3 of 1980 - Annexing 3.8 acres of property East of 1300 East, South of Miller Avenue - Malouf Annex. (annexation // a, ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE extending the limits of Salt Lake City. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 631 of 1978, Malouf Investment Corp. together with a plat showing the tract of land hereinafter described requesting that said tract of land be annexed and taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, said petition is signed by a majority of the owners of the real property and by the owners of more than one-third in value of real property situated in the tract hereinafter described as shown on the last assessment rolls; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate plat or map to be made or certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer, which shall he filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the petitioner has caused a bond to be submitted with the City to guarantee the installation of various street improvements and a widening program for Miller Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining said petition of said owner of said tract of land and finding it to be within the area of anticipated growth as reflected in its annexation policy statement heretofore adopted, and after hearing and considering the circumstances and issues involved herein, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of accepting and annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should he passed annexing said territory and extending the corporate limits of Salt Lake City NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That the annexation proposed in Petition No. 631, 1978, he accepted and the City limits of Salt Lake City he, and the same hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following 3.18 acre tract of land located east of 1300 East Street south of Miller Avenue, in Salt Lake County, Utah: Beginning at a point South 448.51 feet and West iU 30.10 feet from the East 1/4 corner of Section 29, Township 1 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Rase and Meridian, and running thence S. 87° 15' E. 100.12 feet; thence South 248.11 feet; thence N. 87° 00' W. 17.03 feet; thence North 17.94 feet; thence N. 87° 30' W. 58.54 feet; thence N. 71° 00' W. 133.74 feet; thence South 24.50 feet; thence N. 71° 00' W. 11.06 feet; thence South 114.68 feet; thence West 131.79 feet; thence North 175.61 feet; thence West 247.81 feet to the existing Salt Lake City Limit; thence N. 25° 10' 30" W. along said limit line 99.64 feet, to a point of a 1186.28 foot radius curve to the right; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve and limit line 92.53 feet; thence S. 87° 15' E. 571.09 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 3.1.8 Acres. AND RE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described area be, and the same hereby is, zoned to a Commercial, "C-1" Use District classification and shall he known as the "Malouf Annex". AND RE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED, that when this ordinance takes effect, that said tract of land above described shall thereafter be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and shall be subject to zoning ordinances applicable to a Commercial "C-1" District as herein provided. All ordinances, jurisdictions, rules, regulations and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tracts of land and the streets, blocks, alleys and public ways of said tract shall he controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of the City pertaining thereto, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as a standard of location and distances. AND HE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the acceptance of annexation of the above described property is subject to the following conditions: I. That the petitioner dedicate additional land on the south side of Miller Avenue as part of the annexation plat to provide for the widening of Miller Avenue. -2- E • 2. That the expense of installing public improvements such as curb, gutter, paving, and other street improvements together with those improvements associated with widening Miller Avenue over the area be dedicated to the City as part of this annexation plat, be borne by the petitioner and that the petitioner bond for such improvements prior to the passage of this ordinance. SECTION 2. On passage of this ordinance, the Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and she is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the plat or map above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of Februa y_ , 980. V7 OR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 3 of 1980 Published February 13, 1980 (Certified copy of ordinance sent to County Recorder, etc. for recording February 28, 1980) -3- ��� ,✓�/Oo7-/spa-�-� D � ;v r \' 0 '<;rr STATE OF UTAH, " 'i (.`) m"�- ss. Fr City and County of Salt Lake, I, MILDRED V, HIGHAM ..__, City Recorder of Salt Lake Ci , 1i, d�hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance iftYllitRitVE extending, the limits of Salt Lake City to include a 3.18 acre tract of land located east of 1300 East Street south of Miller Avenue, to be known as the "Malouf Annex". City Council . passed by the Boamixotteonatubsitutors of Salt Lake City, Utah, February5,- 19R80 tl7 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,this 28th ..-.day of February,..__..1918Q.. CO (SEAL) City Recorder BILL NO. 3 of 1980 ---------- Published February 13, 1900 ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE extending the limits of Salt Lake City. WHEREAS,there has been flied with the City Recorder of Salt Lake Cit,Petitleo No.631 at 1978,Maloof Investment Corp.topelher with a plat showing the tract of lard hereinaf- ter described ting that Id tract of land be annexed and taken within limits of Salt Lake City;and no WHEREAS,oil he5real 1propertvy petit'.is signed tthhe owners°off minority than owners e-third in value of real property situated In the tract herein- after described as shown on the last assessment roils:and WHEREAS,the said petitioner has caused n accurate Dial or map to be mae or certified to by a competent survey- or a1da epitr Bed by the en City Engineer,which shall be filed withd WHEREAS,the petitioner has caused a bond to be submit- % - tad with the City to guarantee hte installation of various street improvements and widening program far Miller Avenue;and WHEREAS,the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,after examining said petition of said owner of said tract of land and finding It to he within the area of anticipated growth as reflected In Its annexation policy statement hereto. fore adopted,and altar hearing and considering Me clrcum- ` stances members of said sues involved voard In favovoted of accepting and ananimousnnex: Ina dl ordinance`sct of hould land be passed annexing fv Id and te directed t an ex- tending the corporate limits of Salt Lake City NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH: SECTION I.That the annexation proposed in Petition No. 631,197B,be accepted and the City limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same hereby are.enlarged end extended so as to in- dude the tollowina 3.18 acre tract of land located east of 1300 East Street south of Miller Avenue,in Salt Lake County,Utah: tram the E East 1/t a 441nt cornertofSection eprTownshipest J I South, Range 1 East,Salt Lake Base and Meridian,and running thence S.al deg.IS'E.le0.10 feet;thence South 319.11 feet:thence No.Bz deg,00'W.17.03 feet;thence North In.94 feet;thence N.07 deg.30'W.58.54 feet;thence N.91 deg.00'W.133.34 feet;thence South 24.50 feel;thence N. 91 deg 00'W.11.06 feet;thence South 114.68 feet;thence West 131.79 feet;thence North 175.61 feet;thence West 047.81 feet to the existing Salt Lake City Limit;thence N. 8 deg,10'30"W.along said limit line 99.64 feet,to a point of a 1106.28 loot radius curve to the right;thence North- westerly alongthe arc of said curveand limit line P2.53 eet:thence S.W deg.15'E.571.0 feet to the point of be- inning.Contains 3.18 Acres. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED Mat the whole of the above described area be,and the same. hereby Is,zoned toe Commercial.''Cl"- Use District ciassin- callon and shall be known as the"Malouf Annex". AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED. that described shalt thereafterebe within the said atelimits of Salt Lake City and shall be u s biect to zoning ordinances applicable to a Commercial"C-1"District as herein provided. All ordinances,Jurisdictions,rules,regulations and obligation of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made Iicable and pertinent to the said tracts of land and the streets,blocks,alleys and public Ways of said tract shall be controlled and Governed by the ordinances,rules end regula- City of Me s City hall`thencefo`rth`be°tak none therhe ein as a staents ndard of loccation end distances. D ND DECLARED that the gcept acceptance off E IT anne at on of theHER above described prop- erty Is sublect to the following conditions: 1.That the petitioner dedicate additional land on the south side of Miller Avenue as part of the annexation plat to provide or the widening et Miller Avenue. as 0 curb,That expense of afnd other strreeet IImlprovements tontsneth Avwith those improvements associated with widening Miller enue over the area be dedicated to the City as Part of this annexation plat,be borne by Me petitioner and that the peti- tioner bond for such improvements prior to the passage of this ordinance. tOo SECTION 2.On passage of this ordinance,the Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file,and she is hereby directed to file with Me County Recorder of Salt Lake County,a copy of the plat or map above mentioned,duly certified and acknowledged,as Provided in such cases together with a certified Copy of this ordinance. /n City,It is necessary to the°;MLce�l health end Council a of the y 1 inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become emilt- live immediately. o SECTION,publication.Th is hii ordinance shall lake effect upon the date of It Passed by the City Caancil of Salt Lake City.Utah,this Y0 SM day of February,1980. r..1 TED L.WILSUN ATTEST: MAYOR MILDRED V.HIR CID CITY RECORDER (SEALI BILL NO.3 of 1980. Published February 13,1980 A-34 4 / 20 ,f1 sa s.26 `? j „ o 73 / of •66 M \` \ \a i ,,,,z1 I 4r ��s pU`� N s ��IV V i'l •\ S�04 FS �� • y o, , \ ti- -If if I f 1 1 1 N be U-1 VI to NI N t l � A N s% mob z. tA N. si N DI yZcb° N 1\ (A 1 h ,,,? M 1 ti Il (N h l kti , 01 ). , y .• x t ° ° hi It G x) ik a b k (aE "To .E,4 5 T %y.GaR C/ T 5EG T/a iv 9 SUR Vim'YDR S CER T/F/CA TE' / y s,.a T,S. R,E Al Z ph;/4 R. ,n /e X P c/m Licrc6y acr/i 6y f1/iU7r j BAST QUAr?T�R o•n a /1"ey,'slerco/ Lone/ Sur✓eyor One/ fr,47LJ/io4/ P / SOUT/J, Gar/,'{i'cc /c /✓o rr`LL7 as pre scr.'(iea/ 6y fAe laws E S SE oI 7l. e .S/e,/e 47i U/4/i, ane./.I cur/Aer eer711y JvIE,Q/D/A1V '^lb flat >`/ie braof o 1 1• / � - /ono/ 5 ow'? mn 7'- ,-s PJ.n 7"on./ 'I� ewnee✓ 6y Vla/ovf /n✓esfnenf Corp is o/msr.6e� ,r5 {o//eWs. Bey/nn.i,y o7/ o Po/r/I Sorl74 --/-4S S( sl West 30./D fc I P {e Pro f/ie Fas/ �q Corner r o- � WEST Sec//or, 09, Town_A/ / S o 9 sf ARE,q o,� Sal/ Lake p • e //� Ro.� c J �a PZ-_ OE_____.ON i _ 30.70 7 LaKG LPSG Gna/ f/�Br'%d i p SB s 'E /D flencc S87o /j " vvrc/ rv.rn.'nr a•I2 /60./2 feet �/een�e Souf/j —___ /� 1 / LPO/NT pF 2q8'i/ 7'CG/� /r+GnGG /�/87'OO W /7. rr JJ (/ enee 8E6/NN/Nlj--__._�__-- A/or Th /7•.94 Cee21j f�enGc ,A/g7 e'30 1'1/ J1e.447Cl 7:4enec N7/"OD'W 133,79• fee"; 74.4c,-, e Sov//i 29.5en Ccct; >Ver7ce /N 7/"ti3O'li✓ //.0G {cc/+/; f/icnc Sov74 //4.4.g }c G/% 7/7er/oc // cs/l r/3/.79 7L; 7L..4 GNec- Norl%/ /75• J 'e G_f; Men,c Wes71 247,e/ fee 71' 710 I ex/'s4,'n9 Su//.o.�c C.'/y ,.'ir,1'7/; 71/7cne-G N25'/O'.3D''IA/ a/on, sa/a/ L/.,r;/ /,;re 99.6"4iee , >zo a po,'n7` eC er //Si.ZS 4eo/ rao4Os- ear✓e /e Lac 7-,:7 7j 71-Ac noe No r7LA wcs 7'er iy a./en9 7%e erc o-r soli/ cur✓e one✓ //%sri/ //:,c 92.53 71'ee71 i"bGncc 587'/5'. S7/.09 lee/ -/b f/Te nn/,n po"'f o-I be .9 i �'• �0.,/4.`ns 3. /S Acres • Do/c AUG 7 7_, C Le.2� 6r g, °o P!;///,�P R, n9/ LCeI T/Go+/e NO s`' ' a F l: Z �' AGKNo v✓L�D�E/vI�NT �� � 5TAT - e,/ U774N / ,hr Lo vn/y o i Sa//`t/.4G S'S 'i - r • N o aredC clay a,-f „ae47raf /97B personally pp be4ore frnG A 4 e /1r,e✓arJ/yneel No/cry Pub//c ;n a11r.e/ for sa.el S/. /e .ails../' Coun/y, ,°ti;//P R. £r1 y/e ---- 5-/4,er oil 72/,e Mr'e00in9 /nafrunren/ on,,,,/ Lie aG,lrnaw/eeJ,eo/ 74o .s,e f-/rN../ .4e exeea/ecJ 4 "I fiz ri II 1-9 r1-41 • NORTH /7576/ V 1 CC N R � y �y �/rliq/'ssiOh ex 1;.; -.,. • > � I#` E Y--` /9��N ' ��/a ,s 9I ?Res/dir/, /rI ../ rt ... .a.Ni ./...„?._,,a� )R Op SS.54 OWNERS pEpI CAT ION AZ87'3a. / h rwow ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT T I. t-iE LJNC,ERSINEO 2 OWNER( ) OF THE /7.O3 ASOVE OESCFiIOEp TRACT OP LANp, ✓r` 1-1-tAT SAID OWNER ) OO HEREBY OE01,-"TE G/�y //87'OO (/v/ TH E NORTHERLY I 0 FEET (AS SHOWN ON PLAT AP/"R0VAL_S LL TO --,..., T LAKE cITY FOR k ApP ro✓ca Timis THE PLISLIC. PERPET JA U�' OP c%y e�__ /978 l by f-/ie rSa/1 �a,/rc C 7/y /"/,.nn/'Hy' OATS I D..eeo71er d iTE 5T /3/.79 Prtsenfa./ o0 0// 'lj / 1 / // �/ owr.I � h od ra/ 01/ .sa// L.RKG GAT O+AT= >OUTf� s TREE T f�,'s o y - .,971 �f >ti/�,,ti �;.,�� I//JGX W41 ASP re, V� dH�r dGG C/OTCd 1 �'71y RGG,"a/cr A,oyrovcd 6y yle S.r/71 .ZA,ke C 7/,, we , 7< /97B dno/ 9' f6i,'s / 7 1 so// .4.dke �71y '�Hy,rCGI- —�— ACKNOWLEED EMENT AR,rovc� by -/y,e S.v// /ak& Z--I sT Jd y A7TOI'ilG y ��,•S ATE OF l-JTAFy u y /9 70 COUNTY OF SALT LAKE S S. ON THE J%. OAY O)= SIG u "./ ✓ I1PERSONALLY APRE,nREO SEF ORE ME T-I • uNOE - N_U NOTARY PU9LIC INAN FJF� SAD STATE AVO SQ/11 hrke G/T)// ATT/er/7Gy COUNTY, RECORDED# - - STATE OF UTAH,COUNTY OF SALT LAKE,RECORDED AND FILED AT THE T SIB' i( of TM FOR �IN� INSTRUMENT REQUEST OF f •" NOWL.Eo GEo TO ME • _ Y THPT HEEJCEGLtI tU DATE TIMES • BOOK • " ' ExPIRt� PAGE- _ • N3 FEES -, `s a I.' NOT y P BLIC —SALT LAKE COUNTY RECORDER x £ yc RSIOIN� ,N I of T LAl'<E CO, Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Shana D. Conaty E AN ORDINANCE extending the�mils of salt Lake City WHEREAS,there has been filed with the City Rea:weer of Salt Lake City,Petition No.631 of 1918,Maisel Investment Corp.together with a Piot showing the tract of lend hereinaf- ter tdescriber'requesting that said Bract of toed be annexed duly sworn,Beingfirst deposes and laksn IMln tie llmts of Salr Lake City;oMl and says that he is legal we of3BeA real.'property rm toy Me owners of more than advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily ov.intro M value el rear properly situated in the tract herein- English after described as shown on the Iasi assessment rolls,and (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the En lish plat or map i i bet'made or petitioner has be a cam mien.su veY-or and.approved by e City Engineer.which shall be filed language with general circulation in Utah, and Me with the City Recorder;and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the ted WHEREAS,I iy to he guarantee hie install sed tionn of arioou he s treeei Imp program nts and widening ogram for Miller Avenue; WHEREAS.; State of Utah. WHEREAS.;the Board of onot said s55 s of Sall Lake City,after examining said petition of said owner of said tract growth aand t`ented In Itsarbene6xot"'ah ipohelky`sta anticipated hereto That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto fore adapted,and after hearing and considering the Circum- stances and issues Involved heealn,voted by unanimous vote ui all members of sold Board in favor of accepting and annex- ing nance`s`hate'bedpassedl'an sexing naty ia territory anda'an exx- Pub notice of an ordinance extending the limits fending the cotTerppfe Ilmlts of Salt Lake City NOW,TF SALTORE,Be IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCILSTION I.'That Bee nInTexa ion proposed in Petition No. of Salt Lake City and I971,be the same hereby-aro,'he enlarlged'anda of exteenll nded sooasi to he, 1300 Esl in- Srreesooe,Mga000 SlLaCou ,Utah Beginning of a point South 448.51 feet and West 30.10 test from Me East lid corner o1 Section 29,Township I South, Range 1-East,Salt lake Base and Meridian,and running thence 5-81 deg:15'E.100.12 lee.:thence South 248.11 feet;thence No.87 deg.00'W.17.03 feel;thence North 17.94 feet;thence N.81 deg.30'W.se.54 feet;thence N.Cl deg,00'W.133.14 feet:thence South 24.50 feet:thence N. 71 deg 00'W.11.416 feet;honed South 114.68 feet;thence West 131.19 feet,`thence'North 115.61 feet.thence'West 2d1.81 feet to the,..existing Salt Lake City Limit;thence N. 2s dog.10'30"W'along said limit line 99.64 feet,td a point of a 1186.28 toot'dill 6 Curve to the right;meson North- fwesterly along the art of said curve and tin line 92.53 eet:thence S.al deg.15'E.571.09 feet to Me point of be. was published in said newspaper on Feb, 13, 1980 ginning.contains 3,18 Acres. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the alleys described area be,and the same hereby is,zoned to a Commercial,"C-1"Use District classlfl- 1 ion and shell be known as the Maloof Annex". AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED, ` t that when this ordinance takes effect,that said tract of lend 1` ` \ 0o described shaulrlere/,ttru IMlnihecoraer tmtis ;r,\ 1t\.,( ..�..{-'s_ `_�._1 \ of Self Lake Co and shall he"Dist'to s herein ortllnozes - s Ile insble le a Commercial ini rules,regulictations as sarnln provkHd. Legal Advertising Cler All r pertaices,jurisdictions,Sa ales,ee xtssn extended and obligation de a1 i;Pyre aid-tie Salt Lake fine are aqs is o over and made spnht,W and- 'that'to the said tracts 1 Iona and the streets,darks,avers and pthe o, na of sold hart shall be rolled and governed by the to,u;nli the rules and r la- \ Cogs mr the C, perNlningyof elh thereto,and the ei monuments s standard ndard 21 st City ne i"�;'Ft ee"afar,,,he taken therein as a Ltandard ore me this day of o AND 8E IT URTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED NV s sablecrtome of annexation condnlohe above dexrihti pree q 80 e I.That the petitioner dedicate additional lend on Me each, A.D.1 J side of Miller Avenge as part of the annevailm,elat to provide far the widen.°of Miller Avenue. 2.That the expense of installing public improvements such as curb,gutter,paving,and other street improvements togeth- erwim those improvements associated with widening Miller ' venue over Me area be dedicatedto the City as part of this x tion plat,be borne by the petitioner and'Mat the n. �// annexation bona for such Improvements prier to the message of thiss �.Y'" !% -T i f.L fJ /--�. ✓ ordinance. SECTION Bwith2 On passage of this ordinance,tie Recorder of Notary Public Lake City shall file,and she in hereby directed to Ills w the County Recorder of Salt Lake Calnty,a cope of the plat or slap above mentioned,July certified and acknowledged,es provided in such cases together with a certified cope of this ordinance. SECTION 3.In the ophnian of the City Ceuncll of Salt Lake City,It necessaryis to the peace,health and welfare of the inhabitants ofSall ako Clfv thpi Ibis ordinance become effec- SECCTITI ONN awe IE 4. This ortlinence small take effect upon the date of its fast p aC. by,c ff1e Passed by City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this Sill day of Fete eery.194. TED L..\MYO MAYOR ATTEST: i MILDRED V.HICHAM CITY RECORDER (SEAI) BILL NO 3of 1180. Published February 13,len ..-ea