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAII, County of Sall.Lake • Melba T. Stephens Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that the is the ad- vertisdng clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. st Thatt the advertisement 0rdinance Bill No. 3 reletinb to public Offenses m'ehandh4 or other I.11hng of rant surer by a Item theft b 1�. C. Corporation dtvcrsmn Ilfrom means ibteet for which .the mayhav bee. ehtam.h iehr I'- gel essential hv ll Bd I t Commissioners, p was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the t l n 1 t. l l 1 111 an s hoer;ib' t I of ih the hest,of lgtlday of J'Lr,nary A. I). 19 45 Gomm i.est nel.v and by them 'ht In ant shall Mao fllc - °s. received,eed, cash and waspublished to o one„n, nano, the bu burrs Isom all s mh ;7n II the last publication.thereof beingin the 'issue dated the II l lion.ducts'I hy smd applicant on gams.,a It It 1 1 l �•f I - l:.t Jranuarr. 45• 017,11011 Im Clay vt A. I). 19 th 'Board of Commissioners f that to 'h moms mid h ei 1 shallt hl-. ons ob. , cased t' d' Adkey tisinq Clerk h to he srd fairly adequateteto • net the se for which the • velll t,10011 Isl.nbe mndc, the city n' shall immediately upns e oIr the]Board of lath misaroners t Permit to the applicant t nppliesn lu, a therdr.ing 'the appli. 7,1137 of 1 .te to eneaseip. ,. • sash sod t by themselves; 30th aml the assistmies of n to before me this day o f ' Datedy nppllcahon, r le. _----_---_--- mh a nd.flat. at in - —- s The Mayor shall appoint.a - (1 45 mitts of citizens 1 Salt Lake A.D.19 a) city a to assist l i making in eatld,t- I) vomits as Providsd- tine t 1 _ and to make aceomnictulationa to ths Bo ard M. -Commissioners their Information I t Nothing 1 io f t detorrrt I btl ddf tl i shall h deemed.I l b It dp .ahl IIw]( _ - - mit I l 1 applicant t f p t Government f the e 4 d States It shall lunlawful f p. Gunderdirect th persona ei id Notary Pl Tie son to act hs solihitort in government. or'to solieltationsby sit,h sOliCiting withou t o-I 1 Ingorganizations of their members. and keeping displayed nspie.' • SECTION 2 I the opinionof riots Place on the lathing of sthh the Board of io pencslonorait is PoSe ouriht' such soliciting. the necessary to tho•peace,0'health nd butob t -hslgni of aothoitig safety of the inhabitants of Salt. Which shall have been designated'n Sake City that this ordinance be. the aophcatiml fur a permit. No come effective Immedlat permit shall ho valid for a longer SECTION a. This ordinance shall take Period than thirty days after its lake effect upon its first publica- tssoanee. tier. Passed by the Board-of Commis- sioncra of Salt Lake Oily, Utah, this lath day of January. A. D. 1145. EARL J. GLADE. xayor,i IRMA k` ecu, laityy Recorder. (SEAL). PILL S.PPNlsh NO. January 19_1945. Proof of Publication OF Attorney.