30 of 1911 - Ordinance 30 of 1911 – Amending & re-enacting Section 658, re: salaries of appointees of the Recor , - 1 , ,• t ,a \ , A 7 c 7 :7 A 7 C , kv An ordinance amending end re-ennoting et ion 566 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt ::nke City of 190 , ss emended by cm ordinance passed by the City Council April 26, 1910, and A14,roved t-;,/ the Llayor April 29, 1910.4 relating to the appointmente of de,. ; 1-,; ands by the City Recorder. Be it ordeined by the City Council of belt ',cte City, Utra 371017T07 1. Tha,t Section 563 of the Reviled rri.inanoes of .";al.t Lak, City of 1903, es emended by 9n ordinance „nimed by t;',e City Council April 29, 1910, and sdproved hy the Mayor April C,), 1910, re- lating to the appointments of deputies and nudt'nt by the City 7/moonier, he,end the otue is hereby amended end r9-ennote0 to to reed as follows7 f:MITIO!' 560. The recorder shell hare power to appoint, subject to confirmation by the Council, the following deputies and assistants: Ore deputy recorder, vita shall also act as clerk" of the and_eighty council committees, at m orlary of thirtmenhundredA(71.380.0n) dollars per annum. Three deputy recorders, who shall act as clerks of the oity courts, st uslary of twelve hundred 0;.121. 1 dollars each, per 9:nnum. One deputy recorder, wo shall act se clerk of the city courts, et a salary of ten hundred and eictty (4108().X) dollars per.enrum. One clerk et a salary of twelve hundred U1200.00dollare annum. Cue clerk et a salary of twelve hundred C120(".(,1 dollars per annum. One clerk of the Board of i'ark Commissioners at a salary of nine hundred ( 90C.10) dollars per annum. Two stenographers for the City Court, at a salary of nine hundred (900.00) dollars each, per annum, all of which esiaric, 30 -n- 1 bt- rn ' ' t•-• ° • )1' loyees. int 0.,,,e„ (AS' 7' ° 07.0 inan- (,):.V.IL (!orr: ?1,7 „,t,V1 0;3 to the extent ,f 1i1 riiipl t n;:•nn Passed by the City:Tonpoil.:,o,f Salt Lake eity,Utah, March 1911, and referred to the Mayer for'his approve? eoorder. Approved this 4y of Mar 1911, ay . . — . , .i, , . 1 • t:•11•4" 77 LI I IQ ' 2 i G-... r • Er' rf . F . „'2 r '' ro" '''1 5 ,r.:,. .".-11"!, "rjP-: 1•:', 0; tnrricint,7,-D nr: •,,•I / 0‹ - - Tit.,15,--.:-. ,rp. rxt fir> ,,,jf.5pitic ".,,. . ...„ 511 ._ ca ., ,.. ..,....) . _ .,......, ,,,,, co CA 0 1 g 0 4 ---,_ 1 I i tI\ .