30 of 1936 - Amending Chapter LIX, by adding new Section 1426, relating to traffic and the installation of parkin ROLL GALL. ,
VOTING AYE NAY % Salt Lake City,Utah, JUL _tiaG 193
Goggin I I move that the ordinance be passed.
Murdoch ✓ "!
}:xx fi
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934,. relenting to traffic and travel
on streets, by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be
known as Section 1426, providing for the installation, regulation
and control of the use of parking meters.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Chapter LIX of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to traffic and travel on streets,
be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter
a new section to be known as Section 1426, providing for the instal-
lation, regulation and control of the use of parking meters,which
shall read as follows:
SEC. 1426. (A) The words "Chief of Police!! as here-
in used shall mean the Chief of Police of Salt Lake City or
such other officers or employees of said city as he may select
acting under or pursuant to his orders.
(B) The following described parts of streets in said
city are hereby established as parking meter zones:
The east and west side of Main Street from South
Temple to Fourth South Street;
The north and south side of Third South Street from
Main Street to State Street.
And in such zones and such other parking meter zones
as may be hereafter created by the ordinances of said city,
the Chief of Police shall cause to be installed parking meters
and shall cause parking meter spaces to be designated in ac-
cordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
(C) That the Chief oolice of said city is hereby
authorized to install or place under the direction of the
city engineer parking meters in such parking meter zones
hereby created/to be created by other ordinances of said
city. Such parking meters shall be placed upon the curb along-
side of or next to individual parking spaces to be designated
as hereinafter provided. Each said parking meter shall be so
set as to show or display a signal that the parking space ad-
jacent thereto is or is not in use.
The Chief of Police shall provide for the installa-
tion, regulation, control, operation and use of the parking
meters provided for in this ordinance and shall maintain said
meters in good workable condition. Each said parking meter
shall be so set as to display a signal showing legal parking
upon the deposit of a five cent coin of the United States
therein for a period of time conforming to the parking limit
now or hereafter provided by the ordinances of said city for
the part of the street upon which said meter is placed; and
each meter shall by its device clearly set out and continue
in operation from the time of depositing such coin until the
expiration of the time fixed by said ordinances as the park-
ing limit for the part of the street upon which said meter is
placed. Each said meter shall also be so arranged that upon
the expiration of said parking limit, it will indicate by a
mechanical operation and the dropping of proper signal that
the lawful parking period as fixed by the ordinances of said
city has expired.
(D) The city is hereby vested with power and author-
ity to enter into a contract in the manner as prescribed by
law for the purchase and installation of parking meters; and
to provide payment for such meters and installation exclusive-
ly from the receipts, funds and revenues obtained by the city
from the operation of said parking meters without in anywise
personally obligating the city to pay for same from any other
sources. And the city is further hereby authorized and em-
powered to enter into a contract or contract for repairs and
such parts of said parking meters as may be necessary to main-
tain same in good operating condition and to pay for such re-
- pairs and parts exclusively from the receipts, funds abd re-
venues received from the operation of said parking meters.
That in the event the city should at any time deter-
mine to pay upon the purchase price for parking meters and the
installation, maintenance and repairs thereof from the total
receipts, funds and revenues received from the operation of
said parking meters, it shall in the discretion of the Board
of Commissioners, set aside all of such receipts, or such Part
thereof as may be necessary, to pay for same and such receipts,
when so set aside, shall constitute a fund to be used solely
for paying for such parking meters and the installation there-
of. And also like power is hereby granted to the city to set
aside a part of the said receipts from the operation of nark-
ing meters to constitute a separate fund to pay for repairs
and supply parts therefor.
Provided, however, that nothing in this section
shall be construed as an attempt to limit or restrict the
power and authority of the city to contract for parking meters
and the installation thereof and for repairs and supply parts
therefor in the manner as now otherwise provided by law, but
the means of payment herein authorized and provided shall be
in addition to any other method which may now be in force
and effect.
(E) When any vehicle shall be parked in any space
along side of or next to which there is located, under this
ordinance, a parking meter, the owner, operator, manager or
driver of said vehicle shall upon entering the said parking
space immediately deposit a five cent coin of the United
States in the parking meter along side of or next to, said
parking space and the said parking space may then be used by
such vehicle during the parking limit provided by the ordi-
nances of said city for the part of the street in which said
parking space is located. If said vehicle shall remain park-
ed in any such parking space beyond the parking limit fixed
by the ordinances of Salt Lake City for such parking space,
the parking meter shall display a sign showing illegal park-
ing, and in that event, such vehicle shall be considered as
parked overtime and beyond the time fixed by the ordinances
of Salt Lake City, and the parking of a vehicle overtime or
beyond the period of time fixed now or hereafter by the ordi-
nances of said city in any such part of a street where any
such meter is located shall be a violation of this ordinance
and punished as hereafter provided. It shall be unlawful for
any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any such vehicle
registered in his name to be parked overtime or beyond the
lawful period of time as above described.
(F) It shall be unlawful and an offense for any per-
son to deposit or cause to be deposited in a parking meter a
five cent coin for the purpose of extending the parking time
beyond the time fixed by the ordinances of Salt Lake City for
parking in the parking space along side of or next to which
said parking meter is placed.
(G) It shall be unlawful and an offense for any per-
son to permit a vehicle to remain or be placed in any parking
space along side of or next to which any parking meter is
placed while said meter is displaying a signal showing that
such vehicle shall have been already parked beyond the period
of time fixed by the ordinances of said city for such parking
(H) It shall be the duty of each traffic patrolman,
or such other officer as shall be so instructed by the chief
of police in his beat or district, to take the number of any
meter at which any vehicle is over parked as provided in this
ordinance and the state vehicle tag number of such vehicle
and report the same to the police department and make com-
plaint for any violation in the police court of said city.
(I) Any vehicle parked in any parking space in any
parking meter zone shall be parked with the radiator directed
at said meter in diagonal parking spaces and within the lines
marked on the street for such parking spaces as provided
(J) The chief of police shall place lines or marks
on the curb or on the street about or alongside of each park-
ing meter to designate the parking space for which such meter
is to be used and each vehicle parking alongside of or next
to any parking meter shall park within the lines or marking
so established. It shall be unlawful XXV park any vehicle
across any such line or mark or to park said vehicle in such
way that the same shall not be within the area so designated
by such lines or markings.
(K) It shall be unlawful and an offense to deposit
or cause to be deposited in any parking meter, any slug, de-
vice or metallic substitute for a five cent coin of the United
(L) It shall be unlawful and an offense for any per-
son to deface, injure, tamper with, open or wilfully break,
destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter install-
ed under the terms of this ordinance.
(N) The five cent coins required to be deposited as
provided herein are hereby levied as police regulation and
inspection fees to cover the cost of inspection and regulation
involved in the inspection, installation, operation, control
and use of the parking spaces and parking meters described
herein and involved in checking up and regulating the parking
of vehicles in the parking meter zones created. hereby.
(N) Any person, firm or corporation who shall #iolate
or permit, suffer or allow anyone to violate any portion of
this ordinance, or any person who shall violate the provisions
of this ordinance, or any person who shall aid, abet or assist
in the violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine as
provided in Section 831 of these ordinances.
(0) If any section or provision or part thereof in
this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional
by a court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudication shall
not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or of any!
section, provision or part thereof, not adjudged invalid or
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitahts
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 9th day of July , A.D. 1936.
� `�•/
f _Mayor.
t, -.
. . L
.► •
Proof of rithltration
Eulith*intro of Aintriro
Ai ontrcu
..',,-.•Ait- 'otenraA U Alutillintati
'CHAPTER tint Of he Iltevilled grdi-
-, nahem of Salt Lake City,'Utah,1934, H. P. THOMPSON
.,„ro.t.i.‘s to traffic m‘d.travel on I,
itsiz jaa ear 1 g 4ho1.6 t?41
as Section 142e,.providing for the
iheigtIlitt , tegillatioh land,control being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
it'gdgorkhi;'gthr tam of
Commissioners.of Salt Lake City,
- . SECTION, I, That Chapter LI/t THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
,of the Stevieed Ordinemem of Salt
Lake City, Utah,- 1834, relating to •
'traffic and travel on streets,be and
thehlinte n is hereby ametided by add- City,State of Utah.
Ln ad to said Chilli:ter a new
Batton to be krithvil as Seet1011 142e,
,praviding for the installatiOn,Capfu-
l'latflin and control of tiM use Of
-, ruiltibp metets,:whIbb.:Ahall read:ea That the Notice AN..ORDINANCH
!•-- Slich 1426(a)The words"chief of
) Police" no herein need Mall itibidt BILL NO. 30
the Chief of Police of gait take
' .City or suoh other dhoti,or Stn.
phvosi,of mad City At he may(Mien
Oaths under or plireuant to hie Or. SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION
. dere,
(b) The following described parts
• Of itreete In bald City are hereby
earbbliehed as parking meter Manta:
The beat and West aide of Meth
etreat film'$otith TeMple tri Phirth
.. .South street,
The north and south side of Third
til:titeh street from Meth street to
• St street. • ' of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
..g1 in such cones and anal%other :
i barn*meter mono ea may be hale-
/after created by-the ordinahces of
told city, the chief of Piano Muth 10th
- td.1184 to be Metalled parking matem : paper in its issue dated the
erld atiall cause parking Meter spheas
to be:deeighated in!too:MAMMA tylth
11OltVINC1V4teernlir st oi • day of July , 1936 ,
geld city la hereby Ruthortaed Del in-
:, Mall dr place under the dinette/1 Of•
.. :the shy:atiginect aights tuatara in
atith perking Meterp Minn hereby bre- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
&tea Or tO be dilated by other or-
dinances of said Oily. $UCh Parkin
,. mama shalli,be Played upoli the curl jul y 10th.
,- Mangold,fa or next to individue for
.• parking abeam to be deolgnated as
. hereinafter provTed. Each. said
grigrineter hhit I be Oh Sat Re to
6 display a Sinai that the one insertion
/rtgligi 0,6,46 Adjacent therath ia or thereafter,the full period of
The enttler'Of Poliall shall*Wilde
I „ for the inetaliation,regtilatioh,eon-
,,' trOl,operation and um of ins meters provided for in t ut or... the last publication thereof
• is
:• Milano.and Mien thaintaio Old me-
' tea in good WorkablehmulitiOn)Each•
laid wising meter rhall be CO met 10th
Lig to dipplay a•signal iiihowing legal being in the issue dated the day of
jolgolihuri%tehthltr fi5tteaLltarr::
in for a period of time conforming
to the perking-limit now or hare- jtaY ,A.D.193 6
, After provided by the ordination of
said city for the part of the street
upon which meld meter ia placed, ..
.• and etwIt meter Mall by he device
clearly met out and honthitia in op- ---'''61-11f27—ti---4 "2----
eraplin item the tIroe of depoolting
i such coin tuitil the expitatidli of the
) limb fixed by skid Ortitheinek aa
,,,/,the.,--parkIng 'Unit fOr the part
gea .leetreladp.n'IN.4 :rig orn to before me this 11th day of
• .hitter shah Man be,bh AllaSiglit
i thM-Allapil the Mirth/. Of aeill
x--parifffil-mritti it-Wil Intliegler• 'y ,,,
&mechanical operation ittid tit:M 6
CP, A D 193 ,
I I,: 11 I lig,.0.toro ale
eret tgatilt a itr , A. D.,. ..
i. oiltlittoeVoreraid City'Igis(Mired,
, (el Tile city is herebY vested with .,.._:/.4
... poWer'Mid authority to enter into -6-64:-,t.--,-1...-Z6-4--
: a Maltreat in the mailer As..pre-
' ettibed bylaw for thaptircheig(mei Notary Public.
.fhateliation of parkliig littiteret and
,"to providd payment SO Sildh Meters
!Y'and r latioif eaShielVely.fiat:Rig- ,
,, teimi ta,•funde andleimhued Ablated ',,s-7Z61-2)-' ,:.2 5//f e 7
-. by t a city ftbrn the operation at
, •maid parking motet*withOut In iny- '
-wise,pereohally.obligating the olte '
1 to PAY lot fiami Mai Any 'otter
sources And t 1'city figi hot if
hereby&UMW'S& and erdpineereel to
I. 'enter into.A bontrast or contrast
•,-rli nialtateln-liania rtadcl QAtra Advertising fee$
,- contlitddh-afit to pit if&atioh:-re. ,
pairs and peril exclu Ivey front the •
melPte.4un 1 end'revenuem re. ..'
neived.from he operation of'said
riorkillt ttletift%
meter alongelde of or next to Said
parking spare,mid the Bald parking
hpare may then be need by Oath ve-
icle during the,parking limit pro-
vided by the ordmendeo of bald city
for the part of the street,in which
said parking spans la ineltad.it said
ohrh!parking epacel beyond the park-
ing 11mit liked by the ordinances of
Salt Lake City for such parking
�'pLatr in the avent,the 011y bho.Uld space, the parking mete!shall dia-
et•drly cline determfna to yyaY upon play a sign showing Illegal parking
'the p1.lYohal0 prlre,tor Detkmg me• nd in that event,such Vehicle Shall
�✓leis:and tntl r(lletbl Odes, nlalnta• -be conbfd'ered as pecked Overtime slid
v n0noe Mid repairs thereof Dorn the beyond the time•fixed by-tHe'Or-
total Yelellit0,�fuMdtl end revenuer re- dlnances of Sal Lake City,and the
' delved-from the-bperktlpn of bald parking of 8 vehicle overtime be Ice-
parking m0terb0 it eh411 n the die- pond the period Of tithe fixed now
• cretidn of the card bf bommieeion- or hereafter bq the dtdlnohcee of
are ell aside all of.suck riminpte,or Said city In.eny such part Of a street
mu lv pal thereof me may be sense- where any such meter is iodated shall
, carp to•Sty for slime and Mot re-
a vlolatloll of this ordinance and
ee es,When et)eft abide,shall con• punished ec hereafter provided. It
etc ute'a fund to'be used moiety for shall be unlawful for any person to
yl g far efiph,parlfbri meter§and cause, allow, permit or Uffer cop
im neballatfell ttlereo And Oleo udh vehicle mandated in hie name '
• like powe}.la'hereby granited to the to be parked overtime at beyond the
pity to let aside a ert of the said lawful yodel of time as above de-
'eckinibp frelli the eb ration of park, scribed.
,Ing•metdre to-none a Separate (f) It shall re unlearnt end all
fund to pay"for repairs and 9uppli offense for any Derain to deposit or
geete therefor. came to be depbelted In a parking
Provided,ha Oyer,that nothing In meter S fires-sent Spin for the pus-
tine section Snell.lie oonetrued es eh poet of extending the parking time
attempted Ymit or reetrlet the power beyond the time fixed by the,or- I
We duthpllty el Sine city to bon- dinettes of Salt Lake City for path-
it}dN parking meters cod the in- log in the perking Spade alon�telde
i taliation,thereof.and .for 'cop.', of ar text to which Bald packing
/end ehpply parts (lend or in the meter le placed.
manner ad now etherWIee proviu,, IS) It shall be unlawful and an
by law,but the means of payment offense for any person to permit a
herein authorised and provided than vehicle to remain or be placed in
•be In addition to any other method any parking epace alongefdo of or
,which May.now be in force and ef- next to Which any parking.iheter is
fact. placed While slid meter le(Up1Ay-
0) When any vehicle shall be ing a eternal Milking that curb ye-
parked iR^;any,space alongside of hide ehall have been klready parked
next to which there 1s located, beyond the period at time fixed by
under this'ordfaanee,a parking me- the(minimums of said City far such
ter,the owner,,operator,manager or parking spate. - --
'driver of said vehicle shall, upon Ili) It Shall-be.,the duty of Inch
entering the Bald'parking space,im- traltic patrolnitid,br eu0h liner Or-
medittelqq deposit a five-cent coin ricer am than he el lnetructed by
at the'!United States in the parking the chief of police In hie beat or
district,to take the number of any
meter at which any v . e is ovee-
perked a. provided_'[,,;;+.e ordi-
nance and the etato l ,A num-
ber of such velolli the
seine to the pclloa•
make complaint f• „v +.
the police court of
(1)Any vehicle perke•
Ing epeoe in any parking
ehall be parked With the
directed at Said meter In d
parking space('end Within the It
marked on the street for such pert
log a§cos ae provided herelnefter.
11dee or eMarks on the eC Yn iorl en
the street about or alongelde of each
parking meter to deeignate the park-
ing apace toe Which such Meter is
to be need altd each vehicle perk-
log alongside of or next to any
parking meter-Shall perk Within the
uses or marking bo eetablielled, It
.Nell be unlawful to pork city ve-
hlole across any inch line or mark
r to park said vehicle m etch Way
that!tie come shall not be within
the area eo designated by such Minds
or marketxe
oftk) It shall be 000cdl and on
enee.to Opole or tt�at�ues to be de-
posited in device o r-metallic eubetitute
for a flve-cent coin of the United
QI It Shall be nlewfW and an
offense for any Demon to deface in-
fure,temper with,open er wilfully
break,clomp anyp or Impair the useful-
neee of any parking meter metalled
under the terms of tine ordinenee,
(m) The llve=nent coins required
to be deposited as provided herein
ate hereby levied,to polite Mettle,
Lion and Inepeeqtloo tees to toyer the
slat of b tbeetlon.and regulation in-
volved In thefnepeetlod.metahatltn,
operatipn, &iieneetro! and'umepp of the
.parkins spat**
herein and parking
thenking up and regqulating.p the perk-
Mg if vehicles In the.parking meter
sense treated hereby.
in) Any person,-firm or ttrpere-
Efon"Who-Anon violate or.permit,
-moiler or alleW anyone to violate
•ally portion ofthis ordinance, or
any person *lb snail violate the
provisions of this ordinance,or ant
o ton who Shell aid,abet to ttlf
11 she Wb0000en of fhb gulty_n of{
Shall be be
able b,an f)end shall be In el c-
able al a fine as drovided Qn pen-�
Don gal of thesed ordlna lereh
io)if eof Seat oh or itian e then
therrceI 1i this cc 1en0e
be 101 ty a O nes Iffd in Ute0t ltitu-
bloK 4 a Sours octb 06i t 1ui'1a-
itatcrq gu4n tdd adlodb on'Shall nett
aftelt�lo oar m 0 t•e erolnanoa
vi §while or he any not adjudged
dd, gad
vUlon or part netitaf,not adJudged
inSkt ci t Iona n tlenkL
SRb N I. In the camas of
riedemosary t board o ftheo peace!health1 and'.
safety Of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance bedmne
ei etc
festive Imedlately.
SeCTf g. T le ordinance(Midi
take effect
upon its.fleet public§-
Peeved by the Hoard of Ctdlmle-
(Iontra of Salt Luke city,titan,this
eth day of Jutq,A D. lead Mayor. •
(Seat) 0E'CHbL St City
Prank A. Shields, 'ohlee0O0C 1letUtY
City Recorder,
Hill No, III •
Published July 10, 1996.
'ttl# 'Cake cIrlrgrttnc
Entry No