30 of 1946 - Amending Section 5305 relating to sidewalks-unlawful to construct driveways or change construction w VOTING INAY ' .j!1945 Salt Lake City,Utah, , 194 Affleck - Matheson I move that the ordinance be passed. Romney / y -w) Tedesco ( / Mr.Chairman . . " AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5305 of the Revised Orai- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 26, 1946, relating to sidewalks. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 5305 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 26, 1946, relating to sidewalks, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ''SECTION 5305. UNLAWFUL TO CONSTRUCT DRIVEWAYS OR CHANGE CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT PERMIT. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to construct any driveway across sidewalk space; or to fpri? cut or change the construction of sidewalk, curb or gutter, for the purpose of making a driveway, without first making written application on form provided by the city engineer and obtaining from the city engineer a permit so to do. The ac- ceptance of such permit shall be deemed an agreement on the part of such person to construct said driveway in accordance with specifications furnished by the city engineer. (b) A permit may be granted by the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements or the City Engineer for any driveway not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in width. All ap- c.P., � p. plications for permits to construct any driveway in excess ) of twenty-five (25) feet in width shall be referred to the Board of Commissioners, together with a plan or map showing the proposed width and location of any such driveway, for the fp 1 -2- said Commission's consideration and decision. No driveway, including sidewalk, shall be less than 6 inches thick. Where more than one driveway is required for any one parcel of land a sidewalk island of at least twelve feet shall be provided between driveways, and in no case shall a permit be granted for a driveway which will be within ten feet of the didewalk line or three feet from the property line, whichever is the furthest from any street corner measured along the curb from such sicwaa_ik or property line prodied, to the nearest side of the drive- way, and it shall be ut awful for any person to drive any ve- !i hicle over or gtiross ally such street corner,or ten feet there from, as above p ovided/lihere, in the opinion of the city engineer, it wo ;,d 'be-dangerous on account-of the traffic or where a driveway conflicts;with any permanent improvements or waterways, he may refuse to issue such permit and the matter shall be referred to the Board of Commissioners for its deci- sion, in which event driveway may be permitted at such place as may be indicated by the Board of Commissioners." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety Of the inhabitants of Salt bake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatell . SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upo its first publication. (P-x-cf Passed by the Board of Commission f Salt Lake _city, Utah, this q/A day of , A 9 lUiayor. rr e_k4` City Recorder. a}�a 30 Prroanl d to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED MAyq-1946 OflY H UegCA First PIIwafi on in Z0iaam MAY- -1946 30011,4, arrrc n�ooAors Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 88 County of Salt Lake_f _ 1 ;? Legal'hlotices D M pokey 'AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- nCTION of the lleUtah,Ordl• encee of d t Leos ordinance Utah, me amended by talnance d.:(1 WI the Heard Di commlrrlDnaMre nn vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 9rt Leke city, Utah, I "Isle,rell4Dns to o'the Bi' to a onerntlo by me Eaaa m published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Utah:Commissioner. of Salt Lake CItA Dtafi:' ' HEca i,t Becnon eJOQ 1 of Utah. City: AUtahi Ordmas amended salt byyaan • ordinance ance pelie, a dea Board a a,m set errced by the Hoar a D. �.:Utah. on I Halt Lake CAa, tO el on Moran Lan -the, mile Is That the advertisement n .,a en be a the smile b heeSE ION 5305. rood se follows: •t 9ECT10N eJee.UNLAWFVL TO, . Ordinance Bill No 30 CONeTIEVCT DRIYEW AYB OR . O PERMIT. (aiU shal be or OCTV PERMIT. (al It shallloba u jaytatigowariegreldg.,'1= 1 Salt -Lake City Corporation o to cut or choose the tter,toy th. outpfirstomakms wrlttenagyppli ttl,oa e ZO an Drotleed by the city a ef- o Role btelnlns from the clta 'engineer a Permit eo to do. The ac- eeDtrn„°• eI rheb Dermtt .h. bog° was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the deemed r. eyteement Dmthe Dart be Yam Deteoa,a eomtrect era drtrs ay In asoed nca with DeEIDca• Tune to permit bm tbd f y anted by day of A.D.19 e A DermA as be trets,end , the Commissioner of Streets,Ch. d enem forlin any orAno ex Ea• ARPar 1 ]946 Inf twiinly.flred'I dl�feet in wdth and was published - Al)application.for permits to cos• tenet any driveway tR widthobeli be refeire laal hoer Board w __.the last ublication thereofin the issue dated the Mi forced tD tbo withof om• p being e losethar with a plan or ....the wfaln � maD YbabLVe the bii7g ea dole location of any such driveway. A.D.19 for Si,.dale cision. ldNo coivewae• Don and,decision. No dtwaw.r. day° .........---._.,,.-•---- than 5 Mewrh obeli be lore C-�J4�_� than e'la hee thick. WborO more than and driveway le required ler Giy one Darcet o1 lave,a shawrk mtd Dt ae 0 vet ag fret coal be Advertising Clerk. „oor a ac bnelwl 4shii1mlt boberanted 'l'.for aodrlrewf Whit w111 be with- in rev,feet f the Mprope Imo e. j these reel from the prop for Iset chlet 000 er the further[one e uret corner siured' dome ohs curb from each sidewalk ar prneper- ty line DrO ern' to the a t ae f the arlref and 14 day o f *bun d1°.earlo hieletor am acre before me this �.3th ah:uei a over ism th ere,bn,. .,nioneO prerlaw. 46 Where,bin.ItthC and o°dam oue"on -.A.D. 19 engineer, of the trallo or whereoa driveway:conflicts with any Derma- sEnt improvement° or w terwaye, be mqv,yy rwlnee to leeue each Dermot ola'ERD:m'&eti CoYmoieslo retorted to — the Road of Commlerlo era for Ile w, ll e decision, in which vent driveway /.,_ ' 4vbe D[mitred event Dl.ee r Notary Public to sY b 1Ddloeted by the Hoard t SECTION o m the ers,It i of the A�@ Boatel ef e'peae,heal It n safe• ,1 eery to the health a safe. . Citythieeffect ION I.Ttlto bb otter J.onto OrdlnenIl shall • •pub!effect at upon Ill tire[ A publication. -: 05 Pabeed by thLate Ci of Commi°- loner.of Halt Lake City, i 0.,,this gth day Of McEARRL E.GLADE, Mayor, IRMA Ci)1IRe000dm. 1O�RAL) NbA.NO.If ' '.Publtebfd May'elan';11se,' .. • -• r'N •••, .••••• 5; id FL2