3 of 1950 - Amending Section 2901, re: organization and salaries of the Fire Department. VOTING Ave Nay I move that the ordinance be pas . Affleck . : Chris tens en, — / �J Romney, . . . r nfelter Mr. Chairman . . .,�° AN ORDINANCE Result . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2901 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 12, 1944; July 3, 19445; February 7, 1946; January 28, 1947; November 12, 1947; December 15, 1948; and May 10, 19449; relating to the - Fire Department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 2901 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on July 12, 1944; July 3, 1945; February 7, 19146; January 28, 1947; November 12, 1947; December 15, 1948; and May 10, 1949; relating to the Fire Department, be and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows: "SEC. 2901. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Fire Depart- ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following offi- cers, whose salaries shall be fixed by the Board of Commis- sioners, within the limits specified as follows: Not to exceed. Chief of Department w5400.00 Pour Assistant Chiefs 140.00 Superintendent of Fire and Police Alarm 3720.00 Three Battalion Chiefs 3720.00 Captains 3360.00 Lieutenants 3180.00 Firemen of First Grade . . . . . 2940.00 Firemen of Second Grade . . . 2820.00 Firemen of Third Grade 2700.00 Female Alarm Operators, First Grade . . 2580.00 Female Alarm Operators, Second Grade . . 2460.00 Female Alarm Operators, Third Grade . . 23I0.00 First Class Electrician 30 0.00 Second Class Electrician . . . . . . . . 2940.00 Third Class Electrician 2820.00 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, _2_ it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of 6alt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shag-tar feet at once . / .i upon its first publication. y , � L , -'j Passed by the Board of Commit-sa.dners of Salt Lake City, ! Utah this _/p a- day ofr c-c�-2 , A.D. 1250. i J a1 G/mil z _ ; City Rec'or.der., �!! Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 i-as County of Salt Lake J Legal Notices AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANpCBy RND1N((t�SEC- TION 2901 of thd-'RBB�ed Ordinances 1) T'.. CON,r,1 a—sole.-Lrhe,CJf, Inith:'-1JGC-'0a^' ended by ordinances passed by Board.of Commiseis-on 12,1944;July 9..1945;c.ner Febtueryu7 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- ' '12,16,1217;January 1e 1948 and Mayarl0, 1949;relatihirtd the.Fire vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper. De tmeor y g ins 1t dtlnao phelt the City, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Commieslonera [ Vteh: . tl SECTION 1,00 1.That OrdlhenoSection ecti Solo01 Lake .0 ty, Utah, 00,0 B m dad of of Utah. ordinances passed by the Board f Commissioners on July 12, 1944; I July 3,1945;February 7,1946;.Jan• 1 December e 116,, 1998. and May 910, That the advertisement 1949; relating to the a Fire Depart. • e't, be and the earn, 1s hereby torther amended to read a fol. loos: Publishing, An Ordinance Bill No. 3 SEC. 2901. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Fire De- consistnt of0the Salt following 1 officers, consist selerlee shall be fixed by the Board Commlesloners, 'Within;,the li'mBte apeclfled as fol- lows: NChM/ f Department . exceed. 0 Four Aseletant Chief. 4140.00 Superintendent of Fire and Felice Alarm 3720.00 was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the Three Battalion Chicle 3220.00 Captains 3360.00 Firemen of 2940.00 day of A.D.19 Firemen to First Grade...3106..00 Ft O0r0 of.Ti000 tl Graaa..2Sa0.00 omen a7�h3r2�t3:sds 2700.00 Female Alarnt Operators, First Gr;ae .... ..2680.00 and was published On Jan,. 11., 19 0 Fe Second AGrade Operators,2460.00 Female Alarm Operators, First'r.lrGrade eericren ...3060.00 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Second Class Electrician ..2940.00 Third Class Electrician ..2820.00 SECTION of 2.In the rs, it of the day of , A.D.19 Board of C 1p lice, it health ne d es safety to the tminhabor ace Sat /� j ,gr,,Lake City that thls ordinance hall f 7 .1��� take effect at once upon its first 4 pnnlers ofn, Advertising Carr( Peered by the Board of Commie- / loners y[Saltof Lake.A.D.tah.199 this loth day o1 January.A. .1950, EARL J.Mayor. Irma F.Bltner, • City Recorder. (SEAL) S Bic bli 1 E January 11,1950. ;fore me this 1Rt11 day of January A.D.19 50 1 i Notary Public