30 of 1935 - Amending Section 1542, relating to weights and measures and oil inspection (methods of testing motor `Rec. 1U8
�, T
VOTING I AYE I NAY S Salt Lake City, Utah, JUN 26 J 35 193
Coggin - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Knight 47-41,(, /`(�-'7 G t(.e///-/
Lee \(�
Mr. Chairman - -
Result I
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1542, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to weights and measures and
oil inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 1542, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to weights and measures and oil
inspection, be and the same is hereby amended-to read as follows:
SEC. 1542. GASOLINE. All gasoline sold, delivered or
kept for sale in Salt Lake City shall conform to the follow-
ing standards and grades:
For the purpose of this ordinance the abbreviation A.S.
T. M. shall mean American Society for Testing Materials.
All tests shall be conducted by the methods described
30 by the American Society for Testing Materials. Any later
revisions of these tests by the American Society for Testing
Materials shall apply to this ordinance.
Distillation - A. S. T. M. D 86-30
Sulphur - A. S. T. M. D 90-34T
Octane Rating - A. S. T. M. Tentative D 357-34T
Reid Vapor Pressure - A. S. T. M. D 323-32T
Corrosion - A. S. T. M. D 130-30.
The heid vapor pressure, when tested at the refinery,
or in cars, at 100 degrees F., shall not exceed 9 lbs. per
square inch during the months of April, May, June, July,
August and September, and 13 lbs. per square inch during the
months of October, November, December, January, February and
March. When tested at the pumps, the pressure shall be not
greater than 8 lbs. per sql inch during the months of April,
I �
June, July, August and September, and 12 lbs. per squ.gre
inch during the months of October, November, December, January
February and March.
Utah Motor Fuel #75 shall be a highly volatile Hydrocar- �
bon liquid, free from water and suspended matter, and shall
be suitable for use as fuel in internal combustion engines.
A clean strip of copper shall show not more than slight
discoloration when submerged in the fuel, maintained at a
temperature of 122 degrees Fahrenheit, for a period of three
When the thermometer reads 158 degrees F., not less than
10% shall be evaporated.
When the thermometer reads 257 degrees F., not less than
50% shall be evaporated.
` When the thermometer reads 356 degrees F., not less than
90% shall be evaporated.
When the distillation end point is reached, the thermome-
ter shall not read more than 437 degrees Fahrenheit.
Tge residue in the flask shall not exceed 2 percent.
The recovery shall not be less than 95 percent.
The percent evaporated shall be found by adding the dis-
tillation loss to the amount collected in the receiver at eac
specification temperature.
Sulphur shall not exceed 0.10 percent.
The octane rating shall not be less than 75.
Utah Motor Fuel #67 shall be highly volatile Hydrocarbon
liquid, free from water and suspended matter, and shall be
suitable for use as fuel in internal combustion engines.
A clean strip of copper shall show not more than slight
discoloration when submerged in the fuel, maintained at a te -
periture of 122 degrees Fahrenheit, for a period of three
When the thermometer reads 167 degrees F., not less than
10% shall be evaporated.
When the thermometer reads 267 degrees F., not less than
50% shall be evaporated.
When the thermometer reads 392 degrees F., not less than
90% shall be evaporated.
When the distillation end point is reached, the thermome-
ter shall not read more than 437 degrees Fahrenheit.
The residue in the flask shall not exceed 2 percent.
The recovery shall not be less than 95 percent.
The percent evaporated shall be found by adding the dis-
tillation loss to the amount collected in the receiver at eac
specification temperature.
Sulphur shall not exceed 0.25 percent.
The octane rating shall not be less than 67.
Utah Motor Fuel #55 shall be a highly volatile Hydrocar-i
bon liquid, free from water and suspended matter, and shall
be suitable for use as fuel in internal combustion engines.
A clean strip of copper shall show not more than slight
discoloration when submerged in the fuel, maintained at a tem
perature of 122 degrees Fahrenheit, for a period of three ho s.
When the thermometer reads 167 degrees F., not less than',
10% shall be evaporated.
When the thermometer reads 284 degrees F., not less than
50% shall be evaporated.
When the thermometer reads 392 degrees F., not less than
90% shall be evaporated.
When the distillation end point is reached, the thermome
ter shall not read more than 437 degrees Fahrenheit.
The residue in the flask shall not exceed 2 percent.
The recovery shall not be less than 95 percent.
The percent evaporated shall be found by adding the dis-
tillation loss to the amount collected in the receiver at each
specification temperature.
Sulphur shall not exceed 0.25 percent.
The octane ratin .; shall rt ' be less?tangy 55
SECTION 2. It shiil be un irful forty ersdh, firm or
corporation to sell or deliver mbtott fuel, as%ere r c of ed, for
i use in any motor vehicle fDo any purfl or oth "+�`di• pensi 'device
,,_) 2 E unless such pump or other i eksingt' vice sh y: 4a c rly dis
Splayed thereon the grade number of *motor fu`l:•'sold op telivere.,
a or for sale or delivery. ' :
SECTION 3 In the opinion of the Board oit Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediate)
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect July lst,193.,
p f
after its leo= publication.
Passed by the Board/0 Commissioners of Sa- Lake City,
YUtah, this 26th day of Ju}c /1935.
/ x
( Temporary Ch i ni
City Aecor er.
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Proof of fuhltration
MAW' Ottani of Amain'
714:*Y AN,041;01NANCE'
ION 1542,Revised Or-
of Salt Lake City,Utah,
193 ,lating to eights and TT. F. TP:OrPSOY
I tft and oil-ittapectton.
:04{nind-by tllencnard of
- 8455, loners of Salt Lake City,
-"- being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
iiN I That Section
154 Revised Ordinances of Salt
Dake City, Utah, 1934, relating of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBI,i ' newspaper published in
to weights and measures and oil
InspeCtion, be and the same is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State
5510. 1542. GASOLINE. All
gasoline sold, delivered or kept
for sale in Salt Lake City shall That the NoticeU r'' O'T)TT'IFCE••
conform to the following stand-
ards and grades:
Mottled*of Tufting Motor Fuel
For the purpose of this ordi- ED.] 30.
mince the abbreviation A:S.T.
M.shall mean American Society
for Testing Materials.
.All tests shall be conducted by
the methods described by the
American Society for Testing
Materials. Any later revisions
of these teats by the American
Society for Testing Materials
shall apply to this ordinance. of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
Octane rating—A.S.T.M.Ten- paper in its issue dated the
• tative D 357-34T.
Reid Vapor Pressure—A.S.T.
M.D 323-32T. Tune ,193 5 ,
Corrosion—A.S.T.M.D 130-30. ay o
The Reid vapor pressure,when
tested at the refinery,or in cars, and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
100 degrees F.,shall not ex-
ceed 9 lbs.per square inch during
the months of April,M
'July,August and Sep. 'n4r9 Jun.e. 213th. for
13 IbI. per square ,-, err:
the months of OctobA-:
ber, December, Jan 7..." -b
ruary and March. VVb n listed r thereafter,the full period of One ins etion.
at the pumps,the pressure shall
be not greater than 8 lbs. per
square inch during the months the last publication thereof
of April, May, June, July, Au-
gust and Septvmber,and 12 lbs.
Per square•inch during the
being in the issue dated the 2Pth day of
months of October,November,
December, January, February
Utah Mota net No.15 71)Tle ,A.D.193 5
Utah Motor,Fuel Na.75 shall
,be a highly volatile Hydrocarbon
diquid,free from water and sus-
. tended matter,and shall be suit- -"Afee:6712d-Si"-N
able for use as fuel in internal
combustion engines.
'A clean strip of copper shall 1 to before me this
show not more than slight dis-
coloration when submerged in
the fuel, maintained at a tem-
-perature 01'122 degrees Fahren- ,A.D.193 5
heft,for a period of three hours.
-When the thermometer reads
158 degrees F.,not less than 10
per cent shall be evaporated. , Notary Public.
When the thermometer,reads
257'degrees F.,not less than 60
per cent shall be evaporatetk
'When the thermometer reads
358 degrees not less than,qo
per cent shall be evaporated. '.
When the distillation end point
is reached, the thermometer
shall not read more than 437 de-
Advertising fee $
The residue in the flask shall
not exceed 2 per cent.
The recovery shall not be lees
than 95 per cent.
The per cent evaporated shall
be found by adding the distilla-
tion loss to the amount collected
in the receiver at each specifica-
tion temperature.
Sulphur shall not exceed 0.10
per cent.
The octane rating shall not be
less than'75.
Utah Motor Fuel No.87
Utah Motor Fuel No.67 shall
be highly 'volatile Hydrocarbon
liquid,free from water and sus-
pended matter,and shall be suit-
able for use as fuel in internal
combustion engines.
A clean strip of copper shall
show not snore than slight..die- �t� a y.w�........
•coloration,when'submerged in Ig"rn,.goo rgek a[each specifics:
the fuel, maintained at a tern- .tion temperature.
perature of 122 degrees Fahren- Sulphur shall not exceed 0.25
belt,for a period of three hours. per cent. -
DISTILLATION RANGE: The octane rating shall not be
When the thermometer reads. less than 55.
187 degree F., pot less than 10 SECTION 2. It shall be un-
per cent shall be evaporated. lawful for any person, firm or
When the thermometer reads corporation to sell or deliver mo-
287 degrees F.,not less than 50 tor fuel,as herein defined,for use
per cent shall be evaporated. in any motor vehicle.from,any
When the thermometer reads pump or other dispensing device
2 degrees F.,not less than 90 unless such.pump or other( din-I f"r cent shall be evaporated. penning device,ahall haveclearly
'2!,When the distillation end point displayed thereon the grade num-
•reached,the thermometer,shall ber of the motor fuel sold or.de
I`""set read more thgn 437 degrees livered,or for sale or delivery.
Fahrenheit. SECTION 3. In the opinion of
E %,.The residue in the flask shall 1the Board of Commissioners,it
,Rot exceed 2 per cent. is necessary to the peace,health
The recovery shall not be less and safety of the inhabitants of
,Kan 95 per cent. Salt Lake City that this ordi-
,>The per cent evaporated shall Hance shall take effect immedi-
be found by adding the dietilla- ately.
tti6n loss to the amount collected SECTION 4. This ordinance
the receiver at each specifics- shall take effect July 1,1935;af-
�.41 temperature. -ter its publication.
1.'J .Sulphur shall not exceed 0.25 Passed by the Board of Omn-
i per cent. missioners of Salt Lake City,
The octane rating shall not be Utah,this 26th day of June,1935.
less than 67. JOHN M.KNIGHT,
Utah Motor Fuel No.55 :Temporary Chairman.
Utah Motor Fuel No.55 shall ETHEL MACDONALD,'
be a highly volatile Hydrocarbon City.Recorder. (Seal.)
liquid,free from water and sus- 'BILL NO.30.
pended matter,and shall be suit- Published June 26;1935.
able for use as fuel in internal -
combustion engines.
A clean strip of copper shall
show not more than slight dis-
coloration when submerged in
.the fuel, maintained at a tem-
perature of 122 degrees Fahren-
heit,for a period of three hours.
When the thermometer reads
167 degrees F.,not less than 10
per cent shall be evaporated.
When the thermometer reads
284 degrees F.,not less than 50
per cent shall be evaporated.
When the thermometer reads
392 degrees F.,not less than'90
per cent shall be evaporated.
When the distillation end point
is reached, the thermometer
shall not read more,than 437 de-
grees Fahrenheit.
The residue in the flask shall '
not exceed 2 per cent:. •
The recev^ry shall-not.be less
than 95 per cent,
The per cent evaporated shall
be found by adding the distilla-
tion loss to the amount collected