3 of 1947 - Vacating all of those lots, blocks, streets, avenues and alleys or those portions thereof, located i ROLL CALL • - VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, JAIN -71941 ,194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . - Romney ec2aG � �y f Tedesco �• Mr.Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of those lots, blocks, streets, avenues and alleys, or those portions thereof, located in Oakdale Subdivision of Block 91, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, except Lots 14 to 25 inclusive of Block 1 and portions of two alleys in Block 1 of said Oakdale Subdivision; all of Oakland Subdivision of the N. 111 feet of Block 101, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, exceptt,Lots 10 to 12 inclusive of Block 1 of said Oakland Subdivision; and all of the Subdivision of Block 102, Plat 'CT, Salt Lake City Survey4. in Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That all of those lots, blocks, streets, ave- nues and alleys, or those portions t: ereof, located in Oakdale Sub- division of Block 91, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, except Lots 14 to 25 inclusive of Block 1 and a portion of two alleys in Block 1, of said Oakdale Subdivision, and which portions of said twdl alleys are more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 21, Blk. 1, Oakdale Subdivision of Block 91, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, thence north 156 ft., thence west 190 ft., thence south 15 ft., thence east 175 ft., thence south 141 ft., thence east 15 ft. to the place of beginning; be and the same are hereby vacated as lots, blocks, streets, ave- nues and alleys of said Oakdale Subdivision of Block 91, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey. SECTION 2. That all of those lots, blocks, streets, ave- nues and alleys, or those portions thereof, located in Oakland Sub- . the N. ill feet of division of Block 101, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, exceptkLots 10 to 12 inclusive of Block 1 of said Oakland Subdivision, be and the same are hereby vacated as lots, .blocks, streets, avenues and and alleys of said Oakland. Subdivision of Bock 101, Plat IC!, ; Salt Lake City Survey. SECTION 3. That all of the Subdivision of Block 102, Plat. 'C', Salt Lake City Survey, be and the same is hereby vacated as a platted subdivision. SECTION 4. That said vacations are made expressly subjecI to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description nom located in, on, under or over the confines of the abova describe4.:properties, and also subject to the right of entry thereon for the:purpose of.inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing; removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 5. In the opi iOn of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace:ii`eaith and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon its fir publication. ) ) Passed by the Board. of Comnissionfis of Salt Lake City, Utah, this % day of , 194 " Mayor. City Recorder. • •f C lirL • • Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED JAN 7 1947 CITY RECORDER • Frst.Piadzation �. LLtAlet eicv iYa AN ORDINANCE / f .f/ AN ORDINANCE VACATING an of those iota, blocks, streets, ave. cues and al or those portions thereat,located in Oakdale __. lion of Block 91.Plat C.Salt Lake • Survey, except Lots 14 to 25 tW•�,, inclusive i Block l and portions ot I R'n N 0388 two alleys 1n Block 1 of said Oak• dale uodlvtslon; all al k,akland Subdivision of Block 101E Plat 'C'. 941E Late City Survey, except the N. 111 lees of Lots 10 to inclu- siveof Block I of said Oakland Sub- division, and and all DI the Lake atop r of Block 102.Plat'C'_Sail Lake City �i .I Survey;in Salt Lake City,Utah. 1 2. Be it ordained by the Board of V.. Q Commissioner's it Salt Lake City. Utah: SECTION 1.That all of those lots, blocks, streets, ave es and alleys. • those portions thereof,located Oakdale Subdivision of Block 91. C•1 ! Q Plat'C'.Salt Lake City survey,ex- IIr{ Q_k tent Lots 14 so 25 Melo iv,r of �f /�7��Z / 2 ® Block 1 and a portion f two alleys F,✓ z4 ® in Block 1,of 'd Oakdale Snbdi• ision, and which portions of said la. /.3f'l Z ✓ 4 f two alleys arcmore particularly _ griped .s follows: a 1 ,./f ReBeginning al. the southwest u - 4 e a -/36 cEoar Lot_1,Blk.I,Oakdale Sub- , #1T division of Black 91, flat'C',Salt. /— 3-9 C� , Lake City Survey.thence north 15fi a 0 rt.,thence wool 00 ft._thence soot, -7_ b 15 it., thence east 115 ft., thence ���-Z /— south 141 ft. thence cast 15 ft.to O the place f beginning; m0 be and the samear hereby vacat- ed us lots, blocks, .streets, avenues /3`/ Z05.{. 4 Q-/7 an u alllcya u of said uak.,ale - a n of Block 91,Plat'Ck Salt Lake ^/ 4.3 tN SECTION 2.Thal all of tbose i l_ b'ocks, aterets avcneC.s and alleys, n tlroae portions thereof,tocatetl .2. r_ , 0 I� Oakl&nd 6Salt lLak of Block 101E ��`'"`�'` _ _y Plat 'C', Salt 11 e. . of Survey. eO 0 roc 12L the N. 111 Blot. f Lots 10 r0 O to 1:, inclusive Subdivision, Block 1 of said a O Oakland 3hereby va ne and the f9 Q] same are hereby ., n s s of \ H ploeks,kland 4eanues and alleys I taid101. Oakland Sub Lake an of Block 101E Plat•N .That t all City Survey i SECTION J.'Phat all f tltn Snb- takt"C of Block 102E Plat'C'.Salt 1 I lake City Survey,be and the same is 11 vacated s plaited side dme - PI [ 1 i Q made 4 .ssby subject to all z Q to all public] 11 d • nt of 11 ocol utilities owto any ed I Q and e description now located every � over the confine= O of the above described properties y�e anA also subject to the.right of e O 63 try thereon for the purpose of In specting,maintaining.repairing,re. :O placing, removing, altering o • N .- routing said utnities and all rof O' a em SECTION 5-In the opinion of the noard of Commissioners.It is CC kL of`the Inhabitants health tand l akeaOily kJ Chet this ordinance become effec. 2 live immediately. SECTION O.This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication- s Passed by the Board of Commis- N stoners of salt Lake City.Utah,Ills U 1: 7th day of Janus,. A.D. 1947. V EARL J.GLADE. Cr IP Mayor [B.MA m- Recorder. Cityy P.aordcr. ISEA1,1 BILL,NO.3 Published January 9th. 1947. STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I, 1Pr auk-A.Shi old s,-Deputy -.City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, " "An ordinance vacating all of llaszae._lata_,__h3 acics*_street,--a-v roues-and alleys, or those portions thereof, located in Oakdale Subdivision of I31k. 91s flat 'C'�-_Salt Lake except--_Lets--1/4- to---25--inOlusi.ve of P1k. 1, and portions of two alleys in Dlk. 1 of said Oakdale Sub- division; all of Oakland Subaiviaion__of___E k.--101 it---t-C-t, gait----- Lake City Survey, except the 1 . 111 feet of lots 10 to 12 inclusive of Dlk. 1 of said Oakland Su'odiyision,_ and all__nf__th-e- ubddv s_i-0 __pg_Blk. 102 l la t 'C' saltt Lake City purvey; in Salt Take City, Utah." passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January 7th, fix 1947 as appears of record in my office, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,,,thh4 23 E� `--. day of J.axtuary,__1947 lax -. (SEAL) / Chief Deputy Citygecorder. >`Published- January 9th,_ _In 1947 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 } Os County of Salt Lake Legal Notices v Ivl Ockey NCE AN•ORDINANCEN VACATING all of th lts, blacks• streets, ve- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- thee and alleys, o those portions ereof,located in Oakdale Subdtvl- ct°v f Block 91.Plat L t'SalttoLake vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper 25 inclusive of Block 1 and portions f two flubs ll Black of said of Oak-dale published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Subdivision ofo Block 11101. Oakland Utah. N.Sa1t 111 ake feet o f Lots 12 ve10'to expt the tnclu. of Utah• sive of Block 1 of said Oakland Sub- division;and all of the Subdivision 1 Block 102,Plat'C',Salt Lake City Survey;in Salt Lake city.Utah d' That the advertisement Co rnlisslaonerenrof by the SECTION I,That all of those lots, blocks, streets, • ueo and in Ordinance Bill No 3 or Oakdale e Subdivis thereof,located Block 91, ex- cept Lotsa14Lto 25ake tyinlusive af Salt 'Jake City Corporation Block 1 and a portion 0f two alleys In Block 1,of said Oakdale Subdl- Islon, and Which portions of said two alleys aremoreparticularly described as follows) ows) Beginning at the southwest cor- ner 1 Lot 21 Blk.1 Oakdale Sub- division of Blocky 91,Plat C'.Salt ft.,k thence Serve190th ft., poet south was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 15It,, thence east 175 ft., thence south 141 ft.,thence east 16 ft,today of A.D. 19 S!" ithe -met ate hereby vacat- ed as Iota, blocks, streets, avenues Jan 9 1947 d alleys I id Oakdale a vision of Block 91,Plat'C',Salt Lake City Survey. and was published SECTION 2,That an of those lots, blocks, streets, avenues and alleys, Oakland portions thereof, 101 ....the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Plat 'C'. Salt Lake City Survey, except the N. 111 feet 01 Lots 10 A.D. 19 to 12 inclusive of Block 1 of said Oakland Ssame are slop, be and the day of blocks,stree yea and alleys 0 of ,hereby av id Oakland Subdivision of Block 101,Plat'C',Salt Lake City Survey. /''� SECTION of J.That all of the Sub- AdvertisingClerk LaketsCityf 192, and dt the same Is hereby vacated ns a platted dub- SECTION 4, That said vacations are existinge rightsreof7-wayb)and to all Es of allpublic utilities ofe any and every descripr or ption lasted of the above described ver h proparueee loth day of and also subject to the right tea- t0 before me this try thereon for the purpose of in- specting,maintaining,repeldng,re- placing, said Oto.utilities all rot A. D. 19 47 SECTION 5.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners.It is neces- sary to the peace,health and safetof y that hethls Inhabitants dinance become Lake ffec- tive Immediately,S e takeEeffecct upon CTION 6.Its''fI et publicatl nil. Notary Public i nersPasse of Salt d by hLake City.Utaf h,this 7th day of January,A.D.1947. EARL J.GLADE, IRMA P.BITNER, Mayer. (SEAL]lob Reaortler. HILL NO.3 Published January 9th. 1947, b ti 0 a .-re 0 � 4 0 b � C