3 of 1957 - Ordiance 3 of 1957, Amending Section 30-2-5 of R.O. 1955, relating to labor to be performed by priso Sec.IVU.Sea b.1$ _ ... . _L'.- _ _ • - ., r _
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utahi.rF3...,..6.1957 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . .
Christensen Nicholes
Romney .
Result V
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 30-2-5 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to labor to be performed by prisoners
sentenced to imprisonment.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 30-2-5 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to labor to be performed by prisoners
sentenced to imprisonment, is amended to read as follows:
"30-2-5. Item 1. Any prisoner committed,to the city jail
of Salt Lake City or other place of incarceration as a punish-
ment of or in default of the payment of a fine, or fine and costs,
arising from a violation of the ordinances of Salt Lake City shall
he required to work for the city at such labor on public works and
ways as his strength will permit, not exceeding R hours in each
working day.
"Item 2. The labor on public works and ways shall be designated
by and performed under the direction of the chief of police and said
labor may include, among other things, clerical, janitorial, car
washing, common and menial labor, performed in and upon any building,
road, or property owned or maintained by Salt Lake City.
"This labor shall be performed in addition to that labor required
by jail regulations to be performed by all prisoners confined in the
city jail in cleaning and maintaining their cells.
"Item 3. For each month in which a prisoner confined or com-
mitted to the city jail has actually and satisfactorily performed
work as reported and recorded by the officer in charge, five (5)
days shall be deducted from his period of confinement. The reduction
of sentence allowed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to
the reduction allowed by Section 4 of this chapter, but no prisoner
shall be granted a total reduction of sentence under this chapter
in excess of ten (10) days for any single month. Proportionate
reductions shall be made for the fractional period of a month included
in any Rentence.
"Item 4. Failure to perform the specified labor, except when the
strength of the prisoner will not permit, shall constitute a breach
of the rules of the city jail and no reduction of sentence shall be
allowed under Section 4 of this chapter."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
2 _
City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, this
6th day of February, 1957.
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( S E A L -) -'
BILL NO. 3 of 1957
Published February 8, 1957
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
TIEN 30.2-6 of the Reviecd Ordinances,
Lf salt L.ke City.dl0py relating to labor) D i`2 0ckeyo
eo 1raprisonment,prisoners sen-
tenced t
Be it ordained by the City, 1 Conti Beim first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
SECTION L That Section 30-25 of.
the Revived Ordinances of Salt Lalre
City,1955,relating to labor to ben vertisiny clerk of the DESERET NEWS a newspaper
formed by P sentenced to int.:
meet,is amendd to read as fl--
"39 2-fi. Item 1. Any nrisoner
cam published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
load to the City Jail of Salt Lake
City°un other
f of Incarceration
lt , o f Utah.
then payment of a fine,a or fine and:
coats,arising from a violation o£the
ordinances of Salt Lake City shall be
red to work for the city at such
labor on public works and ways That the advertisement
Mga8 hours in will cn workingedry. e,,
"Item'2, The taker public
works a shall be aeaidnato' Salt -.Lae City Bill 'No 3 of 1.957.
y and mrforrmed under the direction! `
of the Chief'of Pollee and said labor'
• elude. miming other thing.,.
ae law
n,, ajanitto ii hear performedash g, An Or.din .ace amend nv, Sec 30-2-5 0f Revised
In and"u y building,road,o
gowned or maintained by
propertyS t ake Ciity. Ordinances reint'ni= to labor to be performed
This labor shall be Perfomed ln
a,dltion to regulations to
1So' performed babor required y
ialil ln'cleaning rantl confined
nintaioing the in the tiri
I. arls, by prisoners.
"Item 3. For each,month i w}oi itted S1,
City Tail has actually and satlstac-
an'a recorded bydthevoffe,iclin ehm teP.
five(51 days shall be deducted from
his period of confinement.The reduc-
tion of sentence allowed pursuant ant to
thishe rse section
lwbe in
was published in said newspaper on
this chanter,but no prisoner shall February 7
be granted a total eduction of see-, 't'ebrury 0, 195
tenet, this chanter in excess
of ton under10)days'for nay single monh
Proportionate reductions hall be
made for the fractional nelsiod of u
eded in any n
'Rom 4.I bFail to Or. exec!,tperform
en e
strength f th will -t
t hall tit t b� h f the
toles of the city.Jail and edn.I
Con of ntnnee shill be allowed
under Section 4 of this Chanter.' Advertising Clerk
SECTION 2- In the r f the
Rom, Commissioners"it° °fleece-
toy then c.health and'Hafty nf
the inhahi+fmisr f Salt Lake City that
this ordinance shall bacon, effective
a. it,f nrpublica shah ll$h
h take effect upon 4 first publication day of
Pa.f S by,1 I'loare his Othmtm,of)BfOre me this -.
Fs iu Salt take City.this Oth day of
n1Sl.F.srn;u'axT A.D.19 57
-� mayor.
I it.-ne ,r a.n,oensen
City xcr,
(S L Nt)
IDYLL NO.it of lard
Puhliched Vein-nary 9.1957. IA F2)
Notary Public