3 of 1979 - Vacating a fifteen foot alley running North from Albermarle Avenue between 300 and 400 West Streets. ROLL CALL
/ VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, January 2 ,19 79
Mr.Chairman �/
Agraz i I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Phillips vt
Result AN INANCEgir
AN ORDINANCE vACATING a fifteen foot alley running North from
Albermarle Avenue between 300 and 400 West Street. in Salt Lake City,
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners find that certain fifteen-
foot alley located in Block 5 of Deskeys Second Addition running
north from Albermarle Avenue between 300 and 400 West Streets in
Salt Lake City, Utah, is not needed for the use of the public as a
thoroughfare, and that the vacation of such alley will not be adverse
to the general public's interest.
THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That that fifteen-foot alley situated in Block 5,
Deskeys Second Addition, a subdivision of Block 9, 5 Acre Plat "A",
Big Field Survey, running north from Albermarle Avenue between 300
and 400 West Streets in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly
described below, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no
longer to be public property for the use as streets, avenues, alleys
or pedestrian ways:
Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Lot 2,
Block 5, Deskeys Second Addition, a subdivision
of Block 9, 5-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey,
and running thence North 155.00 feet; thence East
15.00 feet; thence South 155.00 feet to the South-A
west Corner of Lot 1, said Block 5; thence West
15.00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains
0.053 Acres.
Said vacation is made expressly SUBJECT TO all right of ways and
easements of all utilities of any and every description, now located
on, in, or under the confines of the above-described property and
SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining,
altering, repairing, replacing, removing or rerouting said utilities
and all of them.
Said vacation is also expressly SUBJECT TO all existing right
of ways and easements of any third parties.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days
after the date of its first publication.
PASSED by the Board of Commissioners on the 2nd day of January ,
GC�J� �
(SEAL) •
BILL NO. 3 of 1979
Published January 6, 1979
(Certified copy sent to City Auditor's Office for recording in SLCounty Recorder's Office 1-22-79)
tif (),(- (7:)4•-----
Ik' , JAR 25 197q
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ss. A.4-•,,c,,,, kA,P,Ike' i
City and County of Salt Lake,
1, MILDRED V. HIGHAM , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance ertitisd, vacating
a fifteen foot alley running north from Albermarle Aver ue between 300 and 400 West Streets
in Salt Lake City, Utah.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January 2, 1979
as appears of record in my office. ...
itere-WIWIVES8 RHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said :to
t Cif t s 14 l , 2.2ed day of• January, 197 9.. CA
';f VIYI"'fr` .1--iiW4 ,e1
(,AillA?, '11'1: '-
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City Recorder lib
Published January 6, 1979
BILL NO. 3 of 1979
1 GATING a fifteen foot alley
running North from Albemarle
Albemarlenue between 300 and 400
West Street in Salt Lake City,
UtWHEREAS, the Board of
Commissioners find that -
\) fain fifteen-foot alley located in
Block 5 of Deskeys Second
(N C j Addition running north from
Albemarle Avenue between
•I' /�/ 300 and 400 West Streets in Salt
(1'•/• Lake City,Vtah,Is not needed
for the use of the ublic as a
thoroughfare,and that the va•
cation of such alley will not he
adverse to the general public's
THEREFORE,be it ordained
by the Board of Commissioners
11 of Salt Lake City.Utah:
\°1 SECTION I.That that fifteen-
loot alley situated in Block 5,
Deskeys Second Addition, a
a "A", Big Field9
Plat Survey,
running north from Albermarle
Avenue between 300 and 400
West Streets in Salt Lake City,
scribed below,be, the samerly e
hereby is,vacated and declared
IL i no longer to be public property
-- tor the use as streets,avenues,
alleys or pedestrian ways.
Beginning at the Southeast
Corner of Lot 2, Block 5,
Deskeys Semnd Addition,
subdivision of Block 9,5-Acre
Plat"A",Big Field Survey,and
running thenceast 1500Ifee theta than
st South ner of Lot the
et t0 said
hi Block 5;thence West 15.00 feet
\\1 to the point of beginning.Con-
tains 0.053 Acres.
] Said isBonmade ex-
pressly SUBJECT all right
of ways nddeasements ofall�s\ utilties of d every e-
underpthe confiners offtthe above•
111 described operly and SUB-
JECT TO the rights of entry
thereon for the purposes of
maintaining, altering, repair•
Ing, replacing, removing or
rerouting said utilities and all of
Said vacation Is also express.
Iv SUBJECT TO all existing
right of ways and easements of
anv Third parties.
SECTION 2.This ordinance tier
shall take effect thirty(301 days O
after the date of its first �C
p lication.
PbASSED by the Board of
mmissiioners9 on the 2nd day
Of 19
Mayor J}
City Recorder
BILL NO.3 of 1979
Published January 6,1979(C-6) ex,
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE Snana D. Conaty
CATING a fifteen foot alley
Ginning North from Albermorle
Avenue between 300 and 400
West Street In Salt Lake City,
Utah. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legalHEREASr the Beare of
Commissioners that
advertisingclerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
Block 5 of Deskes Second
lr running north
from (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
LakenCIty,O Utah,Isrnot needed language with general circulation in Utah, and
um e,and mat the va • published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
adverseftothe e�teareiolmiil's State of Utah.
the Bo rdd a C be ommordained
s ones
of ECTONCItty,,Utah:
foot the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
foot alley situated In Block 5,
Doskehe Second Addition, a
Pbaiv)sion of Block 9,5 Acre Pub notice vacating a certain alley
lat A",Big Field Survey,
Afining north from Albermorle
venue between 300 400
West Streets in Stilt Lake CM',
Utah, more particularly do-
scribed below,be,and the same
nu longer to betod el,blic nros,e.m
nur the.use as streets,avenues,
alleys or pedestrian ways:
Beginning at the Southeast
Corner of Lot 2, Block 5,
Deskvonfc9,fl5- osubdiiio BlokAcr
Plat"A",Big Field Survey,and
running thence North 155.00
l; thence East 15.00 Met,
thence South 155.00 feet to the
Southwest Corner of Lot I,said
Block 5;thence West 1500 feet
to the point of beginning.Con-
tains 0
Said yamtlon is made ex- was published in said newspaper on.053Acres. Jana 6, ],9/9
pressiy SUBJECT TO all right """"""""""""""""""""
of ways and easements of oil
utiscrlleities of any and every tion,now located on,In,or
under the confines of the above-
described property and SUB-
JECT \ _\
f0 the ights f entryo maintaining,
forWU the ing,Hr.+es t �. ` / ,\ yr-�
aintainlaci altering, repair- 1 -� "1 rerouting
replacing, yds o'
mtlgsaid gtuinesand enof Legal Advertisj- gClerk
I S U vacation Is also exnress-
Iyy SUBJECT TO all existing
right it ways and easements of
any ECTION'2.This ordinance18t,1
shalllakeeBectlhlrty(301daYs rn to before me this day of
puer the date or its Ilrst
Pusio by me Board y A.D. 1979
CommissionersJaneay.for on the 2nd day
of Jana''1979.
City Racorear
(SEAL) r
BILL N0 3 of 1979 h7 ,
Published January 6,1979 IC-6) I\- Y ///I. /7 /(.l/ •//<'/.1.///i
Notary, UbIic
My Commission Expires
June 1, 1981