30 of 1944 - Amending Section 1018 of the Revised Ordinance 1944, relating to dairy and milk inspection VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck L- I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . / Romney 4 - -i,f4.-'(--'7- Tedesco E% _ Mr. Chairman . . k, AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1018 of the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to dairy and milk inspection. Be it •.ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1018 of the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to dairy and milk inspection, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said section a new paragraph, which shall read as follows: "On and after January 1, 1945, it shall be unlawful to sell raw milk to final consumers or to restaurants, soda foun- tains, grocery stores or similar establishments." SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its publication. , e 1/YL" Passed by the Board of Commissioners of 4aalt Lake City, ,3O 30 Utah, this 7-7( day of , A.D. 191r7 !( 111-4/ J Mayer. 7L11/ City Recorder. /- 7 s /� G i 30 it 30 -I,SDI pI�E • 'resented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED Al 71944 •, any RIDDORDEN First Publication bi y,,,,_ 2-----1 q Ili Q7�Y1?Q� /''7`t � CITY H COHDER Proof of ljnblwutinn linnet(i3tnfeel of Anterirtt 1 STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE M.CONNOR AN ORDINANCE ordinance eedn on 1018 W, Revisd?rrroauR 4:141,e1,tl being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk it .batYj°7t4 vo °�tbo ae�1 t; °iey aafi a of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City, t B a, , E eea a�yis lYereebY ;rapt s. ..n wnt._, tt0 reed = Salt Lake County, State of Utah. �1 poi ave zer pa ieas, u Y af milks to 1t e e a14re o um4ra or toe or'ui ft o sa BILL#30 ;.:t i grocery That the Notice AN...ORDSN9N.C.�— j 1e1 menta." blloatfon. 1'`` :.tlthlrtY days atE LD Sts p h 11 t&ke aed byy the BoaUtah,Lhte 17th daY LA .1s4 Mayor 1';'17;A. EARL4J.(#LADE .1)IRMA F.BITNER,Ctty RecortlCT. r.. 11 No.20. bushed June 28th,1994. of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper in its issue dated the 28th 44 JUNE 19 day of , and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on JUNE 28th for thereafter, the full period of 1 TIME the last publication thereof � 0 being in the issue dated the 28th day of 44 JUKE , A. D. 19 47232 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of JUNE ,A. D. 19 44 ,„\\) Notary Public My commission expires Nov.25,1945 Advertising fee$ 30 I II PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM halt Eakt telegram cf%7 County Entry No