3 of 1946 - Amending Section 136 relating to disability benefits for employees ROLL CALL—
nrA VOTINQ Salt Lake City,Utah, 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser -
•McConkie -•' -
Messicciax -
Mr.Chairman -
AN ORETI7,NCU ,E-SNOTEq SECTION 136 of the Ordinance
of Lit loin City, Utah, passed by the hoard of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 20th day of August, 1065,
relottng to administration.
Do it ordained by the Baird of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 136 of the ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, passed by the hoard of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 29tb day of August, 19,15, relating
to administration be amended to read as follows:
ordinance ostablishing disability benefits for cmPloyees of
Salt Lahm City, a manicie0:1 corporation- Any appointive
officer or emnloyee, including hoods of departments of Salt
Lake City, who shall have reached tleafs of sixty-five years,
or more, and who sboil hove been continuously employed in the
service of Salt Lhke City from fifteen to twenty years, or more,
imiediately prior to rechinr such age, may, uuon furnishing
to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners of Solt Lake
City evidence that ho or she is unable because of some dis-
ability to perform the active duties required of him or her
by his or her employment, be releayed of such duties by order
of the board of Commissioners and be paid each month thereafter
an amount as folAows:
I - -
I -2-
For twenty years or Tiore continuous service immedinte-
LV orior to renchin" ago sity-five, or older, an amount ceuel,
to ona-balf of his or her overa7e monthly wage rate received
over it onriod of five years limier:Lately next orior to bein3
i5o rolenvod; provided w, hoever, tbet in no inotence shrill any
1, .
such paywtntt exceed. I)100.00 per month and provided, further,
that if all. the forer:oing requirements are met nod complied
with, fey'to for leso than''iwonty yeor5 service shettl bn
commuted. by years in pientiebs in. the relative proportion that
I, . .
the number of yeeTs.5erved (fifteen or more) bears to the full
benefits EI2 nl'O here*obOvewovide .; sail. paymunts shall cense
upon the termination Oi? Said dieability or upon death.
Ti e ebove 'provisionz Shall not a-)nly to any civil
servlco em.ployeo of Salt 1, e) alty or officers, employees in-
clTudiu5T; reeds of deeartnts who are entitled to or who are
recol:ving comeensation under the Indurtriol Act of the State of
I " -
=IOW 2. In thH ouinlon of the Ioard of Cothon-
or", it 15 necessery to the pooca, health nnd nnfety of the
intshitnnts of Salt La;ce, ",ity tliat Id'it ornce become
effective Immodioteiy.
MIOTTON 3. Ti 45 ordimaoce stall. tt,ttTn effect urou its
fIrst putliontion.
e5se1 by tro "oard of dcmilmistooer5 of 3a,lt Itut•e City, ',I
L,I 0..
H'-'11t, t''11 —2-7-kL.----1'' ''' , 2_ :::; 46.
---- ,3t ty qccordor
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
JAN 17 1946
Firzt hblication 173
frt. 9'3'6
wry A=Gpmst--5
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
'SECTION 10 of the Ordinance of
-Salt Lad.;e°oomDiish,paned
„°iv tho Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Lake City Utah,on the 10th d of
Auenet, 1000, relating toad day
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Dation. •
Pt it ordained by the Dosed of
-Cummleetnnere of Salt Lake City,
De cttoo L.Thad Brien lyg of the
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
n ant"by the'.d o•Comm Utah,
o f Utah.
hlonee alone.of Salt Lake City,Utah,on •
t 1B Spy t 1045,
tto administration. amend-
edbn.the M
to reads follow.:
SECEDE;O I I10..I1INABILITY DBE. That the advertisement
OpITS FOR lshtoeEMPLOYEES.An get. - ••
eetabliehfng.disability bone.
fitss C°for employees of Salt Lake Orrii,nanoo i3i1.1 No 3
City, municipal o m Any
Aftehltive officer orr employee,In-
cluding City. who°eels➢t°hays Sit it T'Fake City Cornoratlon
roaehed the are of linty-fire year.
or more.
.b and who Omit-havebeen -
ontinnone]y-employed In the sen-
se°of Salt Lake City from fifteen
to twenty year.,-or more Imme. •
diately prior toreaching.,such age,
may.neon furnlehln,to the tall..
faction publishednewspaper,f•the Board f'Commie.
rtonars,of Salt Lake City evfd(mce was in said news a er,in its issue dated, the
tdat p� ekayjtopn, „emae nm y.,
- by hie duties hple�llbeploymen a be her
re- 18th dayof January A.D.19 46
Hayed of anch rind.by order of
the Board of Commissioners-and be
paid a nth, thereafter as
amonet foie«e: and was published 1 time
For 10 yeedl or mom sonnemene
e vice Immediately prior to reach-
ing age sixty-1fve, older
unseat omit fe oralf of Tie the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
er her'aover a monthly egg de
ierpa o er a period of flue yeere
mmeeased; nays.prier is hems 18thJanus. 46
released;ce elided any
suer,that dayofy A.D.19
to vi . furl ehee any eu.11 pay- - J��
Montexceed$100.00 per month and �L�i/`y
provided. further,.that it R the
ompl ed mµrepay m a or nd
than pltwentb'tyenrn°:e 'thnlll he ---g y
pored by yroa°in taene+eEh. Advertising C 83�__
Ice the.of yea ,00edon tryst for �
number a years a ell (fifteen or
more)rear- the full provided;
benefits ss
are hereto above provided; said
termination°ehall l said daahllity came upon'ghe ar
_Mon death.
The above igloos-shatf not
VITA*Lska 61e9 of erfft s1e°i 18th o before me thisday of
pleyeee ineludlne-head° f-depart.
trevelator°� mPenea fan tmdoe
tntitled.to Or.W11,0
re he.Indnetriel Aet f the State,of A.D.19 46
SECTION I.-In the'eetnlee', t
• the Naettl;of'ICommWlonery ft Is GI.
n ceeenny to the Peace,-heN{h,and
ifety t the Inhabitable:ordinance
a of Salt y f
Lake City of-Shot this dfnanf' Salt LN
effective Immediately.
• coma 1;Th+e'rdinapee eb°ll Not y Public
lake effect'mt. Its rat WNW.-
Paneed•by 'Board of Oem ,
eineere f SaltaltL.k° City, Dta.
thin 1Tih day of Janterr. A.D.B.
... • 'RARE J.RLADBo
bt • •SPOOL F.
• C.s ' .Olb��•
Published Jamta9.10,...19 '}0.
- ,
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