3 of 1954 - Amending Section 6714 relating to zoning Adding Items 119, 120 and 121, rezoning property near ' B ' ROLL CALL I { Bali City,Utah, JNIV l I:i34 195 VOTING Aye I Nay I move that the ordinance he passed. Burbidge . . Christensen . cEchholles Romney . e `\\ M � AN ORDINANCE r.Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION}6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1944, ae amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners, relating toZomthg. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1: That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 19, 1945, March 28, 1946, April 5, 1946, June 4, 1946, August 6, 1946, September 18, 1946, October 8, 1946, November 5, 1946, January 7, 1947, February 11, 1947, March 5, 1947, March 25, 1947, April 16, 1947, May 27, 1947, June 5, 1947, July 22, 1947, October 14, 1947, December 2, 1947, December 18, 1947, April 26, 1948, May 26, 1948, September 22, 1948, September 28, 1948, October 23, 1948, known as Bills Nos. 60 and 61, March 9, 1949, August 3, 1949, November 15, 1949, February 23, 1950, March 30, 1950, May 4, 1950, May 31, 1950, September 19, 1950, November 21, 1950, January 15, 1951, February 15, 1951, April 12, 1951, June 19, 1951, October 2, 1951, November 6, 1951, December 20, 1951, February 7, 1952, June 12, 1952, November 15, 1952, February 5, 1953, May 28, 1953, July 3, 1953, October 8, 1953, December 3, 1953 and December 28, 1953 relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding in and to said Section three new paragraphs to be known as Items 119, 120 and 121, which shall read as follows: "ITEM NO. 119. The following described real property located in Residential A-3, Residential A, and Residential B-2 Districts as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to Residential "B" classification and said map is amended and changed accordingly. That property facing on "B" Street and south of Seventh Avenue, more particularly described as follows: r) Page Two The North half of Block 96 and All of Block 101 Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey (Heretofore Residential "A-3"); also, The North half of Block 95, All of Block 102 and the West half of Block 124 Plat "D" Salt Lake City Survey (Heretofore Residential "A"); also, The East half of Block 124, Plat "D" Salt Lake City Survey (Heretofore Residential "B-2"). "ITEM NO. 120. The following described re al property located in Residential "B-2" District as shown by the Use District Map is hereby changed to Commercial classification and said map is hereby amended and changed acoordingly. That property located on the east side of Second East Street, adjacent to Ninth South Street more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point 12.5 feet north of the south- west corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Plat "A" Salt Lake City Survey; thence north 20 feet; thence east 1)40.5 ft. thence south 20 ft.; thence west 1140. ft. to the place of beginning. "ITEM NO.121. The following described real property located in Residential "B-2" District, as shown on the use district map, is hereby changed to Residential "B-3" and said map is hereby amended and changed accordingly. That property at 2019 South Second East, more particularly- described as follows: Commencing at a point 33 feet east and 125 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 21, Block 5, 5 Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Survey; thence east 156.75 feet along the north boundary of the existing Residential "B-3" District; then north 366.2 feet; thence west 156.75 feet; thence south 366.2 feet to point of beginning. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately; therefore, this ordin- ance shall become effective upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of S Lake City, Utah this 19th day of January, 1954. ayor. i \� ( S L ) / ILL NO. 3 ' Published January 21, 1954 FORM NO,ADM 35A Proof of Publication offat'tattt of Ant rtta COUNTY OP SALT LAKE ss. STATE OF UTAH AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC' BOON 8714 of the Revised OrdtnaMceOded. Salt Lake City,Utah,1944, s by ordlnattcer PaBseU by the Aoard of'i Commissionors, land to Zonffi B. Be it ordained Ly the Boar UtabCom- of Salt Lake City, Revised O r ln,That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Las enaGhas. P,..1,...._l ak-I-7 ,- Ul:h, 1944,a qts, - L has Febnuary e21B4O1965;C AugustmLl,,4045; neeember 19, i945: Marsh 28, 1946: being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of APiiL r,]996:.rung 4,394a; An(�det?6. 1048: September 8,194fi' r!,5,r 7,. 19M16; November 5, 1947;Februa3ry 1L ?In'March 5,1947; SI t,25,1947;Anrd 12 1947;May 21r I 11, loam;ens ember 2,21943°nece once j the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in 13,1047:/wit 26,1948:May 26,1948, September 22,1942:September 20,1940:I October 23.1048,known as Bills Nns Salt Lake City.Salt Lake County,State of Utah. 60 and 61; March 0. 1949; August .3, 1949:November 15.1945:February 23. 19.,3'•Mat rh ,'1e M 4 1936'M r 31,1950 Senle,nbr• 1 105a N\ b.� Ovtobe0,a da Z0951, November n a 1, 1951; A 1 12 ]951 Decemh t 9 i9 t: That the Notice of-t"1_Orca.rvarice ,:.a.-.ac.aa s3ctl on---_._. ... O.robe 2 10 1 N b 6 1952, 3inne 12.195'November It 1952 help,I _ loss 5 19 3 Mav 28 1061' fuly 3, <711.. f i..CVi c 'd I'rc- -' u-C es us P,l I', i Il,e 01 ts, sod'Detemb'6,1053 195Cemb �to 1 nod zoning, be and athe 195 mCrelating Is hereby rt ended by adding in a 1 tot IT Ilpo 3 further am a_a hs tC �- d Seotfan three n bCl,iclnlhall rq 1'emsfoll wIoli and 121, ry as ITEM rNO. 139. The following ae. [oribecl property toadied B Rn' dential A3,ResideS sh w'and Reddens tial Bct Districts as y changed on the Use District Man is hereby ch and i rtesi. _.._. dentist de classificationae and saki mar Is Tbat amended laeint¢eonenue.smore and a a, of se�nna,'Avenue. more of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its Pat'ticularly lcscribed as loltow s: The North ban of Block 98 d Fit of Block 101 Plat"D.' Salt Lakc ,t.l a4, any snlvey HreretoforC nasiam,mal issue dated the ..Asro; 1ao,a The North half of Block 95,All of lilnek 102 and thq West half of Block tT,!-AnU,.-7 5), 124 Plat"D"Salt Leko Clty Survey (Heretofore ResideofiBlocX1124"inat day of , 19...=4.... The Toast half foreResidentialC 13.2"). (Hereto- fore ITEM NO.B120, The following de'l and waspublished in each dailyissue of said newspaper, on scribed real property located in rest- dentist"9.2"District as shown by the Use District Map is herebyn changedd satd ap to Commercial classification changed ac- for da hereby amended --- - oraing,v. c That preperty located a n the east to sideinth i f Second Lost Street,a lacen South Street more particularly' de-, rmed a.3 Tennws° Dint 12s fret` thereafter,the full period of ©ne__T,gtae -. otlmmenetnc ati Lib of 7,nt 3. 131oCk a,list A„thS 20e feoat: f'lly "''v`y; i thence ft., the ce�westft14o seft.e toO1"'< the last publication thereof Ilace.n ,i."V.nf� TEM Nal Fop ThC following de 2,C+ .Flied real property located in Resi- tiSedi trio an. is snownehxne�a beingin the issue dated the dayof district -9 is ndsai - e hereby amended and change dap tic cercby amen ,x �anti.�,.r'tr C thusly 5h °That epproperty ocularly South_ -... -_ - ,A.D.19 fore more oar as {pli Commencing at a point 93 Feet Cast !'- L 32 feet north of the southwest l�(i/iU/-` f Lnt 21, Black 8. 5 Acie _ Pt t A B,g Yield Survey'thence east -....-. .. -..... 1.�-j 1EBthe existing��Residentialh"humidors', 3 n Did f / trial;tbenee et: 368.2 feet:00 thence est o poi fleet:hence south 366.2 n5th test In point f beginnipini of the e MC this SECTION 2.In the , men -- day of Aoarrl of Cnm hiealth1Crs,litafcts.ofatnc la the peace. n[Salt Lake Oity kcal this ordinance shall become eHecllyc ,m paialely; [heretura, this 0[dinanc �/ -�\ shall become effective upon its first A.D.1, 54_. puhlicatign \ P asse.0 by the City, Ut of CommissionersisInsay / \ ' of Sall January. City,Utah.this 19th day of lanuat y.I964 i:- - Mayor' CAUL J.GLADE, i .t 2.� -,� • ig.rN IIiMA F.Recorder. ER, / ( IV SE Raroraer. l� Notary Public. f'EALI `,'57 HILL NO.a. N. Published 3a n u a,7 21.1054.__-_.i2 - Advertising fee $. a"1