3 of 1956 - Ordinance 3 of 1956, Amending Bill No. 76 of 1955, relating to organization and salaries in the Poli M JLL .+ALL Salt Lake City,Utah, 5IUl' 1 lOJD 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . .
Christensen � � �"' - � ♦
[[ /, L
Romney — -
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4601 of. the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, 1944, as last amended by Bill No. 44, passed June 7, 1955,
and amending Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
1955, which Revised Ordinances were ddopted by an or d inance passed December.
29, 1955, Bill No. 76, to be effective as such Hevised Ordinances February
1, 1956, relating to the Police Department. -'.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:'
SECTION 1. That Section 4601 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, 1944, as last amended by Bill No. 44, passed June 7, 1955, and
Section 30-17 1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, which,
Revised Ordinances were adopted by an ordinance passed December 29, 1955,
Bill No. 76, to be effective as such Revised Ordinances February 1, 1956,
relating to the Police Department, be, and the same hereby are, amended to
read as follows:
SECTION 30-1-1. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Police Department '
1 le Salt Lake City, shall consist of the following officers and employees
and no others, who, except the Chief of Police and Assistant Chiefs of
Police, shall be appointed by the appointing power subject to the approval.
of the Board of City Commissioners from the certified list of the Civil
Service Commission of Salt Lake City for each such office or position to '
be filled, and the annual salaries for each such officer or employee shall
be fixed by the Board of Commissioners at not more than the amount herein-
after set forth, to-wit:
Per Annum
Chief of Police, who shall be head of the
Police Department and the appointing power $ 7200.00
Inspector 6360.00
Three (3) Assistant Chiefs of Police 6000.00
- 2 -
Captains $ 5640.00
Superintendent of Records 5640.00
Assistant Superintendent ofRecords 5280.00
Superintendent of Communications 5640.00- r4'11).'
Assistant Superintendent of Communications 5280.00
Lieutenants 5280.00
Sergeants 4980.00
Technician 4980.00
Radio Technician 4800.00
lst Grade 4740.00.
2nd Grade 4500.00
3rd Grade 4260.00
4th Grade 4020.00
5th Grade 3780.00,
6th Grade 3540.00
1st Grade 4416.00.
2nd Grade 4224.00
3rd Grade 4044.00
4th Grade 3852.00
5th Grade 3552.00
6th Grade and Probationers 3360.00.
Male, 1st Grade 3744.00
Male, 2nd Grade 3612.00
Male, 3rd Grade 3492.00
Male, 4th Grade and Probationers 3372.00
Female, 1st Grade (A) 3240.00
Female, 2nd Grade 3120.00
Female, 3rd Grade 3000.00
Female, 4th Grade and Probationers 2868.00
Nale, 1st Grade (A) "� 3300.00
Male, 1st Grade 31$0.00
Male, 2nd Grade 3060.00
Male, 3rd Grade and Probationers 2940.00
Female, 1st Grade (A) 2676.00
Female, 1st Grade 2556.00 •
Female, 2nd Grade 2456.00 -
Female, 3rd Grade and Probationers 2304.00 ,,
The foregoing salaries shall be effective and payable from and
after January 1st, 1956.
In addition to the salaries hereinabove provided for each officer /
N. and employee, except the Chief''.in Vle Police Department, as above set
forth, shall be paid: the sum .off 15.00 per month as a uniform allowance. -
SECTION 2.' In the Opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. -
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this;
3Tst' day of 4aBut ali, 1956.
ii a o
City Recorder �� �i^�N
( S E A L ) mporary rman
Bill No. 3 of 1956
iaiRki x t xixxi&iix
Published February 2, 1956
Affidavit of Publication
T10N 4001 of the Revised Old;nanee.c f
Sal'Lake City, 1949,as last amended
by Bill N.44.passed June 7,1953.and
ending Section 30-1-1 of the Revised
Ordinances of .Salt boded Cit, 1055,1
Which Revised Ordinances were p adoptedI-
by a Ordinance eiceed December 29,ll.
105.5, Sill No. 70 to he. effective s
such Revised Ordinances February 1,
1936,relating to the Police¢Department.
•-Be It-o gibed by the board of Corn.•
Rii3sinner5 of-Salt Lake City.Utah,
SECTION 1. That Section 9001 of Ste
Itevl,$4;q}IJ,te ode f Salt'Lobe Gity,.
1 4'.4 of nded b B'll Nn 49,.
Pahfiedrgutic.ti 1950,and SMition Jbl.l,
f thelte d0 tin IG ' F 7t ace
wh le It f I f din c
tee adopted by r 'dtnnnc passed'
Itfeetibeer-21i,1955,Bill No,7�,to he
4 p Ch Revised Ortllnoneea.
February S,}950,relating to the Police
°art'nem,.be•,Sod-the as a hereby Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver-
aed to read as follow,
•AND of&AIES,.eThetyPolice Oe 9si I toning clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news-
ofdthco ollowinq officers and employees
a other..,who,except tine Chief published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the
si Police and Assistant Chiefs of Police, paper ,/ �
hall be.'-appointed by the a pointin
Boors ouciir Coomm`ssiooners iron;the. State of Utah.
cersnissi0edof at SaltfL Lake City
for etc h such
office aL;position.to he filled,and thee,
annual 601aries:for each such-officer•
eland-.shah e fixed belthe, That the advertisement of which a copy is attached
Board f Commis9lmlors t not mine.
than the amount hereinafter set form,
to-:'it, m hereto
C 1himp of P who hall be
head of the0' 0 a tLnent
mletthe appointing
ng power SI200.00 --
Three (3) Assistant'Chiefs of 6J60.00'
Ponce 600000� - - •
Captain, 5640.00 .. ...
'int adept of Records 5690.00
Assistant Superintendent of _
Superintendent of(.'n Recordsb200.00. •
tots 5040.00
CLien ants a1R5.0°I
Sergeant • 5230.00
Technician 3r 4990.00
Radio Technician.... 90 490D.00
1st Grade - �+ '. 4740:00
2nd Grade 4500.00
SDI Grade 4260.00
4th Grade 4020.00
5th Grade 780.00•
61n.Grade was published in said newspaper on
1st Grad ,. 44l.00-
2nd Grade 4229.00
Ord Gr dq .ti3 4044.00, y •J
9lh Gl d l3852,00
stir Grade. s S 3052t00
6Ih 0 d rfd EG'cell 3J6000
Male,1st Grade 3744.00
Itale,2int Grade 1612,00 _-('L/
Maki,4th Grade and Praha-
Fefiomale. 1st C ms 3.72.00 r
e(A1 3ZA"° Advertising Clerk
S ,le,2 I Grade 3240.00
Femme,Erd Grade 3000.00
remade.4th made and Proha.
CLEriR�TYl'lsf-- 2680-00
Mal,1st Glade(Al 330300
Male,1st Grade 3I00.00
Male,2nd Grade
Male, srd Grade and Probe-
3°60.001rn to before me this day of
limners 2940.00
Female.,1st Grade(A) 267t5.00
Fennde,1st Grade o 06.00
ale,2nd Grade 2450.00 A.D.19 -
Female,J d Grade and Praha.
tioners he cf.
f eti Ea R a salaries I b eb n
and 1 payable
f d after; \l/
January 1st, 6
1 di t the salaries herein. = •
above provided tra each officer aid - -
play . except me Chief 1 lea -
Police Department,as above get forth, / -- A� n
shalt be paid the sumof once, per 7 Notary Public
month a. a uniform allowance, rr
SECTION 2.In Gm e i of the I `_---/
Board or commiss;oncrs,it is neccasary
to the pea a health and , of the
c inhabitants f Salt Lake Cityo that this
ordinance shall become effective im-
SECTION a This ordinance shall take
Passed by its
B0,14°oft Coemm;ssion-
day ors of Ja Salt
nuary.Lake Cit.v
tit ah,this J1at spires
Temporary Chairman
City Recorder
RI No.3 of 1Ah6 /5-01) '
Published February 2,1950 ,, 'a '