3 of 1949 - Amending Section 934 of Chapter IX, relating to;; Board of Health and amending Section 3658 of Chap ROLL CALL 'i ' —
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah,`�'�'� yw9 ,194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . e
Tedesco sir
Mr.Chairman . . .
the Revised Ordinanc s of Salt Lake y, Utah, 1944, relating to
• Board of Health, and endin ection 3658, of Chapter MT, of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, as amended by
ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on September 25,
1945, and April 27, 1948, relating to licenses.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 934,of Chapter IX, of the Re-
vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to
Board of Health, be and the same is hereby amended to read as
SALT LAKE CITY. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell,
1 ' offer for sale, ship or bring into Salt Lake City with in-
tent to sell, or have in his possession with intent to sell
° €" . (foodproducts other than that bearingthe official stamp
of government inspection, the Board of Health of Salt Lake
City or other stamp that has been approved by the Salt Lake
City Board of Health."
SECTION 2. That Section 3658, of Chapter )UO(V, of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utan, 1944, as amended by
ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on September 25,
1945, and April 27, 1948, relating to licenses, be and the same
is hereby further amended to read as follows:
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in, conduct
or carry on the business of slaughtering, slaughtering and
-2_ •
selling or delivering fresh meat or meat food products at
wholesale or retail, or selling or delivering fish or sea
foods, or manufacturing, or selling or delivering sausage or
caressing, or selling poultry or game, or selling or deliverin;
prepared, smoked, salted or preserved meats, or jobbing or
brokering fresh neat or meat food products, sausage, fish,
sea foods, poultry or game, within the corporate limits of
salt Lake City, Utah, or to bring into or receive into Salt
Lake City or to offer for sale therein or to have on hand
therein any fresh meat or meat food products or poultry or
game which has been slaughtered outside of the corporate limits
of Salt Lake City, without first making application for and
procuring and at all times maintaining in full force and effe•t •
a permit and license so to do, as herein provided.
(b) Any person desiring to engage in the business of
slaughtering, slaughtering and selling, or selling or deliver-
ing fresh meat, or selling or delivering fish or sea foods, or
manufacturing or selling or delivering sausage, poultry or
game, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City or desiring
to engage in the business of slaughtering outside but within
fifteen miles of the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, where
slaughtered animals or poultry are intended for sale within
the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, shall first make writ-
ten application to the license assessor and collector; such
application shall contain the name of applicant, his residence
address and the adaress of his proposed place of business, de-
signated by street and number, such application shall at the
time of the presentation be accompanied by a fee of one dollar,
which shall be covered into the city treasury. When such appli-
cation shall be made, the license assessor and collector shall
at once notify the chief veterinarian, who shall inspect the
premises where the said applicant proposes to carry on busines,,
and upon such inspection, if he shall find the premises to be
in a sanitary condition and to meet all requirements of the
ordinances of bait Lake City and the rules and regulations of
the Board of Health of Salt Lake City, he shall issue a permi,
with a different permit number to each applicant meeting said
requirements, which, upon presentation to the license assessor
and collector, shall be authority on his part to issue a li-
cense to said applicant for said place of business.
(c) 1. every person receiving a permit and license, as
provided in paragraph (b) of this ordinance, to slaughter, se 1
or deliver, or to slaughter with the intent to be sold or de-
livered, within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City any
rabbits, chicken, poultry, game, or other similar meat food
products, must attach in a conspicuous place upon the carcass
of such rabbits, chickens, poultry, game, or other similar me.t
food products, a metal tag therefore approved by the chief
veterinarian of Salt Lake City, and which metal tag must bear
the name of the establishment and permit number received by
him from the City Board of Health, and on all sealed packages
containing eviscerated rabbits, chickens, poultry, game, or
other similar meat food products, there shall be printed on
the said package the name of the establishment and permit num-4
ber received by . 4im from the City Board of Health.
2. Any member or inspector of the Board of Health,
or police officer, of Salt Lake City shall immediately confis-
cate and cause to be destroyed any rabbit, chicken, poultry,
game, or other similar meat food products found by him in
transit, in storage, or place of business, where the same is
being delivered, held or displayed for the purL.ose of sale or
distribution within Salt Lake City without a metal tag bearin
the name of the establishment and permit number as hereinbefo e
described being attached in. a conspicuous place to the camas-
thereof, or if in a sealed package containing eviscerated rab
bit, chicken, poultry:, game or other similar meat food product,
the said package does not have printed thereon the name of the
establishment and permit number as hereinbefore described; an•
no person shall deliver, have on hang, or display, for the
purpose of sale or distribution L. Salt Lake City, any rabbit,
chicken, poultry, game, or other similar meat food product,
without a metal tag showing the name of the establishment and
permit number as hereinbefore described being attached in a
conspicuous place on the carcass thereof, or have on hand or
display for the purpose of sale or distribution in Salt Lake.
City in a sealed package any eviscerated rabbit, chicken,
poultry, game or other similar meat f000 product, if the name
of the establishment and permit number is not clearly printed
on said sealed package; provided, however, that the approved
mark, tag or brand of the United States government meat in-
spector or another mark, tag or brand which has been approved
by the City Board. of Health and placed by any such official
meat inspector upon the carcass of any rabbit, chicken, poul-
try, game or other similar meat food product, or on the sealei
package containing eviscerated carcasses of any rabbit,chicke ,
poultry, game, or any other similar meat food product, shall
be accepted in lieu of the metal tag hereinbefore required;
and provided further, that any person who actually raises any
rabbits, chickens, poultry, game, or other similar meat food
products, may sell the same direct to the consumer without co -
plying with the provisions contained in this paragraph. A
restaurant for the purpose of this ordinance shall not be con
siaered a. consumer.
3. Only eviscerated raiJdit, chicken, poultry, game,
or other similar meat food products, that have the federal in
spectioh brand, the Salt Lake City metal tag hereinabove re-
ferred to, or another mark, tag or brand which has been appro -
ed by the Lake City :Board of Health shall be permitted
to be sold in any market, restaurant, cafe, or other similar
establishment or place of business in Salt Lake City.
4. The drawing or eviscerating of poultry in market,,
cafes, restaurants, and poultry slaughtering establishments
shall be prohibited unless adequate sanitary facilities have
been provided and approvea by the City Board of Health.
5. It shall be unlawful for any person, market,
restaurant, cafe, or other similar establishment or place of
business, to sell, offer for sale, or have on hand, for the
purpose of sale, any "no grade" rabbit, chicken, poultry, gam ,
or other similar meat foou product; provided, however, that
any such "no grade" rabbit, chicken, poultry, game, or other
similar meat food product may be sold in said places of busi-
ness and establishments if the said carcasses are first in-
spected and approved for human consumption by amid bears either -
the special inspection mark, tag or brand of the United State.
Government meat inspector, the Salt Lake City Board of Health
or bears the mark, tag or brand of some other inspection whica
has been first approved by such city Board_ of Health for such
(d) Every person so licensed shall have painted in a con
spicuous place OE. all vehicles used in the conduct of his
business the permit number issued to him by hhe Board of Heal h
in letters not less than three inches in height and no less
than 5/16th inch stroke. Said permit number shall also be
printed on all invoices and sales slips used in said business
(e) No license herein provided for shall be issued for a
greater period than the calendar year in which it is issued.
The Board of Health shall charge and collect a fee for a part
time inspection of slaughter houses according to the followi ,
schedule, which shall be payable monthly and covered into the
general fund:
For anix±xtIme slaughtering a charge shall be collect-
ed of ten cents (10¢) per head for every animal slaught r-
ed, excepting rabbits, chickens, poultry, game, or othe
similar food products; and provided further, that every
person engaged in the business of slaughtering shall pa
not less than 000.00 per year; and provided further,
that inspection shall not be granted or provided in any
slaughtering establishment located more than fifteen mil-s
distant from the corporate limits of Salt Lake City. Pay
ment of said fee shall entitle licensees to manufacture
or sell at wholesale or retail meat or meat food product.,
fish, poultry, or sea food within Salt Lake City.
(f) The following licenses charged under the provisions
of this ordinance shall be payable to the license assessor an.
collector in advance as follows:
. or wholesaling or wholesaling and retailing, or manufac
Turing and wholesaling meat, meat food products, fish or
sea food, per annum or any part thereof . . . $500.00
For jobbing, manufacturing, delivering, brokering at
wholesale meat, meat food products, sausage, fish, or
sea food products to retail stores, restaurants or simi-
lar places of business, per annum or any part thereof $54.00
The payment of said fee of $50.00 shall entitle the
licensee to operate one truck or vehicle without the pay
ment of the license fee required by Salt Lake City there
For peddling meat food products, $25.00 per annum, or a
part thereof, for each vehicle so employed.
Whmlesaling rabbits, chickens, poultry, game or other
similar meat food products, $25.00 per annum, or any part
Retailing fresh meat, meat food products, poultry, fish
or sea fooa products, per annum, or any part thereof,$25. 0.
Retailing smoked meats, salted meat and prepared meats
only, per annum, or any part thereof, $12 50
(g) No person shall sell or keep for sale, nor shall the
Board of Health issue a permit to any person to sell or keep
for sale freah :meats, meat food products, poultry, fish or sea
food products in Salt Lake City unless such person has first
installed in his place of business hot and cold running water,
a walk-in ice box or other adequate refrigeration suf-
ficient to keep such meat, meat food products, poultry, fish
or sea food products fresh and which refrigeration has been
approved by the Board of Health of Salt Lake City. All such
places of business shall be kept closed between the hours of
6 o'clock p. m. and 6 o'clock a. m.
(h) Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to allow
peddling or selling meat, meat food products, poultry, fish or
sea food products at retail from house to house by carrying
the same in a vehicle or carriage of any Kind or otherwise
offering said meat for sale by peddling.
(i) All permits and licenses issued pursuant to this
ordinance shall be subject to revocation by the Boara of Com-
missioners whenever in its opinion the public health or safet
shall require, and it shall be the"duty of the Board of Healt
to make recommendation accordingly.
(j) Any person violating any of the requirements or pro-
visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel .
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take ffect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of 41t ak City,
Utah, this day of?' , A. 9,: ✓%S <.,eee:cr7
Mayor.✓() ( --/,. ',A— - /./
City Recorder. !'
Presented to the Board of Commissioners ,
JAN 11 1949
' First Publicans
A/t; rt H
' OlTY HiictompaR
Affidavit of Publication
CountLsot I Ake I ---,
Lego! Notices
.,.VjOD r.1!AW)34,!NoliN Of koiraNgep Stfterao. n. : . e'j. Y
Revised Ordina'nees of Salt Lake
City,Utah, 1944,relating to Board
. of Health, and amending Section
'3558, of Chapter XXXV, of the Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Roviised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, as amended by ordl.
. nonce.palmed by the Board of Com- . vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
. missieners on September 25, 1945,
and April 27, 1948, relating to li-
cense& published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
cotli:fg"°,12 bi altheiIre"tit'g
Utah:SECTION I.That Section 934,of o f Utah.
Chapter IX, of the Revieed Ordi-
nancec of Salt Lake City,Utah,1944,
relating to Board of Health,be and
the same is hereby amended to read
as fellows: That the advertisement
LAKE CITY. It ehall be unlawful .
for any person to Intl, offer for .i'llbVi_lilliiE Ordirl-n,,C rj.r. ,i0e '3
sale, chip or bring into Salt Lake
City with intent to sell, or have
in his poeseselon with Intent to
' eII any food products other then ".Th OrdiwInce . It Ill ction •Yq, of '21-u,...Dtcr IL:',.
that bearing the Official stamp of
government Illepeetlon,the Board of
Health of Salt Lake City or other ---',
stamp that has been approved by, ' ''ncl. .:rie:adinj: .`3ection 765;, oi '7.11.31Dter :;.(.‘ar
' the Salt Lake City Board of Health.'
SECTION 2. That Section 3558,
of Chapter MERV, of the Revised ,
Ordinanc m
e.of Salt Lake City.Utah, '
1944, as aended by ordinances was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
poised by the Board of commie-
donors on September 25,1945,and
' April 27, 1948,relating to Menem, -
be and,the mme is hereby further day of A. D. 19........
emended to read as follows:
(a) It ,the,n b. unlawful for any and was published On J',n, l',, 1749
inatightering and selling or delivering
fresh meat or meat food product. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
at wholesale or retail,or selling or
delivering fish or sea foods, or
manufacturing, or li ilingi or de-
vering sausage or dressng,6r ea- 19
day of A. D.
idIfiviggr''Aatr's,gLeUlt:,i .ri-'277-7
or preserved meats. or h h
Ribbing or
brokering fres meat or meat food
products, sausage. fis, sea foods,
t it g
poultry or ame,within the torpor- Z
ae lim s of Slt Lake City,Utah,or Advertising Cle
to-bring into or receive into Solt
Lake City or to offer for sale therein
or to have on hand therein any
fresh meat or meat food products
or poultry or game vabloh has been
slaughtered outside of the corpor-
ate/Milts,of Salt Lake City,without find making apPlIcation for and before me this th day of
FA' ‘'..:%Th'itot:11 ersegeu: 11.9
permit end licenee so to do,as here-
In provided.
(b)Any person denting to saunas ..A.D.19.119_._
PI the budnese of slaughtering,
slaughtering and selling, or sell-
leg or ditllrerIng fresh meat,
or selling or delivering fish or
sea foods, or manufacturing or
selling or delivering Iatilaffe,poultry
or,game,within the corporate limits
_ ---
of Bolt Lake City or dotting to en-
e In the business of slaughtering
outside but within f if teen miles of Notary Publ
the corporate limits of Salt Lake ,
City, where elaughtered animals or
pOUltry are intended for eile within
the corporate UnItte of Balt Lske
City,eliall first make written appli-
cation to the license aseelliOr end
Ile'tor.cork application shall con-
i'i.'inthe.name of applicant,his real.
deride address and the address of his
proposed place of business, deft-
naiad by street and number, such
application shall at'the time of
the presentation be accompanied by
:tivredaintettlegetg ZIP.'Whig
NMI'aPPlitlption shall be made,the
Boone aSlatetor and collector shill
at nose notify the chief veterinarian who shall inepect the 0(11111111118 sellers I ere
Proof of Publication
the said ADDlioent prop°..to'eetty I
on IMAM.►rod vyon_'u°h!'spat- end beats either the Detiel Mapes-
Non if her%all Sind the ptelnle.10 en mark, tag or bread the
be in a ean1M[y condition and to ; Coiled BOG.Government meet ill
meet all requirements of the Win- rector,the Salt Lake City Hoard d1
'emcee of Salt Lake City and the rules Aeahh, or bears the ark, tag or
and egnIatlons f the
yy Hoard [ brand of some other%enaction which •
te permit Sallt Lekea City,
diff he shall
pert 't has been first approved by much
mit number to each applicant mat- Pill Bparo a1 HealEh for such put,
1ng acid requirements,which, upon hold)
•presentation to the!!cane.aeeeesor (d)Every persona Hoene.shell-
re epnactionrellsoto anon be i sue ease a have painted 1n a Congdon..place 1
hp 11ca t for ante place of boldness. on'ail vehicles need permit
the conduct
1'bib Dude..the ppetmlt health
(a)1.'Every Dean'eeeMwa{s of
to him by the Boats of Health
permit and license, a D[orld. la 1n iett6ra not lase.Dan three Inches
parengtal%(b)of tills ordinance,to M height end DO IZ than btgl!nail
.laughter, sell er deliver, [ to ate paid d on
a bar Wad
sffi11.17 with the intent M be sell ; also be printed n all IEvelnee and
or t]of Bal Ikeln tha corporate lee lips Used 1n said bueln.e.
limits of Belt Lake CRY any rabbits, (e)No license here'g perovlda for
chickens, poultry, game, r other shell be leaued}qr•greeter per!id
similar meat food 0Ue p1ta must - than till ctnatrderr In lthleu Et
attach in a conenimmue Dace non Is leaued The Boned Of Health shall ,
' the carom of.eh rabbits,chickens, ch.ge and collect A 1°e forparr
poultry,game,or other similar meat time inspection Of slaughter aouses
food ve°dUeta,a metal tag therefore f ding to the following schyeduled,
oargled by the cad riergtm I 1 which shall be payahle month!
f SelE Lake Cfty,end s of t met. covered Into the general fund;
taagg��nn et t a the na s o1 the et- For elaughtertngton a fiat}A�a shall
tablflhhlent and Dexmlt numbs:re- be collected of ten cents(Iec)per
calved by hire from the City Hoard heed for every animal alaughtered,
Of Health, and oflace all sealed pack- excepting rabbits, chickens, p°u]-
ages containing a rated rabbi me
rabbits, try, ga , or other altar food'
chickens, poultry, game, or other products[ and provided further,
stellar meat food product. there that every person Angered inthe
Wall be printed on the said package Business Of-slaughtering shall pa
• the me of the establishment And not lees than$500.00 per year;
permit number received by him from roovided further, that Inspction
the City Board Of Health. not be granted i previded
1.Any member Inspector of any slaughtering establishment
the Board of Health, r police of- located more than fifteen miles
Goer,'of Belt Lake City shall ire- distant from the corporate alite
emately conflecate and cause to of Belt Lake City. ayment of said
be destroyed any
rabbit. chicken, fee shall entitle licensees%m
m ara-
pouitry,swine,or other similar meat facture eel]at wholesale or
food products found by him In Man- tell meat or meat food product,
' sit,in storage,or place of baleen, fish, poultry, o eel food within
wheheldreor%displayed same s fort thedepu[pOse If) Thesfellowing licences Aberppd
of sere or dtetributlon within Belt under the provisions of this rdln-
Lake City without metal tag bear- nod shall be payable to the lloenae -
' ]rag the name of the establishment a an
aesaot and collector in advance
• and permit number as berelttbefore es follows:-
deeotibed being attach&in a eon- For wholemal or who]eeeling and
aplouous plate to the carcase thereof, - r.miler Or Wooert seturine and
or Win a eesled p.kage contain- who!. ieg so 'bleat food pro-
Inn eviscerated rabbit,chicken,pout- ducts,.fish or sea fod, per na-
tty,r game or other eirar meet foodany part thereof
y dUet, the said D.kthe does not turing0. r lobbing, manor:;
have sprinted thereon the name of luring, delivering,, brokering at
the establishment end permit num- wholesale meat, meat food prod-
ber as herelll de re described; and ets sues fish, r.eta
or darn'shall deliver,have on head, product. to stab stone, sexcel.
display,for the purposeLak of y, Ot • per
or similar nay of business.
rabbit, rhi in Belt Lake City, any he[ 0Daum or any part thereof hicks', poultry. game or gTire y y
other lmll#,alai toff showing product,
goo 0o sr' ntitle`tier ll.mee e
name of the setablishment and per- operate one truce or vehicle with-
It number as htreinbe0Ore deectlbed out the payment of the license fee
being attached in a e epieuou. requited by gale Lake City then-
place on the carcase thereof,a[have for.
°0n ]loft or s le oriedisttibution for hIn Salt •
a 6.00 ere t ream,food ontyOdper�
Lake CityM a sealed package y t%erect, for each vah(ele n ere.
envlsceraled rabbit, chicken, pow. ptond.
MR game, or other similar meat Wholes'slMg rabbits, chickens,
,e,Mb'd product, If the'elms of the poultry, game other al liar
establishment End permit number meat trod Deotlue , $30.00 per
le not clearly printed on old sealed nnum,or any part thereof.
package;Provided,however,that the Retalung hash mast. meat food
mproved mark,tag or brand of the products,poultry,fish or sea food
United States government meat en- . products,per num,or any part
rector another mark, tag or hereof $26.00.
brand ahloh has been approved by _Hai�,.�jj��s¢tgtpd ylos p�tad
the City Board of Healt red nDialed
speo- a ea.. of r any thereof,$0 Sit'
by-any such official meat lnspet um,or any part thereof,o keep.
tar upon the arose of any rabbit. fee No person hallhe sell or
hloken, poultry, game or other for 1q
similar meat food prod..Ot on the Health lnue •permit e y par.
sealed package nntelning eviscerated . to sell or keep for Wo fresh
of any rabbit, worn, meats,meat foot products,poultry,
Poultry,game,or any other slmllet fish or sea food cyro ete in Sale Lap
Meat food motel tag
be accepted City unites such person has fleet
In lieu of the mete]tag herbenbefnre ]nailed In hie place of%mine.hot
required;and provided further,that and.1d running water, a walk-in
any Person who actually tales.any ice box or other adequateeep retrlmeet
rabbits, thickens,poultry, prod a Elora sufficient tr keep such eat,
other llmlta ine t food produce., meat loot 06du0t Ee,moul n,Sfeh her
may sell the she direct to the tone sea food ern ha W ernh d hmy
Sumer without complying with the ehlgeratl0a hoe been approved by
rahlons contained in this pars- the BSooerd of Health of Wait Lap
graph.A reetautant for they Do. . City. All such place. of %Mine.
of this ordinance shell not bee - shell be kept closed'between the
hited a rensunrer. hours of 6 o'clock p.m,and 6 Web.
3.Only eviscerated rabbit.chicken,
food poultry,game, other similar meat be construed to this ordinance shall
f od products,that have the Federal peddling or •
Inspection brand,the Salt Lake City dung"meat, meat food r produate,
Betel tag %erve referred to, poultry,fish er net food products at
or another mark,k,tag tag or brand which retail-from%°use to hoer.by gat-
her been approvedo by the Balt Lags ey- liiggng the mane in a vehicle or of-
MIt1e Board bet old lain shall be rpat, feting eteldd any
for sale by peddling::
restaurant, cafe other market
- (1) All permits end ].canes al
in Salt
'place of Web.. - sued pursuant to thlaotdinanee shall
in Salt Lake City. be subject to revocation by We Hoard
4.The drawing or°vlfe., feig of of Commissionersh whenever in lie
poultry in markets, afee, restau- shall ngmre ubtla it ash ll to the
lishments shall poultry
bedprohibited Wei.
y ditty of the Boson Of Hedt%to mate
adequate Unitaryfacilities have _ tnommendstlon ue6edt gly.
been provided and approved by the (I)Apey-reran violating spy of
City Rogrd of Heath. the 1tImenta' prevleinne of
• 6.It shall be unlawful nfor.anj tilla ordnance silon be deemed gun-
• Dermon, make!, restaurant, cif. ty of a ..means.
0[ other similar stsbtlehment or SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
plate of busmen,to sell.off.for Hoard of Commissioner,It lens t-
le,orhave on hand,for he per- 'eery to the pea.,heal1th and safety •
hit, et mile, any grade" tab. [the inhabitants of B It Lake City
bit,chicken,poultry,game,or other that this ordinance shall take etf+et
Emi.meat food product:provided Immedlatsy, -
however,that y each grede ky e ffGN+.This ordinance'shall.
rabbit, .hloken, poultry, game, orr take feet at once upon its first
other Emil.meet toad product may publication.
IN sold In said places of boldness Passed by the Hoard of Commis-
! .tabnebmant.li the.ad oar- el, of Belt Late City,ijtah,thin
Ne.. ere Jire4 MApe°ted sappd ayy- 110h day of January,A.b.I9e9.
311•41'fig bvm.e aaa0mptlon Iq ' EARL J.MADE
IRMA le.HrayNEAR, •
MEAL 3 'City Recorder.
b11llabe a d January 13,1049